def arcg_area(polyTbl, lulcNomenclature, UPPER=True): """ Select Features with area upper than """ from gasp.osm2lulc.utils import osm_features_by_rule from gasp.cpu.arcg.anls.exct import select_by_attr from gasp.cpu.arcg.mng.fld import add_geom_attr from gasp.cpu.arcg.mng.gen import delete from gasp.mng.genze import dissolve from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count KEY_COL = DB_SCHEMA["OSM_FEATURES"]["OSM_KEY"] VALUE_COL = DB_SCHEMA["OSM_FEATURES"]["OSM_VALUE"] LULC_COL = DB_SCHEMA[lulcNomenclature]["CLS_FK"] RULE_COL = DB_SCHEMA[lulcNomenclature]["RULES_FIELDS"]["AREA"] # Get OSM Features to be selected for this rule __serv = 'area_upper' if UPPER else 'area_lower' osmToSelect = osm_features_by_rule(lulcNomenclature, __serv) operator = " > " if UPPER else " < " osmToSelect[VALUE_COL] = "(" + osmToSelect[KEY_COL] + "='" + \ osmToSelect[VALUE_COL] + "' AND shp_area" + operator + \ osmToSelect[RULE_COL].astype(str) + ")" lulcCls = osmToSelect[LULC_COL].unique() clsVect = {} WORK = os.path.dirname(polyTbl) for cls in lulcCls: # Select and Export filterDf = osmToSelect[osmToSelect[LULC_COL] == cls] fShp = select_by_attr( polyTbl, str(filterDf[VALUE_COL]" OR ")), os.path.join(WORK, "{}_{}".format(__serv, str(cls)))) if not feat_count(fShp, gisApi='arcpy'): continue # Dissolve dissShp = dissolve(fShp, os.path.join(WORK, "{}_d_{}".format(__serv, str(cls))), "OBJECTID", geomMultiPart=None, api='arcpy') if not feat_count(dissShp, gisApi='arcpy'): continue clsVect[int(cls)] = dissShp delete(fShp) return clsVect
def download_by_boundary(input_boundary, output_osm, epsg, area_threshold=None, GetUrl=True): """ Download data from OSM using a bounding box """ import os from decimal import Decimal from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count from gasp.prop.ext import get_extent from gasp.web import get_file # Check number of features number_feat = feat_count(input_boundary) if number_feat != 1: raise ValueError( ('Your boundary has more than one feature. ' 'Only feature classes with one feature are allowed.')) # Check boundary area if area_threshold: from gasp.cpu.gdl import area_to_dic d_area = area_to_dic(input_boundary) if d_area[0] > area_threshold: raise ValueError('{} has more than than {} square meters'.format( os.path.basename(input_boundary), str(area_threshold))) # Get boundary extent left, right, bottom, top = get_extent(input_boundary, gisApi='ogr') if epsg != 4326: from import create_point from gasp.mng.prj import project_geom bottom_left = project_geom(create_point(left, bottom, api='ogr'), epsg, 4326, api='ogr') top_right = project_geom(create_point(right, top, api='ogr'), epsg, 4326, api='ogr') left, bottom = bottom_left.GetX(), bottom_left.GetY() right, top = top_right.GetX(), top_right.GetY() bbox_str = ','.join([str(left), str(bottom), str(right), str(top)]) url = "{box}".format(box=bbox_str) if GetUrl: return url osm_file = get_file(url, output_osm) return output_osm
def del_empty_files(folder, file_format): """ List all feature classes in a folder and del the files with 0 features """ from gasp.oss import list_files from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count fc = list_files(folder, file_format=file_format) for shp in fc: feat_number = feat_count(shp, gisApi='arcpy') if not feat_number: delete(shp)
def splitShp_by_range(shp, nrFeat, outFolder): """ Split one feature class by range """ import os from gasp.oss import get_filename, get_fileformat from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count from gasp.mng.fld import lst_fld from gasp.anls.exct import sel_by_attr rowsN = feat_count(shp, gisApi='ogr') nrShp = int(rowsN / float(nrFeat)) + 1 if nrFeat != rowsN else 1 fields = lst_fld(shp) offset = 0 exportedShp = [] for i in range(nrShp): outShp = sel_by_attr( shp, "SELECT {cols}, geometry FROM {t} ORDER BY {cols} LIMIT {l} OFFSET {o}" .format(t=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(shp))[0], l=str(nrFeat), o=str(offset), cols=", ".join(fields)), os.path.join( outFolder, "{}_{}{}".format(get_filename(shp, forceLower=True), str(i), get_fileformat(shp))), api_gis='ogr') exportedShp.append(outShp) offset += nrFeat return exportedShp
def download_by_boundary(input_boundary, output_osm, epsg, GetUrl=True): """ Download data from OSM using a bounding box """ import os from osgeo import ogr from gasp.web import get_file from gasp.oss import get_fileformat, get_filename if type(input_boundary) == dict: if 'top' in input_boundary and 'bottom' in input_boundary \ and 'left' in input_boundary and 'right' in input_boundary: left, right, bottom, top = (input_boundary['left'], input_boundary['right'], input_boundary['bottom'], input_boundary['top']) else: raise ValueError( ('input_boundary is a dict but the keys are not correct. ' 'Please use left, right, top and bottom as keys')) elif type(input_boundary) == list: if len(input_boundary) == 4: left, right, bottom, top = input_boundary else: raise ValueError( ('input boundary is a list with more than 4 objects. ' 'The list should be like: ' 'l = [left, right, bottom, top]')) elif type(input_boundary) == ogr.Geometry: # Check if we have a polygon geom_name = input_boundary.GetGeometryName() if geom_name == 'POLYGON' or geom_name == 'MULTIPOLYGON': # Get polygon extent left, right, bottom, top = input_boundary.GetEnvelope() else: raise ValueError(('Your boundary is a non POLYGON ogr Geometry ')) else: # Assuming input boundary is a file #Check if file exists if not os.path.exists(input_boundary): raise ValueError( ("Sorry, but the file {} does not exist inside the folder {}!" ).format(os.path.basename(input_boundary), os.path.dirname(input_boundary))) # Check if is a raster from gasp.prop.ff import check_isRaster isRst = check_isRaster(input_boundary) if isRst: from gasp.prop.ext import rst_ext # Get raster extent left, right, bottom, top = rst_ext(input_boundary) else: from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count from gasp.prop.ext import get_extent # Check number of features number_feat = feat_count(input_boundary, gisApi='ogr') if number_feat != 1: raise ValueError( ('Your boundary has more than one feature. ' 'Only feature classes with one feature are allowed.')) # Get boundary extent left, right, bottom, top = get_extent(input_boundary, gisApi='ogr') if epsg != 4326: from import create_point from gasp.mng.prj import project_geom bottom_left = project_geom(create_point(left, bottom, api='ogr'), epsg, 4326, api='ogr') top_right = project_geom(create_point(right, top, api='ogr'), epsg, 4326, api='ogr') left, bottom = bottom_left.GetX(), bottom_left.GetY() right, top = top_right.GetX(), top_right.GetY() bbox_str = ','.join([str(left), str(bottom), str(right), str(top)]) url = "{box}".format(box=bbox_str) if GetUrl: return url if get_fileformat(output_osm) != '.xml': output_osm = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output_osm), get_filename(output_osm) + '.xml') osm_file = get_file(url, output_osm) return output_osm
def conditional_dependence(movs, indp): """ Estimate conditional dependence between several rasters """ import math from decimal import Decimal from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count from gasp.prop.rst import get_cellsize, count_cells from gasp.stats.rst import frequencies def foundPredT(dic): PredT = 0.0 for value in dic.keys(): count = dic[value] PredT += (float(value) * count) return PredT def foundTStd(dic, c): TVar = 0.0 for value in dic.keys(): count = dic[value] TVar += (float(value) * count * c)**2 TStd = math.sqrt(TVar) return TStd def calcCondIndp(Z): pi = math.pi const6 = 0.2316419 b1 = 0.31938153 b2 = -0.356563782 b3 = 1.781477937 b4 = -1.821255978 b5 = 1.330274429 Z = float(Z) X = Z if X < 0.0: X = -Z t = 1.0 / (const6 * X + 1.0) pid = 2.0 * pi XX = -X * X / 2.0 XX = math.exp(XX) / math.sqrt(pid) PZ = (b1 * t) + (b2 * t * t) + (b3 * (t**3)) + (b4 * (t**4)) + (b5 * (t**5)) PZ = 1.0 - (PZ * XX) if Z < 0: PZ = 1.0 - PZ return PZ # Count phenomena ocorrences - total number of landslides ExpNumTP = Decimal(feat_count(movs, gisApi='ogr')) # Count the number of cell raster NrCell = count_cells(indp[0]) # Get Cellsize of the raster's cellsize = Decimal(get_cellsize(indp[0], gisApi='gdal')) # Calculate UnitArea area_km = Decimal(((cellsize * cellsize) * NrCell) / 1000000.0) UnitArea = Decimal((area_km / ExpNumTP) / 40.0) ConvFac = Decimal((cellsize**2) / 1000000.0 / UnitArea) # Count the number of times that one class has representation in the raster; put this associations in a ditionary sudoDic = {var: frequencies(var) for var in indp} # Calculate Conditional Dependence nr = 1 for rst in indp: l_overall = {} l_ric = {} l_tac = {} # Calculate PredT PredT = foundPredT(sudoDic[rst]) PredT *= ConvFac for _rst_ in indp: # Calculate TStd TStd = foundTStd(sudoDic[_rst_], ConvFac) TS = (PredT - ExpNumTP) / TStd n = ExpNumTP T = PredT P = calcCondIndp(TS) * 100.0 if P > 50.0: overallCI = 100.0 * (100.0 - P) / 50.0 else: overallCI = 100.0 * (100.0 - (50.0 + (50.0 - P))) / 50.0 l_overall[(rst, _rst_)] = "%.2f" % overallCI ric = n / T l_ric[(rst, _rst_)] = "%.2f" % ric l_tac[(rst, _rst_)] = "%.2f" % P nr += 1 return {'OVERALL': l_overall, 'RIC': l_ric, 'TAC': l_tac}
def prod_matrix(origins, destinations, networkGrs, speedLimitCol, onewayCol, thrdId="1", asCmd=None): """ Get Matrix Distance: """ from import shp_to_grs from gasp.cpu.grs.mng import category from gasp.anls.exct import sel_by_attr from gasp.mng.grstbl import add_field, add_table, update_table from gasp.mob.grstbx import network_from_arcs from gasp.mob.grstbx import add_pnts_to_network from gasp.mob.grstbx import run_allpairs from gasp.cpu.grs.mng.feat import geomattr_to_db from gasp.cpu.grs.mng.feat import copy_insame_vector from gasp.mng.gen import merge_feat from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count # Merge Origins and Destinations into the same Feature Class ORIGINS_NFEAT = feat_count(origins, gisApi='pandas') DESTINATIONS_NFEAT = feat_count(destinations, gisApi='pandas') ORIGINS_DESTINATIONS = merge_feat([origins, destinations], os.path.join( os.path.dirname(origins), "points_od_{}.shp".format(thrdId)), api='pandas') pointsGrs = shp_to_grs(ORIGINS_DESTINATIONS, "points_od_{}".format(thrdId), asCMD=asCmd) # Connect Points to Network newNetwork = add_pnts_to_network(networkGrs, pointsGrs, "rdv_points_{}".format(thrdId), asCMD=asCmd) # Sanitize Network Table and Cost Columns newNetwork = category(newNetwork, "rdv_points_time_{}".format(thrdId), "add", LyrN="3", geomType="line", asCMD=asCmd) add_table(newNetwork, ("cat integer,kph double precision,length double precision," "ft_minutes double precision," "tf_minutes double precision,oneway text"), lyrN=3, asCMD=asCmd) copy_insame_vector(newNetwork, "kph", speedLimitCol, 3, geomType="line", asCMD=asCmd) copy_insame_vector(newNetwork, "oneway", onewayCol, 3, geomType="line", asCMD=asCmd) geomattr_to_db(newNetwork, "length", "length", "line", createCol=False, unit="meters", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) update_table(newNetwork, "kph", "3.6", "kph IS NULL", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) update_table(newNetwork, "kph", "3.6", "oneway = 'N'", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) update_table(newNetwork, "ft_minutes", "(length * 60) / (kph * 1000.0)", "ft_minutes IS NULL", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) update_table(newNetwork, "tf_minutes", "(length * 60) / (kph * 1000.0)", "tf_minutes IS NULL", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) # Exagerate Oneway's update_table(newNetwork, "ft_minutes", "1000", "oneway = 'TF'", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) update_table(newNetwork, "tf_minutes", "1000", "oneway = 'FT'", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) # Produce matrix matrix = run_allpairs(newNetwork, "ft_minutes", "tf_minutes", 'result_{}'.format(thrdId), arcLyr=3, nodeLyr=2, asCMD=asCmd) # Exclude unwanted OD Pairs q = "({}) AND ({})".format( " OR ".join( ["from_cat={}".format(str(i + 1)) for i in range(ORIGINS_NFEAT)]), " OR ".join([ "to_cat={}".format(str(ORIGINS_NFEAT + i + 1)) for i in range(DESTINATIONS_NFEAT) ])) matrix_sel = sel_by_attr(matrix, q, "sel_{}".format(matrix), geomType="line", lyrN=3, asCMD=asCmd) add_field(matrix_sel, "from_fid", "INTEGER", lyrN=3, asCMD=asCmd) add_field(matrix_sel, "to_fid", "INTEGER", lyrN=3, asCMD=asCmd) update_table(matrix_sel, "from_fid", "from_cat - 1", "from_fid IS NULL", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) update_table(matrix_sel, "to_fid", "to_cat - {} - 1".format(str(ORIGINS_NFEAT)), "to_fid IS NULL", lyrN=3, ascmd=asCmd) return matrix_sel
def distance_between_catpoints(srcShp, facilitiesShp, networkShp, speedLimitCol, onewayCol, grsWorkspace, grsLocation, outputShp): """ Path bet points TODO: Work with files with cat """ import os from gasp.oss import get_filename from gasp.session import run_grass from gasp.mng.gen import merge_feat from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count # Merge Source points and Facilities into the same Feature Class SRC_NFEAT = feat_count(srcShp, gisApi='pandas') FACILITY_NFEAT = feat_count(facilitiesShp, gisApi='pandas') POINTS = merge_feat([srcShp, facilitiesShp], os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outputShp), "points_net.shp"), api='pandas') # Open an GRASS GIS Session gbase = run_grass(grsWorkspace, grassBIN="grass76", location=grsLocation, srs=networkShp) import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gbase, grsWorkspace, grsLocation, 'PERMANENT') # Import GRASS GIS Module from import shp_to_grs from import grs_to_shp from gasp.cpu.grs.mng import category from gasp.mng.grstbl import add_field, add_table, update_table from gasp.mob.grstbx import network_from_arcs from gasp.mob.grstbx import add_pnts_to_network from gasp.mob.grstbx import netpath from gasp.cpu.grs.mng.feat import geomattr_to_db from gasp.cpu.grs.mng.feat import copy_insame_vector # Add Data to GRASS GIS rdvMain = shp_to_grs(networkShp, get_filename(networkShp, forceLower=True)) pntShp = shp_to_grs(POINTS, "points_net") """Get closest facility layer:""" # Connect Points to Network newNetwork = add_pnts_to_network(rdvMain, pntShp, "rdv_points") # Sanitize Network Table and Cost Columns newNetwork = category(newNetwork, "rdv_points_time", "add", LyrN="3", geomType="line") add_table(newNetwork, ("cat integer,kph double precision,length double precision," "ft_minutes double precision," "tf_minutes double precision,oneway text"), lyrN=3) copy_insame_vector(newNetwork, "kph", speedLimitCol, 3, geomType="line") copy_insame_vector(newNetwork, "oneway", onewayCol, 3, geomType="line") geomattr_to_db(newNetwork, "length", "length", "line", createCol=False, unit="meters", lyrN=3) update_table(newNetwork, "kph", "3.6", "kph IS NULL", lyrN=3) update_table(newNetwork, "ft_minutes", "(length * 60) / (kph * 1000.0)", "ft_minutes IS NULL", lyrN=3) update_table(newNetwork, "tf_minutes", "(length * 60) / (kph * 1000.0)", "tf_minutes IS NULL", lyrN=3) # Exagerate Oneway's update_table(newNetwork, "ft_minutes", "1000", "oneway = 'TF'", lyrN=3) update_table(newNetwork, "tf_minutes", "1000", "oneway = 'FT'", lyrN=3) # Produce result result = netpath(newNetwork, "ft_minutes", "tf_minutes", get_filename(outputShp), arcLyr=3, nodeLyr=2) return grs_to_shp(result, outputShp, geomType="line", lyrN=3)
def arcg_buffering(lineTbl, nomenclature): """ Create a beautiful buffer from osm line features """ from gasp.osm2lulc.utils import osm_features_by_rule from gasp.cpu.arcg.anls.exct import select_by_attr from import _buffer from gasp.cpu.arcg.mng.gen import delete from gasp.prop.feat import feat_count KEY_COL = DB_SCHEMA["OSM_FEATURES"]["OSM_KEY"] VALUE_COL = DB_SCHEMA["OSM_FEATURES"]["OSM_VALUE"] LULC_COL = DB_SCHEMA[nomenclature]["CLS_FK"] BF_COL = DB_SCHEMA[nomenclature]["RULES_FIELDS"]["BUFFER"] # Get OSM Features to be selected for this rule osmToSelect = osm_features_by_rule(nomenclature, 'basic_buffer') osmToSelect[VALUE_COL] = osmToSelect[KEY_COL] + "='" + \ osmToSelect[VALUE_COL] + "'" # Get LULC Classes to be selected lulcCls = osmToSelect[LULC_COL].unique() resCls = {} WORK = os.path.dirname(lineTbl) for cls in lulcCls: filterDf = osmToSelect[osmToSelect[LULC_COL] == cls] # Get distances for this cls distances = filterDf[BF_COL].unique() for dist in distances: __filter = filterDf[filterDf[BF_COL] == dist] fShp = select_by_attr( lineTbl, str(__filter[VALUE_COL]" OR ")), os.path.join(WORK, "buf_{}_{}".format(str(cls), str(int(dist))))) if not feat_count(fShp, gisApi='arcpy'): continue bfShp = _buffer(fShp, str(dist).replace('.', ','), os.path.join( WORK, "bufbf_{}_{}".format( str(cls), str(dist).replace(".", "_"))), api='arcpy', dissolve="ALL") if cls not in resCls: resCls[int(cls)] = [bfShp] else: resCls[int(cls)].append(bfShp) delete(fShp) return resCls