Пример #1
 def ungroup(i, j, k):  # Helper function for applyTriple
     From the previously grouped position, swap each qubit back
     to its respective initial position, indices I, J, K.
     l = j - 1
     m = j + 1
     while ((l != i) and (m != j)):
         actions = [g.eye(1) for i in range(self.numQubits - 4)]
         actions.insert(l - 2, swap())
         actions.insert(m - 2, swap())
         matrix = g.produceMatrix(actions)
         l = l - 1
         m = m + 1
     if ((l == i) and (m == j)):
     elif ((l == i) and (m < j)):
         while (m < j):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [m, m + 1])
             m = m + 1
         while (l > i):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [l - 1, l])
             l = l - 1
Пример #2
 def applyDouble(func, lst):
     Applies the two qubit gate designated by FUNC
     onto the qubits at position Q1 and Q2, in that order.
     Note that our "lifting" method only works for adjacent qubits.
     Thus, we must do a sequence of swaps before applying our gate,
     and then perform those swaps in reverse order.
     q1 = lst[0]
     q2 = lst[1]
     if q2 == q1 + 1:
         actions = [g.eye(1) for i in range(self.numQubits - 2)]
         actions.insert(q1 - 1, func())
         matrix = g.produceMatrix(actions)
     elif q2 > q1 + 1:
         applyDouble(g.swap, [q2 - 1, q2])
         applyDouble(func, [q1, q2 - 1])
         applyDouble(g.swap, [q2 - 1, q2])
     elif q2 == q1 - 1:
         applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q1])
         applyDouble(func, [q2, q1])
         applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q1])
     elif q2 < q1:
         applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q2 + 1])
         applyDouble(func, [q1, q2 + 1])
         applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q2 + 1])
Пример #3
 def applySingle(func, lst):
     Applies the single qubit gate designated by FUNC
     onto the qubits ennumerated in LST.
     Note that produceMatrix "lifts" single qubit gates to represent 
     a tensor product of operations onto every qubit in the register.
     actions = [
         func() if i + 1 in lst else g.eye(1)
         for i in range(self.numQubits)
     matrix = g.produceMatrix(actions)
Пример #4
 def group(i, j, k):  # Helper function for applyTriple
     Moves qubits at positions I, J, K until they are adjacent.
     while ((i != j - 1) and (k != j + 1)):
         actions = [g.eye(1) for i in range(self.numQubits - 4)]
         actions.insert(i - 1, swap())
         actions.insert(k - 3, swap())
         matrix = g.produceMatrix(actions)
         i = i + 1
         k = k - 1
     if ((i == j - 1) and (k == j + 1)):
     elif ((i == j - 1) and (k > j + 1)):
         while (k != j + 1):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [k - 1, k])
             k = k - 1
         while (i != j - 1):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [i, i + 1])
             i = i + 1
Пример #5
    def measure(self, qstr, lst=None, sampling=False):
        QSTR is the string representing measurements to be done on each
        qubit. 'Z' is a standard basis measurement, 'X' is a Hadamard
        basis measurement, 'Y' is a measurement in the Y basis states,
        and 'I' is the identity (i.e. no measurement on that qubit).
        def generateLst(measureNum):
            Generates a list of strings, composed of '0' and '1' chars,
            that represent all the permutations of MEASURENUM bits,
            in binary number order. 
            stringLst = ['0' * measureNum]
            count = 1
            while (count < 2**measureNum):
                addedOne = False
                prevString = stringLst[count - 1]
                toAddString = ''
                while (len(toAddString) < measureNum):
                    innerCount = len(toAddString)
                    if addedOne:
                        prepend = prevString[:(measureNum - innerCount)]
                        toAddString = prepend + toAddString
                        if prevString[measureNum - innerCount - 1] == '0':
                            toAddString = '1' + toAddString
                            addedOne = True
                            toAddString = '0' + toAddString
                count += 1
            return stringLst

        qstr = ''.join(qstr.split())
        qstr = qstr.upper()
        num = qstr.count('X') + qstr.count('Y') + qstr.count('Z')
        if lst is None:
            lst = generateLst(num)
        final = ''
        tryOp = r.randint(0, 2**num - 1)
        measured = False
        while not measured:
            guide = lst[tryOp]
            if isinstance(guide, str):
                index = 0
                matrixLst = []
                for i in range(self.numQubits):
                    if qstr[i] == 'X':
                        if guide[index] == '0':
                            index += 1
                            final = final + '|+>'
                            index += 1
                            final = final + '|->'
                    elif qstr[i] == 'Y':
                        if guide[index] == '0':
                            index += 1
                            final = final + '|i>'
                            index += 1
                            final = final + '|-i>'
                    elif qstr[i] == 'Z':
                        if guide[index] == '0':
                            index += 1
                            final = final + '|0>'
                            index += 1
                            final = final + '|1>'
                        final = final + '|psi_' + str(i + 1) + '>'
                measureMatrix = g.produceMatrix(matrixLst)
                collapsed = measureMatrix @ self.amplitudes
                lst[tryOp] = (collapsed, final)
                ampnorm = la.norm(collapsed)
                prob = (ampnorm)**2
                spinner = r.random()
                if spinner <= prob:
                    for i in range(2**self.numQubits):
                        collapsed[i] = collapsed[i] / ampnorm
                    self.amplitudes = collapsed
                    measured = True
                    if sampling:
                        return final, lst
                    return final
                    tryOp = r.randint(0, 2**num - 1)
                    final = ''

                collapsed = guide[0]
                ampnorm = la.norm(collapsed)
                prob = (ampnorm)**2
                spinner = r.random()
                if r.random() <= prob:
                    for i in range(2**self.numQubits):
                        collapsed[i] = collapsed[i] / ampnorm
                    self.amplitudes = collapsed
                    measured = True
                    if sampling:
                        return guide[1], lst
                    return guide[1]
                    tryOp = r.randint(0, 2**num - 1)
Пример #6
 def applyTriple(func, lst):
     Applies the three qubit gate designated by FUNC
     onto the qubits at positions Q1, Q2, and Q3 in that order.
     q1 = lst[0]
     q2 = lst[1]
     q3 = lst[2]
     if ((q2 == q1 + 1) and (q3 == q2 + 1)):
         actions = [g.eye(1) for i in range(self.numQubits - 3)]
         actions.insert(q1 - 1, func())
         matrix = g.produceMatrix(actions)
     elif (abs(q3 - q2) + abs(q2 - q1) <= 3):
         if ((q3 == q1 + 1) and (q2 == q3 + 1)):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q2])
             applyTriple(func, [q1, q3, q2])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q2])
         elif ((q3 == q2 + 1) and (q1 == q3 + 1)):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q1])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q3])
             applyTriple(func, [q2, q3, q1])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q3])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q1])
         elif ((q1 == q2 + 1) and (q3 == q1 + 1)):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q1])
             applyTriple(func, [q2, q1, q3])
             applyDouble(g.swqp, [q2, q1])
         elif ((q2 == q3 + 1) and (q1 == q2 + 1)):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q2])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q1])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q2])
             applyTriple(func, [q3, q2, q1])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q2])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q2, q1])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q2])
         elif ((q1 == q3 + 1) and (q2 == q1 + 1)):
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q1])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q1, q2])
             applyTriple(func, [q3, q1, q2])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q1, q2])
             applyDouble(g.swap, [q3, q1])
         if ((q1 < q2) and (q2 < q3)):
             group(q1, q2, q3)
             applyTriple(func, [q2 - 1, q2, q2 + 1])
             ungroup(q1, q2, q3)
         elif ((q1 < q3) and (q3 < q2)):
             group(q1, q3, q2)
             applyTriple(func, [q3 - 1, q3 + 1, q3])
             ungroup(q1, q3, q2)
         elif ((q2 < q1) and (q1 < q3)):
             group(q2, q1, q3)
             applyTriple(func, [q1, q1 - 1, q1 + 1])
             ungroup(q2, q1, q3)
         elif ((q2 < q3) and (q3 < q1)):
             group(q2, q3, q1)
             applyTriple(func, [q3 + 1, q3 - 1, q3])
             ungroup(q2, q3, q1)
         elif ((q3 < q1) and (q1 < q2)):
             group(q3, q1, q2)
             applyTriple(func, [q1, q1 + 1, q1 - 1])
             ungroup(q3, q1, q2)
         elif ((q3 < q2) and (q2 < q1)):
             group(q3, q2, q1)
             applyTriple(func, [q2 + 1, q2, q2 - 1])
             ungroup(q3, q2, q1)