Пример #1
 def test_overharvest(self):
     slug = "TEST" + uuid.uuid4().hex
     gs = GameState.new(slug, 'pwd')
     recipe_id = CONFIG.general['firstRecipe']
     seed_id = CONFIG.recipes[recipe_id]['seedId']
     seed_data = CONFIG.seeds[seed_id]
     gs.sow(seed_id, 0, 0)
     plot = gs.get_plot(0, 0)
     plot['sowTime'] -= seed_data[
         'harvestTimeSeconds'] * 1000 + 3000  # set plant time to long enough ago that we can harvest
     cash_before = gs.data['resources'][CONFIG.CASH_RESOURCE]
     gs.data['seedCounts'][seed_id] = CONFIG.general['max_seed_count']
     msg = gs.harvest(0, 0)
     # hacky way to extract number of seeds harvested
     seeds_generated = seed_data['seed']
     if 'Got ' in msg:
         seeds_generated += int(msg.split('Got ')[1].split()[0])
     cash_after = gs.data['resources'][CONFIG.CASH_RESOURCE]
     expected_cash_after = cash_before + seed_data['yield'][
         CONFIG.CASH_RESOURCE] + seeds_generated * seed_data['sellCost']
         cash_after, expected_cash_after,
         "Did not get the correct amount of money when breaking seed limit.  Got $%s, expected $%s"
         % (cash_after, expected_cash_after))
Пример #2
def state(slug):
    body = request.json
    if body['newOrLoad'] == 'new':
        game_state = GameState.new(slug, body['password'])
    if body['newOrLoad'] == 'load':
        game_state = GameState.load(slug, body['password'])
        if game_state is None:
            raise NotFound("Game %s does not exist" % slug)
    db.save(slug, game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state)
Пример #3
 def new_game_state(self):
     slug = "TEST" + uuid.uuid4().hex
     return GameState.new(slug, 'pwd')