Пример #1
class Display(FloatLayout):
    '''Tic-tac-toe game display'''

    grid = ObjectProperty(None)
    message = ObjectProperty(None)
    previous = ObjectProperty(None)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Display, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # 1 and -1 are used to denote the players, 1 is the first player and -1 is the second
        #  player. This makes checking for a win very easy since a row/column/diagonal will add
        #  up to 3 or -3 if someone has won.
        self.player = Players.player_one

        self.config_parser = ConfigParser.get_configparser("app")

        self.game_over = True

        self.two_player = None
        self.human_player = None

        self.player_icons = Bidict()
        self.player_icons[Players.player_one] = "X"
        self.player_icons[Players.player_two] = "O"
        self.player_icons[Players.unplayed] = ""

        self.player_names = Bidict()
        self.player_names[Players.player_one] = "Player One"
        self.player_names[Players.player_two] = "Player Two"

        self.board = Board()

    def set_game_mode(self, two_player):
        '''Set whether the game is in one or two player mode

        If setting to one player mode, specify which player will be played by a human
        self.two_player = two_player
        if not self.two_player:
            self.human_player = Players.player_one if self.config_parser.get(
                'AI', 'ai_player') == "Second" else Players.player_two
            if self.human_player == Players.player_one:
                self.player_names[Players.player_one] = self.config_parser.get(
                    'Player Names', 'player_one_name')
                self.player_names[Players.player_two] = self.config_parser.get(
                    'AI', 'ai_name')
                self.player_names[Players.player_one] = self.config_parser.get(
                    'AI', 'ai_name')
                self.player_names[Players.player_two] = self.config_parser.get(
                    'Player Names', 'player_two_name')
            self.human_player = None
            self.player_names[Players.player_one] = self.config_parser.get(
                'Player Names', 'player_one_name')
            self.player_names[Players.player_two] = self.config_parser.get(
                'Player Names', 'player_two_name')
        self.game_over = False
        self.previous.title = self.player_names[self.player]
        # If mode is one player and the human is playing as
        #  player two, the ai will make the first move
        if not self.two_player and self.human_player == Players.player_two:

    def human_make_move(self, row, column):
        '''Make a move at the tile specified by row, column
        If the game is in one player mode, the AI will then make its move.'''
        if (self.two_player or
                self.player == self.human_player) and self._make_move(row, column):
            ai_move_delay = self.config_parser.get('AI', 'ai_move_delay')
            delay = 0
            if ai_move_delay == "Random":
                delay = random.triangular(0.1, 1.5, 0.3)
            elif ai_move_delay == "2 sec.":
                delay = 2.0
            Clock.schedule_once(self._ai_make_move, delay)

    def _ai_make_move(self, dt):
        '''Have the AI make its next move'''
        if not self.two_player:
            ai_move = AI.get_next_move(
                self.board, Players.other_player(self.human_player))
            if ai_move:
                ai_move_row, ai_move_columnn = ai_move
                self._make_move(ai_move_row, ai_move_columnn)

    def _make_move(self, row, column):
        '''Make a move at the tile specified by row, column'''
        if not self.game_over:
            # Update internal board state
            if self.board.make_move(row, column):
                # Display player's icon on tile
                    row, column, self.player_icons[self.player])
                # Check for win
                win_status = self.board.check_for_win()
                return self._handle_move_results(win_status)
        return False

    def undo_move(self):
        '''Undo previous move

        Can be called multiple times, will only work while the game isn't over.
        If in one player mode, the ai's move, and the player's move will both be undone.
        if not self.game_over:
            if not self.two_player:
                # Undo ai's move

    def _undo_move(self):
        '''Internal method to undo the previous move'''
        # Remove move from internal board
        move = self.board.undo_move()
        # If there was a move to undo
        if move:
            row, column = move
            # Remove player's icon from tile
                row, column, self.player_icons[Players.unplayed])
            # Return to previous turn
            self.player = Players.other_player(self.player)
            self.previous.title = self.player_names[self.player]

    def _handle_move_results(self, win_status):
        '''Handle the results of a move

        Based on the results of a move, end a game and display win/tie message or
         just advance to the next turn
        gameover, winner = win_status
        if gameover:
            self.game_over = True
            # Cat's game
            if winner == Results.tie:
                self.message.display_message("Cat's game!")
                Clock.schedule_once(self._display_win_message, 0.3)
            return False
        # If no win, advance to next turn
        self.player = Players.other_player(self.player)
        self.previous.title = self.player_names[self.player]
        return True

    def _display_win_message(self, dt):
        '''Display a win message for the current player'''
        if self.two_player:
                self.player_names[self.player] + " has won!")
        elif self.human_player == self.player:
            self.message.display_message("You won!")
            self.message.display_message("You lost!")

    def restart(self):
        '''Restart game into the same gamemode, same players'''
        self.game_over = False
        # If mode is one player and the human is playing as
        #  player two, the ai will make the first move
        if not self.two_player and self.human_player == Players.player_two:

    def reset(self):
        '''Reset board to default state'''
        self.player = Players.player_one
        self.previous.title = self.player_names[self.player]
        self.game_over = True