Пример #1
def write_svg_image():
    poly1 = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), (13, 10),
                          datatype=1)  # (layer, datatype) = (0, 1)
    poly2 = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), (10, 7),
                          layer=1)  # (layer, datatype) = (1, 0)
    cell = gdstk.Cell("SVG")
    cell.add(poly1, poly2)
    # cell.write_svg(
    #     "example.svg",
    #     background="none",
    #     style={(0, 1): {"fill": "none", "stroke": "black", "stroke-dasharray": "8,8"}},
    #     pad="5%",
    # )
    cell.name = "write_svg"
    return cell
Пример #2
def ellipse_image():
    circle = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 40)
    ellipse = gdstk.ellipse((100, 0), (40, 30), layer=1)
    ring = gdstk.ellipse((0, 100), 40, inner_radius=(30, 20), layer=2)
    circle_slice = gdstk.ellipse(
        (100, 100),
        initial_angle=-numpy.pi / 4,
        final_angle=5 * numpy.pi / 4,
    ring_slice = gdstk.ellipse(
        (50, 200), (70, 30), (60, 20), -3 * numpy.pi / 4, numpy.pi / 2, layer=4
    return gdstk.Cell("ellipse").add(circle, ellipse, ring, circle_slice, ring_slice)
Пример #3
def slice_image():
    triangle = gdstk.regular_polygon((-10, 0), 8, 3)
    ring = gdstk.ellipse((10, 0), 8, 5, layer=1)
    result = gdstk.slice([triangle, ring], (-10, -5, 0, 6, 14), "x")
    # print(len(result))
    # print([len(polys) for polys in result])
    return gdstk.Cell("slice").add(*[p for polys in result for p in polys])
Пример #4
def slice_image():
    triangle = gdstk.regular_polygon((-10, 0), 8, 3)
    ring = gdstk.ellipse((10, 0), 8, 5, layer=1)
    result = gdstk.slice([triangle, ring], (-10, -5, 0, 6, 14), "x")
    assert len(result) == 6
    assert all(len(polys) == s for polys, s in zip(result, [1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1]))
    return gdstk.Cell("slice").add(*[p for polys in result for p in polys])
Пример #5
def boolean_image():
    circle = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 50)
    path = gdstk.FlexPath((-50, 30), [5, 5], 10)
    path.interpolation([(20, 15), (0, 0), (-20, -15), (50, -30)],
                       angles=[0.3, None, None, None, 0.3])
    text = gdstk.text("GDSTK", 40, (-2.5 * 40 * 9 / 16, -40 / 2))
    result = gdstk.boolean(circle, text + [path], "not")
    return gdstk.Cell("boolean").add(*result)
Пример #6
def make_second_lib(filename):
    lib = gdstk.Library("Second")
    main = lib.new_cell("Main")
    main.add(*gdstk.text("Second library", 10, (0, 0)))
    ref = lib.new_cell("Circle")
    ref.add(gdstk.ellipse((-10, 5), 5))
Пример #7
def offset_image():
    text = gdstk.text("#A", 10, (0, 0), datatype=1)
    circle = gdstk.ellipse(
        (5, 11), 5, initial_angle=0, final_angle=numpy.pi, datatype=1
    path = gdstk.FlexPath([(0, -1), (5, -10), (10, -1)], 1, datatype=1)
    dilated = gdstk.offset(text + [circle, path], 0.4)
    eroded = gdstk.offset(text + [circle, path], -0.4, use_union=True, layer=1)
    return gdstk.Cell("offset").add(*text, circle, path, *dilated, *eroded)
Пример #8
def write_svg_image():
    # (layer, datatype) = (0, 1)
    poly1 = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), (13, 10), datatype=1)
    # (layer, datatype) = (1, 0)
    poly2 = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), (10, 7), layer=1)
    (layer, texttype) = (3, 2)
    label = gdstk.Label("Example", (0, 0), layer=3, texttype=2)
    cell = gdstk.Cell("SVG")
    cell.add(poly1, poly2, label)
    # cell.write_svg(
    #     "example.svg",
    #     background="none",
    #     style={(0, 1): {"fill": "none", "stroke": "black", "stroke-dasharray": "8,8"}},
    #     fontstyle={(3, 2): {"fill": "none", "stroke": "red", "font-size": "32px"}},
    #     pad="5%",
    #     sort_function=lambda p1, p2: p1.layer < p2.layer,
    # )
    cell.name = "write_svg"
    return cell
Пример #9
def make_first_lib(filename):
    lib = gdstk.Library("First")
    main = lib.new_cell("Main")
    main.add(*gdstk.text("First library", 10, (0, 0)))
    ref1 = lib.new_cell("Square")
    ref1.add(gdstk.rectangle((-15, 0), (-5, 10)))
    ref2 = lib.new_cell("Circle")
    ref2.add(gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 4))
    ref1.add(gdstk.Reference(ref2, (-10, 5)))
Пример #10
def test_inside():
    ring = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 1, inner_radius=0.5, tolerance=1e-3)
    circle = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 0.5, tolerance=1e-3)

    points = [(0, 0), (0.2, 0), (-0.1, -0.8), (0.9, 0.7), (-0.4, 0.4)]
    truth_ring = tuple([0.25 <= p[0]**2 + p[1]**2 <= 1 for p in points])
    truth_circle = tuple([p[0]**2 + p[1]**2 <= 0.25 for p in points])

    assert ring.contain(*points) == truth_ring
    assert ring.contain_all(*points) == all(truth_ring)
    assert ring.contain_any(*points) == any(truth_ring)

    assert circle.contain(*points) == truth_circle
    assert circle.contain_all(*points) == all(truth_circle)
    assert circle.contain_any(*points) == any(truth_circle)

    assert gdstk.inside(points, [ring, circle]) == tuple(
        [r or c for r, c in zip(truth_ring, truth_circle)])
    assert gdstk.all_inside(points, [ring, circle]) == all(
        [r or c for r, c in zip(truth_ring, truth_circle)])
    assert gdstk.any_inside(points, [ring, circle]) == any(
        [r or c for r, c in zip(truth_ring, truth_circle)])

    polys = [
        gdstk.rectangle((0, 0), (10, 10)),
        gdstk.rectangle((10, 0), (20, 10))
    for pts, _any, _all in (
        ([(1, 1), (-1, -1)], True, False),
        ([(2, 2), (-2, 2), (2, -2)], True, False),
        ([(5, 5), (10, 5)], True, True),
        ([(-1, -1), (-2, -2)], False, False),
        ([(2, 3)], True, True),
        assert gdstk.any_inside(pts, polys) == _any
        assert gdstk.all_inside(pts, polys) == _all
Пример #11
def sample_library():
    lib = gdstk.Library("lib", unit=2e-3, precision=1e-5)
    c1 = gdstk.Cell("gl_rw_gds_1")
    c1.add(gdstk.rectangle((0, -1), (1, 2), 2, 4))
    c1.add(gdstk.Label("label", (1, -1), "w", 10, 1.5, True, 5, 6))
    c2 = gdstk.Cell("gl_rw_gds_2")
    c2.add(gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 1))
    c3 = gdstk.Cell("gl_rw_gds_3")
    c3.add(gdstk.Reference(c1, (0, 1), -90, 2, True))
    c4 = gdstk.Cell("gl_rw_gds_4")
            (-1, -2),
            spacing=(1, 4),
    lib.add(c1, c2, c3, c4)
    return lib
Пример #12
def memory_benchmark():
    proc = psutil.Process()
    total = 100000
    print(f"\nMemory usage per object for {total} objects:\n")

    def print_row(*vals, hsep=False):
        columns = [20, 16, 16, 9]
            " | ".join(v.center(c) for v, c in zip(vals[1:], columns[1:])),
        if hsep:
                ":" + "-" * (columns[0] - 1),
                " | ".join(":" + "-" * (c - 2) + ":" for c in columns[1:]),

        "Gdspy " + gdspy.__version__,
        "Gdstk " + gdstk.__version__,

    def mem_test(func):
        start_mem = proc.memory_info()
        r = [func(i) for i in range(total)]
        end_mem = proc.memory_info()
        return (end_mem.vms - start_mem.vms) / total, r

    data = []
    gdspy_cell = gdspy.Cell("TEMP", exclude_from_current=True)
    gdstk_cell = gdstk.Cell("TEMP")
    for obj, gdspy_func, gdstk_func in [
            lambda i: gdspy.Rectangle((i, i), (i + 1, i + 1)),
            lambda i: gdstk.rectangle((i, i), (i + 1, i + 1)),
            "Circle (r = 10)",
            lambda i: gdspy.Round((0, 10 * i), 10),
            lambda i: gdstk.ellipse((0, 10 * i), 10),
            "FlexPath segment",
            lambda i: gdspy.FlexPath([(i, i + 1), (i + 1, i)], 0.1),
            lambda i: gdstk.FlexPath([(i, i + 1), (i + 1, i)], 0.1),
            "FlexPath arc",
            lambda i: gdspy.FlexPath([(10 * i, 0)], 0.1).arc(10, 0, numpy.pi),
            lambda i: gdstk.FlexPath([(10 * i, 0)], 0.1).arc(10, 0, numpy.pi),
            "RobustPath segment",
            lambda i: gdspy.RobustPath((i, i + 1), 0.1).segment((i + 1, i)),
            lambda i: gdstk.RobustPath((i, i + 1), 0.1).segment((i + 1, i)),
            "RobustPath arc",
            lambda i: gdspy.RobustPath((10 * i, 0), 0.1).arc(10, 0, numpy.pi),
            lambda i: gdstk.RobustPath((10 * i, 0), 0.1).arc(10, 0, numpy.pi),
            lambda i: gdspy.Label(str(i), (i, i)),
            lambda i: gdstk.Label(str(i), (i, i)),
            lambda i: gdspy.CellReference(gdspy_cell, (0, 0)),
            lambda i: gdstk.Reference(gdstk_cell, (0, 0)),
            "Reference (array)",
            lambda i: gdspy.CellArray(gdspy_cell, (0, 0), 1, 1, (0, 0)),
            lambda i: gdstk.Reference(gdstk_cell, (0, 0), rows=1, columns=1),
            lambda i: gdspy.Cell(str(i), exclude_from_current=True),
            lambda i: gdstk.Cell(str(i)),
        gdspy_mem, gdspy_data = mem_test(gdspy_func)
        gdstk_mem, gdstk_data = mem_test(gdstk_func)
            prefix_format(gdspy_mem, unit="B", base="bin"),
            prefix_format(gdstk_mem, unit="B", base="bin"),
            f"{100 - 100 * gdstk_mem / gdspy_mem:.0f}%",
Пример #13
    # Polygons
    # Create a polygon from a list of vertices
    points = [(0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 6), (-6, 6), (-6, -6), (-4, -4), (-4, 4),
              (0, 4)]
    poly = gdstk.Polygon(points)
    draw(gdstk.Cell("polygons").add(poly), path)

    # Holes
    # Manually connect the hole to the outer boundary
    cutout = gdstk.Polygon([(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 5), (0, 5), (0, 0), (2, 2),
                            (2, 3), (3, 3), (3, 2), (2, 2)])
    draw(gdstk.Cell("holes").add(cutout), path)

    # Circles
    # Circle centered at (0, 0), with radius 2 and tolerance 0.1
    circle = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 2, tolerance=0.01)

    # To create an ellipse, simply pass a list with 2 radii.
    # Because the tolerance is small (resulting a large number of
    # vertices), the ellipse is fractured in 2 polygons.
    ellipse = gdstk.ellipse((4, 0), [1, 2], tolerance=1e-4)

    # Circular arc example
    arc = gdstk.ellipse(
        (2, 4),
        initial_angle=-0.2 * numpy.pi,
        final_angle=1.2 * numpy.pi,
Пример #14
from tutorial_images import draw
import numpy
import gdstk

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Rectangular repetition
    square = gdstk.regular_polygon((0, 0), 0.2, 4)
    square.repetition = gdstk.Repetition(3, 2, spacing=(1, 1))

    # Regular repetition
    triangle = gdstk.regular_polygon((0, 2.5), 0.2, 3)
    triangle.repetition = gdstk.Repetition(3, 5, v1=(0.4, -0.3), v2=(0.4, 0.2))

    # Explicit repetition
    circle = gdstk.ellipse((3.5, 0), 0.1)
    circle.repetition = gdstk.Repetition(offsets=[(0.5, 1), (2, 0), (1.5, 0.5)])

    # X-explicit repetition
    vline = gdstk.FlexPath([(3, 2), (3, 3.5)], 0.1, gdsii_path=True)
    vline.repetition = gdstk.Repetition(x_offsets=[0.2, 0.6, 1.4, 3.0])

    # Y-explicit repetition
    hline = gdstk.RobustPath((3, 2), 0.05, gdsii_path=True)
    hline.segment((6, 2))
    hline.repetition = gdstk.Repetition(y_offsets=[0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1.5])

    main = gdstk.Cell("Main")
    main.add(square, triangle, circle, vline, hline)
    main.name = "repetitions"
    path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "how-tos"
Пример #15

from tutorial_images import draw
import pathlib
import numpy
import gdstk

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 3  # Number of unit cells around defect
    d = 0.2  # Unit cell size
    r = 0.05  # Circle radius
    s = 1.5  # Scaling factor

    # Create a simple unit cell
    unit_cell = gdstk.Cell("Unit Cell")
    unit_cell.add(gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), r, tolerance=1e-3))

    # Build a resonator from a unit cell grid with a defect inside
    ressonator = gdstk.Cell("Resonator")
    patches = [
        gdstk.Reference(unit_cell, (-n * d, -n * d),
                        columns=2 * n + 1,
                        spacing=(d, d)),
        gdstk.Reference(unit_cell, (-n * d, d),
                        columns=2 * n + 1,
                        spacing=(d, d)),
        gdstk.Reference(unit_cell, (-n * d, 0),
Пример #16
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2020 Lucas Heitzmann Gabrielli.
# This file is part of gdstk, distributed under the terms of the
# Boost Software License - Version 1.0.  See the accompanying
# LICENSE file or <http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>

import gdspy
import gdstk

gdspy_ring = gdspy.Round((0, 0), 1, inner_radius=0.5, tolerance=1e-3, max_points=0)
gdspy_circle = gdspy.Round((0, 0), 0.5, tolerance=1e-3, max_points=0)
gdstk_ring = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 1, inner_radius=0.5, tolerance=1e-3)
gdstk_circle = gdstk.ellipse((0, 0), 0.5, tolerance=1e-3)
points = [(0, 0), (0.2, 0), (-0.1, -0.8), (0.9, 0.7), (-0.4, 0.4)] * 10

def bench_gdspy():
    gdspy.inside(points, gdspy_ring)
    gdspy.inside([points], gdspy_ring, "any")
    gdspy.inside([points], gdspy_ring, "all")
    gdspy.inside(points, [gdspy_ring, gdspy_circle])
    gdspy.inside([points], [gdspy_ring, gdspy_circle], "any")
    gdspy.inside([points], [gdspy_ring, gdspy_circle], "all")

def bench_gdstk():