def set_start_game(self): """ Presents the player with the menu where he or she can start a new game in various forms. The player can also choose to return to the main menu or quit the game. :return: returns nothing. """ answer = self.tournament.ask_action( "Start new game \n\n" + "What type of game do you want to play? \n\n" + "[P] Player vs. Player \n" + "[C] Player vs. Computer \n" + "[T] Tournament \n" + "[B] Back \n" + "[Q] Quit\n\n" + "Please type a command and press enter:", ["P", "C", "T", "B", "Q"]) self.main_menu = False self.change_name = False player1Name = self.tournament.backend.getPlayerName(1) if answer == "p": print("The new game " + player1Name + " vs. Player2 is going to start.") player1 = g.RealPlayer(player1Name, 'X') player2 = g.RealPlayer('Player2', 'O') #Returns winner but is not needed? g.Game(player1, player2).enter_game_loop() time.sleep(5) elif answer == "c": difficulty = self.tournament.set_difficulty(False, 1) Playerone = g.PlayerAI(player1Name, False, 3) tier = ["undef", "Easy", "Medium", "Hard"] if difficulty: #print ("The new game player vs. computer ("+ #tier[difficulty]+ #") is going to start.") #time.sleep(10) if difficulty == 1: AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI("AI", True, 1) AIdiff1 = g.AIGame(Playerone, AIplayer1) winner = AIdiff1.startGame() time.sleep(5) elif difficulty == 2: AIplayer2 = g.PlayerAI("AI", True, 2) AIdiff2 = g.AIGame(Playerone, AIplayer2) winner = AIdiff2.startGame() time.sleep(5) elif difficulty == 3: AIplayer3 = g.PlayerAI("AI", True, 3) AIdiff3 = g.AIGame(Playerone, AIplayer3) winner = AIdiff3.startGame() time.sleep(5) elif answer == "t": self.quit_game = self.tournament.Main() elif answer == "b": self.start_game = False self.main_menu = True elif answer == "q": self.quit_game = True os.system('clear') # on linux / os x
def test_hard_bot_time(self): p1_name = "HAL-9000" p2_name = "HAL-9001" p1 = player.AIPlayer(p1_name, gameengine.Difficulty.HIGH) p2 = player.AIPlayer(p2_name, gameengine.Difficulty.HIGH) for i in range(self.rounds): g = gameplatform.Game(p1, p2) self.assertEqual("Game Over", g.start_with_timer(10))
def test_medium_bot_time(self): p1_name = "Pumba" p2_name = "Timon" p1 = player.AIPlayer(p1_name, gameengine.Difficulty.MEDIUM) p2 = player.AIPlayer(p2_name, gameengine.Difficulty.MEDIUM) for i in range(self.rounds): g = gameplatform.Game(p1, p2) self.assertEqual("Game Over", g.start_with_timer(10))
def test_easy_bot_time(self): p1_name = "Alfred" p2_name = "Derfla" p1 = player.AIPlayer(p1_name, gameengine.Difficulty.LOW) p2 = player.AIPlayer(p2_name, gameengine.Difficulty.LOW) for i in range(self.rounds): g = gameplatform.Game(p1, p2) self.assertEqual("Game Over", g.start_with_timer(10))
def HAL_9000_vs_Pumba(rounds): draw_counter = 0 pumba_win_count = 0 hal_win_count = 0 pumba_name = "Pumba" hal_name = "HAL 9000" p3 = player.AIPlayer("Alfred", gameengine.Difficulty.LOW) pumba = player.AIPlayer("Pumba", gameengine.Difficulty.MEDIUM) hal = player.AIPlayer("HAL 9000", gameengine.Difficulty.HIGH) for i in range(rounds): g = gameplatform.Game(pumba, hal) g.start() winner = g.get_winner() if winner: if pumba_name == winner: pumba_win_count += 1 else: hal_win_count += 1 else: draw_count += 1 return hal_win_count, pumba_win_count, draw_counter
def start_tournament_show(self): """ Draws the current tournament state with upcoming match and current alternativs. :return:nothing """ self.backend.startTournament(self.tournamnet_diff) a,b = self.backend.getNextMatch() ended = not a[0] and not b[0] if ended: winner = self.backend.getWinner() question = "All Games in this tournament have been played. Winner is " + winner + "\n\n" question += "\n\nCongratulations! \n\n[B] Back to Main Menu \n" alts = ["B","S","L","Q"] else: question = "Tournament - Next Match \n\nNext Match will be " question += str(a[0]) + " vs. " + str(b[0]) + "\n\n[M] Start match \n" alts = ["M","S","L","Q"] answer = self.ask_action(question + "[S] Show Scoreboard \n"+ "[L] Show Leaderboard \n"+ "[Q] Quit\n\n"+ "Please type a command and press enter:",alts) if answer == "m": print("The new tournament game "+ str(a[0])+ " vs. "+ str(b[0])+ " is going to start.") # time.sleep(3) os.system('clear') # on linux / os x players = self.backend.getListOfPlayerNames() if a[1] and b[1]: #BOTH AI, a[1] is 1-3 if AI, same for b[1] #winner = self.gameModule.start_game_AIAI(players,a[1],b[1]) AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI(a[0],True,a[1]) AIplayer2 = g.PlayerAI(b[0],True,b[1]) AIGame = g.AIGame(AIplayer1,AIplayer2) winner = AIGame.startGame() self.report_winner(a[0],b[0],winner) time.sleep(5) elif a[1]: #a = AI #winner = self.gameModule.start_game_AI(players,a[1],b[1]) AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI(a[0],True,a[1]) Playerone = g.PlayerAI(b[0],False,3) PvAIGame = g.AIGame(Playerone,AIplayer1) winner = PvAIGame.startGame() self.report_winner(b[0],a[0],winner) time.sleep(5) elif b[1]: #b = AI Playerone = g.PlayerAI(a[0],False,3) AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI(b[0],True,b[1]) PvAIGame = g.AIGame(Playerone,AIplayer1) winner = PvAIGame.startGame() self.report_winner(a[0],b[0],winner) time.sleep(5) else: player1 = g.RealPlayer(a[0], 'X') player2 = g.RealPlayer(b[0], 'O') game = g.Game(player1, player2) winner = game.enter_game_loop() self.report_winner(a[0],b[0],winner) time.sleep(5) pass elif answer == "b": self.end_tournament = True self.start_tournament = False self.back = True pass elif answer == "s": self.start_tournament = False self.show_scoreboard = True elif answer == "l": self.start_tournament = False self.show_leaderboard = True elif answer == "q": self.quit_game = True
def start_tournament_show(self): """ Draws the current tournament state with upcoming match and current alternativs. :return:nothing """ self.backend.startTournament(self.tournamnet_diff) a,b = self.backend.getNextMatch() ended = not a and not b if ended: winner = self.backend.getWinner() question = "All Games in this tournament have been played. Winner is " + winner + "\n\n" question += "\n\nCongratulations! \n\n[B] Back to Main Menu \n" alts = ["B","S","L","Q"] else: question = "Tournament - Next Match \n\nNext Match will be " question += str(a[0]) + " vs. " + str(b[0]) + "\n\n[M] Start match \n" alts = ["M","S","L","Q"] answer = self.ask_action(question + "[S] Show Scoreboard \n"+ "[L] Show Leaderboard \n"+ "[Q] Quit\n\n"+ "Please type a command and press enter:",alts) if answer == "m": # print("The new tournament game "+ # str(a[0])+ # " vs. "+ # str(b[0])+ # " is going to start.") # time.sleep(3) os.system('clear') # on linux / os x players = self.backend.getListOfPlayerNames() """ In the following if statements there is an bridged version of the player objects. This since keeps the tournament players but GE and GP reuqires player objects according to their specs. """ if a[1] and b[1]: #AI vs AI AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI(a[0],True,a[1], 'X') AIplayer2 = g.PlayerAI(b[0],True,b[1], 'O') AIGame = g.GameEngine() winner = AIGame.AIvsAI(AIplayer1,AIplayer2) self.report_winner(a[0],b[0],winner) print ("Winner of this match is "+winner+"!") time.sleep(5) elif a[1]: #a = AI AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI(a[0],True,a[1], 'X') Playerone = g.PlayerAI(b[0],False,3, 'O') PvAIGame = g.AIGame(AIplayer1,Playerone,True) winner = PvAIGame.startGame() self.report_winner(b[0],a[0],winner) time.sleep(5) elif b[1]: #b = AI Playerone = g.PlayerAI(a[0],False,3, 'X') AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI(b[0],True,b[1], 'O') PvAIGame = g.AIGame(Playerone,AIplayer1,True) winner = PvAIGame.startGame() self.report_winner(a[0],b[0],winner) time.sleep(5) else: player1 = g.RealPlayer(a[0], 'X') player2 = g.RealPlayer(b[0], 'O') game = g.Game(player1, player2, True) winner = game.enter_game_loop() self.report_winner(a[0],b[0],winner) time.sleep(5) pass elif answer == "b": if ended: self.backend.endTournament() self.backend.deletePlayerSet() self.end_tournament = True self.start_tournament = False self.back = True pass elif answer == "s": self.start_tournament = False self.show_scoreboard = True elif answer == "l": self.start_tournament = False self.show_leaderboard = True elif answer == "q": self.quit_game = True
def setUp(self): self.g = gameplatform.Game()
import gameplatform as g from Player import PlayerAI #Intiate Player1 and player2 player1 = g.RealPlayer('foo', 'X') player2 = g.RealPlayer('bar', 'O') game = g.Game(player1, player2) # Initiate AI and Players Playerone = g.PlayerAI("Player", False, 3) AIplayer1 = g.PlayerAI("AI", True, 1) AIplayer2 = g.PlayerAI("AI", True, 2) AIplayer3 = g.PlayerAI("AI", True, 3) AIdiff1 = g.AIGame(Playerone, AIplayer1) AIdiff2 = g.AIGame(Playerone, AIplayer2) AIdiff3 = g.AIGame(Playerone, AIplayer3) ask = True while ask == True: playerchoice = input( 'Do you wish to play vs a Player (P) or Computer (C)').strip() if (playerchoice == 'P' or playerchoice == 'p'): print("You will now play vs another player") ask = False winner = game.enter_game_loop() if (playerchoice == 'c' or playerchoice == 'C'): while ask == True: AIdifficulity = input( 'Which difficulity do you want to play against (1-3)').strip() if (AIdifficulity == '1'):