Пример #1
    def do_energy_calculation(self, organism, dictionary, key,
        Calculates the energy of an organism using VASP, and stores the relaxed
        organism in the provided dictionary at the provided key. If the
        calculation fails, stores None in the dictionary instead.

            organism: the Organism whose energy we want to calculate

            dictionary: a dictionary in which to store the relaxed Organism

            key: the key specifying where to store the relaxed Organism in the

            composition_space: the CompositionSpace of the search

        Precondition: the garun directory and temp subdirectory exist, and we
            are currently located inside the garun directory

        TODO: maybe use the custodian package for error handling

        # make the job directory
        job_dir_path = str(os.getcwd()) + '/temp/' + str(organism.id)

        # copy the INCAR and KPOINTS files to the job directory
        shutil.copy(self.incar_file, job_dir_path)
        shutil.copy(self.kpoints_file, job_dir_path)

        # sort the organism's cell and write to POSCAR file
        organism.cell.to(fmt='poscar', filename=job_dir_path + '/POSCAR')

        # get a list of the element symbols in the sorted order
        symbols = []
        for site in organism.cell.sites:
            if site.specie.symbol not in symbols:

        # write the POTCAR file by concatenating the appropriate elemental
        # POTCAR files
        total_potcar_path = job_dir_path + '/POTCAR'
        with open(total_potcar_path, 'w') as total_potcar_file:
            for symbol in symbols:
                with open(self.potcar_files[symbol], 'r') as potcar_file:
                    for line in potcar_file:

        # run 'callvasp' script as a subprocess to run VASP
        print('Starting VASP calculation on organism {} '.format(organism.id))
        devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
            subprocess.call(['callvasp', job_dir_path],
            print('Error running VASP on organism {} '.format(organism.id))
            dictionary[key] = None

        # parse the relaxed structure from the CONTCAR file
            relaxed_cell = Cell.from_file(job_dir_path + '/CONTCAR')
            print('Error reading structure of organism {} from CONTCAR '
                  'file '.format(organism.id))
            dictionary[key] = None

        # check if the VASP calculation converged
        converged = False
        with open(job_dir_path + '/OUTCAR') as f:
            for line in f:
                if 'reached' in line and 'required' in line and \
                        'accuracy' in line:
                    converged = True
        if not converged:
            print('VASP relaxation of organism {} did not converge '.format(
            dictionary[key] = None

        # parse the internal energy and pV (if needed) and compute the enthalpy
        pv = 0
        with open(job_dir_path + '/OUTCAR') as f:
            for line in f:
                if 'energy(sigma->0)' in line:
                    u = float(line.split()[-1])
                elif 'enthalpy' in line:
                    pv = float(line.split()[-1])
        enthalpy = u + pv

        organism.cell = relaxed_cell
        organism.total_energy = enthalpy
        organism.epa = enthalpy / organism.cell.num_sites
        print('Setting energy of organism {} to {} '
              'eV/atom '.format(organism.id, organism.epa))
        dictionary[key] = organism
Пример #2
    def get_relaxed_cell(self, gout):
        # Find the structure lines
        structure_lines = []
        cell_param_lines = []
        output_lines = gout.split("\n")
        no_lines = len(output_lines)
        i = 0
        # Compute the input lattice parameters
        while i < no_lines:
            line = output_lines[i]
            if "Full cell parameters" in line:
                i += 2
                line = output_lines[i]
                a = float(line.split()[8])
                alpha = float(line.split()[11])
                line = output_lines[i + 1]
                b = float(line.split()[8])
                beta = float(line.split()[11])
                line = output_lines[i + 2]
                c = float(line.split()[8])
                gamma = float(line.split()[11])
                i += 3
            elif "Cell parameters" in line:
                i += 2
                line = output_lines[i]
                a = float(line.split()[2])
                alpha = float(line.split()[5])
                line = output_lines[i + 1]
                b = float(line.split()[2])
                beta = float(line.split()[5])
                line = output_lines[i + 2]
                c = float(line.split()[2])
                gamma = float(line.split()[5])
                i += 3
                i += 1

        while i < no_lines:
            line = output_lines[i]
            if "Final fractional coordinates of atoms" in line or \
                    "Final asymmetric unit coordinates" in line:  # Ben's add
                # read the site coordinates in the following lines
                i += 6
                line = output_lines[i]
                while line[0:2] != '--':
                    i += 1
                    line = output_lines[i]
                    # read the cell parameters
                i += 9
                line = output_lines[i]
                if "Final cell parameters" in line:
                    i += 3
                    for del_i in range(6):
                        line = output_lines[i + del_i]
                i += 1

        # Process the structure lines
        if structure_lines:
            sp = []
            coords = []
            for line in structure_lines:
                fields = line.split()
                if fields[2] == 'c':
                    coords.append(list(float(x) for x in fields[3:6]))
            raise IOError("No structure found")

        if cell_param_lines:
            a = float(cell_param_lines[0].split()[1])
            b = float(cell_param_lines[1].split()[1])
            c = float(cell_param_lines[2].split()[1])
            alpha = float(cell_param_lines[3].split()[1])
            beta = float(cell_param_lines[4].split()[1])
            gamma = float(cell_param_lines[5].split()[1])
        latt = Lattice.from_parameters(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)

        return Cell(latt, sp, coords)
Пример #3
    def get_relaxed_cell(self, atom_dump_path, data_in_path, element_symbols):
        Parses the relaxed cell from the dump.atom file.

        Returns the relaxed cell as a Cell object.

            atom_dump_path: the path (as a string) to the dump.atom file

            in_data_path: the path (as a string) to the in.data file

            element_symbols: a tuple containing the set of chemical symbols of
                all the elements in the compositions space

        # read the dump.atom file as a list of strings
        with open(atom_dump_path, 'r') as atom_dump:
            lines = atom_dump.readlines()

        # get the lattice vectors
        a_data = lines[5].split()
        b_data = lines[6].split()
        c_data = lines[7].split()

        # parse the tilt factors
        xy = float(a_data[2])
        xz = float(b_data[2])
        yz = float(c_data[2])

        # parse the bounds
        xlo_bound = float(a_data[0])
        xhi_bound = float(a_data[1])
        ylo_bound = float(b_data[0])
        yhi_bound = float(b_data[1])
        zlo_bound = float(c_data[0])
        zhi_bound = float(c_data[1])

        # compute xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo and zhi according to the conversion
        # given by LAMMPS
        # http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/Section_howto.html#howto-12
        xlo = xlo_bound - min([0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz])
        xhi = xhi_bound - max([0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz])
        ylo = ylo_bound - min(0.0, yz)
        yhi = yhi_bound - max([0.0, yz])
        zlo = zlo_bound
        zhi = zhi_bound

        # construct a Lattice object from the lo's and hi's and tilts
        a = [xhi - xlo, 0.0, 0.0]
        b = [xy, yhi - ylo, 0.0]
        c = [xz, yz, zhi - zlo]
        relaxed_lattice = Lattice([a, b, c])

        # get the number of atoms
        num_atoms = int(lines[3])

        # get the atom types and their Cartesian coordinates
        types = []
        relaxed_cart_coords = []
        for i in range(num_atoms):
            atom_info = lines[9 + i].split()
                float(atom_info[2]) - xlo,
                float(atom_info[3]) - ylo,
                float(atom_info[4]) - zlo

        # read the atom types and corresponding atomic masses from in.data
        with open(data_in_path, 'r') as data_in:
            lines = data_in.readlines()
        types_masses = {}
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            if 'Masses' in lines[i]:
                for j in range(len(element_symbols)):
                    types_masses[int(lines[i + j + 2].split()[0])] = float(
                        lines[i + j + 2].split()[1])

        # map the atom types to chemical symbols
        types_symbols = {}
        for symbol in element_symbols:
            for atom_type in types_masses:
                # round the atomic masses to one decimal point for comparison
                if format(float(Element(symbol).atomic_mass),
                          '.1f') == format(types_masses[atom_type], '.1f'):
                    types_symbols[atom_type] = symbol

        # make a list of chemical symbols (one for each site)
        relaxed_symbols = []
        for atom_type in types:

        return Cell(relaxed_lattice,