class Director: def __init__(self): self.correct = True self.keep_playing = True self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.word_bank = Word_Bank() def start_game(self): self.word_bank.load_list("wordlist.txt") self.word_bank.choose_word() self.word_bank.get_blank() self.jumper.create_parachute() self.jumper.print_parachute() while self.keep_playing: blank = self.word_bank.get_blank() self.console.write(blank) self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() self.do_outputs() def get_inputs(self): guess = ("Guess a letter [a-z]: ")).lower() self.correct = self.word_bank.check_guess(guess) def do_updates(self): if self.correct == True: self.jumper.print_parachute() elif self.correct == False: self.jumper.remove_parachute() self.jumper.print_parachute() else: self.console.write("You already guessed that letter") self.get_inputs() def do_outputs(self): if self.jumper.is_alive() == False: self.keep_playing = False self.console.write( f"Oh no he died! the word was {self.word_bank.word}") elif self.word_bank.check_win() == True: self.keep_playing = False self.console.write(f"You did it!") else: self.keep_playing == True
class Director: """A code template for a person who directs the game. The responsibility of this class of objects is to control the sequence of play. Stereotype: Controller Attributes: console (Console): An instance of the class of objects known as Console. jumper (Jumper): An instance of the class of objects known as Jumper. keep_playing (boolean): Whether or not the game can continue. word (Word): An instance of the class of objects known as Word. current_guess (string): The last guess made by the player. """ def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.keep_playing = True self.word = Word() self.current_guess = "" def start_game(self): """Starts the game loop to control the sequence of play. When the game is over, it plays a corresponding sound and displays the correct word. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.do_outputs() while self.keep_playing: self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() self.do_outputs() self.console.write("The word was: " + self.word.cur_word) if self.word.is_win(): playsound('./assets/win.wav') else: playsound('./assets/death.mp3') def get_inputs(self): """Gets the inputs at the beginning of each round of play. In this case, gets a letter from the player to match the word. Only allows players to input letters they haven't guessed yet. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.current_guess = self.console.read_letters("Guess a letter [a-z]: ") while self.current_guess in self.word.all_guesses: self.current_guess = self.console.read_letters("You already guessed that. Please guess a new letter [a-z]: ") def do_updates(self): """Updates the important game information for each round of play. In this case, the jumper hangs the man some more, or the new correct letter gets displayed. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ if not self.word.check_letter(self.current_guess): self.jumper.deduct_life() def do_outputs(self): """Outputs the important game information for each round of play. In this case, that means it displays if the guy is alive or not still along with the word. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.keep_playing = self.jumper.is_alive() jumper_drawing = f"{self.word.hidden_word}\n\n" + self.jumper.get_output() self.console.write(jumper_drawing) if self.word.is_win(): self.keep_playing = False