Пример #1
def viewSub(request, taskID, subID):
    Allows you to view a partcular submission's code and the problems PyLint has found with the code.
    sameSubType = Upload.objects.filter(userID=request.user, task=taskID) 
    # a list that defines submissions that share a tasKID and userID with the submission in question
    sameSubTypeMax = sameSubType.count() - 1

    def locateLatestSub(request, sub):
        Navigation function that returns the most recent submission for a task based on the user and submission selected
        return sameSubType[sameSubTypeMax]
    def locateNextSub(request, sub):
        Navigation function that returns the next submission for a task based on the user and submission selected
        for counter in range (0, sameSubTypeMax + 1):# cannot use .len() or .index() on this object
            if sameSubType[counter].id == sub.id:
                if counter == sameSubTypeMax:
                    return sameSubType[counter]
                    return sameSubType[counter + 1]
    def locatePreviousSub(request, sub):
        Navigation function that returns the previous submission for a task based on the user and submission selected.
        The reverse version of locateNextSub, perhaps this can be refactored?
        for counter in range (sameSubTypeMax , -1, -1):# cannot use .len() or .index() on this object
            if sameSubType[counter].id == sub.id:
                if counter == 0:
                    return sameSubType[counter]
                    return sameSubType[counter - 1]

    def locateFirstSub(request, sub):
        Navigation function that returns the first submission for a task based on the user and submission selected
        return sameSubType[0]
    def viewingPermission(request, submission):
        This is a function to prevent users from viewing submissions they did not personally upload.
        It is to be replaced by a system of permissions based on group.
        if not request.user.is_staff and not request.user == s.userID:  #and admin/group check
            response = HttpResponse()
            response.status_code = 403
            return response    
    s = Upload.objects.get(pk=subID)  # Get the submission that was selected.

    codePath = s.fileUpload.path
    with open(codePath, mode='r') as f:
        codeString = f.read()
    codePath = codePath.split('/')
    del codePath[-1]
    codePath = '/'.join(codePath) # these steps would be more sensible as path transformations, not string
    pylintCodePath = codePath + "/pylintOutput.txt"
    unitTestCodePath = codePath + "/log_file.txt"
    parsedUnitTest = unitTestParser.parseUnitTestResults(unitTestCodePath)
    parsedPylint = gameAndGradeParser.readable_output(pylintCodePath).replace('\n', '<br>')  
    return render_to_response('submissions.html', 
                              {'currSub': codeString, 'subPylint': parsedPylint, 
                               'subUnitTest': parsedUnitTest,'subs': s, 'nextSub': locateNextSub(request,s), 
                               'previousSub': locatePreviousSub(request,s), 'firstSub': locateFirstSub(request,s), 'latestSub': locateLatestSub(request, s)}, 
Пример #2
 def test_pylintSpacePrecedingOperator(self):
     """This test checks if the parser correctly determines that a docstring is absent"""
                     r'%s Operator not preceded by a space' % (gameAndGradeParser.DIG), 
                      "parser should be able to identify the lack of a preceding space before an operator")
Пример #3
 def test_pylintDocstring(self):
     """This test checks if the parser correctly determines that a docstring is absent"""
                     r'%s Missing docstring' % (gameAndGradeParser.DIG), 
                      "parser should be able to locate a docstring")
Пример #4
 def test_emptyOutput(self):
     """This test checks if the parsed output for empty code is an empty string"""
     self.assertNotEqual(gameAndGradeParser.readable_output(EMPTYCODEOUT), "", 
                      "parser should have some output")
Пример #5
 def test_badOrGood(self):
     """This test checks if the parser module distinguishes between bad and good code"""
                      "parser should distinguish between bad and good code")
Пример #6
 def test_emptyOrBad(self):
     """This test checks if the parser module distinguishes between empty and bad code"""
                      "parser should distinguish between empty and bad code")