Пример #1
def transfer_kernel(Pk, P1):
    """Compile a kernel that will map between Pk and P1.
    :returns: a PyOP2 kernel.

    The prolongation maps a solution in P1 into Pk using the natural
    embedding.  The restriction maps a residual in the dual of Pk into
    the dual of P1 (it is the dual of the prolongation), computed
    using linearity of the test function.
    # Mapping of a residual in Pk into a residual in P1
    from coffee import base as coffee
    from tsfc.coffee import generate as generate_coffee, SCALAR_TYPE
    from tsfc.parameters import default_parameters
    from gem import gem, impero_utils as imp

    # Pk should be at least the same size as P1
    assert Pk.finat_element.space_dimension() >= P1.finat_element.space_dimension()
    # In the general case we should compute this by doing:
    # numpy.linalg.solve(Pkmass, PkP1mass)
    Pke = Pk.finat_element._element
    P1e = P1.finat_element._element
    # TODO, rework to use finat.
    matrix = numpy.dot(Pke.dual.to_riesz(P1e.get_nodal_basis()),

    Vout, Vin = P1, Pk
    weights = gem.Literal(matrix)
    name = "Pk_P1_mapper"

    funargs = []

    assert Vin.shape == Vout.shape

    shape = (P1e.space_dimension() * Vout.value_size,
             Pke.space_dimension() * Vin.value_size)
    outarg = coffee.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, coffee.Symbol("A", rank=shape))
    i = gem.Index()
    j = gem.Index()
    k = gem.Index()
    indices = i, j, k
    A = gem.Variable("A", shape)

    outgem = [gem.Indexed(gem.reshape(A,
                                      (P1e.space_dimension(), Vout.value_size),
                                      (Pke.space_dimension(), Vin.value_size)),
                          (i, k, j, k))]


    expr = gem.Indexed(weights, (i, j))

    outgem, = imp.preprocess_gem(outgem)
    ir = imp.compile_gem([(outgem, expr)], indices)

    index_names = [(i, "i"), (j, "j"), (k, "k")]
    body = generate_coffee(ir, index_names, default_parameters()["precision"])
    function = coffee.FunDecl("void", name, funargs, body,
                              pred=["static", "inline"])

    return op2.Kernel(function, name=function.name)
Пример #2
def compile_ufl_kernel(expression, to_pts, to_element, fs):
    import collections
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_function_pullbacks import apply_function_pullbacks
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_algebra_lowering import apply_algebra_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives import apply_derivatives
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_geometry_lowering import apply_geometry_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms import extract_arguments, extract_coefficients
    from gem import gem, impero_utils
    from tsfc import fem, ufl_utils
    from tsfc.coffee import generate as generate_coffee
    from tsfc.kernel_interface import (KernelBuilderBase,

    # Imitate the compute_form_data processing pipeline
    # Unfortunately, we cannot call compute_form_data here, since
    # we only have an expression, not a form
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    if expression.ufl_domain():
        assert fs.mesh() == expression.ufl_domain()
        expression = ufl_utils.replace_coordinates(expression, fs.mesh().coordinates)

    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    builder = KernelBuilderBase()
    args = []

    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    for i, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients):
        args.append(builder.coefficient(coefficient, "w_%d" % i))

    point_index = gem.Index(name='p')
    ir = fem.process('cell', fs.mesh().ufl_cell(), to_pts, None,
                     point_index, (), expression,
    assert len(ir) == 1

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    tensor_indices = ()
    if fs.shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in fs.shape)
        ir = [gem.Indexed(ir[0], tensor_indices)]

    # Build kernel body
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', (len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)
    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, (point_index,) + tensor_indices)
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([return_expr], ir, [point_index])
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, index_names={point_index: 'p'})

    oriented = needs_cell_orientations(ir)
    if oriented:
        args.insert(0, cell_orientations_coffee_arg)

    # Build kernel
    args.insert(0, ast.Decl("double", ast.Symbol('A', rank=(len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)))
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel("expression_kernel", args, body)

    return op2.Kernel(kernel_code, kernel_code.name), oriented, coefficients