Пример #1
def report_status(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the users that belongs to an OU.
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the users in the database. 
        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()
    # Get user data
    query = request.db.nodes.find(
        {'type': 'computer','path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)}
        [('error_last_chef_client', pymongo.DESCENDING),
         ('last_agent_run_time', pymongo.DESCENDING),
         ('name', pymongo.ASCENDING) ] )
    rows = []
    orders = []

    current_time = int(time.time())
    logger.debug("report_status: current_time = {}".format(current_time))

    # update_error_interval: Hours. Converts it to seconds
    update_error_interval = timedelta(
            'update_error_interval', 24))).seconds
    logger.debug("report_status: update_error_interval = {}".format(
    # gecos-agent runs every 60 minutes (cron resource: minutes 30)
    # See https://github.com/gecos-team/gecos-workstation-management-cookbook/blob/master/recipes/default.rb (line: 57)
    # 10-min max delay margin of chef-client concurrent executions
    # See https://github.com/gecos-team/gecosws-agent/blob/trusty/scripts/gecos-chef-client-wrapper (line: 30)
    # 15-min delay margin of network or chef-client execution
    # 60 + 10 + 15 = 85
    delay_margin = timedelta(minutes=85).seconds

    for item in query:
        row = []
        order = []
        status = '0'

        last_agent_run_time = int(item.get('last_agent_run_time',0))
        logger.debug("report_status: last_agent_run_time = {}".format(

        if last_agent_run_time + delay_margin >= current_time:
            item['status'] = '<div class="centered" style="width: 100%">'\
                '<img alt="OK" src="/static/images/checkmark.jpg"/></div>' \
                    if file_ext != 'csv' else 'OK'

            status = '0'
        # Chef-run error or update_error_interval hours has elapsed from last agent run time
        elif (item['error_last_chef_client'] or
            last_agent_run_time + update_error_interval >= current_time
            item['status'] = '<div class="centered" style="width: 100%">'\
                '<img alt="ERROR" src="/static/images/xmark.jpg"/></div>' \
                    if file_ext != 'csv' else 'ERROR'
            status = '2'

        # delay_margin < last_agent_run_time < update_error_interval
            item['status'] = '<div class="centered" style="width: 100%">'\
                '<img alt="WARN" src="/static/images/alertmark.jpg"/></div>' \
                    if file_ext != 'csv' else 'WARN'
            status = '1'

        if file_ext == 'pdf':
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'name', 20))

            if last_agent_run_time != 0:
                    last_agent_run_time).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
                row.append(' -- ')

            if file_ext == 'csv':
                row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name'))
            if last_agent_run_time != 0:
                    last_agent_run_time).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'status'))

    header = (_(u'Name').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Agent last runtime').encode('utf-8'),

    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (45, 20, 20, 15)
        widths = (15, 35, 15, 20)

    title =  _(u'Computer with anomalies')

    now = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    # Sort rows
    rows = sorted(rows, key = lambda i: (get_status(i[3]), i[0].lower()))    

    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'orders': orders,
            'default_order': [[ 3, 'desc' ], [ 0, 'asc' ]],
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #2
def report_printers(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the printers and its related computers.

        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    # Get printers policy
    policy = request.db.policies.find_one({'slug': 'printer_can_view'})
    property_name = 'policies.' + str(policy['_id']) + '.object_related_list'
    # Get all printers
    query = request.db.nodes.find(
        {'type': 'printer', 'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)})

    task = ChefTask()

    rows = []
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        for item in query:
            row = []
            # No path in PDF because it's too long
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'manufacturer', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'model', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'serial', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'registry', 15))

            # Get all nodes related with this printer
            nodes_query = request.db.nodes.find(
                {property_name: str(item['_id'])})
            related_computers = []
            related_objects = []
            for node in nodes_query:
                related_computers = task.get_related_computers(
                    node, related_computers, related_objects)
            # Remove duplicated computers
            computer_paths = []
            computers = []
            for computer in related_computers:
                full_path = computer['path'] + '.' + computer['name']
                if not full_path in computer_paths:
            if len(computers) == 0:
                for computer in computers:
                    computer_row = list(row)
                        computer, 'name', 15))
                    # No path in PDF because it's too long

        for item in query:
            row = []
            item['complete_path'] = get_complete_path(request.db, item['path'])
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'complete_path'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') \
                if file_ext == 'csv' else get_html_node_link(item))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'manufacturer'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'model'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'serial'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'registry'))

            # Get all nodes related with this printer
            nodes_query = request.db.nodes.find(
                {property_name: str(item['_id'])})
            related_computers = []
            related_objects = []
            for node in nodes_query:
                related_computers = task.get_related_computers(
                    node, related_computers, related_objects)

            # Remove duplicated computers
            computer_paths = []
            computers = []
            for computer in related_computers:
                full_path = computer['path'] + '.' + computer['name']
                if not full_path in computer_paths:

            if len(computers) == 0:
                for computer in computers:
                    computer_row = list(row)
                        computer, 'name') \
                            if file_ext == 'csv' \
                            else get_html_node_link(computer))
                    computer['complete_path'] = get_complete_path(
                        request.db, item['path'])
    header = (_(u'Path').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Serial number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Registry number').encode('utf-8'),
    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (0, 25, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15)
        widths = (0, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 20)
    title =  _(u'Printers and related computers report')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
    # Sort rows
    rows = sorted(rows, key = lambda i: (i[0].lower(), i[1].lower(),
    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'default_order': [[ 0, 'asc' ], [ 1, 'asc' ], [ 6, 'asc' ]],
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #3
def report_audit(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate audit log for user information tracking

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    rows = []
    orders = []

    # Getting audit logs
    items = request.db.auditlog.find().sort([('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING)

    for item in items:
        row = []
        order = []
        # Converts timestamp to date
        item['date'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
            item['timestamp']).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')

        if file_ext == 'pdf':
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'action', 10))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'username', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'ipaddr', 20))
                       )  #treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'user-agent',100))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'date', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'action'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'username'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'ipaddr'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'user-agent'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'date'))
            order.append('%s' % (item['timestamp']))


    header = (_(u'Action'), _(u'Username'), _(u'IP Address'), _(u'User Agent'),

    # Column widths in percentage
    widths = (10, 15, 20, 40, 15)
    title = _(u'Audit report')

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    return {
        'headers': header,
        'rows': rows,
        'orders': orders,
        'default_order': [[4, 'desc']],
        'widths': widths,
        'report_title': title,
        'page': _(u'Page'),
        'of': _(u'of'),
        'report_type': file_ext,
        'now': now
Пример #4
def report_permission(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the admin permissions.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    items = []
    total_ous = []
    vmark_html = "<div class='centered'><img alt=\"OK\" " + \
    xmark_html = "<div class='centered'><img alt=\"NOK\" " + \

    # Get all admins
    admins = request.db.adminusers.find()

    for admin in admins:
        ou_readonly = admin.get('ou_readonly', [])
        ou_availables = admin.get('ou_availables', [])
        ou_remote = admin.get('ou_remote', [])
        ou_managed = admin.get('ou_managed', [])
        admin_ous = set(ou_readonly + ou_availables + ou_remote + ou_managed)
        total_ous += admin_ous

        for ou in admin_ous:
            item = {}
            item['_id'] = str(admin['_id'])
            item['username'] = admin['username']
            item['OU'] = ou
            item['email'] = admin['email']
            item['name'] = admin['first_name'] + " " + admin['last_name']

            if file_ext == 'csv':
                item['readonly'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_readonly else _('No')
                item['link'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_availables else _('No')
                item['remote'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_remote else _('No')
                item['managed'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_managed else _('No')
                item['readonly'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_readonly else \
                    'link'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_availables else xmark_html
                item['remote'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_remote else xmark_html
                    'managed'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_managed else xmark_html

    logger.debug("report_permission: items = {}".format(items))

    # Get all OU names
    ids = [ObjectId(x) for x in total_ous]
    result = request.db.nodes.find({'_id': {
        '$in': ids
    }}, {
        '_id': 1,
        'path': 1
    ou_paths = {}

    for r in result:
        path = r['path'] + ',' + str(r['_id'])
        ou_paths.update({str(r['_id']): get_complete_path(request.db, path)})

    logger.debug("report_permission: ou_paths = {}".format(ou_paths))

    rows = []

    for item in items:
        row = []
        item['OU'] = ou_paths.get(item['OU'], item['OU'])

        if file_ext == 'pdf':
            row.append(item['username'] + "<br/>" + item['email'])
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'readonly', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'link', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'remote', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'managed', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'username'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'email'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'OU'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'readonly'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'link'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'remote'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'managed'))


    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        header = (_(u'Username and Email'), _(u'Organizational Unit'),
                  _(u'Read Only'), _(u'Link'), _(u'Remote'), _(u'Manage'))
        header = (_(u'Username'), _(u'Email'), _(u'Name'),
                  _(u'Organizational Unit'), _(u'Read Only'), _(u'Link'),
                  _(u'Remote'), _(u'Manage'))

    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (36, 36, 7, 7, 7, 7)
        widths = (20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10)

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    title = _(u'Permissions report')

    # Sort rows
    # TODO: Use MongoDB Collations to do a "ignore_case" sorting
    # (MongoDB 2.6 does not support "ignore case" sorting)
    rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda i: (i[0].lower()))

    return {
        'headers': header,
        'rows': rows,
        'default_order': [[0, 'asc']],
        'widths': widths,
        'report_title': title,
        'page': _(u'Page'),
        'of': _(u'of'),
        'report_type': file_ext,
        'now': now
Пример #5
def report_computer(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the computers that belongs to an OU.
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the computers in the database. 

        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    # Get user data
    query = request.db.nodes.find({
        'type': 'computer',
        'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)

    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        rows = [
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'name', 20),
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'family', 10),
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'registry', 10),
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'serial', 15),
                #treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'node_chef_id', 25),
                item['_id']) for item in query
        rows = [(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' \
                    else get_html_node_link(item),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'family'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'registry'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'serial'),
                 #treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'node_chef_id'),
                 item['_id']) for item in query]

    header = (
        _(u'Registry number'),
        _(u'Serial number'),
        #_(u'Node chef id'),

    # Column widths in percentage
    widths = (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)
    title = _(u'Computers report')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    # Sort rows
    # TODO: Use MongoDB Collations to do a "ignore_case" sorting
    # (MongoDB 2.6 does not support "ignore case" sorting)
    rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda i: (i[0].lower()))

    return {
        'headers': header,
        'rows': rows,
        'widths': widths,
        'default_order': [[0, 'asc']],
        'report_title': title,
        'page': _(u'Page'),
        'of': _(u'of'),
        'report_type': file_ext,
        'now': now
Пример #6
def report_no_user_computers(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the no-user computers that belongs to a OU.
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the users in the database. 
        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    task = ChefTask()
    related_computers = []
    related_objects = []

    filters = ({'type': 'user', 'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)})

    logger.info("report_no-user_computers: filters = {}".format(filters))

    users = request.db.nodes.find(filters)
    for user in users:
        related_computers = task.get_related_computers_of_user(
            user, related_computers, related_objects)

    references = [c['_id'] for c in related_computers]
    logger.info("report_no-user_computers: references = {}".format(references))
    filters2 = ({
        'type': 'computer',
        'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)
    filters2.update({'_id': {'$nin': [c['_id'] for c in related_computers]}})
    logger.info("report_no-user_computers: filters2 = {}".format(filters2))
    computers = request.db.nodes.find(filters2)

    rows = []

    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        rows = [(item['name'], treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'family', 15),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'registry', 15),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'serial', 20),
                 item['node_chef_id'], item['_id']) for item in computers]
        rows = [(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' \
                    else get_html_node_link(item),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'family'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'registry'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'serial'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'node_chef_id'),
                 item['_id']) for item in computers]

    header = (_(u'Name').encode('utf-8'), _(u'Type').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Registry number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Serial number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Node chef id').encode('utf-8'), _(u'Id').encode('utf-8'))

    # Column widths in percentage
    widths = (25, 10, 15, 15, 20, 15)
    title = _(u'No-user computers')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    # Sort rows
    # TODO: Use MongoDB Collations to do a "ignore_case" sorting
    # (MongoDB 2.6 does not support "ignore case" sorting)
    rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda i: (i[0].lower()))

    return {
        'headers': header,
        'rows': rows,
        'default_order': [[0, 'asc']],
        'widths': widths,
        'report_title': title,
        'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
        'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
        'report_type': file_ext,
        'now': now
Пример #7
def report_status(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the users that belongs to an OU.
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the users in the database. 
        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()
    # Get user data
    query = request.db.nodes.find(
        {'type': 'computer','path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)}).sort('last_agent_run_time', -1)
    rows = []

    current_time = int(time.time())
    logger.debug("report_status: current_time = {}".format(current_time))

    # update_error_interval: Hours. Converts it to seconds
    update_error_interval = timedelta(hours=int(get_current_registry().settings.get('update_error_interval', 24))).seconds
    logger.debug("report_status: update_error_interval = {}".format(update_error_interval))
    # gecos-agent runs every 60 minutes (cron resource: minutes 30)
    # See https://github.com/gecos-team/gecos-workstation-management-cookbook/blob/master/recipes/default.rb (line: 57)
    # 10-min max delay margin of chef-client concurrent executions
    # See https://github.com/gecos-team/gecosws-agent/blob/trusty/scripts/gecos-chef-client-wrapper (line: 30)
    # 15-min delay margin of network or chef-client execution
    # 60 + 10 + 15 = 85
    delay_margin = timedelta(minutes=85).seconds

    for item in query:
        row = []

        last_agent_run_time = int(item.get('last_agent_run_time',0))
        logger.debug("report_status: last_agent_run_time = {}".format(last_agent_run_time))

        if last_agent_run_time + delay_margin >= current_time:
            item['status'] = '<div class="centered" style="width: 100%"><img alt="OK" src="/static/images/checkmark.jpg"/></div>' \
                             if file_ext != 'csv' else 'OK'

        # Chef-run error or update_error_interval hours has elapsed from last agent run time
        elif (item['error_last_chef_client'] or
            last_agent_run_time + update_error_interval >= current_time
            item['status'] = '<div class="centered" style="width: 100%"><img alt="ERROR" src="/static/images/xmark.jpg"/></div>' \
                             if file_ext != 'csv' else 'ERROR'

        # delay_margin < last_agent_run_time < update_error_interval
            item['status'] = '<div class="centered" style="width: 100%"><img alt="WARN" src="/static/images/alertmark.jpg"/></div>' \
                             if file_ext != 'csv' else 'WARN'

        if file_ext == 'pdf':
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'name', 20))

            if last_agent_run_time != 0:
                row.append(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_agent_run_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
                row.append(' -- ')

            if file_ext == 'csv':
                row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name'))
            if last_agent_run_time != 0:
                row.append(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_agent_run_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'status'))

    header = (_(u'Name').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Agent last runtime').encode('utf-8'),

    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (45, 20, 20, 15)
        widths = (15, 35, 15, 20)

    title =  _(u'Computer with anomalies')

    now = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #8
def report_computer(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the computers that belongs to an OU.
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the computers in the database. 

        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    # Get user data
    query = request.db.nodes.find(
            {'type': 'computer', 'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)})

    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        rows = [(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'name', 20),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'family', 10),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'registry', 10),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'serial', 15),
                 #treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'node_chef_id', 25),
                 item['_id']) for item in query]
        rows = [(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' else get_html_node_link(item),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'family'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'registry'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'serial'),
                 #treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'node_chef_id'),
                 item['_id']) for item in query]
    header = (_(u'Name').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Registry number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Serial number').encode('utf-8'),
              #_(u'Node chef id').encode('utf-8'),
    # Column widths in percentage
    widths = (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)
    title =  _(u'Computers report')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #9
def report_audit(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate audit log for user information tracking

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    rows = []

    # Getting audit logs
    items = request.db.auditlog.find()

    for item in items:
        row = []
        # Converts timestamp to date
        item['date']  =datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item['timestamp']).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')

        if file_ext == 'pdf':
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'action', 10))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'username', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'ipaddr', 20))
            row.append(item['user-agent'])#treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'user-agent',100))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'date', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'action'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'username'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'ipaddr'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'user-agent'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'date'))

    header = (_(u'Action').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'IP Address').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'User Agent').encode('utf-8'),
    # Column widths in percentage
    widths = (10, 15, 20, 40, 15)
    title =  _(u'Audit report')

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #10
def report_permission(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the admin permissions.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    items = []
    total_ous = []
    vmark_html = "<div class='centered'><img alt=\"OK\" src='/static/images/checkmark.jpg'/></div>"
    xmark_html = "<div class='centered'><img alt=\"NOK\" src='/static/images/xmark.jpg'/></div>"

    # Get all admins
    admins = request.db.adminusers.find()

    for admin in admins:
        ou_readonly = admin.get('ou_readonly', [])
        ou_availables = admin.get('ou_availables', [])
        ou_remote = admin.get('ou_remote', [])
        ou_managed = admin.get('ou_managed', [])
        admin_ous = set(ou_readonly + ou_availables + ou_remote + ou_managed)
        total_ous += admin_ous

        for ou in admin_ous:
            item = {}
            item['_id'] = str(admin['_id'])
            item['username'] = admin['username']
            item['OU'] = ou
            item['email'] = admin['email']
            item['name'] = admin['first_name']+" "+admin['last_name']

            if file_ext == 'csv':
                item['readonly'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_readonly else _('No')
                item['link'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_availables else _('No')
                item['remote'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_remote else _('No')
                item['managed'] = _('Yes') if ou in ou_managed else _('No')
                item['readonly'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_readonly else xmark_html
                item['link'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_availables else xmark_html
                item['remote'] =  vmark_html if ou in ou_remote else xmark_html
                item['managed'] = vmark_html if ou in ou_managed else xmark_html

    logger.debug("report_permission: items = {}".format(items))
    # Get all OU names
    ids = map(lambda x: ObjectId(x), total_ous)
    result = request.db.nodes.find({'_id': {'$in': ids}},{'_id':1, 'path':1})
    ou_paths = {}

    for r in result:
        path = r['path']+','+str(r['_id'])
        ou_paths.update({str(r['_id']): get_complete_path(request.db, path)})

    logger.debug("report_permission: ou_paths = {}".format(ou_paths))

    rows = []

    for item in items:    
        row = []
        item['OU'] = ou_paths.get(item['OU'], item['OU'])

        if file_ext == 'pdf':
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'readonly', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'link', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'remote', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'managed', 80))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'username'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'email'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'OU'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'readonly'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'link'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'remote'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'managed'))

    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        header = (_(u'Username and Email').encode('utf-8'),
                  _(u'Organizational Unit').encode('utf-8'),
                  _(u'Read Only').encode('utf-8'),
        header = (_(u'Username').encode('utf-8'),
                  _(u'Organizational Unit').encode('utf-8'),
                  _(u'Read Only').encode('utf-8'),

    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (36, 36, 7, 7, 7, 7)
        widths = (20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10)

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

    title = _(u'Permissions report')
    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
def report_no_user_computers(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the no-user computers that belongs to a OU.
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the users in the database. 
        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    task = ChefTask()
    related_computers = []
    related_objects = []
    filters = ({'type': 'user','path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)})

    logger.info("report_no-user_computers: filters = {}".format(filters))

    users = request.db.nodes.find(filters)
    for user in users:
        related_computers = task.get_related_computers_of_user(user, related_computers, related_objects)

    references = [c['_id'] for c in related_computers]
    logger.info("report_no-user_computers: references = {}".format(references))
    filters2 = ({'type': 'computer','path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)})
    filters2.update({'_id': {'$nin': [c['_id'] for c in related_computers]}})
    logger.info("report_no-user_computers: filters2 = {}".format(filters2))
    computers = request.db.nodes.find(filters2)

    rows = []
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        rows = [(item['name'],
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'family', 15),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'registry', 15),
                 treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'serial', 20),
                 item['_id']) for item in computers]
        rows = [(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' else get_html_node_link(item),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'family'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'registry'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'serial'),
                 treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'node_chef_id'),
                 item['_id']) for item in computers]

    header = (_(u'Name').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Registry number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Serial number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Node chef id').encode('utf-8'),
    # Column widths in percentage
    widths = (25, 10, 15, 15, 20, 15)
    title =  _(u'No-user computers')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #12
def report_printers(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the printers and its related computers.

        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    # Get printers policy
    policy = request.db.policies.find_one({'slug': 'printer_can_view'})
    property_name = 'policies.' + str(policy['_id']) + '.object_related_list'
    # Get all printers
    query = request.db.nodes.find(
        {'type': 'printer', 'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id)})

    task = ChefTask()

    rows = []
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        for item in query:
            row = []
            # No path in PDF because it's too long
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'manufacturer', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'model', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'serial', 15))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'registry', 15))

            # Get all nodes related with this printer
            nodes_query = request.db.nodes.find({property_name: str(item['_id'])})
            related_computers = []
            related_objects = []
            for node in nodes_query:
                related_computers = task.get_related_computers(node, related_computers, related_objects)
            # Remove duplicated computers
            computer_paths = []
            computers = []
            for computer in related_computers:
                full_path = computer['path'] + '.' + computer['name']
                if not full_path in computer_paths:
            if len(computers) == 0:
                for computer in computers:
                    computer_row = list(row)
                    computer_row.append(treatment_string_to_pdf(computer, 'name', 15))
                    # No path in PDF because it's too long

        for item in query:
            row = []
            item['complete_path'] = get_complete_path(request.db, item['path'])
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'complete_path'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' else get_html_node_link(item))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'manufacturer'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'model'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'serial'))
            row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'registry'))

            # Get all nodes related with this printer
            nodes_query = request.db.nodes.find({property_name: str(item['_id'])})
            related_computers = []
            related_objects = []
            for node in nodes_query:
                related_computers = task.get_related_computers(node, related_computers, related_objects)

            # Remove duplicated computers
            computer_paths = []
            computers = []
            for computer in related_computers:
                full_path = computer['path'] + '.' + computer['name']
                if not full_path in computer_paths:

            if len(computers) == 0:
                for computer in computers:
                    computer_row = list(row)
                    computer_row.append(treatment_string_to_csv(computer, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' else get_html_node_link(computer))
                    computer['complete_path'] = get_complete_path(request.db, item['path'])
    header = (_(u'Path').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Serial number').encode('utf-8'),
              _(u'Registry number').encode('utf-8'),
    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (0, 25, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15)
        widths = (0, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 20)
    title =  _(u'Printers and related computers report')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}
Пример #13
def report_no_computer_users(context, request, file_ext):
    Generate a report with all the no-computer users that belongs to a OU
    If the administrator is a superadmin the generated report will contain 
    all the users in the database. 
        ou_id (string) : ID of the OU.

        headers (list) : The headers of the table to export
        rows (list)    : Rows with the report data
        widths (list)  : The witdhs of the columns of the table to export
        page           : Translation of the word "page" to the current language
        of             : Translation of the word "of" to the current language
        report_type    : Type of report (html, csv or pdf)

    # Check current user permissions
    ou_id = check_visibility_of_ou(request)
    if ou_id is None:
        raise HTTPBadRequest()

    # Get user data
    query = request.db.nodes.find(
        {'type': 'user', 'path': get_filter_nodes_belonging_ou(ou_id),
         'computers': []})

    rows = []
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        rows = [(item['name'],
                item['first_name']+" "+item['last_name'],
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'email', 35),
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'phone', 15),
                treatment_string_to_pdf(item, 'address', 35),
                item['_id']) for item in query]
        rows = [(treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'name') if file_ext == 'csv' \
                    else get_html_node_link(item),
                treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'first_name'),
                treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'last_name'),
                treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'email'),
                treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'phone'),
                treatment_string_to_csv(item, 'address'),
                item['_id']) for item in query]
    header = (_(u'Username').encode('utf-8'),
    # Column widths in percentage
    if file_ext == 'pdf':
        widths = (25, 25, 15, 10, 20, 15)
        widths = (15, 15, 10, 15, 10, 20, 15)
        header = header[ : 2] + (_(u'Last name').encode('utf-8'),) + \
            header[ 2 : ]

    title =  _(u'No-computer users report')
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
    # Sort rows
    # TODO: Use MongoDB Collations to do a "ignore_case" sorting    
    # (MongoDB 2.6 does not support "ignore case" sorting)   
    rows = sorted(rows, key = lambda i: (i[0].lower()))    
    return {'headers': header,
            'rows': rows,
            'default_order': [[ 0, 'asc' ]],
            'widths': widths,
            'report_title': title,
            'page': _(u'Page').encode('utf-8'),
            'of': _(u'of').encode('utf-8'),
            'report_type': file_ext,
            'now': now}