Пример #1
    def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
        Construct the arguments profile.
        `*args` and `**kwargs` are the arguments that go into the `function`.
        if not callable(function):
            raise Exception('%s is not a callable object.' % function)
        self.function = function
        raw_args = args
        raw_kwargs = kwargs
        del args, kwargs
        self.args = ()
        '''Tuple of positional arguments.'''
        self.kwargs = OrderedDict()
        '''Ordered dict of keyword arguments.'''
        args_spec = cute_inspect.getargspec(function)
        (s_args, s_star_args, s_star_kwargs, s_defaults) = args_spec
        # `getargspec` has a weird policy, when inspecting a function with no
        # defaults, to give a `defaults` of `None` instead of the more
        # consistent `()`. We fix that here:
        if s_defaults is None:
            s_defaults = ()
        getcallargs_result = cute_inspect.getcallargs(function,
        self.getcallargs_result = getcallargs_result
        # The number of args which have default values:
        n_defaultful_args = len(s_defaults)
        # The word "defaultful" means "something which has a default."
        # Now we'll create the arguments profile, using a 4-phases algorithm. #
        #                                                                     #
        # Phase 1: We specify all the args that don't have a default as
        # positional args:
        defaultless_args = s_args[:-n_defaultful_args] if n_defaultful_args \
                           else s_args[:]
        self.args += tuple(
            dict_tools.get_list(getcallargs_result, defaultless_args)

        # Phase 2: We now have to deal with args that have a default. Some of
        # them, possibly none and possibly all of them, should be given
        # positionally. Some of them, possibly none, should be given by
        # keyword. And some of them, possibly none and possibly all of them,
        # should not be given at all. It is our job to figure out in which way
        # each argument should be given.
        # In this variable:
        n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = None
        # We will put the number of defaultful arguments that should be
        # specified positionally.
        defaultful_args = s_args[-n_defaultful_args:] if n_defaultful_args \
                          else []
        # `dict` that maps from argument name to default value:
        defaults = OrderedDict(zip(defaultful_args, s_defaults))
        defaultful_args_differing_from_defaults = set((
            defaultful_arg for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args
            if defaults[defaultful_arg] != getcallargs_result[defaultful_arg]
        if s_star_args and getcallargs_result[s_star_args]:
            # We have some arguments that go into `*args`! This means that we
            # don't even need to think hard, we can already be sure that we're
            # going to have to specify *all* of the defaultful arguments
            # positionally, otherwise it will be impossible to put arguments in
            # `*args`.
            n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = n_defaultful_args

            # `dict` mapping from each defaultful arg to the "price" of
            # specifying its value:
            prices_of_values = OrderedDict((
                (defaultful_arg, len(repr(getcallargs_result[defaultful_arg])))
                 for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args
            # The price is simply the string length of the value's `repr`.
            # `dict` mapping from each defaultful arg to the "price" of
            # specifying it as a keyword (not including the length of the
            # value):
            prices_of_keyword_prefixes = OrderedDict(
                ((defaultful_arg, len(defaultful_arg)+1) for 
                 defaultful_arg in defaultful_args)
            # For example, if we have a defaultful arg "gravity_strength", then
            # specifiying it by keyword will require using the string
            # "gravity_strength=", which is 17 characters long, therefore the
            # price is 17.
            # Now we need to decide just how many defaultful args we are going
            # to specify positionally. The options are anything from `0` to
            # `n_defaultful_args`. We're going to go one by one, and calcluate
            # the price for each candidate, and put it in this dict:
            total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate = OrderedDict()
            # (The `n_dasp` here is an abbreivation of the
            # `n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally` variable defined
            # before.)
            # After we have the price for each option, we'll select the one
            # with the lowest price.
            # One thing to do before iterating on the candidates is to find out
            # whether the "lonely comma discount" is in effect.
            # The "lonely comma discount" is given when there's nothing but
            # defaultful arguments to this function, and therefore the number
            # of ", " strings needed here is not `candidate`, but `candidate -
            # 1`, unless of course candidate is zero.
            if not defaultless_args and \
                (not s_star_args or not getcallargs_result[s_star_args]) and \
                (not s_star_kwargs or not getcallargs_result[s_star_kwargs]):
                lonely_comma_discount_may_be_given = True
                lonely_comma_discount_may_be_given = False
            # Now we iterate on the candidates to find out which one has the
            # lowest price:
            for candidate in xrange(n_defaultful_args + 1):

                defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = \
                price_for_positionally_specified_defaultful_args = \
                    2 * candidate + \
                # The `2 * candidate` addend is to account for the ", " parts
                # between the arguments.
                defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword = filter(
                price_for_defaultful_args_specified_by_keyword = \
                    2 * len(defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword) + \
                    ) + \
                # The `2 * len(...)` addend is to account for the ", " parts
                # between the arguments.
                # Now we need to figure out if this candidate gets the "lonely
                # comma discount".
                if lonely_comma_discount_may_be_given and \
                   (defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword or \
                    lonely_comma_discount = -2
                    lonely_comma_discount = 0
                price = price_for_positionally_specified_defaultful_args + \
                        price_for_defaultful_args_specified_by_keyword + \
                total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate[candidate] = price

            # Finished iterating on candidates! Time to pick our winner.
            minimum_price = min(total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate.itervalues())
            leading_candidates = [
                candidate for candidate in 
                total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate.iterkeys() if
                total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate[candidate] == minimum_price
            if len(leading_candidates) == 1:
                # We finished with one candidate which has the minimum price.
                # This is our winner.
                (winner,) = leading_candidates
                n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = winner
                # We have a draw! We're gonna have to settle it by picking the
                # lowest candidate, because in our definition of "canonical
                # arguments profile", our second priority after "as few
                # characters as possible" is "as many keyword arguments as
                # possible".
                winner = leading_candidates[0]
            n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = winner
        # We have a winner! Now we know exactly which defaultful args should
        # be specified positionally and which should be specified by
        # keyword.
        # First we add the positionally specified:
        defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = \
        self.args += tuple(
            (getcallargs_result[defaultful_arg] for defaultful_arg
             in defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally)
        # Now we add those specified by keyword:

        defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword = filter(
        for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword:
            self.kwargs[defaultful_arg] = getcallargs_result[defaultful_arg]
        # Phase 3: Add the star args:
        if s_star_args and getcallargs_result[s_star_args]:
            assert not self.kwargs
            # Just making sure that no non-star args were specified by keyword,
            # which would make it impossible for us to put stuff in `*args`.
            self.args += getcallargs_result[s_star_args]        

        # Phase 4: Add the star kwargs:
        if s_star_kwargs and getcallargs_result[s_star_kwargs]:
            # We can't just add the `**kwargs` as is; we need to add them
            # according to canonical ordering. So we need to sort them first.
            unsorted_star_kwargs_names = \
            sorted_star_kwargs_names = sorted(
            sorted_star_kwargs = OrderedDict(
        # Our 4-phases algorithm is done! The argument profile is canonical.  #
        # Now a bit of post-processing:
        _arguments = OrderedDict()
        dict_of_positional_arguments = OrderedDict(
                lambda key, value: ((key not in self.kwargs) and \
                                    (key != s_star_args) and \
                                    (key != s_star_kwargs))
        if s_star_args:
            _arguments['*'] = getcallargs_result[s_star_args]
        self._arguments = _arguments
        '''Ordered dict of arguments, both positional- and keyword-.'''
        # Caching the hash, since its computation can take a long time:
        self._hash = cheat_hashing.cheat_hash(
Пример #2
def get_address(obj, shorten=False, root=None, namespace={}):
    Get the address of a Python object.
    This only works for objects that have addresses, like modules, classes,
    functions, methods, etc. It usually doesn't work on instances created
    during the program. (e.g. `[1, 2]` doesn't have an address.)
    # todo: Support classes inside classes. Currently doesn't work because
    # Python doesn't tell us inside in which class an inner class was defined.
    # We'll probably have to do some kind of search.

    if not (isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType) or hasattr(obj, '__module__')):
        raise TypeError("`%s` is not a module, nor does it have a "
                        "`.__module__` attribute, therefore we can't get its "
                        "address." % (obj, ))

    if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
        address = obj.__name__
    elif isinstance(obj, types.MethodType):
        address = '.'.join(
            (obj.__module__, obj.im_class.__name__, obj.__name__))
        address = '.'.join((obj.__module__, obj.__name__))

    # Now our attempt at an address is in `address`. Let's `try` to resolve
    # that address to see if it's right and we get the same object:
        object_candidate = get_object_by_address(address)
    except Exception:
        confirmed_object_address = False
        is_same_object = \
            (obj == object_candidate) if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType) \
            else (obj is object_candidate)
        confirmed_object_address = is_same_object

    if not confirmed_object_address:
        # We weren't able to confirm that the `address` we got is the correct
        # one for this object, so we won't even try to shorten it in any way,
        # just return what we got and hoped we didn't disappoint the user too
        # badly:
        return address

    assert confirmed_object_address is True
    # We confirmed we got the right `address`! Now we can try to shorten it
    # some, if the user specified so in the arguments:

    ### Shortening the address using `root` and/or `namespace`: ###############
    #                                                                         #

    if root or namespace:

        # Ensuring `root` and `namespace` are actual objects:
        if isinstance(root, basestring):
            root = get_object_by_address(root)
        if isinstance(namespace, basestring):
            namespace = get_object_by_address(namespace)

        if namespace:

            (_useless, original_namespace_dict) = \

            def my_filter(key, value):
                name = getattr(value, '__name__', '')
                return isinstance(name, basestring) and name.endswith(key)

            namespace_dict = dict_tools.filter_items(original_namespace_dict,

            namespace_dict_keys = namespace_dict.keys()
            namespace_dict_values = namespace_dict.values()

        # Split to address parts:
        address_parts = address.split('.')
        # e.g., `['garlicsim', 'misc', 'step_copy', 'StepCopy']`.

        heads = [
            for i in xrange(1,
                            len(address_parts) + 1)
        # `heads` is something like: `['garlicsim', 'garlicsim.misc',
        # 'garlicsim.misc.step_copy', 'garlicsim.misc.step_copy.StepCopy']`

        for head in reversed(heads):
            object_ = get_object_by_address(head)
            if root:
                if object_ is root:
                    root_short_name = root.__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
                    address = address.replace(head, root_short_name, 1)
            if namespace:
                if object_ in namespace_dict_values:
                    fitting_keys = [
                        key for key in namespace_dict_keys
                        if namespace_dict[key] is object_
                    key = min(fitting_keys, key=len)
                    address = address.replace(head, key, 1)

    #                                                                         #
    ### Finshed shortening address using `root` and/or `namespace`. ###########

    # If user specified `shorten=True`, let the dedicated `shorten_address`
    # function drop redundant intermediate nodes:
    if shorten:
        address = shorten_address(address, root=root, namespace=namespace)

    # A little fix to avoid describing something like `list` as
    # `__builtin__.list`:
    if address.startswith('__builtin__.'):
        shorter_address = address.replace('__builtin__.', '', 1)
        if get_object_by_address(shorter_address) == obj:
            address = shorter_address

    return address
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
        Construct the arguments profile.
        `*args` and `**kwargs` are the arguments that go into the `function`.

        if not callable(function):
            raise Exception('%s is not a callable object.' % function)
        self.function = function

        raw_args = args
        raw_kwargs = kwargs
        del args, kwargs

        self.args = ()
        '''Tuple of positional arguments.'''

        self.kwargs = OrderedDict()
        '''Ordered dict of keyword arguments.'''

        args_spec = cute_inspect.getargspec(function)

        (s_args, s_star_args, s_star_kwargs, s_defaults) = args_spec

        # `getargspec` has a weird policy, when inspecting a function with no
        # defaults, to give a `defaults` of `None` instead of the more
        # consistent `()`. We fix that here:
        if s_defaults is None:
            s_defaults = ()

        getcallargs_result = cute_inspect.getcallargs(function, *raw_args,
        self.getcallargs_result = getcallargs_result

        # The number of args which have default values:
        n_defaultful_args = len(s_defaults)
        # The word "defaultful" means "something which has a default."

        # Now we'll create the arguments profile, using a 4-phases algorithm. #
        #                                                                     #

        # Phase 1: We specify all the args that don't have a default as
        # positional args:
        defaultless_args = s_args[:-n_defaultful_args] if n_defaultful_args \
                           else s_args[:]
        self.args += tuple(
            dict_tools.get_list(getcallargs_result, defaultless_args))

        # Phase 2: We now have to deal with args that have a default. Some of
        # them, possibly none and possibly all of them, should be given
        # positionally. Some of them, possibly none, should be given by
        # keyword. And some of them, possibly none and possibly all of them,
        # should not be given at all. It is our job to figure out in which way
        # each argument should be given.

        # In this variable:
        n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = None
        # We will put the number of defaultful arguments that should be
        # specified positionally.

        defaultful_args = s_args[-n_defaultful_args:] if n_defaultful_args \
                          else []

        # `dict` that maps from argument name to default value:
        defaults = OrderedDict(zip(defaultful_args, s_defaults))

        defaultful_args_differing_from_defaults = set((
            defaultful_arg for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args
            if defaults[defaultful_arg] != getcallargs_result[defaultful_arg]))

        if s_star_args and getcallargs_result[s_star_args]:
            # We have some arguments that go into `*args`! This means that we
            # don't even need to think hard, we can already be sure that we're
            # going to have to specify *all* of the defaultful arguments
            # positionally, otherwise it will be impossible to put arguments in
            # `*args`.
            n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = n_defaultful_args


            # `dict` mapping from each defaultful arg to the "price" of
            # specifying its value:
            prices_of_values = OrderedDict(
                 for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args))
            # The price is simply the string length of the value's `repr`.

            # `dict` mapping from each defaultful arg to the "price" of
            # specifying it as a keyword (not including the length of the
            # value):
            prices_of_keyword_prefixes = OrderedDict(
                ((defaultful_arg, len(defaultful_arg) + 1)
                 for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args))
            # For example, if we have a defaultful arg "gravity_strength", then
            # specifiying it by keyword will require using the string
            # "gravity_strength=", which is 17 characters long, therefore the
            # price is 17.

            # Now we need to decide just how many defaultful args we are going
            # to specify positionally. The options are anything from `0` to
            # `n_defaultful_args`. We're going to go one by one, and calcluate
            # the price for each candidate, and put it in this dict:
            total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate = OrderedDict()
            # (The `n_dasp` here is an abbreivation of the
            # `n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally` variable defined
            # before.)
            # After we have the price for each option, we'll select the one
            # with the lowest price.

            # One thing to do before iterating on the candidates is to find out
            # whether the "lonely comma discount" is in effect.
            # The "lonely comma discount" is given when there's nothing but
            # defaultful arguments to this function, and therefore the number
            # of ", " strings needed here is not `candidate`, but `candidate -
            # 1`, unless of course candidate is zero.

            if not defaultless_args and \
                (not s_star_args or not getcallargs_result[s_star_args]) and \
                (not s_star_kwargs or not getcallargs_result[s_star_kwargs]):

                lonely_comma_discount_may_be_given = True


                lonely_comma_discount_may_be_given = False

            # Now we iterate on the candidates to find out which one has the
            # lowest price:

            for candidate in xrange(n_defaultful_args + 1):

                defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = \

                price_for_positionally_specified_defaultful_args = \
                    2 * candidate + \
                # The `2 * candidate` addend is to account for the ", " parts
                # between the arguments.

                defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword = filter(

                price_for_defaultful_args_specified_by_keyword = \
                    2 * len(defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword) + \
                    ) + \
                # The `2 * len(...)` addend is to account for the ", " parts
                # between the arguments.

                # Now we need to figure out if this candidate gets the "lonely
                # comma discount".
                if lonely_comma_discount_may_be_given and \
                   (defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword or \

                    lonely_comma_discount = -2

                    lonely_comma_discount = 0

                price = price_for_positionally_specified_defaultful_args + \
                        price_for_defaultful_args_specified_by_keyword + \

                total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate[candidate] = price

            # Finished iterating on candidates! Time to pick our winner.

            minimum_price = min(total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate.itervalues())

            leading_candidates = [
                for candidate in total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate.iterkeys()
                if total_price_for_n_dasp_candidate[candidate] == minimum_price

            if len(leading_candidates) == 1:
                # We finished with one candidate which has the minimum price.
                # This is our winner.
                (winner, ) = leading_candidates
                n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = winner

                # We have a draw! We're gonna have to settle it by picking the
                # lowest candidate, because in our definition of "canonical
                # arguments profile", our second priority after "as few
                # characters as possible" is "as many keyword arguments as
                # possible".
                winner = leading_candidates[0]

            n_defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = winner

        # We have a winner! Now we know exactly which defaultful args should
        # be specified positionally and which should be specified by
        # keyword.

        # First we add the positionally specified:

        defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally = \
        self.args += tuple(
             for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args_to_specify_positionally))

        # Now we add those specified by keyword:

        defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword = filter(
        for defaultful_arg in defaultful_args_to_specify_by_keyword:
            self.kwargs[defaultful_arg] = getcallargs_result[defaultful_arg]

        # Phase 3: Add the star args:

        if s_star_args and getcallargs_result[s_star_args]:

            assert not self.kwargs
            # Just making sure that no non-star args were specified by keyword,
            # which would make it impossible for us to put stuff in `*args`.

            self.args += getcallargs_result[s_star_args]

        # Phase 4: Add the star kwargs:

        if s_star_kwargs and getcallargs_result[s_star_kwargs]:

            # We can't just add the `**kwargs` as is; we need to add them
            # according to canonical ordering. So we need to sort them first.

            unsorted_star_kwargs_names = \
            sorted_star_kwargs_names = sorted(

            sorted_star_kwargs = OrderedDict(


        # Our 4-phases algorithm is done! The argument profile is canonical.  #

        # Now a bit of post-processing:

        _arguments = OrderedDict()

        dict_of_positional_arguments = OrderedDict(
                lambda key, value: ((key not in self.kwargs) and \
                                    (key != s_star_args) and \
                                    (key != s_star_kwargs))

        if s_star_args:
            _arguments['*'] = getcallargs_result[s_star_args]


        self._arguments = _arguments
        '''Ordered dict of arguments, both positional- and keyword-.'''

        # Caching the hash, since its computation can take a long time:
        self._hash = cheat_hashing.cheat_hash(
            (self.function, self.args, tuple(self.kwargs)))
def get_address(obj, shorten=False, root=None, namespace={}):
    Get the address of a Python object.
    This only works for objects that have addresses, like modules, classes,
    functions, methods, etc. It usually doesn't work on instances created
    during the program. (e.g. `[1, 2]` doesn't have an address.)
    # todo: Support classes inside classes. Currently doesn't work because
    # Python doesn't tell us inside in which class an inner class was defined.
    # We'll probably have to do some kind of search.
    if not (isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType) or hasattr(obj, '__module__')):
        raise TypeError("`%s` is not a module, nor does it have a "
                        "`.__module__` attribute, therefore we can't get its "
                        "address." % (obj,))
    if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
        address = obj.__name__
    elif isinstance(obj, types.MethodType):
        address = '.'.join((obj.__module__, obj.__self__.__class__.__name__,
        address= '.'.join((obj.__module__, obj.__name__))

    # Now our attempt at an address is in `address`. Let's `try` to resolve
    # that address to see if it's right and we get the same object:        
        object_candidate = get_object_by_address(address)
    except Exception:
        confirmed_object_address = False 
        is_same_object = \
            (obj == object_candidate) if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType) \
            else (obj is object_candidate)
        confirmed_object_address = is_same_object
    if not confirmed_object_address:
        # We weren't able to confirm that the `address` we got is the correct
        # one for this object, so we won't even try to shorten it in any way,
        # just return what we got and hoped we didn't disappoint the user too
        # badly:
        return address

    assert confirmed_object_address is True
    # We confirmed we got the right `address`! Now we can try to shorten it
    # some, if the user specified so in the arguments:

    ### Shortening the address using `root` and/or `namespace`: ###############
    #                                                                         #
    if root or namespace:
        # Ensuring `root` and `namespace` are actual objects:
        if isinstance(root, str):
            root = get_object_by_address(root)            
        if isinstance(namespace, str):
            namespace = get_object_by_address(namespace)

        if namespace:
            (_useless, original_namespace_dict) = \
            def my_filter(key, value):
                name = getattr(value, '__name__', '')
                return isinstance(name, str) and name.endswith(key)

            namespace_dict = dict_tools.filter_items(
            namespace_dict_keys = list(namespace_dict.keys())
            namespace_dict_values = list(namespace_dict.values())
        # Split to address parts:
        address_parts = address.split('.')
        # e.g., `['garlicsim', 'misc', 'step_copy', 'StepCopy']`.
        heads = ['.'.join(address_parts[:i]) for i in
                 range(1, len(address_parts) + 1)]
        # `heads` is something like: `['garlicsim', 'garlicsim.misc',
        # 'garlicsim.misc.step_copy', 'garlicsim.misc.step_copy.StepCopy']`

        for head in reversed(heads):
            object_ = get_object_by_address(head)
            if root:
                if object_ is root:
                    root_short_name = root.__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
                    address = address.replace(head, root_short_name, 1)
            if namespace:
                if object_ in namespace_dict_values:
                    fitting_keys = [key for key in namespace_dict_keys if
                                    namespace_dict[key] is object_]
                    key = min(fitting_keys, key=len)
                    address = address.replace(head, key, 1)

    #                                                                         #
    ### Finshed shortening address using `root` and/or `namespace`. ###########

    # If user specified `shorten=True`, let the dedicated `shorten_address`
    # function drop redundant intermediate nodes:
    if shorten:
        address = shorten_address(address, root=root, namespace=namespace)
    # A little fix to avoid describing something like `list` as
    # `builtins.list`:
    if address.startswith('builtins.'):
        shorter_address = address.replace('builtins.', '', 1)
        if get_object_by_address(shorter_address) == obj:
            address = shorter_address

    return address