Пример #1
def fill_chamber(request, game_id, to_fill):
    Attempts to 'fill' (delete) a chamber and all associated tunnels
    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param to_fill: the chamber that the player wishes to delete
    :return game board JSON:

    # Check if game exists
    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # Check if to_fill is surface (cannot fill in surface)
    if to_fill is 'surface':
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'cannot fill in surface'},
    # Check if to_fill exists
    if to_fill not in board['graph']['chamber_list']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'chamber does not exist'},

    # Check for fill chamber energy
    if board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no more fill chamber moves left!'},

    # Check if to_fill has any food in it
    if board['graph']['num_food'][to_fill] != 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'There is food in this chamber!'},
    # Check if there is at least one ant at the prev chamber
    previous = board['graph']['num_tunnels'][to_fill]['prev']
    if board['graph']['num_ants'][previous] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'No ant in previous chamber!'},

    # Check if there is a next chamber, and if so, if there is at least one ant in it
    if board['graph']['num_tunnels'][to_fill]['next'] is not 'none':
        next_chamber = board['graph']['num_tunnels'][to_fill]['next']
        if board['graph']['num_ants'][next_chamber] == 0:
            return Response({'invalid_action': 'No ant in next chamber!'},

    # If at this point, all checks are made. Update gameboard
    # link up prev and next
    if board['graph']['num_tunnels'][to_fill]['next'] is not 'none':
        next_chamber = board['graph']['num_tunnels'][to_fill]['next']
        board['graph']['num_tunnels'][previous]['next'] = next_chamber
        board['graph']['num_tunnels'][next_chamber]['prev'] = previous
        board['graph']['num_tunnels'][previous]['next'] = 'none'
    # Delete to_fill
    del board['graph']['num_tunnels'][to_fill]
    del board['graph']['num_food'][to_fill]
    del board['graph']['num_ants'][to_fill]
    del board['graph']['under_attack'][to_fill]

    board['total_chambers'] -= 1
    board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)

    # @api_view(['GET'])
    # def move_ant(request, game_id, origin):
Пример #2
def spawn_ant(request, game_id):
    Spawns an ant given the game ID
    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :return game board JSON:

    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    if not board['queen_at_head']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'lost queen'},

    # Make sure there is enough food to spawn a new ant
    if board['total_food'] < config.ANT_SPAWN_VAL:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'not enough food'},

    # Take away food, if they have food that can be
    curr_food_types = board['total_food_types']

    # If player has a donut take it
    if curr_food_types[config.FORAGE_TYPES[2]] > 0:
        board['total_food_types'][config.FORAGE_TYPES[2]] -= 1
        board['total_food'] -= config.ANT_SPAWN_VAL
    # If player has at least one berry and one crumb, take one of each
    elif curr_food_types[config.FORAGE_TYPES[1]] > 0 and curr_food_types[
            config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]] > 0:
        board['total_food_types'][config.FORAGE_TYPES[1]] -= 1
        board['total_food_types'][config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]] -= 1
        board['total_food'] -= config.ANT_SPAWN_VAL
    # If player only has crumbs take it
    elif curr_food_types[config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]] >= config.ANT_SPAWN_VAL:
            config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]] -= config.ANT_SPAWN_VAL
    # If this case is reached, the player has enough food, but only in berry form (not divisible by 3)
    elif curr_food_types[config.FORAGE_TYPES[1]] >= 2:
        board['total_food_types'][config.FORAGE_TYPES[1]] -= 2
        board['total_food_types'][config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]] += 1
        board['total_food'] -= config.ANT_SPAWN_VAL
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'error occurred'},

    # if control reaches here, then spawning an ant is successful. Update both total and surface ant values.
    board['total_ants'] += 1
    board['total_surface_ants'] += 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #3
def dig_tunnel(request, game_id, origin, destination):
    Attempts to dig a tunnel from the requested chamber to a requested destination
    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param origin: the chamber that the player wishes to dig from
    :param destination: the place that the player wishes to dig to (chamber name, 'surface', or 'none'
    # Game must exist
    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # origin and destination MUST be different
    if origin is destination:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'origin cannot match destination'},

    # Player must still have dig 'energy' for that day
    if board['time_tracks']['dig_tunnel_track'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no more dig tunnel moves left!'},
    # Origin must exist
    if origin is not 'surface' and origin not in board['graph']['chamber_list']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'origin does not exist'},

    # If destination is NOT 'none', it must exist (chamber OR surface)
    if destination is not 'none' and destination not in board['graph'][
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'destination does not exist'},

    # If Origin is surface, colony_entrance MUST be False
    if origin is 'surface' and board['colony_entrance'] is True:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'colony_entrance already exists'},

    # There must be at least one ant at origin
    if origin is 'surface' and board['total_surface_ants'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants on surface'},
    if board['graph']['num_ants'][origin] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants at origin'},

    # If destination is NOT none, there must be an ant at the destination
    if destination is not 'none' and board['graph']['num_ants'][
            destination] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants at destination'},

    # Origin chamber must NOT already have an exit tunnel
    if board['graph']['num_tunnels'][origin]['exit'] is True:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'exit tunnel exists'},

    # destination must NOT already have an entrance tunnel
    if destination is not 'none' and board['graph']['num_tunnels'][
            destination]['entrance'] is True:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'exit tunnel exists'},

    # if ALL checks are passed, create new tunnel and update ALL relevant gameboard parameters

    # num_tunnels
    board['graph']['num_tunnels'][origin]['exit'] = True
    board['graph']['num_tunnels'][origin]['next'] = destination
    if destination is not 'none':
        board['graph']['num_tunnels'][destination]['entrance'] = True

    if origin is 'surface':
        board['colony_entrance'] = True
    if destination is 'surface':
        board['colony_exit'] = True

    board['time_tracks']['dig_tunnel_track'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1

    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #4
def dig_chamber(request, game_id, origin, move_ant):
    Attempts to dig a new chamber off of a current dead-end tunnel
    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param origin: the chamber that the player wishes to dig from
    :param move_ant: whether the player wishes to move the ant into the new chamber
    # checklist

    # Check if game exists
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # Check for dig chamber energy
    if board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no more dig chamber moves left!'},

    # Check if move_ant is a valid input
    if move_ant is not 'yes':
        if move_ant is not 'no':
            return Response({'invalid_action': 'invalid free move request!'},

    # Check if origin exists
    if origin is not 'surface' and origin not in board['graph']['chamber_list']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'origin does not exist'},

    # check if origin contains at least one ant
    if origin is 'surface' and board['total_surface_ants'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants on surface'},
    if board['graph']['num_ants'][origin] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants at origin'},

    # Check if origin contains an exit tunnel
    if board['graph']['num_tunnels'][origin]['exit'] is False:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no available tunnel from origin'},
    # if origin contains a next tunnel, check if current next is 'none'
    if board['graph']['num_tunnels'][origin]['next'] is not 'none':
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no available tunnel from origin'},

    # if at this point, dig request is valid: update ALL relevant game board variables
    board['total_chambers'] += 1
    chamber_number = str(board['total_chambers'])
    chamber_id = "chamber" + chamber_number


    board['graph']['num_tunnels'][chamber_id]['entrance'] = True
    board['graph']['num_tunnels'][chamber_id]['exit'] = False
    board['graph']['num_tunnels'][chamber_id]['next'] = 'none'
    board['graph']['num_tunnels'][chamber_id]['prev'] = origin

    board['graph']['num_food'][chamber_id] = 0

    if move_ant is 'yes':
        board['graph']['num_ants'][chamber_id] = 1
        if origin is not 'surface':
            board['graph']['num_ants'][origin] -= 1
            board['total_surface_ants'] -= 1

    board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #5
def move_food(request, game_id, start, dest):
    Moves food from start chamber to destination chamber

    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param start: The chamber to move the food from.
    :param dest: the chamber where the food should be placed
    :return game board JSON:

    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # Make sure that the player isn't trying to move to or from surface.
    if start == 'surface' or dest == 'surface':
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no food on surface allowed'},

    # If start and dest don't exist for some reason
    if start not in board['graph']['chambers'] or dest not in board['graph']['chambers']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'invalid chambers'},

    # If chambers aren't connected then return
    if board['graph']['chambers'][start]['tunnels']['next'] != dest:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no tunnel'},

    # If there is no queen then game over actually
    if not board['queen_at_head']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'game over'},

    # If there are no chambers player can't move food
    if board['total_chambers'] == 1:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no chambers'},

    # If there are no ants in the start chamber then can't move food
    if board['graph']['chambers'][start]['num_ants'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants'},

    # If the requested dest chamber is under attack then can't move food
    if board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['under_attack']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'under attack'},

    # If there is no food in the starting chamber then you can't move food
    if board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['total'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no food'},

    # If the player can't make a move, return error
    if board['time_tracks']['move/forage'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no time'},

    # If we were to make it so that the user can only fit up to 6 food in the each
    # chamber, this might cause an issue with the fact that ants can only move one spot
    # So I will move food to the next chamber, not matter how much food is in the next chamber

    # 'Pick up' the first available food of the highest value.
    # Only allowing the player to move one piece of food at a time, while having no food
    # limit for chambers, still ensures that the player is motivated to not cram all food into
    # on chamber.
    food_picked_up = ''
    value = 0
    if board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['donut'] > 0:
        board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['donut'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['total'] -= 3
        food_picked_up = 'donut'
        value = 3

    elif board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['berry'] > 0:
        board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['berry'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['total'] -= 2
        food_picked_up = 'berry'
        value = 2

    elif board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['crumb'] > 0:
        board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['crumb'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers'][start]['food']['total'] -= 1
        food_picked_up = 'crumb'
        value = 1

        # Put food in the destination chamber
    board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['food'][food_picked_up] += 1
    board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['food']['total'] += value

    # Update ant locations
    board['graph']['chambers'][start]['num_ants'] -= 1
    board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['num_ants'] += 1

    # Decrement Move/Forage time track
    board['time_tracks']['move/forage'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #6
def move_ant(request, game_id, start, dest):
    Moves ant from start chamber to destination chamber

    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param start: The chamber to move from.
    :param dest: the chamber where to move
    :return game board JSON:

    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # If start and dest don't exist for some reason
    if (start not in board['graph']['chambers']) or (dest not in board['graph']['chambers']):
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'invalid chambers'},

    # If chambers aren't connected then return
    if board['graph']['chambers'][start]['tunnels']['next'] != dest:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no tunnel'},

    # If there is no queen then game over actually
    if board['queen_at_head'] == False:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'game over'},

    # If no ant to move
    if board['graph']['chambers'][start]['num_ants'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants'},

    # If the player can't make a move, return error
    if board['time_tracks']['move/forage'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no time'},

    # if at this point, update all relevant game board values
    # Update ant locations
    board['graph']['chambers'][start]['num_ants'] -= 1
    board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['num_ants'] += 1

    if start == 'surface':
        board['total_surface_ants'] -= 1

    # Decrement Move/Forage time track
    board['time_tracks']['move/forage'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #7
def forage(request, game_id, difficulty, dest):
    Spawns an ant given the game ID

    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param difficulty: game difficulty
    :param ant_loc: the chamber in which the ant is located
    :param dest: the chamber where the food should be placed
    :return game board JSON:

    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # Make sure that the destination chamber is in the colony
    if dest not in board['graph']['chambers']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'dest dne'},

    # Make sure that the surface is connected to the dest somehow.
    curr_chamber = 'surface'
    connected = False
    while board['graph']['chambers'][curr_chamber]['tunnels']['next'] is not None and \
            board['graph']['chambers'][curr_chamber]['tunnels']['next'] != 'surface':
        if board['graph']['chambers'][curr_chamber]['tunnels']['next'] == dest:
            connected = True
        curr_chamber = board['graph']['surface'][curr_chamber]['tunnels']['next']

    if connected == False:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'dest unreachable'},

    # If there are no chambers player can't forage
    if board['total_chambers'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no chambers'},

    # If there is no queen then game over actually
    if board['queen_at_head'] == False:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'lost queen'},

    # If there are no worker ants on the surface.
    if board['total_surface_ants'] == 1:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no surface ants'},

    # If the requested chamber is under attack return error
    if board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['under_attack']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'under attack'},

    # If the player can't make a forage move, return error
    if board['time_tracks']['move/forage'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no time'},

    # choose a random number then choose the forage type that will be returned
    rand_food = random.randint(0, 100)
    crumb_chance = config.FORAGE_CHANCE[difficulty][config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]]
    berry_chance = config.FORAGE_CHANCE[difficulty][config.FORAGE_TYPES[1]]
    donut_chance = config.FORAGE_CHANCE[difficulty][config.FORAGE_TYPES[2]]
    attack_chance = config.FORAGE_CHANCE[difficulty][config.FORAGE_TYPES[3]]

    # Check if crumb was chosen
    if rand_food >= 0 and rand_food < crumb_chance:
        forage_result = config.FORAGE_TYPES[0]

    # Check if berry was chosen
    if rand_food >= crumb_chance and rand_food < berry_chance:
        forage_result = config.FORAGE_TYPES[1]

    # Check if donut was chosen
    if rand_food >= berry_chance and rand_food < donut_chance:
        forage_result = config.FORAGE_TYPES[2]

    # Check if attack was chosen
    if rand_food >= donut_chance and rand_food < attack_chance:
        forage_result = config.FORAGE_TYPES[3]

    # If the forage resulted in the chamber coming under attack,
    # Then reflect the change in the board
    if forage_result == config.FORAGE_TYPES[3]:
        board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['under_attack'] = True
        board['total_under_attack'] += 1
        board['total_surface_ants'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers']['surface']['num_ants'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['num_ants'] += 1

    # Otherwise, put the food in the requested chamber, move the ant, and update the board
        # Change food in requested chamber
        board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['food'][forage_result] += 1
        board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['food']['total'] += config.FOOD_VALUE[forage_result]

        # Change food stats on for the game board
        board['total_food_types'][forage_result] += 1
        board['total_food'] += config.FOOD_VALUE[forage_result]

        # Move the ant from og spot to new spot
        board['total_surface_ants'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers']['surface']['num_ants'] -= 1
        board['graph']['chambers'][dest]['num_ants'] += 1

    # Decrement Move/Forage time track
    board['time_tracks']['move/forage'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #8
def fill_chamber(request, game_id, to_fill):
    Attempts to 'fill' (delete) a chamber and all associated tunnels
    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param to_fill: the chamber that the player wishes to delete
    :return game board JSON:

    # Check if game exists
    # Load the game board from database
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # Check if to_fill is surface (cannot fill in surface)
    if to_fill == 'surface':
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'cannot fill in surface'},
    # Check if to_fill exists
    if to_fill not in board['graph']['chambers']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'chamber does not exist'},

    # Check for fill chamber energy
    if board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no more fill chamber moves left!'},

    # Check if to_fill has any food in it
    if (board['graph']['chambers'][to_fill]['food']['crumb'] > 0) \
            or (board['graph']['chambers'][to_fill]['food']['berry'] > 0) \
            or (board['graph']['chambers'][to_fill]['food']['donut'] > 0):
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'There is food in this chamber!'},
    # Check if there is at least one ant at the prev chamber
    previous = board['graph']['chambers'][to_fill]['tunnels']['prev']
    if board['graph']['chambers'][previous]['num_ants'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'No ant in previous chamber!'},

    # Check if there is a next chamber, and if so, if there is at least one ant in it
    if board['graph']['chambers'][to_fill]['tunnels']['next'] is not None:
        next_chamber = board['graph']['chambers'][to_fill]['tunnels']['next']
        if board['graph']['chambers'][next_chamber]['num_ants'] == 0:
            return Response({'invalid_action': 'No ant in next chamber!'},

    # If at this point, all checks are made. Update gameboard
    # link up prev and next
    board['graph'] = doAction(board['graph'], ('fill_chamber', to_fill))

    board['total_chambers'] -= 1
    board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)
Пример #9
def dig_chamber(request, game_id, origin, move_ant, ant=None):
    Attempts to dig a new chamber off of a current dead-end tunnel
    :param game_id: unique identifier of the board
    :param origin: the chamber that the player wishes to dig from
    :param move_ant: whether the player wishes to move the ant into the new chamber
    # checklist
    if ant == 'None':
        ant = None

    # Check if game exists
    response_status = utils.load_board_db(game_id)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},
    board = response_status['game_board']

    # Check for dig chamber energy
    if board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no more dig chamber moves left!'},

    # Check if move_ant is a valid input
    if move_ant != 'yes':
        if move_ant != 'no':
            return Response({'invalid_action': 'invalid free move request!'},

    # Check if origin exists
    if origin != 'surface' and origin not in board['graph']['chambers']:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'origin does not exist'},

    # check if origin contains at least one ant
    if origin == 'surface' and board['total_surface_ants'] == 1:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants on surface'},
    if board['graph']['chambers'][origin]['num_ants'] == 0:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no ants at origin'},

    # Check if origin contains an exit tunnel
    if board['graph']['chambers'][origin]['tunnels']['next'] is not None:
        return Response({'invalid_action': 'no available tunnel from origin'},
    # if origin contains a next tunnel, check if current next is 'none'
    # if board['graph']['tunnels'][origin][0] == 2 and board['graph']['tunnels'][origin][2] is not None:
    #     return Response({'invalid_action': 'no available tunnel from origin'},
    #                     status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    # if at this point, dig request is valid: update ALL relevant game board variables
    newchamberid = 'chamber' + str(len(board['graph']['chambers'].keys()) + 1)
    board['graph'] = doAction(board['graph'], ('dig_chamber', origin))
    board['total_chambers'] += 1

    if move_ant == 'yes' and ant is not None:
        board['graph'] = doAction(board['graph'], ('move_ant', ant, newchamberid))

    board['time_tracks']['dig/fill_chamber'] -= 1

    user_id = board['player_ids']
    token = -1
    # Update the board on database
    response_status = utils.update_board_db(board, user_id, token)
    if response_status['error']:
        return Response({'error': response_status['reason']},

    board_response = response_status['game_board']
    return Response(board_response)