def mbtiles_3(): if gdaltest.mbtiles_drv is None: return 'skip' try: drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') except: drv = None if drv is None: return 'skip' if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS', None) is not None: print("Hangs on MacOSX Travis sometimes. Not sure why.") return 'skip' # Check that we have SQLite VFS support gdal.PushErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler') ds = ogr.GetDriverByName('SQLite').CreateDataSource('/vsimem/mbtiles_3.db') gdal.PopErrorHandler() if ds is None: return 'skip' ds = None gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/mbtiles_3.db') ds = gdal.Open( '/vsicurl/') if ds is None: # Just skip. The service isn't perfectly reliable sometimes return 'skip' # long=2,lat=49 in WGS 84 --> x=222638,y=6274861 in Google Mercator locationInfo = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem( 'GeoPixel_222638_6274861', 'LocationInfo') if locationInfo is None or locationInfo.find("France") == -1: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected LocationInfo') print(locationInfo) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' return 'fail' locationInfo2 = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(5).GetMetadataItem( 'GeoPixel_222638_6274861', 'LocationInfo') if locationInfo2 != locationInfo: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected LocationInfo on overview') print(locationInfo2) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' return 'fail' return 'success'
def mbtiles_3(): if gdaltest.mbtiles_drv is None: return 'skip' try: drv = gdal.GetDriverByName( 'HTTP' ) except: drv = None if drv is None: return 'skip' if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS', None) is not None: print("Hangs on MacOSX Travis sometimes. Not sure why.") return 'skip' # Check that we have SQLite VFS support gdal.PushErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler') ds = ogr.GetDriverByName('SQLite').CreateDataSource('/vsimem/mbtiles_3.db') gdal.PopErrorHandler() if ds is None: return 'skip' ds = None gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/mbtiles_3.db') ds = gdal.Open('/vsicurl/') if ds is None: # Just skip. The service isn't perfectly reliable sometimes return 'skip' # long=2,lat=49 in WGS 84 --> x=222638,y=6274861 in Google Mercator locationInfo = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('GeoPixel_222638_6274861', 'LocationInfo') if locationInfo is None or locationInfo.find("France") == -1: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected LocationInfo') print(locationInfo) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' return 'fail' locationInfo2 = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(5).GetMetadataItem('GeoPixel_222638_6274861', 'LocationInfo') if locationInfo2 != locationInfo: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected LocationInfo on overview') print(locationInfo2) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' return 'fail' return 'success'
def http_4(): # Too unreliable if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') if drv is None: return 'skip' ds = gdal.Open('/vsicurl/') if ds is None: conn = gdaltest.gdalurlopen('', timeout=4) if conn is None: print('cannot open URL') return 'skip' try: except: print('cannot read') return 'skip' conn.close() if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS', None) is not None: print("Fails on MacOSX Travis sometimes. Not sure why.") return 'skip' gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' filelist = ds.GetFileList() if '/vsicurl/' not in filelist: print(filelist) gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_gdal_ls_py_6(): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') if drv is None: pytest.skip() f = gdal.VSIFOpenL( '/vsicurl/', 'rb') if f is None: pytest.skip() d = gdal.VSIFReadL(1, 1, f) gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) if not d: pytest.skip() ret_str = run_gdal_ls([ '', '-l', '/vsizip/vsicurl/' ]) if ret_str.find( '-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/vsicurl/' ) == -1: if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() pytest.skip()
def test_ogr_ngw_test_ogrsf(): # FIXME: depends on previous test if gdaltest.ngw_ds is None: pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip('skip on travis') url = 'NGW:' + gdaltest.ngw_test_server + '/resource/' + gdaltest.group_id import test_cli_utilities if test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() is None: pytest.skip() ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url) assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1 ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url + ' -oo PAGE_SIZE=100') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1 ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url + ' -oo BATCH_SIZE=5') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1 ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url + ' -oo BATCH_SIZE=5 -oo PAGE_SIZE=100') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1
def test_wms_11(): if gdaltest.wms_drv is None: pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() srv = '' if gdaltest.gdalurlopen(srv) is None: pytest.skip() name = "WMS:" ds = gdal.Open(name) assert ds is not None, ('open of %s failed.' % name) subdatasets = ds.GetMetadata("SUBDATASETS") assert subdatasets, 'did not get expected subdataset count' ds = None name = subdatasets['SUBDATASET_1_NAME'] ds = gdal.Open(name) assert ds is not None, ('open of %s failed.' % name) ds = None
def test_ogr_ngw_test_ogrsf(): if gdaltest.ngw_drv is None or gdal.GetConfigOption('SKIP_SLOW') is not None: pytest.skip() if check_availability(gdaltest.ngw_test_server) == False: gdaltest.ngw_drv = None pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() if gdaltest.ngw_ds is None: pytest.skip() url = 'NGW:' + gdaltest.ngw_test_server + '/resource/' + gdaltest.group_id import test_cli_utilities if test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() is None: pytest.skip() ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url) assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1 ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url + ' -oo PAGE_SIZE=100') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1 ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url + ' -oo BATCH_SIZE=5') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1 ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url + ' -oo BATCH_SIZE=5 -oo PAGE_SIZE=100') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1
def test_http_4(): # Too unreliable if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') if drv is None: pytest.skip() ds = gdal.Open('/vsicurl/') if ds is None: conn = gdaltest.gdalurlopen( '', timeout=4) if conn is None: pytest.skip('cannot open URL') try: except: pytest.skip('cannot read') conn.close() if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS', None) is not None: pytest.skip("Fails on MacOSX Travis sometimes. Not sure why.") filelist = ds.GetFileList() assert '/vsicurl/' in filelist
def wms_11(): if gdaltest.wms_drv is None: return 'skip' if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' srv = '' if gdaltest.gdalurlopen(srv) is None: return 'skip' name = "WMS:" ds = gdal.Open(name) if ds is None: gdaltest.post_reason('open of %s failed.' % name) return 'fail' subdatasets = ds.GetMetadata("SUBDATASETS") if not subdatasets: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected subdataset count') print(subdatasets) return 'fail' ds = None name = subdatasets['SUBDATASET_1_NAME'] ds = gdal.Open(name) if ds is None: gdaltest.post_reason('open of %s failed.' % name) return 'fail' ds = None return 'success'
def test_gdal_ls_py_6(): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') if drv is None: return 'skip' f = gdal.VSIFOpenL('/vsicurl/', 'rb') if f is None: return 'skip' d = gdal.VSIFReadL(1, 1, f) gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) if not d: return 'skip' ret, ret_str = run_gdal_ls(['', '-l', '/vsizip/vsicurl/']) if ret != 'success': return ret if ret_str.find('-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/vsicurl/') == -1: print(ret_str) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() return 'skip' return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_http_4(): # Too unreliable if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') if drv is None: pytest.skip() ds = gdal.Open('/vsicurl/') if ds is None: conn = gdaltest.gdalurlopen('', timeout=4) if conn is None: pytest.skip('cannot open URL') try: except: pytest.skip('cannot read') conn.close() if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS', None) is not None: pytest.skip("Fails on MacOSX Travis sometimes. Not sure why.") filelist = ds.GetFileList() assert '/vsicurl/' in filelist
def ogr_mysql_22(): # On Travis fails with # ERROR 1: MySQL error message:Field 'SHAPE' doesn't have a default value Description: INSERT INTO `tablewithoutspatialindex` (`name`) VALUES ('name') # FIXME if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' if gdaltest.mysql_ds is None: return 'skip' layer = gdaltest.mysql_ds.CreateLayer( 'tablewithoutspatialindex', geom_type=ogr.wkbPoint, options=['SPATIAL_INDEX=NO', 'ENGINE=MyISAM']) ogrtest.quick_create_layer_def(layer, [('name', ogr.OFTString)]) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=layer.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetField('name', 'name') layer.CreateFeature(dst_feat) dst_feat.Destroy() layer.ResetReading() feat = layer.GetNextFeature() if feat is None: return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_gdal_ls_py_6(): try: drv = gdal.GetDriverByName( 'HTTP' ) except: drv = None if drv is None: return 'skip' f = gdal.VSIFOpenL('/vsicurl/', 'rb') if f is None: return 'skip' d = gdal.VSIFReadL(1,1,f) gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) if len(d) == 0: return 'skip' ret, ret_str = run_gdal_ls(['', '-l', '/vsizip/vsicurl/']) if ret != 'success': return ret if ret_str.find('-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/vsicurl/') == -1: print(ret_str) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() return 'skip' return 'fail' return 'success'
def ogr_mysql_22(): # On Travis fails with # ERROR 1: MySQL error message:Field 'SHAPE' doesn't have a default value Description: INSERT INTO `tablewithoutspatialindex` (`name`) VALUES ('name') # FIXME if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): return 'skip' if gdaltest.mysql_ds is None: return 'skip' layer = gdaltest.mysql_ds.CreateLayer('tablewithoutspatialindex', geom_type = ogr.wkbPoint, options = [ 'SPATIAL_INDEX=NO', 'ENGINE=MyISAM' ] ) ogrtest.quick_create_layer_def( layer, [ ('name', ogr.OFTString) ] ) dst_feat = ogr.Feature( feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() ) dst_feat.SetField( 'name', 'name' ) layer.CreateFeature( dst_feat ) dst_feat.Destroy() layer.ResetReading() feat = layer.GetNextFeature() if feat is None: return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_ogr_ngw_test_ogrsf(): if gdaltest.ngw_drv is None or gdal.GetConfigOption( 'SKIP_SLOW') is not None: pytest.skip() if check_availability(gdaltest.ngw_test_server) == False: gdaltest.ngw_drv = None pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() if gdaltest.ngw_ds is None: pytest.skip() ds_resource_id = gdaltest.ngw_ds.GetMetadataItem('id', '') url = 'NGW:' + gdaltest.ngw_test_server + '/resource/' + ds_resource_id import test_cli_utilities if test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() is None: pytest.skip() ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url) assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1
def test_gdal_ls_py_6(): try: drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('HTTP') except: drv = None if drv is None: return 'skip' f = gdal.VSIFOpenL('/vsicurl/', 'rb') if f is None: return 'skip' d = gdal.VSIFReadL(1, 1, f) gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) if len(d) == 0: return 'skip' ret, ret_str = run_gdal_ls(['', '-l', '/vsizip/vsicurl/']) if ret != 'success': return ret if ret_str.find('-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/vsicurl/') == -1: print(ret_str) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() return 'skip' return 'fail' return 'success'
def vsifile_2(): ret = vsifile_generic('tmp/vsifile_2.bin') if ret != 'success' and gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with 17592186044423 (which is 0x10 00 00 00 00 07 instead of 7) at line 63 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() return 'skip' return ret
def test_gdal_ls_py_4(): ret_str = run_gdal_ls(['', '-l', '/vsizip/../ogr/data/']) if ret_str.find('-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/../ogr/data/') == -1: if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() pytest.skip()
def ogr_gft_read(): if ogrtest.gft_drv is None: return 'skip' table_id = '15eIgEVTUNlC649ODphJVHXeb4nsOb49WJUlnhw' old_auth = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', None) old_access = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN', None) old_refresh = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN', None) ds = ogr.Open('GFT:tables=' + table_id) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', old_auth) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN', old_access) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN', old_refresh) if ds is None: return 'fail' lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) if lyr is None: return 'fail' lyr.SetSpatialFilterRect(67, 31.5, 67.5, 32) lyr.SetAttributeFilter("'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'") count = lyr.GetFeatureCount() if count == 0: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected feature count') print(count) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis() or gdal.GetConfigOption( 'APPVEYOR') is not None: ogrtest.gft_drv = None return 'skip' return 'fail' sql_lyr = ds.ExecuteSQL( "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM " + table_id + " WHERE ST_INTERSECTS('Latitude', RECTANGLE(LATLNG(31.5,67.0), LATLNG(32.0,67.5))) AND 'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'" ) if sql_lyr is None: gdaltest.post_reason('SQL request failed') return 'fail' sql_lyr_count = sql_lyr.GetFeatureCount() ds.ReleaseResultSet(sql_lyr) if sql_lyr_count != count: gdaltest.post_reason( 'did not get expected feature count. Got %d, expected %d' % (sql_lyr_count, count)) return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_gdal_ls_py_4(): ret_str = run_gdal_ls(['', '-l', '/vsizip/../ogr/data/shp/']) if ret_str.find( '-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/../ogr/data/shp/' ) == -1: if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() pytest.skip()
def ogr_gft_read(): if ogrtest.gft_drv is None: return "skip" table_id = "15eIgEVTUNlC649ODphJVHXeb4nsOb49WJUlnhw" old_auth = gdal.GetConfigOption("GFT_AUTH", None) old_access = gdal.GetConfigOption("GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN", None) old_refresh = gdal.GetConfigOption("GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN", None) gdal.SetConfigOption("GFT_AUTH", None) gdal.SetConfigOption("GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN", None) gdal.SetConfigOption("GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN", None) ds = ogr.Open("GFT:tables=" + table_id) gdal.SetConfigOption("GFT_AUTH", old_auth) gdal.SetConfigOption("GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN", old_access) gdal.SetConfigOption("GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN", old_refresh) if ds is None: return "fail" lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) if lyr is None: return "fail" lyr.SetSpatialFilterRect(67, 31.5, 67.5, 32) lyr.SetAttributeFilter("'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'") count = lyr.GetFeatureCount() if count == 0: gdaltest.post_reason("did not get expected feature count") print(count) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis() or gdal.GetConfigOption("APPVEYOR") is not None: ogrtest.gft_drv = None return "skip" return "fail" sql_lyr = ds.ExecuteSQL( "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM " + table_id + " WHERE ST_INTERSECTS('Latitude', RECTANGLE(LATLNG(31.5,67.0), LATLNG(32.0,67.5))) AND 'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'" ) if sql_lyr is None: gdaltest.post_reason("SQL request failed") return "fail" sql_lyr_count = sql_lyr.GetFeatureCount() ds.ReleaseResultSet(sql_lyr) if sql_lyr_count != count: gdaltest.post_reason("did not get expected feature count. Got %d, expected %d" % (sql_lyr_count, count)) return "fail" return "success"
def ogr_gft_read(): if ogrtest.gft_drv is None: return 'skip' old_auth = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', None) old_email = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_EMAIL', None) old_password = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_PASSWORD', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_EMAIL', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_PASSWORD', None) ds = ogr.Open('GFT:tables=224453') gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', old_auth) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_EMAIL', old_email) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_PASSWORD', old_password) if ds is None: return 'fail' lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) if lyr is None: return 'fail' lyr.SetSpatialFilterRect(67, 31.5, 67.5, 32) lyr.SetAttributeFilter("'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'") count = lyr.GetFeatureCount() if count == 0: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected feature count') print(count) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): ogrtest.gft_drv = None return 'skip' return 'fail' sql_lyr = ds.ExecuteSQL( "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM 224453 WHERE ST_INTERSECTS('Latitude', RECTANGLE(LATLNG(31.5,67.0), LATLNG(32.0,67.5))) AND 'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'" ) if sql_lyr is None: gdaltest.post_reason('SQL request failed') return 'fail' sql_lyr_count = sql_lyr.GetFeatureCount() ds.ReleaseResultSet(sql_lyr) if sql_lyr_count != count: gdaltest.post_reason( 'did not get expected feature count. Got %d, expected %d' % (sql_lyr_count, count)) return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_http_4(): # Too unreliable if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() url = '' ds = gdal.Open('/vsicurl/' + url) if ds is None: skip_if_unreachable(url, try_read=True) if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS', None) is not None: pytest.skip("Fails on MacOSX Travis sometimes. Not sure why.") filelist = ds.GetFileList() assert '/vsicurl/' in filelist
def test_gdal_ls_py_4(): (ret, ret_str) = run_gdal_ls(['', '-l', '/vsizip/../ogr/data/']) if ret != 'success': return ret if ret_str.find('-r--r--r-- 1 unknown unknown 415 2008-02-11 21:35 /vsizip/../ogr/data/') == -1: print(ret_str) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): # FIXME # Fails on Travis with dates at 1970-01-01 00:00 # Looks like a 32/64bit issue with Python bindings of VSIStatL() return 'skip' return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_ogr_carto_test_ogrsf(): if ogrtest.carto_drv is None or gdal.GetConfigOption('SKIP_SLOW') is not None: pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() ogrtest.carto_test_server = '' if gdaltest.gdalurlopen(ogrtest.carto_test_server) is None: ogrtest.carto_drv = None pytest.skip('cannot open %s' % ogrtest.carto_test_server) import test_cli_utilities if test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() is None: pytest.skip() ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' --config CARTO_HTTPS NO --config CARTO_PAGE_SIZE 300 -ro "CARTO:gdalautotest2 tables=tm_world_borders_simpl_0_3"') assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1
def test_ogr_gft_read(): if ogrtest.gft_drv is None: pytest.skip() table_id = '15eIgEVTUNlC649ODphJVHXeb4nsOb49WJUlnhw' old_auth = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', None) old_access = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN', None) old_refresh = gdal.GetConfigOption('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN', None) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN', None) ds = ogr.Open('GFT:tables=' + table_id) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_AUTH', old_auth) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_ACCESS_TOKEN', old_access) gdal.SetConfigOption('GFT_REFRESH_TOKEN', old_refresh) assert ds is not None lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) assert lyr is not None lyr.SetSpatialFilterRect(67, 31.5, 67.5, 32) lyr.SetAttributeFilter("'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'") count = lyr.GetFeatureCount() if count == 0: print(count) if gdaltest.skip_on_travis() or gdal.GetConfigOption('APPVEYOR') is not None: ogrtest.gft_drv = None pytest.skip()'did not get expected feature count') sql_lyr = ds.ExecuteSQL("SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM " + table_id + " WHERE ST_INTERSECTS('Latitude', RECTANGLE(LATLNG(31.5,67.0), LATLNG(32.0,67.5))) AND 'Attack on' = 'ENEMY'") assert sql_lyr is not None, 'SQL request failed' sql_lyr_count = sql_lyr.GetFeatureCount() ds.ReleaseResultSet(sql_lyr) assert sql_lyr_count == count, \ ('did not get expected feature count. Got %d, expected %d' % (sql_lyr_count, count))
def test_visoss_real_test(): if not gdaltest.built_against_curl(): pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() # ERROR 1: The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. gdal.ErrorReset() with gdaltest.error_handler(): f = open_for_read('/vsioss/foo/bar.baz') if f is not None or gdal.VSIGetLastErrorMsg() == '': if f is not None: gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) if gdal.GetConfigOption('APPVEYOR') is not None: return gdal.ErrorReset() with gdaltest.error_handler(): f = open_for_read('/vsioss_streaming/foo/bar.baz') assert f is None and gdal.VSIGetLastErrorMsg() != ''
def test_basic_test_17_part_2(): # For some odd reason, this fails on the Travis CI targets after unrelated # changes ( if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() from osgeo import ogr for _ in range(2): ogr.UseExceptions() gdal.UseExceptions() flag = False try: ogr.DontUseExceptions() gdal.DontUseExceptions() flag = True except: gdal.DontUseExceptions() ogr.DontUseExceptions() assert not flag, 'expected failure' assert not gdal.GetUseExceptions() assert not ogr.GetUseExceptions()
def test_ogr_ngw_test_ogrsf(): if gdaltest.ngw_drv is None or gdal.GetConfigOption('SKIP_SLOW') is not None: pytest.skip() if check_availability(gdaltest.ngw_test_server) == False: gdaltest.ngw_drv = None pytest.skip() if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): pytest.skip() if gdaltest.ngw_ds is None: pytest.skip() ds_resource_id = gdaltest.ngw_ds.GetMetadataItem('id', '') url = 'NGW:' + gdaltest.ngw_test_server + '/resource/' + ds_resource_id import test_cli_utilities if test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() is None: pytest.skip() ret = gdaltest.runexternal(test_cli_utilities.get_test_ogrsf_path() + ' ' + url) assert ret.find('INFO') != -1 and ret.find('ERROR') == -1
if feat.GetField('EAS_ID') != 168: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected feature') feat.DumpReadable() return 'fail' return 'success' ############################################################################### # ogr_couchdb_changeLayer def ogr_couchdb_changeLayer(): ogrtest.couchdb_test_layer = 'poly_nongeojson' return 'success' # CouchDB tests fail in unreliable ways on Travis if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): gdaltest_list = [] else: gdaltest_list = [ ogr_couchdb_init, ogr_couchdb_GetFeatureCount, ogr_couchdb_GetNextFeature, ogr_couchdb_GetFeature, ogr_couchdb_GetSpatialRef, ogr_couchdb_GetExtent, ogr_couchdb_SetSpatialFilter, ogr_couchdb_SetAttributeFilter, ogr_couchdb_ExecuteSQLStats, ogr_couchdb_RowLayer, ogr_couchdb_changeLayer, ogr_couchdb_GetFeatureCount,
return 'fail' lyr.SetSpatialFilterRect( -104.9847,39.7392,-104.9847,39.7392 ) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() if feat is None: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected feature') return 'fail' if feat.GetField('NAME') != 'Colorado': gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected feature') feat.DumpReadable() return 'fail' return 'success' if gdaltest.skip_on_travis(): gdaltest_list = [] else: gdaltest_list = [ ogr_cloudant_init, ogr_cloudant_GetFeatureCount, ogr_cloudant_GetNextFeature, ogr_cloudant_GetSpatialRef, ogr_cloudant_GetExtent, ogr_cloudant_SetSpatialFilter ] if __name__ == '__main__': gdaltest.setup_run( 'ogr_cloudant' )