Пример #1
def test_fermi_isotropic():
    filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi_3fhl/iso_P8R2_SOURCE_V6_v06.txt"
    model = create_fermi_isotropic_diffuse_model(filename)
    coords = {"lon": 0 * u.deg, "lat": 0 * u.deg, "energy": 50 * u.GeV}

    flux = model(**coords)

    assert_allclose(flux.value, 1.463e-13, rtol=1e-3)
    assert flux.unit == "MeV-1 cm-2 s-1 sr-1"
Пример #2
def extrapolate_iso(infile, outfile, logEc_extra):
    tmp = np.loadtxt(make_path(infile), delimiter=" ")
    Ecbd = tmp[:, 0]
    qiso = tmp[:, 1]
    finterp = interp1d(np.log10(Ecbd),
    qiso_extra = 10**finterp(logEc_extra)
    np.savetxt(outfile, np.c_[10**logEc_extra, qiso_extra], delimiter=" ")
    return create_fermi_isotropic_diffuse_model(
        filename=outfile, norm=0.92,
        interp_kwargs={"fill_value": None})  # norm=0.92 see paper appendix A
Пример #3
# In[ ]:

# TODO: show how one can fix the extrapolate to high energy
# by computing and padding an extra plane e.g. at 1e3 TeV
# that corresponds to a linear extrapolation

# ## Isotropic diffuse background
# To load the isotropic diffuse model with Gammapy, use the `~gammapy.modeling.models.TemplateSpectralModel`. We are using `'fill_value': 'extrapolate'` to extrapolate the model above 500 GeV:

# In[ ]:

filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi_3fhl/iso_P8R2_SOURCE_V6_v06.txt"

diffuse_iso = create_fermi_isotropic_diffuse_model(
    filename=filename, interp_kwargs={"fill_value": None})

# We can plot the model in the energy range between 50 GeV and 2000 GeV:

# In[ ]:

erange = [50, 2000] * u.GeV
diffuse_iso.spectral_model.plot(erange, flux_unit="1 / (cm2 MeV s)")

# ## PSF
# Next we will tke a look at the PSF. It was computed using ``gtpsf``, in this case for the Galactic center position. Note that generally for Fermi-LAT, the PSF only varies little within a given regions of the sky, especially at high energies like what we have here. We use the `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDependentTablePSF` class to load the PSF and use some of it's methods to get some information about it.

# In[ ]:

psf = EnergyDependentTablePSF.read(
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, selection="short", savefig=True):
        log.info("Executing __init__()")
        self.resdir = BASE_PATH / "results"
        self.savefig = savefig

        # event list
        self.events = EventList.read(
        # psf
        self.psf = EnergyDependentTablePSF.read(

        # mask margin
        psf_r99max = self.psf.containment_radius(10 * u.GeV, fraction=0.99)
        self.psf_margin = np.ceil(psf_r99max.value[0] * 10) / 10.0

        # energies
        self.El_flux = [10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 150.0, 500.0, 2000.0]
        El_fit = 10 ** np.arange(1, 3.31, 0.1)
        self.energy_axis = MapAxis.from_edges(
            El_fit, name="energy", unit="GeV", interp="log"

        # iso norm=0.92 see paper appendix A
        self.model_iso = create_fermi_isotropic_diffuse_model(
            interp_kwargs={"fill_value": None},
        # regions selection
        file3fhl = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/catalogs/fermi/gll_psch_v13.fit.gz"
        self.FHL3 = SourceCatalog3FHL(file3fhl)
        hdulist = fits.open(make_path(file3fhl))
        self.ROIs = hdulist["ROIs"].data
        Scat = hdulist[1].data
        order = np.argsort(Scat.Signif_Avg)[::-1]
        ROIs_ord = Scat.ROI_num[order]

        if selection == "short":
            self.ROIs_sel = [430, 135, 118, 212, 277, 42, 272, 495]
            # Crab, Vela, high-lat, +some fast regions
        elif selection == "long":
            # get small regions with few sources among the most significant
            indexes = np.unique(ROIs_ord, return_index=True)[1]
            ROIs_ord = [ROIs_ord[index] for index in sorted(indexes)]
            self.ROIs_sel = [
                for kr in ROIs_ord
                if sum(Scat.ROI_num == kr) <= 4 and self.ROIs.RADIUS[kr] < 6
        elif selection == "debug":
            self.ROIs_sel = [135]  # Vela region
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid selection: {selection!r}")

        # fit options
        self.optimize_opts = {
            "backend": "minuit",
            "optimize_opts": {"tol": 10.0, "strategy": 2},

        # calculate flux points only for sources significant above this threshold
        self.sig_cut = 8.0

        # diagnostics stored to produce plots and outputs
        self.diags = {
            "message": [],
            "stat": [],
            "params": {},
            "errel": {},
            "compatibility": {},
            "cat_fp_sel": [],
        self.diags["errel"]["flux_points"] = []
        keys = [
        for key in keys:
            self.diags["params"][key] = []