Пример #1
def load_isochrone(logAge=6.78, AKs=defaultAKs, distance=defaultDist):
    inFile = '/u/jlu/work/arches/models/iso/'
    inFile += 'iso_%.2f_hst_%4.2f_%4s.pickle' % (logAge, AKs,

    if not os.path.exists(inFile):
        make_observed_isochrone_hst(logAge=logAge, AKs=AKs, distance=distance)

    _in = open(inFile, 'rb')
    iso = objects.DataHolder()
    iso.M = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.T = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.logg = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.logL = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.mag127m = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.mag139m = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.mag153m = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.magJ = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.magH = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.magK = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.magKp = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.magLp = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.isWR = pickle.load(_in)
    iso.mag814w = pickle.load(_in)

    return iso
Пример #2
def load_completeness(alignDir):
    print 'Loading star planting data from:'
    print '   %s' % alignDir + 'all_results.dat'

    _pickleFile = open(alignDir + 'all_results.dat', 'r')
    data = objects.DataHolder()

    # Individual measurements for every planted star
    data.x_in = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.y_in = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.m_in = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.f_in = pickle.load(_pickleFile)

    data.x_out = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.y_out = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.m_out = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.f_out = pickle.load(_pickleFile)

    # Combined for unique magnitude bins.
    data.mag = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.midx = pickle.load(_pickleFile)

    data.countPlanted = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.countFound = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.completeness = pickle.load(_pickleFile)

    # Combined for unique positions on the detector.
    data.x = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.y = pickle.load(_pickleFile)
    data.xy_idx = pickle.load(_pickleFile)

    return data
Пример #3
def load_masseron_table():
    data = pyfits.getdata('masseron2010.fits')
    d = objects.DataHolder()

    d.name = data.field('Name')
    d.type = data.field('Type')
    d.ra = data.field('_RA')
    d.dec = data.field('_DE')
    d.simbadName = data.field('SimbadName')
    d.FeH = data.field('[Fe/H]')
    d.CFe = data.field('[C/Fe]')
    d.BaFe = data.field('[Ba/Fe]')
    d.EuFe = data.field('[Eu/Fe]')
    d.BaEu = d.BaFe - d.EuFe

    d.V = getVbandFromSimbad(d.simbadName)

    return d
Пример #4
def read_jay(filename, filter):
    zp = {'F127M': 24.65, 'F139M': 24.49}

    tab = asciidata.open(filename)

    d = objects.DataHolder()

    d.x = tab[0].tonumpy()
    d.y = tab[1].tonumpy()
    d.m = tab[2].tonumpy()

    d.xe = tab[3].tonumpy()
    d.ye = tab[4].tonumpy()
    d.me = tab[5].tonumpy()

    # Photometrically calibrate.
    d.m += zp[filter]

    return d
Пример #5
def load_ao_info(pickleFile):
    # Hang everything off this object.
    o = objects.DataHolder()

    _out = open(pickleFile, 'r')

    o.imgCount = pickle.load(_out)
    o.starCount = pickle.load(_out)

    o.x = pickle.load(_out)
    o.y = pickle.load(_out)
    o.m = pickle.load(_out)
    o.r = pickle.load(_out)

    o.sfile = pickle.load(_out)
    o.strehl = pickle.load(_out)
    o.fwhm = pickle.load(_out)
    o.mjd = pickle.load(_out)

    o.hour = pickle.load(_out)
    o.minute = pickle.load(_out)
    o.second = pickle.load(_out)

    o.mass_seeing = pickle.load(_out)
    o.dimm_seeing = pickle.load(_out)
    o.iso_angle = pickle.load(_out)
    o.tau0 = pickle.load(_out)
    o.airmass = pickle.load(_out)
    o.r0 = pickle.load(_out)

    o.xrms = pickle.load(_out)
    o.yrms = pickle.load(_out)
    o.mrms = pickle.load(_out)

    return o
def load_klf():
    pickleFile = '/u/jlu/work/gc/imf/gcows/klf.dat'
    _in = open(pickleFile, 'r')

    d = objects.DataHolder()

    d.fields = pickle.load(_in)

    d.Kp = pickle.load(_in)

    d.N = pickle.load(_in)
    d.eN = pickle.load(_in)

    d.N_ext = pickle.load(_in)
    d.eN_ext = pickle.load(_in)

    d.KLF = pickle.load(_in)
    d.eKLF = pickle.load(_in)

    d.KLF_ext = pickle.load(_in)
    d.eKLF_ext = pickle.load(_in)

    d.KLF_ext_cmp1 = pickle.load(_in)
    d.eKLF_ext_cmp1 = pickle.load(_in)

    d.KLF_ext_cmp2 = pickle.load(_in)
    d.eKLF_ext_cmp2 = pickle.load(_in)

    d.comp_imag_ext = pickle.load(_in)
    d.comp_spec_ext = pickle.load(_in)
    d.comp_plant_ext = pickle.load(_in)
    d.comp_found_ext = pickle.load(_in)


    return d
Пример #7
def load_frebel_table(verbose=False):
    d = objects.DataHolder()

    # Load fits table.
    data = pyfits.getdata(dir + 'frebel2010_fixed.fits')

    name = data.field('NAME')
    simbad = data.field('SIMBAD')
    ra = data.field('RA')
    dec = data.field('DEC')
    B = data.field('B')
    V = data.field('V')
    R = data.field('R')
    I = data.field('I')
    FeH = data.field('FEH')  # Iron abundance
    abundances = data.field('XFE')  # All [X/Fe] abundances, carbon is idx=1
    upperlim = data.field('UPPERLIM')
    rv = data.field('RV')
    ref = data.field('ABUNDREF')

    refYear = np.zeros(len(ref), dtype=int)
    for rr in range(len(ref)):
        tmp = ref[rr][3:5]

        if tmp.startswith('0'):
            refYear[rr] = float('20%s' % tmp)
            refYear[rr] = float('19%s' % tmp)

    # Report how many stars don't have info:
    idx = np.where(ra < 0)[0]
    if verbose:
        print 'Found %d out of %d stars without information\n' % \
            (len(idx), len(name))

    idx_C = frebel_elements.index('C')
    idx_Ba = frebel_elements.index('Ba')
    idx_Eu = frebel_elements.index('Eu')

    # Pull out some elements of interest
    CFe = abundances[:, idx_C]
    BaFe = abundances[:, idx_Ba]
    EuFe = abundances[:, idx_Eu]
    BaEu = BaFe - EuFe

    # First we need to deal with duplicates
    if verbose:
        print '## Duplicates'
    duplicates = np.array([], dtype=int)
    for ii in range(len(name)):
        if ii in duplicates:
            # Already addressed this duplicate star, skip it

        idx = np.where(name == name[ii])[0]

        if len(idx) > 1:
            if verbose:
                print '%20s  %10.5f  %10.5f  %5.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f' % \
                    (name[ii], ra[ii], dec[ii], V[ii], FeH[ii], CFe[ii],
                     BaFe[ii], EuFe[ii])

            # The easy case is where there is only one measurement
            # for a given element. Then we just take the one.
            good = np.where(FeH[idx] != 0)[0]
            if len(good) == 1:
                FeH[idx[0]] = FeH[idx][good[0]]
            if len(good) > 1:
                # otherwise take the most recent one
                recent = refYear[idx][good].argmax()
                FeH[idx[0]] = FeH[idx][good][recent]

            # The easy case is where there is only one measurement
            # for a given element. Then we just take the one.
            good = np.where(CFe[idx] > -999)[0]
            if len(good) == 1:
                CFe[idx[0]] = CFe[idx][good[0]]
            if len(good) > 1:
                # otherwise take the most recent one
                recent = refYear[idx][good].argmax()
                CFe[idx[0]] = CFe[idx][good][recent]
            if len(good) == 0:
                # No carbon measurements, get rid of star all together.
                if verbose:
                    print 'No C measurements for %s' % name[ii]
                duplicates = np.append(duplicates, idx)

            # The easy case is where there is only one measurement
            # for a given element. Then we just take the one.
            good = np.where(BaFe[idx] > -999)[0]
            if len(good) == 1:
                BaFe[idx[0]] = BaFe[idx][good[0]]
            if len(good) > 1:
                # otherwise take the most recent one
                recent = refYear[idx][good].argmax()
                BaFe[idx[0]] = BaFe[idx][good][recent]

            # The easy case is where there is only one measurement
            # for a given element. Then we just take the one.
            good = np.where(EuFe[idx] > -999)[0]
            if len(good) == 1:
                EuFe[idx[0]] = EuFe[idx][good[0]]
            if len(good) > 1:
                # otherwise take the most recent one
                recent = refYear[idx][good].argmax()
                EuFe[idx[0]] = EuFe[idx][good][recent]

            if verbose:
                print '%20s  %10.5f  %10.5f  %5.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f' % \
                    (name[ii], ra[ii], dec[ii], V[ii], FeH[ii], CFe[ii],
                     BaFe[ii], EuFe[ii])

            # Delete the other ones
            duplicates = np.append(duplicates, idx[1:])

    # Now delete the duplicates from the tables.
    d.name = np.delete(name, duplicates)
    d.simbad = np.delete(simbad, duplicates)
    d.ra = np.array(np.delete(ra, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.dec = np.array(np.delete(dec, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.B = np.array(np.delete(B, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.V = np.array(np.delete(V, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.R = np.array(np.delete(R, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.I = np.array(np.delete(I, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.FeH = np.array(np.delete(FeH, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.abundances = np.array(np.delete(abundances, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.rv = np.array(np.delete(rv, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.ref = np.delete(ref, duplicates)
    d.refYear = np.delete(refYear, duplicates)
    d.CFe = np.array(np.delete(CFe, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.BaFe = np.array(np.delete(BaFe, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.EuFe = np.array(np.delete(EuFe, duplicates), dtype=float)
    d.BaEu = np.array(np.delete(BaEu, duplicates), dtype=float)

    if verbose:
        print '## Removed %d duplicates, %d stars left' % \
            (len(duplicates), len(name))

    return d
Пример #8
def call_fit_mtf(imageRoot,
    weights - {None, 'std', 0.1} where the last can be any scale factor.
             None = no weighting, or same as constant weights.
             'std' = use 1 / standard deviation of averaged 1D power spectrum.
             <frac> = use 1 / (any scale factor * 'std')
    # H-band wide image
    imageFile = dataDir + imageRoot + '.fits'
    img, hdr = pyfits.getdata(imageFile, header=True)
    wavelength = hdr['CENWAVE'] * 1e-6
    focallength = mtf.Fvalues[hdr['CAMNAME'].strip()]
    pupil = hdr['PMSNAME']

    # Mask resolved sources
    if resolvedSources != None:
        print 'MTF: Masking %d resolved sources' % len(resolvedSources)
        img = mask_image(imageFile, resolvedSources, maskSize=maskSize)
    gcutil.rmall([outDir + imageRoot + '_masked.fits'])
    pyfits.writeto(outDir + imageRoot + '_masked.fits', img)

    print 'MTF: Set initial guesses for parameters'
    #definitions of starting parameters [from fitmtf_keck.pro]
    #    wave=1.65d-6          # wavelength in meters
    #    F=557.0               # effective focal length of Keck AO (narrow)
    #    D=10.99               # primary's diameter in meters
    #    pupil=0.266           # central obscuration
    #    pupil='largehex'      # NIRC2 pupil-stop
    #    Apix=27d-6            # width of detector's pixel in meters
    #    L0=20.                # outer scale of turbulence in meters
    #    sigma=.56             # Infl Func width on primary in meters
    #    w=1.3                 # Influence Function height
    #    Delta=0               # wavefront measurement error
    #    Cmult=10.             # multiplicative constant
    #    N=1d-2                # additive noise floor constant
    #    r0=0.5                # wavelength specific fried parameter in meters
    startp = {
        'wave': wavelength,
        'D': 10.99,
        'F': focallength,
        'Apix': 27e-6,
        'pupil': pupil,
        'r0': 0.5,
        'L0': 30.0,
        'cmult': 1.0,
        'N': 1e-5,
        'w': 1.3,
        'delta': 0.0,
        'sigma': 0.56,

    # Load up the starfinder results for this image
    print 'MTF: Read in preliminary starlist.'
    stfLis = dataDir + 'starfinder/' + imageRoot + starsSuffix
    table = asciidata.open(stfLis)
    name = table[0].tonumpy()
    mag = table[1].tonumpy()
    x = table[3].tonumpy()
    y = table[4].tonumpy()
    flux = 10**((mag[0] - mag) / 2.5)

    # Create sources array (delta functions * flux) for the stars.
    print 'MTF: Creating 2D source array'
    sources = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=float)
    sources[np.array(y, dtype=int), np.array(x, dtype=int)] = flux

    # If this is a wide camera image, trim down to the central 512x512
    # in order to limit the impact of anisoplanatism.
    if hdr['CAMNAME'].strip() == 'wide':
        # Make image square
        new_size = (np.array(img.shape) / 2.0).min()
        xlo = xcenter - (new_size / 2)
        xhi = xcenter + (new_size / 2)
        ylo = ycenter - (new_size / 2)
        yhi = ycenter + (new_size / 2)

        img = img[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi]

        sources = sources[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi]



    print 'MTF: Calling getmtf'
    foo = mtf.get_mtf(img, startp, sources=sources)

    nu = foo[0]
    power = foo[1]
    error = foo[2]
    pspec_sources = foo[3]

    weightMsg = 'Weighting by 1 / STD of azimuthal average power spectrum'

    # Defuault, assume weight = 'std' and just use the
    # standard deviation of azimuthal average of the power spectrum.
    if weights == None:
        weightMsg = 'Unweighted'
        # we will be working in log space, so need to 0.1 instead of 1.0 to
        # avoid dividing by log(1.0) = 0.
        error = np.ones(len(error)) * 0.1

    if (type(weights) == float) and (weights <= 1) and (weights > 0):
        weightMsg = 'Weighting by 1 / power * scaleFactor of %.3f' % weights
        error = power * weights

    print weightMsg

    # Fit the power spectrum
    print 'MTF: Fitting the power spectrum (round 1)'
    fit = mtf.fitmtf_keck(nu,
    print 'MTF: Fitting the power spectrum (round 2)'
    fit = mtf.fitmtf_keck(nu,

    pspec_fit = mtf.mtffunc_keck(fit.params, nu=nu, sources=pspec_sources)
    mtfOut = mtf.mtffunc_keck(fit.params, nu=nu)

    print 'Calculating PSF'  # PSF
    psf2d, psf1d = mtf.mtf2psf(fit.params, 2.0)

    print 'Calculating EE '  # Encircled Energy
    pix = np.arange(100, dtype=float)
    ee = mtf.mtf2ee(fit.params, pix)

    print 'Calculating Strehl'  # Strehl
    sr = mtf.strehl(fit.params)

    # Make some output objects
    p_obs = objects.DataHolder()
    p_obs.nu = nu
    p_obs.pspec = power
    p_obs.pspec_error = error
    p_obs.pspec_sources = pspec_sources

    p_fit = objects.DataHolder()
    p_fit.all_params = fit.params
    p_fit.all_errors = fit.perror
    p_fit.fit_params = fit.fit_params
    p_fit.fit_covar = fit.fit_covar
    p_fit.fit_stat = fit.fit_stat
    p_fit.pspec_fit = pspec_fit
    p_fit.mtf_system = mtfOut
    p_fit.mtf_perfect = fit.tperf
    p_fit.psf1d = psf1d
    p_fit.psf2d = psf2d
    p_fit.strehl = sr
    p_fit.encircled_energy = ee

    # Save output to a pickle file
    outfile = open(outDir + imageRoot + '_mtf.pickle', 'w')
    pickle.dump(p_obs, outfile)
    pickle.dump(p_fit, outfile)
Пример #9
def make_observed_isochrone_hst_test(logAge,

    redlaw_k = RedLawNishiyama09(k=k)
    isoDir = 'iso_k{0}'.format(k)

    startTime = time.time()

    print('Making isochrone: log(t) = %.2f  AKs = %.2f  dist = %d' % \
        (logAge, AKs, distance))
    print('     Starting at: ', datetime.datetime.now(),
          '  Usually takes ~5 minutes')

    outFile = '/u/jlu/work/wd1/models/' + isoDir + '/'
    outFile += 'iso_%.2f_hst_%4.2f_%4s.pickle' % (logAge, AKs,

    c = constants

    # Get solar mettalicity models for a population at a specific age.
    evol = evolution.get_merged_isochrone(logAge=logAge)

    # Lets do some trimming down to get rid of repeat masses or
    # mass resolutions higher than 1/1000. We will just use the first
    # unique mass after rounding by the nearest 0.001.
    mass_rnd = np.copy(evol.mass)

    idx = np.where(evol.mass > 10)[0]
    mass_rnd[idx] = np.round(evol.mass[idx], decimals=0)

    mass_rnd = np.round(mass_rnd, decimals=1)

    tmp, idx = np.unique(mass_rnd, return_index=True)
    print('Number of stars {0}'.format(len(idx)))

    mass = evol.mass[idx]
    logT = evol.logT[idx]
    logg = evol.logg[idx]
    logL = evol.logL[idx]
    isWR = logT != evol.logT_WR[idx]

    temp = 10**logT

    # Output magnitudes for each temperature and extinction value.
    mag814w = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    mag125w = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    mag139m = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    mag160w = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)

    filt814w = get_filter_info('acs,f814w,wfc1')
    filt125w = get_filter_info('wfc3,ir,f125w')
    filt139m = get_filter_info('wfc3,ir,f139m')
    filt160w = get_filter_info('wfc3,ir,f160w')

    # Make reddening
    red814w = redlaw_k.reddening(AKs).resample(filt814w.wave)
    red125w = redlaw_k.reddening(AKs).resample(filt125w.wave)
    red139m = redlaw_k.reddening(AKs).resample(filt139m.wave)
    red160w = redlaw_k.reddening(AKs).resample(filt160w.wave)

    # Convert luminosity to erg/s
    L_all = 10**(logL) * c.Lsun  # luminsoity in erg/s

    # Calculate radius
    R_all = np.sqrt(L_all / (4.0 * math.pi * c.sigma * temp**4))
    R_all /= (c.cm_in_AU * c.AU_in_pc)

    # For each temperature extract the synthetic photometry.
    for ii in range(len(temp)):
        gravity = logg[ii]
        L = L_all[ii]  # in erg/s
        T = temp[ii]  # in Kelvin
        R = R_all[ii]  # in pc

        # Get the atmosphere model now. Wavelength is in Angstroms
        star = atm.get_merged_atmosphere(temperature=T, gravity=gravity)

        # Trim wavelength range down to JHKL range (0.5 - 4.25 microns)
        star = spectrum.trimSpectrum(star, 5000, 42500)

        # Convert into flux observed at Earth (unreddened)
        star *= (R / distance)**2  # in erg s^-1 cm^-2 A^-1

        # ----------
        # Now to the filter integrations
        # ----------
        mag814w[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt814w, red814w)
        mag125w[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt125w, red125w)
        mag139m[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt139m, red139m)
        mag160w[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt160w, red160w)

        if verbose:
            print('M = %7.3f Msun  T = %5d K  R = %2.1f Rsun  logg = %4.2f  F814W = %4.2f  F125W = %4.2f  F139M = %4.2f  F160W = %4.2f' % \
                (mass[ii], T, R * c.AU_in_pc / c.Rsun, logg[ii], mag814w[ii], mag125w[ii], mag139m[ii], mag160w[ii]))

    iso = objects.DataHolder()
    iso.M = mass
    iso.T = temp
    iso.logg = logg
    iso.logL = logL
    iso.mag814w = mag814w
    iso.mag125w = mag125w
    iso.mag139m = mag139m
    iso.mag160w = mag160w
    iso.isWR = isWR

    _out = open(outFile, 'wb')
    pickle.dump(mass, _out)
    pickle.dump(temp, _out)
    pickle.dump(logg, _out)
    pickle.dump(logL, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag814w, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag125w, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag139m, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag160w, _out)
    pickle.dump(isWR, _out)

    endTime = time.time()
    print('      Time taken: %d seconds' % (endTime - startTime))
Пример #10
def make_observed_isochrone_hst(logAge,
    massSampling - Sample the raw isochrone every ## steps. The default
                   is massSampling = 10, which takes every 10th point.
                   The isochrones are already very finely sampled. Must be
                   an integer value.
    startTime = time.time()

    print 'Making isochrone: log(t) = %.2f  AKs = %.2f  dist = %d' % \
        (logAge, AKs, distance)
    print '     Starting at: ', datetime.datetime.now(
    ), '  Usually takes ~5 minutes'

    # outFile = '/u/mwhosek/Desktop/699-2/isochrones/'
    outFile = '/u/jlu/work/arches/models/iso/'
    outFile += 'iso_%.2f_hst_%4.2f_%4s.pickle' % (logAge, AKs,

    c = constants

    # Get solar mettalicity models for a population at a specific age.
    evol = evolution.get_merged_isochrone(logAge=logAge)
    print 'Elapsed time while getting merged isochrone: ', time.time(
    ) - startTime

    #Eliminate cases where log g is less than 0
    idx = np.where(evol.logg > 0)

    mass = evol.mass[idx]
    logT = evol.logT[idx]
    logg = evol.logg[idx]
    logL = evol.logL[idx]
    isWR = logT != evol.logT_WR[idx]

    mass = mass[::massSampling]
    logT = logT[::massSampling]
    logg = logg[::massSampling]
    logL = logL[::massSampling]
    isWR = isWR[::massSampling]

    temp = 10**logT

    # Output magnitudes for each temperature and extinction value.
    mag814w = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    mag127m = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    mag139m = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    mag153m = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    magJ = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    magH = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    magK = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    magKp = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)
    magLp = np.zeros(len(temp), dtype=float)

    filt814w = get_filter_info('wfc3,uvis1,f814w')
    filt127m = get_filter_info('wfc3,ir,f127m')
    filt139m = get_filter_info('wfc3,ir,f139m')
    filt153m = get_filter_info('wfc3,ir,f153m')
    filtJ = get_filter_info('nirc2,J')
    filtH = get_filter_info('nirc2,H')
    filtK = get_filter_info('nirc2,K')
    filtKp = get_filter_info('nirc2,Kp')
    filtLp = get_filter_info('nirc2,Lp')

    # Make reddening
    red814w = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filt814w.wave)
    red127m = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filt127m.wave)
    red139m = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filt139m.wave)
    red153m = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filt153m.wave)
    redJ = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filtJ.wave)
    redH = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filtH.wave)
    redK = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filtK.wave)
    redKp = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filtKp.wave)
    redLp = redlaw.reddening(AKs).resample(filtLp.wave)

    # Convert luminosity to erg/s
    L_all = 10**(logL) * c.Lsun  # luminsoity in erg/s

    # Calculate radius
    R_all = np.sqrt(L_all / (4.0 * math.pi * c.sigma * temp**4))
    R_all /= (c.cm_in_AU * c.AU_in_pc)

    # For each temperature extract the synthetic photometry.
    for ii in range(len(temp)):
        gravity = logg[ii]
        L = L_all[ii]  # in erg/s
        T = temp[ii]  # in Kelvin
        R = R_all[ii]  # in pc

        # Get the atmosphere model now. Wavelength is in Angstroms
        star = atm.get_phoenix_atmosphere(temperature=T, gravity=gravity)

        # Trim wavelength range down to JHKL range (0.5 - 4.25 microns)
        star = spectrum.trimSpectrum(star, 5000, 42500)

        # Convert into flux observed at Earth (unreddened)
        star *= (R / distance)**2  # in erg s^-1 cm^-2 A^-1

        # ----------
        # Now to the filter integrations
        # ----------
        mag814w[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt814w, red814w)
        mag127m[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt127m, red127m)
        mag139m[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt139m, red139m)
        mag153m[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filt153m, red153m)
        magJ[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filtJ, redJ)
        magH[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filtH, redH)
        magK[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filtK, redK)
        magKp[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filtKp, redKp)
        magLp[ii] = mag_in_filter(star, filtLp, redLp)

        if verbose:
            print 'M = %7.3f Msun  T = %5d K  R = %2.1f Rsun  logg = %4.2f  F127M = %4.2f  F139M = %4.2f  F153M = %4.2f elapsed time = %4s' % \
                (mass[ii], T, R * c.AU_in_pc / c.Rsun, logg[ii], mag127m[ii], mag139m[ii], mag153m[ii], time.time() - startTime)

    iso = objects.DataHolder()
    iso.M = np.array(mass)
    iso.T = np.array(temp)
    iso.logg = np.array(logg)
    iso.logL = np.array(logL)
    iso.mag127m = mag127m
    iso.mag139m = mag139m
    iso.mag153m = mag153m
    iso.magJ = magJ
    iso.magH = magH
    iso.magK = magK
    iso.magKp = magKp
    iso.magLp = magLp
    iso.isWR = isWR
    iso.mag814w = mag814w

    _out = open(outFile, 'wb')
    pickle.dump(mass, _out)
    pickle.dump(temp, _out)
    pickle.dump(logg, _out)
    pickle.dump(logL, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag127m, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag139m, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag153m, _out)
    pickle.dump(magJ, _out)
    pickle.dump(magH, _out)
    pickle.dump(magK, _out)
    pickle.dump(magKp, _out)
    pickle.dump(magLp, _out)
    pickle.dump(isWR, _out)
    pickle.dump(mag814w, _out)
    endTime = time.time()
    print '      Time taken: %d seconds' % (endTime - startTime)