def processSingleJob(jobNum, output): output.init(jobNum) job = jobDB.get(jobNum) # Only run over finished and not yet downloaded jobs if job.state != Job.SUCCESS: output.error('Job has not yet finished successfully!') return incInfo('Processing') if job.get('download') == 'True' and not opts.markIgnoreDL: if not opts.threads: output.error('All files already downloaded!') return incInfo('Downloaded') retry = int(job.get('download attempt', 0)) failJob = False if not token.canSubmit(20*60, True): sys.stderr.write('Please renew access token!') sys.exit(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE) # Read the file hash entries from job info file files = FileInfoProcessor().process(os.path.join(workDir, 'output', 'job_%d' % jobNum)) if files: files = map(lambda fi: (fi[FileInfoProcessor.Hash], fi[FileInfoProcessor.NameLocal], fi[FileInfoProcessor.NameDest], fi[FileInfoProcessor.Path]), files) output.files(files) if not files: if opts.markEmptyFailed: failJob = True else: return incInfo('Job without output files') for (fileIdx, fileInfo) in enumerate(files): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = fileInfo output.file(fileIdx) # Copy files to local folder outFilePath = os.path.join(opts.output, name_dest) if opts.selectSE: if not (True in map(lambda s: s in pathSE, opts.selectSE)): output.error('skip file because it is not located on selected SE!') return if opts.skipExisting and (storage.se_exists(outFilePath) == 0): output.error('skip file as it already exists!') return if storage.se_exists(os.path.dirname(outFilePath)).wait() != 0: storage.se_mkdir(os.path.dirname(outFilePath)).wait() checkPath = 'file:///tmp/dlfs.%s' % name_dest if 'file://' in outFilePath: checkPath = outFilePath def monitorFile(path, lock, abort): path = path.replace('file://', '') (csize, osize, stime, otime, lttime) = (0, 0, time.time(), time.time(), time.time()) while not lock.acquire(False): # Loop until monitor lock is available if csize != osize: lttime = time.time() if time.time() - lttime > 5*60: # No size change in the last 5min! output.error('Transfer timeout!') abort.acquire() break if os.path.exists(path): csize = os.path.getsize(path) output.file(fileIdx, csize, osize, stime, otime) (osize, otime) = (csize, time.time()) else: stime = time.time() time.sleep(0.1) lock.release() copyAbortLock = threading.Lock() monitorLock = threading.Lock() monitorLock.acquire() monitor = utils.gcStartThread('Download monitor %s' % jobNum, monitorFile, checkPath, monitorLock, copyAbortLock) result = -1 procCP = storage.se_copy(os.path.join(pathSE, name_dest), outFilePath, tmp = checkPath) while True: if not copyAbortLock.acquire(False): monitor.join() break copyAbortLock.release() result = procCP.poll() if result != -1: monitorLock.release() monitor.join() break time.sleep(0.02) if result != 0: output.error('Unable to copy file from SE!') output.error(procCP.getMessage()) failJob = True break # Verify => compute md5hash if opts.verify: try: hashLocal = md5sum(checkPath.replace('file://', '')) if not ('file://' in outFilePath): dlfs_rm('file://%s' % checkPath, 'SE file') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: hashLocal = None output.hash(fileIdx, hashLocal) if hash != hashLocal: failJob = True else: output.hash(fileIdx) # Ignore the first opts.retry number of failed jobs if failJob and opts.retry and (retry < opts.retry): output.error('Download attempt #%d failed!' % (retry + 1)) job.set('download attempt', str(retry + 1)) jobDB.commit(jobNum, job) return incInfo('Download attempts') for (fileIdx, fileInfo) in enumerate(files): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = fileInfo # Remove downloaded files in case of failure if (failJob and opts.rmLocalFail) or (not failJob and opts.rmLocalOK): output.status(fileIdx, 'Deleting file %s from local...' % name_dest) outFilePath = os.path.join(opts.output, name_dest) if storage.se_exists(outFilePath).wait() == 0: dlfs_rm(outFilePath, 'local file') # Remove SE files in case of failure if (failJob and opts.rmSEFail) or (not failJob and opts.rmSEOK): output.status(fileIdx, 'Deleting file %s...' % name_dest) dlfs_rm(os.path.join(pathSE, name_dest), 'SE file') output.status(fileIdx, None) if failJob: incInfo('Failed downloads') if opts.markFailed: # Mark job as failed to trigger resubmission job.state = Job.FAILED else: incInfo('Successful download') if opts.markDL: # Mark as downloaded job.set('download', 'True') # Save new job status infos jobDB.commit(jobNum, job) output.finish() time.sleep(float(opts.slowdown))
def realmain(opts, args): config = gcSupport.getConfig(configDict = {'access': {'ignore warnings': 'True'}}) token = AccessToken.getInstance(opts.token, config, 'access', OSLayer.create(config)) (workDir, config, jobDB) = gcSupport.initGC(args) jobList = jobDB.getJobs(ClassSelector(JobClass.SUCCESS)) # Create SE output dir if not opts.output: opts.output = os.path.join(workDir, 'se_output') if '://' not in opts.output: opts.output = 'file:///%s' % os.path.abspath(opts.output) infos = {} def incInfo(x): infos[x] = infos.get(x, 0) + 1 def processSingleJob(jobNum, output): output.init(jobNum) job = jobDB.get(jobNum) # Only run over finished and not yet downloaded jobs if job.state != Job.SUCCESS: output.error('Job has not yet finished successfully!') return incInfo('Processing') if job.get('download') == 'True' and not opts.markIgnoreDL: if not opts.threads: output.error('All files already downloaded!') return incInfo('Downloaded') retry = int(job.get('download attempt', 0)) failJob = False if not token.canSubmit(20*60, True): sys.stderr.write('Please renew access token!') sys.exit(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE) # Read the file hash entries from job info file files = FileInfoProcessor().process(os.path.join(workDir, 'output', 'job_%d' % jobNum)) if files: files = map(lambda fi: (fi[FileInfoProcessor.Hash], fi[FileInfoProcessor.NameLocal], fi[FileInfoProcessor.NameDest], fi[FileInfoProcessor.Path]), files) output.files(files) if not files: if opts.markEmptyFailed: failJob = True else: return incInfo('Job without output files') for (fileIdx, fileInfo) in enumerate(files): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = fileInfo output.file(fileIdx) # Copy files to local folder outFilePath = os.path.join(opts.output, name_dest) if opts.selectSE: if not (True in map(lambda s: s in pathSE, opts.selectSE)): output.error('skip file because it is not located on selected SE!') return if opts.skipExisting and (storage.se_exists(outFilePath) == 0): output.error('skip file as it already exists!') return if storage.se_exists(os.path.dirname(outFilePath)).wait() != 0: storage.se_mkdir(os.path.dirname(outFilePath)).wait() checkPath = 'file:///tmp/dlfs.%s' % name_dest if 'file://' in outFilePath: checkPath = outFilePath def monitorFile(path, lock, abort): path = path.replace('file://', '') (csize, osize, stime, otime, lttime) = (0, 0, time.time(), time.time(), time.time()) while not lock.acquire(False): # Loop until monitor lock is available if csize != osize: lttime = time.time() if time.time() - lttime > 5*60: # No size change in the last 5min! output.error('Transfer timeout!') abort.acquire() break if os.path.exists(path): csize = os.path.getsize(path) output.file(fileIdx, csize, osize, stime, otime) (osize, otime) = (csize, time.time()) else: stime = time.time() time.sleep(0.1) lock.release() copyAbortLock = threading.Lock() monitorLock = threading.Lock() monitorLock.acquire() monitor = utils.gcStartThread('Download monitor %s' % jobNum, monitorFile, checkPath, monitorLock, copyAbortLock) result = -1 procCP = storage.se_copy(os.path.join(pathSE, name_dest), outFilePath, tmp = checkPath) while True: if not copyAbortLock.acquire(False): monitor.join() break copyAbortLock.release() result = procCP.poll() if result != -1: monitorLock.release() monitor.join() break time.sleep(0.02) if result != 0: output.error('Unable to copy file from SE!') output.error(procCP.getMessage()) failJob = True break # Verify => compute md5hash if opts.verify: try: hashLocal = md5sum(checkPath.replace('file://', '')) if not ('file://' in outFilePath): dlfs_rm('file://%s' % checkPath, 'SE file') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: hashLocal = None output.hash(fileIdx, hashLocal) if hash != hashLocal: failJob = True else: output.hash(fileIdx) # Ignore the first opts.retry number of failed jobs if failJob and opts.retry and (retry < opts.retry): output.error('Download attempt #%d failed!' % (retry + 1)) job.set('download attempt', str(retry + 1)) jobDB.commit(jobNum, job) return incInfo('Download attempts') for (fileIdx, fileInfo) in enumerate(files): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = fileInfo # Remove downloaded files in case of failure if (failJob and opts.rmLocalFail) or (not failJob and opts.rmLocalOK): output.status(fileIdx, 'Deleting file %s from local...' % name_dest) outFilePath = os.path.join(opts.output, name_dest) if storage.se_exists(outFilePath).wait() == 0: dlfs_rm(outFilePath, 'local file') # Remove SE files in case of failure if (failJob and opts.rmSEFail) or (not failJob and opts.rmSEOK): output.status(fileIdx, 'Deleting file %s...' % name_dest) dlfs_rm(os.path.join(pathSE, name_dest), 'SE file') output.status(fileIdx, None) if failJob: incInfo('Failed downloads') if opts.markFailed: # Mark job as failed to trigger resubmission job.state = Job.FAILED else: incInfo('Successful download') if opts.markDL: # Mark as downloaded job.set('download', 'True') # Save new job status infos jobDB.commit(jobNum, job) output.finish() time.sleep(float(opts.slowdown)) if opts.shuffle: random.shuffle(jobList) else: jobList.sort() if opts.threads: from grid_control_gui import ansi errorOutput = [] class ThreadDisplay: def __init__(self): self.output = [] def init(self, jobNum): self.jobNum = jobNum self.output = ['Job %5d' % jobNum, ''] def infoline(self, fileIdx, msg = ''): return 'Job %5d [%i/%i] %s %s' % (self.jobNum, fileIdx + 1, len(self.files), self.files[fileIdx][2], msg) def files(self, files): (self.files, self.output, = (files, self.output[1:], ['']*len(files)) for x in range(len(files)): self.output.insert(2*x, self.infoline(x)) self.output.insert(2*x+1, '') def file(self, idx, csize = None, osize = None, stime = None, otime = None): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = self.files[idx] if otime: trfun = lambda sref, tref: gcSupport.prettySize(((csize - sref) / max(1, time.time() - tref)))[idx] = '%7s avg. - %7s/s inst.' % (gcSupport.prettySize(csize), trfun(0, stime)) self.output[2*idx] = self.infoline(idx, '(%s - %7s/s)' % ([idx], trfun(osize, otime))) def hash(self, idx, hashLocal = None): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = self.files[idx] if hashLocal: if hash == hashLocal: result = ansi.Console.fmt('MATCH', [ansi.Console.COLOR_GREEN]) else: result = ansi.Console.fmt('FAIL', [ansi.Console.COLOR_RED]) msg = '(R:%s L:%s) => %s' % (hash, hashLocal, result) else: msg = '' self.output[2*idx] = self.infoline(idx, '(%s)' %[idx]) self.output[2*idx+1] = msg print self, repr(msg) def error(self, msg): errorOutput.append(msg) def write(self, msg): self.output.append(msg) def status(self, idx, msg): if msg: self.output[2*idx] = self.infoline(idx, '(%s)' %[idx]) + ' ' + msg else: self.output[2*idx] = self.infoline(idx, '(%s)' %[idx]) def finish(self): # self.output.append(str(self.jobNum) + 'FINISHED') pass (active, todo) = ([], list(jobList)) todo.reverse() screen = ansi.Console() screen.move(0, 0) screen.savePos() while True: screen.erase() screen.loadPos() active = filter(lambda (t, d): t.isAlive(), active) while len(active) < opts.threads and len(todo): display = ThreadDisplay() active.append((utils.gcStartThread('Download %s' % todo[-1], processSingleJob, todo.pop(), display), display)) for (t, d) in active: sys.stdout.write(str.join('\n', d.output)) sys.stdout.write(str.join('\n', ['=' * 50] + errorOutput)) sys.stdout.flush() if len(active) == 0: break time.sleep(0.01) else: class DefaultDisplay: def init(self, jobNum): sys.stdout.write('Job %d: ' % jobNum) def files(self, files): self.files = files sys.stdout.write('The job wrote %d file%s to the SE\n' % (len(files), ('s', '')[len(files) == 1])) def file(self, idx, csize = None, osize = None, stime = None, otime = None): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = self.files[idx] if otime: tr = lambda sref, tref: gcSupport.prettySize(((csize - sref) / max(1, time.time() - tref))) tmp = name_dest if opts.showHost: tmp += ' [%s]' % pathSE.split('//')[-1].split('/')[0].split(':')[0] self.write('\r\t%s (%7s - %7s/s avg. - %7s/s inst.)' % (tmp, gcSupport.prettySize(csize), tr(0, stime), tr(osize, otime))) sys.stdout.flush() else: self.write('\t%s' % name_dest) sys.stdout.flush() def hash(self, idx, hashLocal = None): (hash, name_local, name_dest, pathSE) = self.files[idx] self.write(' => %s\n' % ('\33[0;91mFAIL\33[0m', '\33[0;92mMATCH\33[0m')[hash == hashLocal]) self.write('\t\tRemote site: %s\n' % hash) self.write('\t\t Local site: %s\n' % hashLocal) def error(self, msg): sys.stdout.write('\nJob %d: %s' % (jobNum, msg.strip())) def status(self, idx, msg): if msg: self.write('\t' + msg + '\r') else: self.write(' ' * len('\tDeleting file %s from SE...\r' % self.files[idx][2]) + '\r') def write(self, msg): sys.stdout.write(msg) def finish(self): sys.stdout.write('\n') for jobNum in jobList: processSingleJob(jobNum, DefaultDisplay()) # Print overview if infos: print '\nStatus overview:' for (state, num) in infos.items(): if num > 0: print '\t%20s: [%d/%d]' % (state, num, len(jobList)) print if ('Downloaded' in infos) and (infos['Downloaded'] == len(jobDB)): return os.EX_OK return os.EX_NOINPUT