Пример #1
def depthFirstSearch(problem):
    Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first.

    Your search algorithm needs to return a list of actions that reaches the
    goal. Make sure to implement a graph search algorithm.

    To get started, you might want to try some of these simple commands to
    understand the search problem that is being passed in:

    print "Start:", problem.getStartState()
    print "Is the start a goal?", problem.isGoalState(problem.getStartState())
    print "Start's successors:", problem.getSuccessors(problem.getStartState())
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    startstate = problem.getStartState()
    currentposition = problem.getStartState()
    arewethereyet = problem.isGoalState(currentposition)
    visited = [startstate]
    instructions = []
    plan = []
    from collections import defaultdict
    relations = defaultdict(list)
    directions = defaultdict(list)
    import numpy
    from game import Directions
    from game import Actions
    actions = Actions()
    n = Directions.NORTH
    s = Directions.SOUTH
    e = Directions.EAST
    w = Directions.WEST
    from util import Stack
    stack = Stack()
    while (arewethereyet == False):
        successors = problem.getSuccessors(currentposition)
        print("Successors for " + str(currentposition) + " are " +
        for item in successors:
        moved = False
        while (not moved):
            poppeditem = stack.pop()
            if (poppeditem[0] not in visited):
                directions[poppeditem[0]] = poppeditem[1]
                currentposition = poppeditem[0]
                moved = True
        arewethereyet = problem.isGoalState(currentposition)
    print("Relations = " + str(relations))
    print("Length of Relations = " + str(len(relations)))
    print("Directions = " + str(directions))
    print("Length of Directions = " + str(len(directions)))
    numhops = 0
    print("Visited = " + str(visited))
    print("Length of Visited = " + str(len(visited)))
    for i in range(0, len(visited) - 1):
        print(visited[i + 1])
        if visited[i + 1] not in relations[visited[i]]:
            numhops += 1
    print("Number of Hops = " + str(numhops))
    instructions = visited
    print("Original Length of Instructions = " + str(len(instructions)))
    for i in range(0, numhops):
        for j in range(0, len(instructions) - 1):
            if visited[j + 1] not in relations[visited[j]]:
                rightend = instructions[j + 1]
                rightendindex = j + 1
                print("Right End = " + str(rightend))
        for k in range(0, len(instructions) - 1):
            if rightend in relations[visited[k]]:
                leftend = instructions[k]
                leftendindex = k
                print("Left End = " + str(leftend))
        instructions[leftendindex + 1:rightendindex] = []
    print("Instructions = " + str(instructions))
    print("Final Length of Instructions = " + str(len(instructions)))
    for m in range(0, len(instructions) - 1):
        plan.append(directions[visited[m + 1]])
    print("Plan = " + str(plan))
    print("Length of Plan = " + str(len(plan)))
    return plan