Пример #1
class encoder:
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        self.game_state = np.zeros([113, 13, 4])
        self.game_state_list = []
        self.hand_history_list = []
        self.current_hand_history = ''
        self.statics = Game_Helpers()

    def get_hand_histories(self):
        file = open(self.path, 'r')
        hand_history = ''
        for line in file:
            if line != '\n':
                hand_history += line
                hand_history = ''

        for hand in self.hand_history_list:
            self.current_hand_history = hand
            self.game_state = np.zeros([113, 13, 4])

    def get_chips(self):
        seat_1_chips = re.sub(
            "[^\\d]", '',
            re.findall('([0-9]* in chips)', self.current_hand_history)[0])
        seat_2_chips = re.sub(
            "[^\\d]", '',
            re.findall('([0-9]* in chips)', self.current_hand_history)[1])

        sb_name = re.findall('.*: posts small blind',
        bb_name = re.findall('.*: posts big blind',
        index_sb = sb_name.find(':')
        index_bb = bb_name.find(':')
        sb_name = sb_name[:index_sb]
        bb_name = bb_name[:index_bb]
        own_name = re.findall('Dealt to .*\n', self.current_hand_history)[0]
        is_bb = 0

        if bb_name in own_name:
            is_bb = 1

        hole_cards = re.search('\[.*\]', own_name)[0].strip('[]').split()
        hole_cards_idx = []

        keys = list(card_dict.keys())
        values = list(card_dict.values())
        layer = np.zeros(52)
        for card in hole_cards:
            idx = keys[values.index(card)]
            layer[idx] = 1

        self.game_state[112, :, :] = layer.reshape(1, 13, 4)

        splits = self.current_hand_history.split('\n')
        current_street = 'PREFLOP'
        preflop_actions = []
        flop_actions = []
        turn_actions = []
        river_actions = []
        rewards = []
        action_dict = {
            'PREFLOP': preflop_actions,
            'FLOP': flop_actions,
            'TURN': turn_actions,
            'RIVER': river_actions,
            'REWARDS': rewards

        for action in splits:
            if action.startswith('*** FLOP ***'):
                current_street = 'FLOP'
            elif action.startswith('*** TURN ***'):
                current_street = 'TURN'
            elif action.startswith('*** RIVER ***'):
                current_street = 'RIVER'

            if (action.startswith(sb_name + ":") or action.startswith(bb_name + ":")) and not (action.startswith(sb_name + ": shows") \
                    or action.startswith(bb_name + ": shows")):
                test = sb_name + ": shows"

        self.set_action_history(preflop_actions, 'PREFLOP')
        self.set_action_history(flop_actions, 'FLOP')
        self.set_action_history(turn_actions, 'TURN')
        self.set_action_history(river_actions, 'RIVER')

        if is_bb == 1:
            self.game_state[111, :, :] = 1

        #seat_1_player = Player(sb_name,int(seat_1_chips),None)
        #seat_2_player = Player(bb_name, int(seat_2_chips), None)
        #pool = [seat_1_player,seat_2_player]
        #seat_2_player.set_hand(2, 3)

        #decoders = decoder(self.game_state,pool,'hero')
    def set_action_history(self, actions, street):
        id = -1
        i = 0

        if street == 'PREFLOP':
            self.game_state[8, 0, 0] = 1
            self.game_state[9, 0, 0:2] = 1
            del actions[0:2]
            id = 8
            i = 2

        elif street == 'FLOP':
            id = 33

        elif street == 'TURN':
            id = 58

        elif street == 'RIVER':
            id = 83

        for action in actions:
            if action.find('raises') != -1 or action.find('bets') != -1:
                size = re.sub('([^\d \s])', '', action).split()
                size = np.max(list(map(int, size)))
                layer = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(int(size))
                self.game_state[id + i, :, :] = layer

            if action.find('folds') != -1:
                self.game_state[id + i, 12, 3] = 1

            if action.find('checks') != -1:
                self.game_state[id + i, 12, 2] = 1

            if action.find('calls') != -1:
                size = int(re.sub('([^\d])', '', action))
                previous_paid = (
                    self.game_state[id + i - 2, 0:12, 0:4].sum(-1).sum(-1) +
                    self.game_state[id + i - 2, 12, 0:2].sum(-1)) * 10
                layer = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
                    int(size) + previous_paid)
                self.game_state[id + i, :, :] = layer

            i += 1

    def get_board(self):
        keys = list(card_dict.keys())
        values = list(card_dict.values())

        if re.findall('\*\*\* FLOP \*\*\* \[.*\]',
                      self.current_hand_history) != []:
            flop = re.sub(
                '\*\*\* FLOP \*\*\* ', '',
                re.findall('\*\*\* FLOP \*\*\* \[.*\]',
            flop = re.search('\[.*\]', flop)[0].strip('[]').split()

            layer = np.zeros(52)
            for card in flop:
                idx = keys[values.index(card)]
                layer[idx] = 1
            self.game_state[108, :, :] = layer.reshape(1, 13, 4)

        if re.findall('\*\*\* TURN \*\*\* \[.*\] \[..\]',
                      self.current_hand_history) != []:
            layer = np.zeros(52)
            turn = re.sub(
                '\*\*\* TURN \*\*\* ', '',
                re.findall('\*\*\* TURN \*\*\* \[.*\] \[..\]',
            turn = re.search('\[..\]', turn)[0].strip('[]').split()

            for card in turn:
                idx = keys[values.index(card)]
                layer[idx] = 1
            self.game_state[109, :, :] = layer.reshape(1, 13, 4)

        if re.findall('\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\* \[.*\] \[..\]',
                      self.current_hand_history) != []:
            layer = np.zeros(52)
            river = re.sub(
                '\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\* ', '',
                re.findall('\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\* \[.*\] \[..\]',
            river = re.search('\[..\]', river)[0].strip('[]').split()

            for card in river:
                idx = keys[values.index(card)]
                layer[idx] = 1

            self.game_state[110, :, :] = layer.reshape(1, 13, 4)

    def set_stacks(self, stack):
        preflop_history = self.game_state[8:33, :, :]
        flop_history = self.game_state[33:58, :, :]
        turn_history = self.game_state[58:83, :, :]
        river_history = self.game_state[83:108, :, :]

        history = {
            'PREFLOP': preflop_history,
            'FLOP': flop_history,
            'TURN': turn_history,
            'RIVER': river_history

        layer = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(int(stack))
        self.game_state[0, :, :] = layer
        layer = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(int(stack))
        self.game_state[4, :, :] = layer
        self.game_state[1, :, :] = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
            self.statics.get_stack(history, stack, 1, 2, 'FLOP'))
        self.game_state[2, :, :] = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
            self.statics.get_stack(history, stack, 1, 2, 'TURN'))
        self.game_state[3, :, :] = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
            self.statics.get_stack(history, stack, 1, 2, 'RIVER'))
        self.game_state[5, :, :] = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
            self.statics.get_stack(history, stack, 1, 2, 'FLOP'))
        self.game_state[6, :, :] = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
            self.statics.get_stack(history, stack, 1, 2, 'TURN'))
        self.game_state[7, :, :] = self.statics.chips_bitmask_plane(
            self.statics.get_stack(history, stack, 1, 2, 'RIVER'))
Пример #2
class Player():
    def __init__(self, name, chips,agent):
        self.agent = agent
        self.name = name
        self.cards = None
        self.hand = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_preflop = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_flop = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_turn = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_river = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_dict = {'PREFLOP': self.chips_preflop,'FLOP':self.chips_flop,'TURN':self.chips_turn
        self.is_bb = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips = chips
        self.id = id
        self.has_acted = False
        self.active =  True
        self.is_allin = False
        self.has_folded = False
        self.is_blocking = False
        self.next_player = None
        self.position = None
        self.current_stack = None
        self.game_helpers = Game_Helpers()
        self.game_state = None
        self.chips_dict['PREFLOP'] = self.game_helpers.chips_bitmask_plane(chips)
        self.state_memory = []

    def reset(self,chips):
        self.cards = None
        self.hand = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_preflop = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_flop = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_turn = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_river = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips_dict = {'PREFLOP': self.chips_preflop, 'FLOP': self.chips_flop, 'TURN': self.chips_turn
            , 'RIVER': self.chips_river}
        self.is_bb = np.zeros(shape = (1,13,4))
        self.chips = chips
        self.id = id
        self.has_acted = False
        self.active = True
        self.is_allin = False
        self.has_folded = False
        self.is_blocking = False
        self.next_player = None
        self.position = None
        self.current_stack = None
        self.game_helpers = Game_Helpers()
        self.game_state = None
        self.chips_dict['PREFLOP'] = self.game_helpers.chips_bitmask_plane(chips)
        self.state_memory = []

    def set_hand(self,cardA,cardB):
        self.hand = self.hand.flatten()
        self.hand[cardA] = 1
        self.hand[cardB] = 1
        self.hand = self.hand.reshape(1, 13, 4)

    def build_player_game_state(self,public_state):
        self.game_state = public_state
        self.game_state = np.concatenate((self.game_state, self.is_bb))
        self.game_state = np.concatenate((self.game_state, self.hand))

    def set_street_stacks(self,history,street,player_number):
        current_stack = self.game_helpers.get_stack(history, self.chips, self.position, player_number, street)
        self.chips_dict[street] = self.game_helpers.chips_bitmask_plane(current_stack)

    def set_reward(self,reward):
        for i in range(0,len(self.state_memory)):
            rl_state = None
            if i <= len(self.state_memory) -2:
                rl_state = {'state0': self.state_memory[i]['state'],'action0':self.state_memory[i]['action'],
            elif i == len(self.state_memory) -1:
                rl_state = {'state0': self.state_memory[i]['state'], 'action0': self.state_memory[i]['action'],
                            'state1': 'Terminal', 'reward': reward}


    def get_move(self,history,blocking,player_number,street,public_state):

        self.set_street_stacks(history, street, player_number)
        current_history = history[street]
        current_stack = self.game_helpers.get_stack(history,self.chips,self.position,player_number,street)
        bitmask_stack = self.game_helpers.chips_bitmask(current_stack)
        legals = self.game_helpers.legal_moves(bitmask_stack, current_history , blocking, street)
        legals = np.argwhere(legals == 1)

        moves,game_state_dict = self.agent.get_move(history,blocking,player_number,street,self.game_state,legals,None)

        return moves,bitmask_stack