Пример #1
    def _request(self, dataset_id, method, data):
        """Make a request over the Http transport to the Cloud Datastore API.

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The ID of the dataset of which to make the request.

        :type method: string
        :param method: The API call method name (ie, ``runQuery``,
                       ``lookup``, etc)

        :type data: string
        :param data: The data to send with the API call.
                     Typically this is a serialized Protobuf string.

        :rtype: string
        :returns: The string response content from the API call.
        :raises: :class:`gcloud.exceptions.GCloudError` if the response
                 code is not 200 OK.
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-protobuf',
            'Content-Length': str(len(data)),
            'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT,
        headers, content = self.http.request(
            uri=self.build_api_url(dataset_id=dataset_id, method=method),
            method='POST', headers=headers, body=data)

        status = headers['status']
        if status != '200':
            raise make_exception(headers, content, use_json=False)

        return content
Пример #2
    def _request(self, dataset_id, method, data):
        """Make a request over the Http transport to the Cloud Datastore API.

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The ID of the dataset of which to make the request.

        :type method: string
        :param method: The API call method name (ie, ``runQuery``,
                       ``lookup``, etc)

        :type data: string
        :param data: The data to send with the API call.
                     Typically this is a serialized Protobuf string.

        :rtype: string
        :returns: The string response content from the API call.
        :raises: :class:`gcloud.exceptions.GCloudError` if the response
                 code is not 200 OK.
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-protobuf',
            'Content-Length': str(len(data)),
            'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT,
        headers, content = self.http.request(
            uri=self.build_api_url(dataset_id=dataset_id, method=method),
            method='POST', headers=headers, body=data)

        status = headers['status']
        if status != '200':
            raise make_exception(headers, content, use_json=False)

        return content
Пример #3
    def _finish_futures(self, responses):
        """Apply all the batch responses to the futures created.

        :type responses: list of (headers, payload) tuples.
        :param responses: List of headers and payloads from each response in
                          the batch.

        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if no requests have been deferred.
        # If a bad status occurs, we track it, but don't raise an exception
        # until all futures have been populated.
        exception_args = None

        if len(self._target_objects) != len(responses):
            raise ValueError('Expected a response for every request.')

        for target_object, sub_response in zip(self._target_objects,
            resp_headers, sub_payload = sub_response
            if not 200 <= resp_headers.status < 300:
                exception_args = exception_args or (resp_headers, sub_payload)
            elif target_object is not None:
                target_object._properties = sub_payload

        if exception_args is not None:
            raise make_exception(*exception_args)
Пример #4
    def _finish_futures(self, responses):
        """Apply all the batch responses to the futures created.

        :type responses: list of (headers, payload) tuples.
        :param responses: List of headers and payloads from each response in
                          the batch.

        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if no requests have been deferred.
        # If a bad status occurs, we track it, but don't raise an exception
        # until all futures have been populated.
        exception_args = None

        if len(self._target_objects) != len(responses):
            raise ValueError('Expected a response for every request.')

        for target_object, sub_response in zip(self._target_objects,
            resp_headers, sub_payload = sub_response
            if not 200 <= resp_headers.status < 300:
                exception_args = exception_args or (resp_headers,
            elif target_object is not None:
                target_object._properties = sub_payload

        if exception_args is not None:
            raise make_exception(*exception_args)
Пример #5
 def _check_response_error(request, http_response):
     """Helper for :meth:`upload_from_file`."""
     info = http_response.info
     status = int(info['status'])
     if not 200 <= status < 300:
         faux_response = httplib2.Response({'status': status})
         raise make_exception(faux_response, http_response.content,
Пример #6
 def _check_response_error(request, http_response):
     """Helper for :meth:`upload_from_file`."""
     info = http_response.info
     status = int(info['status'])
     if not 200 <= status < 300:
         faux_response = httplib2.Response({'status': status})
         raise make_exception(faux_response,
Пример #7
 def _callFUT(self, response, content):
     from gcloud.exceptions import make_exception
     return make_exception(response, content)
Пример #8
    def api_request(self,
        """Make a request over the HTTP transport to the API.

        You shouldn't need to use this method, but if you plan to
        interact with the API using these primitives, this is the
        correct one to use.

        :type method: string
        :param method: The HTTP method name (ie, ``GET``, ``POST``, etc).

        :type path: string
        :param path: The path to the resource (ie, ``'/b/bucket-name'``).

        :type query_params: dict
        :param query_params: A dictionary of keys and values to insert into
                             the query string of the URL.  Default is
                             empty dict.

        :type data: string
        :param data: The data to send as the body of the request. Default is
                     the empty string.

        :type content_type: string
        :param content_type: The proper MIME type of the data provided. Default
                             is None.

        :type api_base_url: string
        :param api_base_url: The base URL for the API endpoint.
                             Typically you won't have to provide this.
                             Default is the standard API base URL.

        :type api_version: string
        :param api_version: The version of the API to call.  Typically
                            you shouldn't provide this and instead use
                            the default for the library.  Default is the
                            latest API version supported by

        :type expect_json: bool
        :param expect_json: If True, this method will try to parse the
                            response as JSON and raise an exception if
                            that cannot be done.  Default is True.

        :type _target_object: :class:`object` or :class:`NoneType`
        :param _target_object: Protected argument to be used by library
                               callers. This can allow custom behavior, for
                               example, to defer an HTTP request and complete
                               initialization of the object at a later time.

        :raises: Exception if the response code is not 200 OK.
        url = self.build_api_url(path=path,

        # Making the executive decision that any dictionary
        # data will be sent properly as JSON.
        if data and isinstance(data, dict):
            data = json.dumps(data)
            content_type = 'application/json'

        response, content = self._make_request(method=method,

        if not 200 <= response.status < 300:
            raise make_exception(response,
                                 error_info=method + ' ' + url)

        string_or_bytes = (six.binary_type, six.text_type)
        if content and expect_json and isinstance(content, string_or_bytes):
            content_type = response.get('content-type', '')
            if not content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                raise TypeError('Expected JSON, got %s' % content_type)
            if isinstance(content, six.binary_type):
                content = content.decode('utf-8')
            return json.loads(content)

        return content
Пример #9
    def api_request(self, method, path, query_params=None,
                    data=None, content_type=None,
                    api_base_url=None, api_version=None,
                    expect_json=True, _target_object=None):
        """Make a request over the HTTP transport to the API.

        You shouldn't need to use this method, but if you plan to
        interact with the API using these primitives, this is the
        correct one to use.

        :type method: string
        :param method: The HTTP method name (ie, ``GET``, ``POST``, etc).

        :type path: string
        :param path: The path to the resource (ie, ``'/b/bucket-name'``).

        :type query_params: dict
        :param query_params: A dictionary of keys and values to insert into
                             the query string of the URL.  Default is
                             empty dict.

        :type data: string
        :param data: The data to send as the body of the request. Default is
                     the empty string.

        :type content_type: string
        :param content_type: The proper MIME type of the data provided. Default
                             is None.

        :type api_base_url: string
        :param api_base_url: The base URL for the API endpoint.
                             Typically you won't have to provide this.
                             Default is the standard API base URL.

        :type api_version: string
        :param api_version: The version of the API to call.  Typically
                            you shouldn't provide this and instead use
                            the default for the library.  Default is the
                            latest API version supported by

        :type expect_json: bool
        :param expect_json: If True, this method will try to parse the
                            response as JSON and raise an exception if
                            that cannot be done.  Default is True.

        :type _target_object: :class:`object` or :class:`NoneType`
        :param _target_object: Protected argument to be used by library
                               callers. This can allow custom behavior, for
                               example, to defer an HTTP request and complete
                               initialization of the object at a later time.

        :raises: Exception if the response code is not 200 OK.
        url = self.build_api_url(path=path, query_params=query_params,

        # Making the executive decision that any dictionary
        # data will be sent properly as JSON.
        if data and isinstance(data, dict):
            data = json.dumps(data)
            content_type = 'application/json'

        response, content = self._make_request(
            method=method, url=url, data=data, content_type=content_type,

        if not 200 <= response.status < 300:
            raise make_exception(response, content,
                                 error_info=method + ' ' + url)

        string_or_bytes = (six.binary_type, six.text_type)
        if content and expect_json and isinstance(content, string_or_bytes):
            content_type = response.get('content-type', '')
            if not content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                raise TypeError('Expected JSON, got %s' % content_type)
            if isinstance(content, six.binary_type):
                content = content.decode('utf-8')
            return json.loads(content)

        return content
Пример #10
 def _callFUT(self, response, content):
     from gcloud.exceptions import make_exception
     return make_exception(response, content)
Пример #11
 def _callFUT(self, response, content, error_info=None, use_json=True):
     from gcloud.exceptions import make_exception
     return make_exception(response, content, error_info=error_info,
Пример #12
 def _callFUT(self, response, content, error_info=None, use_json=True):
     from gcloud.exceptions import make_exception
     return make_exception(response,