def get(self): result = super(ComputerResource, self).get() node_collection = self.request.db.nodes if not result.get('node_chef_id', None): return result try: api = get_chef_api(self.request.registry.settings, self.request.user) computer_node = ChefNode(result['node_chef_id'], api) ohai = to_deep_dict(computer_node.attributes) nodeid = result.get('_id',None) usernames = [i['username'] for i in ohai.get('ohai_gecos', {}).get('users', [])] users = list(node_collection.find({ "$and": [ { "$or": [{"name": {"$in": usernames}}] }, { "type":"user"}, { "computers": {"$elemMatch": {"$eq": ObjectId(nodeid)}}} ] },{'_id':1,'name':1,'path':1})) # ObjectId to string for JSON serialize [d.update({'_id': str(d['_id'])}) for d in users] # Create a list of users that provides at least one user policy to this computer users_inheritance_pre = list(node_collection.find({ "$and": [ { "$or": [{"name": {"$in": usernames}}] }, { "type":"user"}, { "computers": {"$elemMatch": {"$eq": ObjectId(nodeid)}}} ] },{'_id':1,'name':1,'path':1, 'inheritance': 1})) [d.update({'_id': str(d['_id'])}) for d in users_inheritance_pre] users_inheritance = [] for usr_inh in users_inheritance_pre: if 'inheritance' in usr_inh: policies_list = get_inheritance_tree_policies_list(usr_inh['inheritance'], []) if len(policies_list) > 0: users_inheritance.append(usr_inh) cpu = ohai.get('cpu', {}).get('0', {}) dmi = ohai.get('dmi', {}) result.update({'ohai': ohai, 'users': users, # Users related with this computer 'users_inheritance': users_inheritance, # Users related with this computer that provides at least one user policy 'uptime': ohai.get('uptime', ''), #'gcc_link': ohai.get('gcc_link',True), 'ipaddress': ohai.get('ipaddress', ''), 'cpu': '%s %s' % (cpu.get('vendor_id', ''), cpu.get('model_name', '')), 'product_name': dmi.get('system', {}).get('product_name', ''), 'manufacturer': dmi.get('system', {}).get('manufacturer', ''), 'ram': ohai.get('memory', {}).get('total', ''), 'lsb': ohai.get('lsb', {}), 'kernel': ohai.get('kernel', {}), 'filesystem': ohai.get('filesystem', {}), }) except (urllib2.URLError, ChefError, ChefServerError): pass return result
def get(self): result = super(ComputerResource, self).get() if not result.get('node_chef_id', None): return result try: api = get_chef_api(self.request.registry.settings, self.request.user) computer_node = ChefNode(result['node_chef_id'], api) ohai = to_deep_dict(computer_node.attributes) cpu = ohai.get('cpu', {}).get('0', {}) dmi = ohai.get('dmi', {}) result.update({'ohai': ohai, 'users': ','.join([i['username'] for i in ohai.get('ohai_gecos', {}).get('users', [])]), 'uptime': ohai.get('uptime', ''), 'ipaddress': ohai.get('ipaddress', ''), 'cpu': '%s %s' % (cpu.get('vendor_id', ''), cpu.get('model_name', '')), 'product_name': dmi.get('system', {}).get('product_name', ''), 'manufacturer': dmi.get('system', {}).get('manufacturer', ''), 'ram': ohai.get('memory', {}).get('total', ''), 'lsb': ohai.get('lsb', {}), 'kernel': ohai.get('kernel', {}), 'filesystem': ohai.get('filesystem', {}), }) except (urllib2.URLError, ChefError, ChefServerError): pass return result
def get(self): result = super(ComputerResource, self).get() if not result.get('node_chef_id', None): return result try: api = get_chef_api(self.request.registry.settings, self.request.user) computer_node = ChefNode(result['node_chef_id'], api) ohai = to_deep_dict(computer_node.attributes) cpu = ohai.get('cpu', {}).get('0', {}) dmi = ohai.get('dmi', {}) result.update({ 'ohai': ohai, 'users': ','.join([ i['username'] for i in ohai.get('ohai_gecos', {}).get('users', []) ]), 'uptime': ohai.get('uptime', ''), 'ipaddress': ohai.get('ipaddress', ''), 'cpu': '%s %s' % (cpu.get('vendor_id', ''), cpu.get('model_name', '')), 'product_name': dmi.get('system', {}).get('product_name', ''), 'manufacturer': dmi.get('system', {}).get('manufacturer', ''), 'ram': ohai.get('memory', {}).get('total', ''), 'lsb': ohai.get('lsb', {}), 'kernel': ohai.get('kernel', {}), 'filesystem': ohai.get('filesystem', {}), }) except (urllib2.URLError, ChefError, ChefServerError): pass return result
def get(self): result = super(ComputerResource, self).get() node_collection = self.request.db.nodes if not result.get('node_chef_id', None): return result"/api/computers/: node_chef_id: %s" % (str(result.get('node_chef_id', None)))) try: api = get_chef_api(self.request.registry.settings, self.request.user) computer_node = ChefNode(result['node_chef_id'], api) ohai = to_deep_dict(computer_node.attributes) nodeid = result.get('_id', None) usernames = [ i['username'] for i in ohai.get('ohai_gecos', {}).get('users', []) ] users = list( node_collection.find( { "$and": [{ "$or": [{ "name": { "$in": usernames } }] }, { "type": "user" }, { "computers": { "$elemMatch": { "$eq": ObjectId(nodeid) } } }] }, { '_id': 1, 'name': 1, 'path': 1 })) # ObjectId to string for JSON serialize [d.update({'_id': str(d['_id'])}) for d in users] # Create a list of users that provides at least one user policy to this computer users_inheritance_pre = list( node_collection.find( { "$and": [{ "$or": [{ "name": { "$in": usernames } }] }, { "type": "user" }, { "computers": { "$elemMatch": { "$eq": ObjectId(nodeid) } } }] }, { '_id': 1, 'name': 1, 'path': 1, 'inheritance': 1 })) [d.update({'_id': str(d['_id'])}) for d in users_inheritance_pre] users_inheritance = [] for usr_inh in users_inheritance_pre: if 'inheritance' in usr_inh: policies_list = get_inheritance_tree_policies_list( usr_inh['inheritance'], []) if len(policies_list) > 0: users_inheritance.append(usr_inh) cpu = ohai.get('cpu', {}).get('0', {}) dmi = ohai.get('dmi', {}) # debug_mode flag for logs tab debug_mode = False try: debug_mode = computer_node.attributes.get_dotted( DEBUG_MODE_ENABLE_ATTR_PATH) except KeyError: pass # Get logs info logs_data = node_collection.find_one( { "type": "computer", "_id": ObjectId(nodeid) }, {"logs": True}) logs = {} if logs_data is not None and 'logs' in logs_data: logs_data = logs_data['logs'] date_format = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_T_FMT) date = datetime.datetime( *map(int, re.split('[^\d]', logs_data['date'])[:-1])) localename = locale.normalize( get_current_request().locale_name + '.UTF-8') logger.debug("/api/computers/: localename: %s" % (str(localename))) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, localename) logs['date'] = date.strftime(date_format) logger.debug("/api/computers/: date: %s" % (str(logs['date']))) logs['files'] = logs_data['files'] for filedata in logs_data['files']: # Do not send file contents del filedata['content'] # Get Help Channel info help_channel_enabled = True helpchannel_data = self.request.db.helpchannel.find({ "computer_node_id": result['node_chef_id'] }).sort([("last_modified", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).limit(6) helpchannel = {} helpchannel['current'] = None helpchannel['last'] = [] if helpchannel_data is not None: c = 0 for hcdata in helpchannel_data: # Format date date_format = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_T_FMT)"last_modified: {0}".format( hcdata['last_modified'])) last_mod = re.split('[^\d]', str(hcdata['last_modified']))"last_mod: {0}".format(last_mod)) date = datetime.datetime(*map(int, last_mod[:-2])) localename = locale.normalize( get_current_request().locale_name + '.UTF-8') logger.debug("/api/computers/: localename: %s" % (str(localename))) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, localename) hcdata['last_modified'] = date.strftime(date_format) if hcdata['user_node_id']: # Format user user_data = node_collection.find_one({ "type": "user", "_id": ObjectId(hcdata['user_node_id']) }) if user_data: hcdata['user'] = user_data['name'] else: logger.error("User not found: {0}".format( hcdata['user_node_id'])) else: hcdata['user'] = '' if hcdata['adminuser_id']: # Format user user_data = self.request.db.adminusers.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(hcdata['adminuser_id'])}) if user_data: hcdata['admin'] = user_data['username'] else: logger.error("Admin user not found: {0}".format( hcdata['adminuser_id'])) else: hcdata['admin'] = '' # Translate status info hcdata['status'] = _('Unknown status') if hcdata['action'] == 'request': hcdata['status'] = _('User is requesting support') elif hcdata['action'] == 'accepted': hcdata['status'] = _('User is requesting support') elif hcdata['action'] == 'finished user': hcdata['status'] = _('Terminated by user') elif hcdata['action'] == 'finished tech': hcdata['status'] = _('Terminated by technician') elif hcdata['action'] == 'finished error': hcdata['status'] = _( 'Terminated because of a communication error') elif hcdata['action'] == 'giving support': hcdata['status'] = _( 'The technician is giving support to the user') hcdata['_id'] = str(hcdata['_id']) if (c == 0 and hcdata['action'] == 'accepted'): helpchannel['current'] = hcdata else: helpchannel['last'].append(hcdata) c = c + 1 result.update({ 'ohai': ohai, 'users': users, # Users related with this computer 'users_inheritance': users_inheritance, # Users related with this computer that provides at least one user policy 'uptime': ohai.get('uptime', ''), #'gcc_link': ohai.get('gcc_link',True), 'ipaddress': ohai.get('ipaddress', ''), 'cpu': '%s %s' % (cpu.get('vendor_id', ''), cpu.get('model_name', '')), 'product_name': dmi.get('system', {}).get('product_name', ''), 'manufacturer': dmi.get('system', {}).get('manufacturer', ''), 'ram': ohai.get('memory', {}).get('total', ''), 'lsb': ohai.get('lsb', {}), 'kernel': ohai.get('kernel', {}), 'filesystem': ohai.get('filesystem', {}), 'debug_mode': debug_mode, 'logs': logs, 'helpchannel': helpchannel, 'help_channel_enabled': help_channel_enabled }) except (urllib2.URLError, ChefError, ChefServerError): logger.error( "/api/computers/: error getting data: node_chef_id: %s " % (str(result.get('node_chef_id', None)))) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return result
def validate_data(self, node, cookbook, api): schema = cookbook['metadata']['attributes']['json_schema']['object'] validate(to_deep_dict(node.attributes), schema)
def get(self): result = super(ComputerResource, self).get() node_collection = self.request.db.nodes if not result.get('node_chef_id', None): return result"/api/computers/: node_chef_id: %s" % (str(result.get('node_chef_id', None)))) try: api = get_chef_api(self.request.registry.settings, self.request.user) computer_node = ChefNode(result['node_chef_id'], api) ohai = to_deep_dict(computer_node.attributes) nodeid = result.get('_id',None) usernames = [i['username'] for i in ohai.get('ohai_gecos', {}).get('users', [])] users = list(node_collection.find({ "$and": [ { "$or": [{"name": {"$in": usernames}}] }, { "type":"user"}, { "computers": {"$elemMatch": {"$eq": ObjectId(nodeid)}}} ] },{'_id':1,'name':1,'path':1})) # ObjectId to string for JSON serialize [d.update({'_id': str(d['_id'])}) for d in users] # Create a list of users that provides at least one user policy to this computer users_inheritance_pre = list(node_collection.find({ "$and": [ { "$or": [{"name": {"$in": usernames}}] }, { "type":"user"}, { "computers": {"$elemMatch": {"$eq": ObjectId(nodeid)}}} ] },{'_id':1,'name':1,'path':1, 'inheritance': 1})) [d.update({'_id': str(d['_id'])}) for d in users_inheritance_pre] users_inheritance = [] for usr_inh in users_inheritance_pre: if 'inheritance' in usr_inh: policies_list = get_inheritance_tree_policies_list(usr_inh['inheritance'], []) if len(policies_list) > 0: users_inheritance.append(usr_inh) cpu = ohai.get('cpu', {}).get('0', {}) dmi = ohai.get('dmi', {}) # debug_mode flag for logs tab debug_mode = False try: debug_mode = computer_node.attributes.get_dotted(DEBUG_MODE_ENABLE_ATTR_PATH) except KeyError: pass # Get logs info logs_data = node_collection.find_one({"type": "computer", "_id": ObjectId(nodeid)}, {"logs": True}) logs = {} if logs_data is not None and 'logs' in logs_data: logs_data = logs_data['logs'] date_format = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_T_FMT) date = datetime.datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', logs_data['date'])[:-1])) localename = locale.normalize(get_current_request().locale_name+'.UTF-8') logger.debug("/api/computers/: localename: %s" % (str(localename))) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, localename) logs['date'] = date.strftime(date_format) logger.debug("/api/computers/: date: %s" % (str(logs['date']))) logs['files'] = logs_data['files'] for filedata in logs_data['files']: # Do not send file contents del filedata['content'] # Get Help Channel info help_channel_enabled = True helpchannel_data = self.request.db.helpchannel.find( {"computer_node_id" : result['node_chef_id']}).sort( [("last_modified", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).limit(6) helpchannel = {} helpchannel['current'] = None helpchannel['last'] = [] if helpchannel_data is not None: c = 0 for hcdata in helpchannel_data: # Format date date_format = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_T_FMT)"last_modified: {0}".format( hcdata['last_modified'])) last_mod = re.split('[^\d]', str(hcdata['last_modified']))"last_mod: {0}".format(last_mod)) date = datetime.datetime(*map(int, last_mod[:-2])) localename = locale.normalize(get_current_request().locale_name+'.UTF-8') logger.debug("/api/computers/: localename: %s" % (str(localename))) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, localename) hcdata['last_modified'] = date.strftime(date_format) if hcdata['user_node_id']: # Format user user_data = node_collection.find_one({"type": "user", "_id": ObjectId(hcdata['user_node_id'])}) if user_data: hcdata['user'] = user_data['name'] else: logger.error("User not found: {0}".format(hcdata['user_node_id'])) else: hcdata['user'] = '' if hcdata['adminuser_id']: # Format user user_data = self.request.db.adminusers.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(hcdata['adminuser_id'])}) if user_data: hcdata['admin'] = user_data['username'] else: logger.error("Admin user not found: {0}".format(hcdata['adminuser_id'])) else: hcdata['admin'] = '' # Translate status info hcdata['status'] = _('Unknown status') if hcdata['action'] == 'request': hcdata['status'] = _('User is requesting support') elif hcdata['action'] == 'accepted': hcdata['status'] = _('User is requesting support') elif hcdata['action'] == 'finished user': hcdata['status'] = _('Terminated by user') elif hcdata['action'] == 'finished tech': hcdata['status'] = _('Terminated by technician') elif hcdata['action'] == 'finished error': hcdata['status'] = _('Terminated because of a communication error') elif hcdata['action'] == 'giving support': hcdata['status'] = _('The technician is giving support to the user') hcdata['_id'] = str(hcdata['_id']) if (c==0 and hcdata['action']=='accepted'): helpchannel['current'] = hcdata else: helpchannel['last'].append(hcdata) c = c + 1 result.update({'ohai': ohai, 'users': users, # Users related with this computer 'users_inheritance': users_inheritance, # Users related with this computer that provides at least one user policy 'uptime': ohai.get('uptime', ''), #'gcc_link': ohai.get('gcc_link',True), 'ipaddress': ohai.get('ipaddress', ''), 'cpu': '%s %s' % (cpu.get('vendor_id', ''), cpu.get('model_name', '')), 'product_name': dmi.get('system', {}).get('product_name', ''), 'manufacturer': dmi.get('system', {}).get('manufacturer', ''), 'ram': ohai.get('memory', {}).get('total', ''), 'lsb': ohai.get('lsb', {}), 'kernel': ohai.get('kernel', {}), 'filesystem': ohai.get('filesystem', {}), 'debug_mode': debug_mode, 'logs': logs, 'helpchannel': helpchannel, 'help_channel_enabled': help_channel_enabled }) except (urllib2.URLError, ChefError, ChefServerError): pass return result