def enmascarar_entrenamiento(vector_data_path, cols, rows, geo_transform, projection, target_value=1): data_source = gdal.OpenEx(vector_data_path, gdal.OF_VECTOR) layer = data_source.GetLayer(0) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') target_ds = driver.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) target_ds.SetProjection(projection) gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], layer, burn_values=[target_value]) return target_ds
def basin_rasterize(geoj_path, raster_path, result_path, value, no_data, shp_ex=0): print("GeoJson to GeoJSON") current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) temp_folder = current_path + '/temp' if not os.path.exists(temp_folder): os.makedirs(temp_folder) shp_path = temp_folder + '/temp.shp' cu.geojson_to_shp(geoj_path, shp_path) print("Shapefile Rasterize.") ra_ds = gdal.Open(raster_path) shp = ogr.Open(shp_path, 0) shp_layer = shp.GetLayerByIndex(0) file_format = "GTiff" driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(file_format) full_geo_transform = ra_ds.GetGeoTransform() raster_x_size = ra_ds.RasterXSize raster_y_size = ra_ds.RasterYSize if shp_ex: # 得到范围分别为:left right bottom top shp_extent = shp_layer.GetExtent() full_geo_transform, raster_x_size, raster_y_size = shp_geo_transform( [full_geo_transform[0], full_geo_transform[3]], full_geo_transform[1], shp_extent) re_ds = driver.Create(result_path, raster_x_size, raster_y_size, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE']) re_ds.SetGeoTransform(full_geo_transform) re_ds.SetProjection(ra_ds.GetProjection()) re_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(float(no_data)) # gdal.RasterizeLayer(re_ds, [1], shp_layer, options=["ATTRIBUTE=value"]) gdal.RasterizeLayer(re_ds, [1], shp_layer, burn_values=[float(value)]) ra_ds = None re_ds = None shp.Release() shutil.rmtree(temp_folder)
def Rasterize(self, outputname, Nodata=0): targetDataSet = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( outputname, self.width, self.height, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) targetDataSet.SetGeoTransform(self.geotransform) targetDataSet.SetProjection(self.projection) band = targetDataSet.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(Nodata) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer( targetDataSet, [1], self.defaultlayer, ) targetDataSet = None
def create_mask_from_vector(vector_data_path, cols, rows, geo_transform, projection, target_value=1): """Rasterize the given vector (wrapper for gdal.RasterizeLayer).""" data_source = gdal.OpenEx(vector_data_path, gdal.OF_VECTOR) layer = data_source.GetLayer(0) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') # In memory dataset target_ds = driver.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) target_ds.SetProjection(projection) gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], layer, burn_values=[target_value]) return target_ds
def getInnerGeometry(self, geometry): #Compute pixels to take from image with geometry bbox minX, minY, maxX, maxY = getGeometryBbox(geometry) xoff = int((minX - self.xOrigin) / self.pixelWidth) yoff = int((self.yOrigin - maxY) / self.pixelWidth) xcount = int((maxX - minX) / self.pixelWidth) + 1 ycount = int((maxY - minY) / self.pixelWidth) + 1 # Create memory target raster to store result memRaster = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', xcount, ycount, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) memRaster.SetGeoTransform(( minX, self.pixelWidth, 0, maxY, 0, self.pixelHeight, )) rasterSR = osr.SpatialReference() rasterSR.ImportFromWkt(self.gtif.GetProjectionRef()) memRaster.SetProjection(rasterSR.ExportToWkt()) # create temporary file to get layer from geometry outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource("tmp.shp") outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer( "./", geom_type=geometry.GetGeometryType()) featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(geometry) outLayer.CreateFeature(feature) # create mask from layer gdal.RasterizeLayer(memRaster, [1], outLayer, burn_values=[1]) band = self.gtif.GetRasterBand(1) dataRaster = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount).astype(np.float) bandMask = memRaster.GetRasterBand(1) dataMask = bandMask.ReadAsArray(0, 0, xcount, ycount).astype(np.float) # Mask zone of raster zoneraster =, np.logical_not(dataMask)) # Delete temporary file outDriver.DeleteDataSource("tmp.shp") return zoneraster
def rasterize_polygons(polygons, image_path, class_name, shapefile_path, driver=gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM")): """ Retuns a data set image with the bounding box dimensions and the polygon locations marked by 1. :param polygons: A list of polygons of the same class :param image_path The path to the image :return: Data set image """ # Get meta data from the image image_ds = gdal.Open(image_path) geo_transform = image_ds.GetGeoTransform() projection = image_ds.GetProjection() n_pixels_north = image_ds.RasterYSize n_pixels_east = image_ds.RasterXSize image_ds = None # Create empty image output_path = image_path.replace(".tif", "") output_path += f"_temp_label_{class_name}.tif" label_raster = driver.Create(output_path, n_pixels_east, n_pixels_north, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) label_raster.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) label_raster.SetProjection(projection) # set up the shapefile driver shapefile_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("Memory") # create the data source poly_ds = shapefile_driver.CreateDataSource(shapefile_path) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(25833) layer = poly_ds.CreateLayer( os.path.split(shapefile_path.replace(".shp", ""))[-1], srs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # Add the polygons to the new layer for poly in polygons: feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometry(poly) layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature.Destroy() # Burn the polygons into the new image gdal.RasterizeLayer(label_raster, (1, ), layer, burn_values=(1, )) poly_ds.Destroy() # Save and close the image return label_raster
def rasterize(InputVector, OutputImage, RefImage): print('Rasterizing shapefile...') gdalformat = 'GTiff' datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte burnVal = 1 #value for the output image pixels # Get projection info from reference image Image = gdal.Open(RefImage, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # Open Shapefile Shapefile = ogr.Open(InputVector) Shapefile_layer = Shapefile.GetLayer() # Chceck if raster exists. If yes, delete. if os.path.exists(OutputImage): print('Raster exists, deleting') os.remove(OutputImage) # Rasterise Output = gdal.GetDriverByName(gdalformat).Create( OutputImage, Image.RasterXSize, Image.RasterYSize, 1, datatype, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE']) print('New raster created') Output.SetProjection(Image.GetProjectionRef()) Output.SetGeoTransform(Image.GetGeoTransform()) # Write data to band 1 Band = Output.GetRasterBand(1) Band.SetNoDataValue(255) gdal.RasterizeLayer(Output, [1], Shapefile_layer, burn_values=[burnVal]) # Close datasets Band = None Output = None Image = None Shapefile = None # Build image overviews"gdaladdo --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW DEFLATE " + OutputImage + " 2 4 8 16 32 64", shell=True) print("Rasterized.")
def createROIImage(index, path): # 1) opening the shapefile # First we will open our raster image, to understand how we will want to rasterize our vector raster_ds = gdal.Open(path+index+'.tif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # Fetch projection and extent proj = raster_ds.GetProjectionRef() ext = raster_ds.GetGeoTransform() source_ds = ogr.Open('trainingData/21LYH2018_trainingData.shp') source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() # 2) Creating the destination raster data source target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( path + 'training_data'+index+'.gtif', 3660, 3660, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) ##COMMENT 2 target_ds.SetGeoTransform(ext) # COMMENT 3 target_ds.SetProjection(proj) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(-9999) ##COMMENT 5 status = gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], source_layer, options=['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE', # rasterize all pixels touched by polygons 'ATTRIBUTE=id']) ##COMMENT 6 #out_img, out_transform = mask(status, shapes=bbox, crop=True) #How to cut the rasterlayer? target_ds = None ##COMMENT 7 if status != 0: print("I don't think it worked...") else: print("Success") roi_ds = gdal.Open(path + 'training_data'+index+'.gtif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly) roi = roi_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() # How many pixels are in each class? classes = np.unique(roi) classes = classes # Iterate over all class labels in the ROI image, printing out some information for c in classes: print('Class {c} contains {n} pixels'.format(c=c, n=(roi == c).sum()))
def rasterize(gdb_dir, resolution, raster_fn): '''Rasterize the groads database.''' # Define pixel_size and NoData value of new raster x_res = y_res = resolution nodata = -9999 # Open the data source and read in the extent gdb = open_db(gdb_dir) source_layer = gdb.GetLayer() source_srs = source_layer.GetSpatialRef() x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = source_layer.GetExtent() # Round bounds to a multiple of the resolution # FIXME: shoud I use round or ceil? x_min = round(x_min / x_res) * x_res x_max = round(x_max / x_res) * x_res y_min = round(y_min / y_res) * y_res y_max = round(y_max / y_res) * y_res # Create the destination data source x_size = int(round((x_max - x_min) / x_res)) y_size = int(round((y_max - y_min) / y_res)) target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( raster_fn, x_size, y_size, 2, # self + prox gdal.GDT_Float32, ['COMPRESS=lzw', 'PREDICTOR=2']) target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, x_res, 0, y_max, 0, -y_res)) target_ds.GetRasterBand(2).SetNoDataValue(nodata) if source_srs: target_ds.SetProjection(source_layer.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()) target_ds.GetRasterBand(2).Fill(-9999) # Rasterize (store rasterized data in band 2) err = gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [2], source_layer, burn_values=[1], options=['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE']) if err != 0: raise RuntimeError('error rasterizing layer: %s' % err)
def rasterize_shp(shp, output ,x_min, y_min , x_size, y_size, x_res, y_res): # tif = 'D:\\MODIS\\data_tif\\MOD11A2.006\\2003.01.09.LST_Day_1km.tif' # shp = 'D:\\MODIS\\shp\\china_dissolve.shp' # output = 'D:\\MODIS\\my.tif' # x_min, y_min, x_size, y_size, x_res, y_res = -179.875, -89.875, 1440, 720, 0.25, 0.25 mb_v = ogr.Open(shp) mb_l = mb_v.GetLayer() target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(output, x_size, y_size, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, x_res, 0, y_min, 0, y_res)) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) NoData_value = -999999 band.SetNoDataValue(NoData_value) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], mb_l) # gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], mb_l, options=["ATTRIBUTE=hedgerow"]) target_ds = None
def burn_without_add(in_raster, in_shape): ''' Burn the values of a shapefile into a base raster. Replaces the values of the pixel in the raster rather then adding to them. :param in_raster: The path to the input raster. :param in_shape: The path to the shapefile with the geometries you care about. :return: Doesn't return anything. ''' shape_source = ogr.Open(in_shape) layer = shape_source.GetLayer() raster_source = gdal.Open(in_raster, GA_Update) gdal.RasterizeLayer(raster_source, [1], layer, burn_values=[1], options=['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE']) shape_source = None raster_source = None return
def vector2raster(vectorfn, rasterfn, newRasterfn): source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorfn) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() raster = gdal.Open(rasterfn) geotransform = raster.GetGeoTransform() originX = geotransform[0] originY = geotransform[3] pixelWidth = geotransform[1] pixelHeight = geotransform[5] band = raster.GetRasterBand(1) array = band.ReadAsArray() cols = array.shape[1] rows = array.shape[0] driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') outRaster = driver.Create(newRasterfn, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) outRaster.SetGeoTransform((originX, pixelWidth, 0, originY, 0, pixelHeight)) outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.RasterizeLayer(outRaster, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[1])
def vector_to_raster(vector, output_path, x_size, y_size, options, data_type=gdal.GDT_Int32): ''' This method creates a raster object by burning the values of this shape file into a raster with the given resolution. ''' source_layer = vector.get_layer() x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = source_layer.GetExtent() print source_layer.GetExtent() x_resolution = int((x_max - x_min) / x_size) y_resolution = int((y_max - y_min) / -y_size) print x_resolution, y_resolution, x_max, y_min, y_max) target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(str('GTiff')).Create(output_path, x_resolution, y_resolution, 1, data_type) spatial_reference = vector.get_spatial_reference() target_ds.SetProjection(spatial_reference.ExportToWkt()) target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, x_size, 0, y_max, 0, -y_size)) gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], source_layer, options=options) target_ds.FlushCache() return raster.Data(output_path)
def rasterize(shapefile, epsg, rasterfile, field, resolution): #making the shapefile as an object. input_shp = ogr.Open(shapefile) #getting layer information of shapefile. shp_layer = input_shp.GetLayer() #get extent values to set size of output raster. x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = shp_layer.GetExtent() #calculate size/resolution of the raster. x_res = int((x_max - x_min) / resolution) y_res = int((y_max - y_min) / resolution) #get GeoTiff driver by image_type = 'GTiff' driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(image_type) #passing the filename, x and y direction resolution, no. of bands, new raster. new_raster = driver.Create(rasterfile, x_res, y_res, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) #transforms between pixel raster space to projection coordinate space. new_raster.SetGeoTransform((x_min, resolution, 0, y_min, 0, resolution)) #get required raster band. band = new_raster.GetRasterBand(1) #assign no data value to empty cells. no_data_value = 0 band.SetNoDataValue(no_data_value) band.FlushCache() #adding a spatial reference new_rasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference() new_rasterSRS.ImportFromEPSG(epsg) new_raster.SetProjection(new_rasterSRS.ExportToWkt()) #main conversion method OPTIONS = ['ATTRIBUTE=' + field] gdal.RasterizeLayer(new_raster, [1], shp_layer, None, options=OPTIONS) return
def shape_to_array(shape_file, envi_raster): """ Function converts a shapefile into a numpy array. As an intermediate step the shapefile is exported as tiff using gdal. The dimensions and properties of this tif file are based on an existing EnviRaster. Only if a pixel center is covered by the shapefile, the respective shapefile ID is assigned to the pixel. The NA value is set to 0. Finally a numpy array is created from the tif file. :param shape_file: Path specification to shapefile :param envi_raster: Object of class Envi_Raster :return: numpy array """ # Load the shapefile shape = ogr.Open(shape_file) shape_lyr = shape.GetLayer() # Extract the Envi_Raster ndarray array_stack = envi_raster.ndarray # Create an empty rasterfile in tif format [cols, rows] = array_stack.shape[0:2] outdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") outfile = shape_file.split(".")[0] + ".tif" outdata = outdriver.Create(str(outfile), rows, cols, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) outdata.SetGeoTransform(envi_raster.trans) outdata.SetProjection(envi_raster.proj) # Export Raster Band & Rasterize shape_lyr by id if the pixel centre is covered by the shapefile band = outdata.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(0) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(outdata, [1], shape_lyr, options=["ATTRIBUTE=id"]) # Read the raster and return as array shape_array = outdata.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() shape_array[shape_array == 0] = np.nan return shape_array
def vector2array(input_path, resolution, nodata): """ Parameters: input_path : string resolution : float nodata : float Source: """ # Open the data source and read in the extent source_ds = ogr.Open(input_path) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer(0) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = source_layer.GetExtent() def round_mult(num, mult, to): if to == 'up': return (int(mult * round(float(num + mult) / mult))) elif to == 'down': return (int(mult * round(float(num - mult) / mult))) xmin = round_mult(num=xmin, mult=resolution, to='down') xmax = round_mult(num=xmax, mult=resolution, to='up') ymin = round_mult(num=ymin, mult=resolution, to='down') ymax = round_mult(num=ymax, mult=resolution, to='up') # Create the destination data source cols = int((xmax - xmin) / resolution) rows = int((ymax - ymin) / resolution) output_source = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', cols, rows, gdal.GDT_Byte) output_source.SetGeoTransform((xmin, resolution, 0, ymax, 0, -resolution)) output_band = output_source.GetRasterBand(1) output_band.SetNoDataValue(nodata) # Rasterize gdal.RasterizeLayer(output_source, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[1]) # Read as array return (output_band.ReadAsArray().astype(int))
def rasterize(shapefile, exampletiff, outputfile, options=["ATTRIBUTE=val"]): src = gdal.Open(exampletiff, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) src_trfm = src.GetGeoTransform() src_proj = src.GetProjection() cols = _cols rows = _rows originX = src_trfm[0] originY = src_trfm[3] shp = ogr.Open(shapefile) layer = shp.GetLayer() dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(outputfile, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) dst.SetGeoTransform((originX, pixelWidth, 0, originY, 0, pixelHeight)) dst.SetProjection(src_proj) band = dst.GetRasterBand(1) NoData_value = -9999 band.SetNoDataValue(NoData_value) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst, [1], layer, options=options)
def vec2raster(shp_file_path, template_path, out_raster_path, field, nodata=0): """ shp:字符串,一个矢量,从0开始计数,整数 templatePic:字符串,模板栅格,一个tif,地理变换信息从这里读,栅格大小与该栅格一致 output:字符串,输出栅格,一个tif field:字符串,栅格值的字段 nodata:整型或浮点型,矢量空白区转换后的值 """ ndsm = template_path data = gdal.Open(ndsm, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) geo_transform = data.GetGeoTransform() proj = data.GetProjection() #source_layer = data.GetLayer() x_min = geo_transform[0] y_max = geo_transform[3] x_max = x_min + geo_transform[1] * data.RasterXSize y_min = y_max + geo_transform[5] * data.RasterYSize x_res = data.RasterXSize y_res = data.RasterYSize mb_v = ogr.Open(shp_file_path) mb_l = mb_v.GetLayer() pixel_width = geo_transform[1] #输出影像为16位整型 shp_file = os.path.basename(shp_file_path) shp_name, _ = os.path.splitext(shp_file) target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( out_raster_path + shp_name + '.tif', x_res, y_res, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) target_ds.SetProjection(proj) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) NoData_value = nodata band.SetNoDataValue(NoData_value) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], mb_l, options=["ATTRIBUTE=%s" % field, 'ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE']) target_ds = None
def rasterizeGeometry(geom, raster_ds, burn_value=1): # Reproject vector geometry to same projection as raster rasterSR = osr.SpatialReference() rasterSR.ImportFromWkt(raster_ds.GetProjectionRef()) geom = reproject(geom, rasterSR) # Get raster georeference info transform = raster_ds.GetGeoTransform() xOrigin, pixelWidth, xSkew, yOrigin, ySkew, pixelHeight = transform # Get region boundary in raster-space xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = getBounds(geom) # Figure out where the Upper Left corner is ULx = xmin if pixelWidth>0 else xmax ULy = ymin if pixelHeight>0 else ymax xoff = int((ULx - xOrigin)/pixelWidth) yoff = int((ULy - yOrigin)/pixelHeight) xcount = int((xmax - xmin)/abs(pixelWidth))+1 ycount = int((ymax - ymin)/abs(pixelHeight))+1 # Build an in-memory vector layer in order to rasterize it region_ds = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory').CreateDataSource('memdata') region_lyr = region_ds.CreateLayer('region', srs=rasterSR ) feat = ogr.Feature( region_lyr.GetLayerDefn() ) feat.SetGeometryDirectly(geom) region_lyr.CreateFeature(feat) # Create in-memory target raster to burn the layer into mask_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', xcount, ycount, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) mask_ds.SetGeoTransform( ( xmin, pixelWidth, 0, ymax, 0, pixelHeight) ) mask_ds.SetProjection(rasterSR.ExportToWkt()) # Rasterize zone polygon to raster gdal.RasterizeLayer(mask_ds, [1], region_lyr, burn_values=[burn_value]) mask = mask_ds.ReadAsArray(0, 0, xcount, ycount).astype(np.bool) return mask, (xoff, yoff)
def rasterize(input, output, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, pixel): # Open the data source orig_data_source = ogr.Open(input) # Make a copy of the layer's data source because we'll need to # modify its attributes table source_ds = ogr.GetDriverByName("Memory").CopyDataSource( orig_data_source, "") source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer(0) source_srs = source_layer.GetSpatialRef() # Create the destination data source x_res = int((xmax - xmin) / pixel) y_res = int((ymax - ymin) / pixel) target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(output, x_res, y_res, 3, gdal.GDT_Byte) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(( xmin, pixel, 0, ymax, 0, -pixel, )) target_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(0) target_ds.GetRasterBand(2).SetNoDataValue(0) target_ds.GetRasterBand(3).SetNoDataValue(0) if source_srs: # Make the target raster have the same projection as the source target_ds.SetProjection(source_srs.ExportToWkt()) else: # Source has no projection (needs GDAL >= 1.7.0 to work) target_ds.SetProjection('LOCAL_CS["arbitrary"]') # Rasterize err = gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, (3, 2, 1), source_layer, burn_values=(255, 255, 255)) if err != 0: raise Exception("error rasterizing layer: %s" % err)
def burn_labels_to_image(image_path, shapefile_path, class_id): """ Burn labels from the shapefile on the image. Will only override the values where the shapefile intersects, the rest will remain unchanged. :param image_path: Path to the raster label image. :param shapefile_path: Path to the shapefile. :param int: The class id of the shapefile. :return: Write the image to file (overriding). Return nothing. """ # Get meta data from the image image_ds = gdal.Open(image_path, gdal.GA_Update) geo_transform = image_ds.GetGeoTransform() projection = image_ds.GetProjection() n_pixels_north = image_ds.RasterYSize n_pixels_east = image_ds.RasterXSize # Get geometries from shapefile driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") ds = driver.Open(shapefile_path, 0) layer = ds.GetLayer() gdal.RasterizeLayer(image_ds, (1, ), layer, burn_values=(class_id, ))
def ValidarClass(plyr, pValFilter, pAttrFil, pAttrAGB, geo_transform, projection, kFoldImg): rows, cols = kFoldImg.shape labeled_pixels = np.zeros( (rows, cols)) # imagen base de zeros donde empieza a llenar plyr.SetAttributeFilter(pAttrFil + " = " + "'" + str(pValFilter) + "'") #### Con este filtra print("Nro Poligonos para el Kfold", str(pValFilter), " = ", plyr.GetFeatureCount()) pClasesAGB = [] for feature in plyr: pClasesAGB.append(feature.GetField(pAttrAGB)) pClasesAGB = list( dict.fromkeys(pClasesAGB) ) # remueve Duplicados si hay dos o mas poligonos con el mismo AGB for val in pClasesAGB: plyr.SetAttributeFilter(pAttrAGB + " = " + str(val)) #### Con este filtra print("AGB:", val, "nroPol:", plyr.GetFeatureCount()) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') target_ds = driver.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) target_ds.SetProjection(projection) gdal.RasterizeLayer( target_ds, [1], plyr, burn_values=[val]) ## Asigna el valor de label al poligono band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) ### Valida el poligono contra los datos del shape pImgPol = np.array(band.ReadAsArray()) pClassImaKfold = np.array(kFoldImg) n_samples = rows * cols imagRes = np.where( pImgPol.reshape((n_samples, 1)) > 0, pClassImaKfold.reshape((n_samples, 1)), 0) print("AGB en Shp: ", str(val), "Media Calculada:", np.mean(imagRes[imagRes != 0])) labeled_pixels += imagRes.reshape((rows, cols)) return labeled_pixels
def rasterize_shp(tif, shp, output): # tif = 'D:\\MODIS\\data_tif\\MOD11A2.006\\2003.01.09.LST_Day_1km.tif' # shp = 'D:\\MODIS\\shp\\china_dissolve.shp' # output = 'D:\\MODIS\\my.tif' data = gdal.Open(tif, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) geo_transform = data.GetGeoTransform() #source_layer = data.GetLayer() x_min = geo_transform[0] y_max = geo_transform[3] x_max = x_min - geo_transform[1] * data.RasterXSize y_min = y_max + geo_transform[5] * data.RasterYSize x_res = data.RasterXSize y_res = data.RasterYSize # print(x_min) # print(geo_transform[5]) # print(data.RasterYSize) mb_v = ogr.Open(shp) mb_l = mb_v.GetLayer() pixel_width = geo_transform[1] print(x_min, pixel_width, 0, y_max, 0, pixel_width) # exit() target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(output, x_res, y_res, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, pixel_width, 0, y_max, 0, pixel_width)) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) NoData_value = -99 band.SetNoDataValue(NoData_value) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], mb_l) # gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], mb_l, options=["ATTRIBUTE=hedgerow"]) target_ds = None
def rasteriseVector(inVectorPath, inRasterPath, outRasterPath, champs, valeur, noDet): fileName = os.path.basename(inVectorPath) print(" Rasterisation du fichier " + fileName + "...") rasterRef = gdal.Open(inRasterPath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) vectorData = ogr.Open(inVectorPath) vectorLayer = vectorData.GetLayer() out = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").Create(outRasterPath, rasterRef.RasterXSize, rasterRef.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) out.SetProjection(rasterRef.GetProjectionRef()) out.SetGeoTransform(rasterRef.GetGeoTransform()) if type(valeur) == str: SQL = champs + "='" + valeur + "'" vectorLayer.SetAttributeFilter(SQL) band = out.GetRasterBand(1) band.Fill(-9999) band.SetNoDataValue(-9999) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(out, [1], vectorLayer, None, None, [5 * noDet])
def F_shp2geotiff(shp_path, tiff_path_out, tiff_path_ref, burn_value=1): """ rasterize shape file to match existing tiff file shp_path: absolute path to shape file, which has to be in the same spatial reference/prejection as tiff_path_template tiff_path_out: output path of the tiff converted from shp file tiff_path_ref: the "reference" tiff file """ gt, proj, xres, yres = F_tiff_info(tiff_path_ref) tiff_out = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(tiff_path_out,\ xres,yres,1,gdal.GDT_Float32) tiff_out.SetGeoTransform(gt) tiff_out.SetProjection(proj) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') dataSource = driver.Open(shp_path, 0) layer = dataSource.GetLayer() gdal.RasterizeLayer(tiff_out, [1], layer, burn_values=[burn_value]) tiff_out.FlushCache() tiff_out = None
def mask(self, ar=None, nodata=0, scale=10): import ogr import gdal from osgeo.gdalconst import GDT_Byte import numpy as np import as ma """Return an numpy array with a hard mask to exclude areas outside of the place""" srs_in = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() srs_in.ImportFromEPSG(self.row['srid']) aa = self.aa(scale) image = aa.get_memimage(data_type=GDT_Byte) ogr_ds = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory').CreateDataSource('/tmp/foo') lyr = ogr_ds.CreateLayer('place', aa.srs) geometry = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(self.row['wkt']) geometry.AssignSpatialReference(srs_in) geometry.TransformTo(aa.srs) feature = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometryDirectly(geometry) lyr.CreateFeature(feature) gdal.RasterizeLayer(image, [1], lyr, burn_values=[1]) feature.Destroy() mask = np.logical_not( np.flipud( np.array(image.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(), dtype=bool))) if ar is not None: return ma.masked_array(ar, mask=mask, nodata=nodata, hard=True) else: return mask
def create_building_mask(rasterSrc, vectorSrc, npDistFileName='', noDataValue=0, burn_values=1): ''' Create building mask for rasterSrc, Similar to labeltools/createNPPixArray() in spacenet utilities ''' ## open source vector file that truth data source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorSrc) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() ## extract data from src Raster File to be emulated ## open raster file that is to be emulated srcRas_ds = gdal.Open(rasterSrc) cols = srcRas_ds.RasterXSize rows = srcRas_ds.RasterYSize ## create First raster memory layer, units are pixels # Change output to geotiff instead of memory memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_ds = memdrv.Create(npDistFileName, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, options=['COMPRESS=LZW']) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[burn_values]) dst_ds = 0 return
def rasterizar_entrenamiento(plyr, pValFilter, pAttrFil, pAttrAGB, rows, cols , geo_transform, projection): labeled_pixels = np.zeros((rows, cols)) # imagen base de zeros donde empieza a llenar plyr.SetAttributeFilter(pAttrFil + " <> " + "'" + str(pValFilter) + "'") #### Con este filtra print("Nro de Pol Filtrados <> de",str(pValFilter),":", plyr.GetFeatureCount()) pClasesAGB = [] for feature in plyr: pClasesAGB.append(feature.GetField(pAttrAGB)) pClasesAGB = list(dict.fromkeys(pClasesAGB)) # remueve Duplicados si hay dos o mas poligonos con el mismo AGB print(pClasesAGB) #driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') #target_ds = driver.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) for val in pClasesAGB: plyr.SetAttributeFilter(pAttrAGB + " = " + str(val)) #### Con este filtra print("AGB:", val , "nroPol:", plyr.GetFeatureCount()) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') target_ds = driver.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) target_ds.SetProjection(projection) gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], plyr, burn_values=[val]) ## Asigna el valor de label al poligono #return target_ds band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) labeled_pixels += band.ReadAsArray() return labeled_pixels
def vector2array(xmin, ymax, cols, rows, res_x, res_y, layer, nodata): # Create the destination data source targetDS = ( gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create( '', cols, rows, gdal.GDT_Byte ) ) targetDS.SetGeoTransform(( xmin, # Leftmost pixel position. res_x, # The pixel width. 0, ymax, # Upper pixel position. 0, -res_y # The pixel height. )) band = targetDS.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(nodata) # Rasterize err = gdal.RasterizeLayer( targetDS, [1], layer, burn_values=[1], options=['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE'] ) if err != 0: print("error:", err) # Read as array array = band.ReadAsArray() array = array.astype(float) array[np.where(array == 0)] = np.nan return(np.flipud(array))
def RasterizeShapeMatchRaster(shape_file,raster_file,output_file): # open raster and obtain extent and properties data = gdal.Open(raster_file ,gdal.GA_ReadOnly) geo_transform = data.GetGeoTransform() #source_layer = data.GetLayer() x_min = geo_transform[0] y_max = geo_transform[3] x_max = x_min + geo_transform[1] * data.RasterXSize y_min = y_max + geo_transform[5] * data.RasterYSize x_len = data.RasterXSize y_len = data.RasterYSize mb_v = ogr.Open(shape_file) mb_l = mb_v.GetLayer() pixel_width = geo_transform[1] target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(output_file, x_len, y_len, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) NoData_value = -999999 band.SetNoDataValue(NoData_value) target_ds.SetProjection(data.GetProjectionRef()) band.FlushCache() gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], mb_l,burn_values=[255]) target_ds = None