Пример #1
    def test_inputs_match(self, astrofaker):

        ad1 = astrofaker.create("GMOS-S", mode="IMAGE")

        ad2 = astrofaker.create("GMOS-S", mode="IMAGE")

        gt.check_inputs_match(ad1, ad2)
Пример #2
    def test_inputs_match_different_shapes(self, astrofaker):

        ad1 = astrofaker.create("GMOS-S", mode="IMAGE")
        for ext in ad1:
            ext.data = ext.data[20:-20, 20:-20]

        ad2 = astrofaker.create("GMOS-S", mode="IMAGE")

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            gt.check_inputs_match(ad1, ad2)

        gt.check_inputs_match(ad1, ad2, check_shape=False)
Пример #3
    def biasCorrect(self, adinputs=None, suffix=None, bias=None, do_bias=True):
        The biasCorrect primitive will subtract the science extension of the
        input bias frames from the science extension of the input science
        frames. The variance and data quality extension will be updated, if
        they exist. If no bias is provided, getProcessedBias will be called
        to ensure a bias exists for every adinput.

        suffix: str
            suffix to be added to output files
        bias: str/list of str
            bias(es) to subtract
        do_bias: bool
            perform bias subtraction?
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]

        if not do_bias:
            log.warning("Bias correction has been turned off.")
            return adinputs

        if bias is None:
            self.getProcessedBias(adinputs, refresh=False)
            bias_list = self._get_cal(adinputs, 'processed_bias')
            bias_list = bias

        # Provide a bias AD object for every science frame
        for ad, bias in zip(
                *gt.make_lists(adinputs, bias_list, force_ad=True)):
            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since it has "
                            "already been processed by biasCorrect".format(

            if bias is None:
                if 'qa' in self.mode:
                    log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since no "
                                "bias was specified".format(ad.filename))
                    raise OSError('No processed bias listed for {}'.format(

            except ValueError:
                bias = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(ad, aux=bias, aux_type='cal')
                # An Error will be raised if they don't match now

            log.fullinfo('Subtracting this bias from {}:\n{}'.format(
                ad.filename, bias.filename))

            # Record bias used, timestamp, and update filename
            ad.phu.set('BIASIM', bias.filename,
            gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key)
            ad.update_filename(suffix=suffix, strip=True)
            if bias.path:
                add_provenance(ad, bias.filename,
                               md5sum(bias.path) or "", self.myself())

            timestamp = datetime.now()
        return adinputs
    def slitIllumCorrect(self,
        This primitive will divide each SCI extension of the inputs by those
        of the corresponding slit illumination image. If the inputs contain
        VAR or DQ frames, those will also be updated accordingly due to the
        division on the data.

        adinputs : list of AstroData
            Data to be corrected.
        slit_illum : str or AstroData
            Slit illumination path or AstroData object.
        do_illum: bool, optional
            Perform slit illumination correction? (Default: True)
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]
        qecorr_key = self.timestamp_keys['QECorrect']

        if not do_illum:
            log.warning("Slit Illumination correction has been turned off.")
            return adinputs

        if slit_illum is None:
            raise NotImplementedError
            slit_illum_list = slit_illum

        # Provide a Slit Illum Ad object for every science frame
        ad_outputs = []
        for ad, slit_illum_ad in zip(
                *gt.make_lists(adinputs, slit_illum_list, force_ad=True)):

            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since it has "
                            "already been processed by flatCorrect".format(

            if slit_illum_ad is None:
                if self.mode in ['sq']:
                    raise OSError(
                        "No processed slit illumination listed for {}".format(
                    log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since no slit "
                                "illumination has been specified".format(

            gt.check_inputs_match(ad, slit_illum_ad, check_shape=False)

            if not all(
                [e1.shape == e2.shape for (e1, e2) in zip(ad, slit_illum_ad)]):
                slit_illum_ad = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(adinput=[ad],

            log.info("Dividing the input AstroData object {} by this \n"
                     "slit illumination file:  \n{}".format(
                         ad.filename, slit_illum_ad.filename))

            ad_out = deepcopy(ad)

            # Update the header and filename, copying QECORR keyword from flat
            ad_out.phu.set("SLTILLIM", slit_illum_ad.filename,

                qecorr_value = slit_illum_ad.phu[qecorr_key]
            except KeyError:
                    "Copying {} keyword from slit illumination".format(
                ad_out.phu.set(qecorr_key, qecorr_value,

            ad_out.update_filename(suffix=suffix, strip=True)

            if slit_illum_ad.path:
                add_provenance(ad_out, slit_illum_ad.filename,
                               md5sum(slit_illum_ad.path) or "", self.myself())


        return ad_outputs
Пример #5
    def fringeCorrect(self, adinputs=None, **params):
        Correct science frames for the effects of fringing, using a fringe
        frame. The fringe frame is obtained either from a specified parameter,
        or the "fringe" stream, or the calibration database. This is basically
        a bookkeeping wrapper for subtractFringe(), which does all the work.

        suffix: str
            suffix to be added to output files
        fringe: list/str/AstroData/None
            fringe frame(s) to subtract
        do_fringe: bool/None
            apply fringe correction? (None => use pipeline default for data)
        scale: bool/None
            scale fringe frame? (None => False if fringe frame has same
            group_id() as data
        scale_factor: float/sequence/None
            factor(s) to scale fringe
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]
        fringe = params["fringe"]
        scale = params["scale"]
        do_cal = params["do_cal"]

        # Exit now if nothing needs a correction, to avoid an error when the
        # calibration search fails. If images with different exposure times
        # are used, some frames may not require a correction (but the calibration
        # search will succeed), so still need to check individual inputs later.
        needs_correction = [self._needs_fringe_correction(ad) for ad in adinputs]
        if any(needs_correction):
            if do_cal == 'skip':
                log.warning("Fringe correction has been turned off but is "
                return adinputs
            if do_cal == 'procmode' or do_cal == 'skip':
                log.stdinfo("No input images require a fringe correction.")
                return adinputs
            else:  # do_cal == 'force':
                log.warning("Fringe correction has been forced on but may not "
                            "be required.")

        if fringe is None:
            # This logic is for QAP
                fringe_list = self.streams['fringe']
                assert len(fringe_list) == 1
                scale = False
                log.stdinfo("Using fringe frame in 'fringe' stream. "
                            "Setting scale=False")
                fringe_list = (fringe_list[0], "stream")
            except (KeyError, AssertionError):
                fringe_list = self.caldb.get_processed_fringe(adinputs)
            fringe_list = (fringe, None)

        # Usual stuff to ensure that we have an iterable of the correct length
        # for the scale factors regardless of what the input is
        scale_factor = params["scale_factor"]
            factors = iter(scale_factor)
        except TypeError:
            factors = iter([scale_factor] * len(adinputs))
            # In case a single-element list was passed
            if len(scale_factor) == 1:
                factors = iter(scale_factor * len(adinputs))

        # Get a fringe AD object for every science frame
        for ad, fringe, origin, correct in zip(*gt.make_lists(
                adinputs, *fringe_list, needs_correction, force_ad=(1,))):
            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning(f"{ad.filename}: already processed by "
                            "fringeCorrect. Continuing.")

            # Logic to deal with different exposure times where only
            # some inputs might require fringe correction
            # KL: for now, I'm not allowing the "force" to do anything when
            #     the correction is not needed.
            if (do_cal == 'procmode' or do_cal == 'force') and not correct:
                log.stdinfo("{} does not require a fringe correction".
                ad.update_filename(suffix=params["suffix"], strip=True)

            # At this point, we definitely want to do a fringe correction
            # so we'd better have a fringe frame!
            if fringe is None:
                if 'sq' not in self.mode and do_cal != 'force':
                    log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since no "
                                "fringe frame has been specified".
                    log.warning(f"{ad.filename}: no fringe was specified. "

            # Check the inputs have matching filters, binning, and shapes
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, fringe)
            except ValueError:
                fringe = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(adinput=ad, aux=fringe,
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, fringe)

            origin_str = f" (obtained from {origin})" if origin else ""
            log.stdinfo(f"{ad.filename}: using the fringe frame "
            matched_groups = (ad.group_id() == fringe.group_id())
            if scale or (scale is None and not matched_groups):
                factor = next(factors)
                if factor is None:
                    factor = self._calculate_fringe_scaling(ad, fringe)
                log.stdinfo("Scaling fringe frame by factor {:.3f} before "
                            "subtracting from {}".format(factor, ad.filename))
                # Since all elements of fringe_list might be references to the
                # same AD, need to make a copy before multiplying
                fringe_copy = deepcopy(fringe)
                if scale is None:
                    log.stdinfo("Not scaling fringe frame with same group ID "
                                "as {}".format(ad.filename))

            # Timestamp and update header and filename
            ad.phu.set("FRINGEIM", fringe.filename, self.keyword_comments["FRINGEIM"])
            gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key)
            ad.update_filename(suffix=params["suffix"], strip=True)
            if fringe.path:
                add_provenance(ad, fringe.filename, md5sum(fringe.path) or "", self.myself())
        return adinputs
Пример #6
 def test_check_inputs_match(self):
     ad1 = astrodata.open(os.path.join(TESTDATAPATH, 'NIRI',
     ad2 = astrodata.open(os.path.join(TESTDATAPATH, 'NIRI',
     gt.check_inputs_match(ad1, ad2)
Пример #7
    def fringeCorrect(self, adinputs=None, **params):
        Correct science frames for the effects of fringing, using a fringe
        frame. The fringe frame is obtained either from a specified parameter,
        or the "fringe" stream, or the calibration database. This is basically
        a bookkeeping wrapper for subtractFringe(), which does all the work.

        suffix: str
            suffix to be added to output files
        fringe: list/str/AstroData/None
            fringe frame(s) to subtract
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]

        # Exit now if nothing needs a correction, to avoid an error when the
        # calibration search fails. If images with different exposure times
        # are used, some frames may not require a correction (but the calibration
        # search will succeed), so still need to check individual inputs later.
        if not any(self._needs_fringe_correction(ad) for ad in adinputs):
            log.stdinfo("No input images require a fringe correction.")
            return adinputs

        fringe = params["fringe"]
        scale = params["scale"]
        if fringe is None:
                fringe_list = self.streams['fringe']
                assert len(fringe_list) == 1
                scale = False
                log.stdinfo("Using fringe frame in 'fringe' stream. "
                            "Setting scale=False")
            except (KeyError, AssertionError):
                fringe_list = self._get_cal(adinputs, "processed_fringe")
            fringe_list = fringe

        # Usual stuff to ensure that we have an iterable of the correct length
        # for the scale factors regardless of what the input is
        scale_factor = params["scale_factor"]
            factors = iter(scale_factor)
        except TypeError:
            factors = iter([scale_factor] * len(adinputs))
            # In case a single-element list was passed
            if len(scale_factor) == 1:
                factors = iter(scale_factor * len(adinputs))

        # Get a fringe AD object for every science frame
        for ad, fringe in zip(*gt.make_lists(adinputs, fringe_list, force_ad=True)):
            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since it has "
                            "already been processed by subtractFringe".

            # Check the inputs have matching filters, binning, and shapes
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, fringe)
            except ValueError:
                fringe = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(adinput=ad, aux=fringe,
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, fringe)

            if scale:
                factor = next(factors)
                if factor is None:
                    factor = self._calculate_fringe_scaling(ad, fringe)
                log.stdinfo("Scaling fringe frame by factor {:.3f} before "
                            "subtracting from {}".format(factor, ad.filename))
                # Since all elements of fringe_list might be references to the
                # same AD, need to make a copy before multiplying
                fringe_copy = deepcopy(fringe)

            # Timestamp and update header and filename
            ad.phu.set("FRINGEIM", fringe.filename, self.keyword_comments["FRINGEIM"])
            gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key)
            ad.update_filename(suffix=params["suffix"], strip=True)
        return adinputs
Пример #8
    def processSlits(self, adinputs=None, **params):
        Compute and record the mean exposure epoch for a slit viewer image

        The 'slit viewer image' for each observation will almost certainly
        be a sequence of short exposures of the slit viewer camera,
        collected together for convenience. However, it cannot be guaranteed
        that slit viewer exposures will be taken throughout an entire
        science exposure; therefore, it is necessary to be able to compute
        the mean exposure epoch (i.e. the effective time that the combined
        slit viewer exposures were taken at). This allows a single science
        observation to be calibrated using multiple packets of slit viewer
        exposures, with appropriate weighting for the time delay between them.

        ``processSlits`` effectively computes a weighted average of the
        exposure epoch of all constituent slit viewer exposures, taking into

        - Length of each exposure;
        - Whether there is any overlap between the start/end of the
          exposure and the start/end of the overall 'image';
        - Time of each exposure, relative to the start of the 'image'.

        suffix: str
            suffix to be added to output files
        slitflat: str/None
            name of the slitflat to use (if None, use the calibration
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]

        flat_list = params["flat"]
        if flat_list is None:
            flat_list = [
                self._get_cal(ad, 'processed_slitflat') for ad in adinputs

        for ad, slitflat in zip(
                *gt.make_lists(adinputs, flat_list, force_ad=True)):
            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since it has "
                            "already been processed by processSlits".format(

            if slitflat is None:
                log.warning("Unable to find slitflat calibration for {}; "
                sv_flat = slitflat[0].data

            # accumulators for computing the mean epoch
            sum_of_weights = 0.0
            accum_weighted_time = 0.0

            # Check the inputs have matching binning and SCI shapes.
            except ValueError:
                # This is most likely because the science frame has multiple
                # extensions and the slitflat needs to be copied
                slitflat = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(ad, slitflat, aux_type='cal')
                # An Error will be raised if they don't match now
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, slitflat, check_filter=False)

            # get science start/end times
            sc_start = parse_timestr(ad.phu['UTSTART'])
            sc_end = parse_timestr(ad.phu['UTEND'])

            res = ad.res_mode()
            for ext in ad:
                sv_start = parse_timestr(ext.hdr['EXPUTST'])
                sv_end = parse_timestr(ext.hdr['EXPUTEND'])

                # compute overlap percentage and slit view image duration
                latest_start = max(sc_start, sv_start)
                earliest_end = min(sc_end, sv_end)
                overlap = (earliest_end - latest_start).seconds
                overlap = 0.0 if overlap < 0.0 else overlap  # no overlap edge case
                sv_duration = (sv_end - sv_start).seconds
                overlap /= sv_duration  # convert into a percentage

                # compute the offset (the value to be weighted), in seconds,
                # from the start of the science exposure
                offset = 42.0  # init value: overridden if overlap, else 0-scaled
                if sc_start <= sv_start and sv_end <= sc_end:
                    offset = (sv_start - sc_start).seconds + sv_duration / 2.0
                elif sv_start < sc_start:
                    offset = overlap * sv_duration / 2.0
                elif sv_end > sc_end:
                    offset = overlap * sv_duration / 2.0
                    offset += (sv_start - sc_start).seconds

                # add flux-weighted offset (plus weight itself) to accumulators
                flux = _total_obj_flux(res, ext.data, sv_flat)
                weight = flux * overlap
                sum_of_weights += weight
                accum_weighted_time += weight * offset

            # final mean exposure epoch computation
            if sum_of_weights > 0.0:
                mean_offset = accum_weighted_time / sum_of_weights
                mean_offset = timedelta(seconds=mean_offset)
                # write the mean exposure epoch into the PHU
                sc_start = parse_timestr(ad.phu['UTSTART'])
                mean_epoch = sc_start + mean_offset
                ad.phu['AVGEPOCH'] = (  # hope this keyword string is ok
                    'Mean Exposure Epoch')

            # Timestamp and update filename
            gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key)
            ad.update_filename(suffix=params["suffix"], strip=True)
        return adinputs
Пример #9
    def biasCorrect(self, adinputs=None, suffix=None, bias=None, do_cal=None):
        The biasCorrect primitive will subtract the science extension of the
        input bias frames from the science extension of the input science
        frames. The variance and data quality extension will be updated, if
        they exist. If no bias is provided, the calibration database(s) will
        be queried.

        suffix: str
            suffix to be added to output files
        bias: str/list of str
            bias(es) to subtract
        do_cal: str
            perform bias subtraction?
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]

        if do_cal == 'skip':
            log.warning("Bias correction has been turned off.")
            return adinputs

        if bias is None:
            bias_list = self.caldb.get_processed_bias(adinputs)
            bias_list = (bias, None)

        # Provide a bias AD object for every science frame, and an origin
        for ad, bias, origin in zip(*gt.make_lists(adinputs, *bias_list,
            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning(f"{ad.filename}: already processed by "
                            "biasCorrect. Continuing.")

            if bias is None:
                if 'sq' not in self.mode and do_cal != 'force':
                    log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since no "
                                "bias was specified".format(ad.filename))
                    log.warning(f"{ad.filename}: no bias was specified. "

                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, bias, check_filter=False,
            except ValueError:
                bias = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(ad, aux=bias, aux_type='cal')
                # An Error will be raised if they don't match now
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, bias, check_filter=False,

            origin_str = f" (obtained from {origin})" if origin else ""
            log.stdinfo(f"{ad.filename}: subtracting the bias "

            # Record bias used, timestamp, and update filename
            ad.phu.set('BIASIM', bias.filename, self.keyword_comments['BIASIM'])
            gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key)
            ad.update_filename(suffix=suffix, strip=True)
            if bias.path:
                add_provenance(ad, bias.filename, md5sum(bias.path) or "", self.myself())

            timestamp = datetime.now()
        return adinputs
    def divideByFlat(self, rc):
        This primitive will divide each SCI extension of the inputs by those
        of the corresponding flat. If the inputs contain VAR or DQ frames,
        those will also be updated accordingly due to the division on the data.
        # Instantiate the log
        log = logutils.get_logger(__name__)
        # Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "divideByFlat", "starting"))
        # Define the keyword to be used for the time stamp for this primitive
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys["divideByFlat"]

        # Initialize the list of output AstroData objects
        adoutput_list = []
        # Check for a user-supplied flat
        adinput = rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata()
        flat_param = rc["flat"]
        flat_dict = None
        if flat_param is not None:
            # The user supplied an input to the flat parameter
            if not isinstance(flat_param, list):
                flat_list = [flat_param]
                flat_list = flat_param

            # Convert filenames to AD instances if necessary
            tmp_list = []
            for flat in flat_list:
                if type(flat) is not AstroData:
                    flat = AstroData(flat)
            flat_list = tmp_list
            flat_dict = gt.make_dict(key_list=adinput, value_list=flat_list)

        # Loop over each input AstroData object in the input list
        for ad in adinput:
            # Check whether the divideByFlat primitive has been run previously
            if ad.phu_get_key_value(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to %s, since it has " \
                            "already been processed by divideByFlat" \
                            % (ad.filename))
                # Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
                # AstroData objects without further processing
            # Retrieve the appropriate flat
            if flat_dict is not None:
                flat = flat_dict[ad]
                flat = rc.get_cal(ad, "processed_flat")
                # If there is no appropriate flat, there is no need to divide by
                # the flat in QA context; in SQ context, raise an error
                if flat is None:
                    if "qa" in rc.context:
                        log.warning("No changes will be made to %s, since no " \
                                    "appropriate flat could be retrieved" \
                                    % (ad.filename))
                        # Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
                        # AstroData objects without further processing
                        raise Errors.PrimitiveError("No processed flat found "\
                                                    "for %s" % ad.filename)
                    flat = AstroData(flat)
            # Check the inputs have matching filters, binning, and SCI shapes.
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad1=ad, ad2=flat) 
            except Errors.ToolboxError:
                # If not, try to clip the flat frame to the size
                # of the science data
                # For a GMOS example, this allows a full frame flat to
                # be used for a CCD2-only science frame. 
                flat = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(

                # Check again, but allow it to fail if they still don't match
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad1=ad, ad2=flat)

            # Divide the adinput by the flat
            log.fullinfo("Dividing the input AstroData object (%s) " \
                         "by this flat:\n%s" % (ad.filename,
            ad = ad.div(flat)
            # Record the flat file used

            # Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
            gt.mark_history(adinput=ad, keyword=timestamp_key)

            # Change the filename
            ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"], 
            # Append the output AstroData object to the list 
            # of output AstroData objects
        # Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction
        # context
        yield rc
Пример #11
    def biasCorrect(self, adinputs=None, suffix=None, bias=None, do_bias=True):
        The biasCorrect primitive will subtract the science extension of the
        input bias frames from the science extension of the input science
        frames. The variance and data quality extension will be updated, if
        they exist. If no bias is provided, getProcessedBias will be called
        to ensure a bias exists for every adinput.

        suffix: str
            suffix to be added to output files
        bias: str/list of str
            bias(es) to subtract
        do_bias: bool
            perform bias subtraction?
        log = self.log
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting"))
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()]

        if not do_bias:
            log.warning("Bias correction has been turned off.")
            return adinputs

        if bias is None:
            self.getProcessedBias(adinputs, refresh=False)
            bias_list = self._get_cal(adinputs, 'processed_bias')
            bias_list = bias

        # Provide a bias AD object for every science frame
        for ad, bias in zip(*gt.make_lists(adinputs, bias_list, force_ad=True)):
            if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since it has "
                            "already been processed by biasCorrect".

            if bias is None:
                if 'qa' in self.mode:
                    log.warning("No changes will be made to {}, since no "
                                "bias was specified".format(ad.filename))
                    raise IOError('No processed bias listed for {}'.

                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, bias, check_filter=False,
            except ValueError:
                bias = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(ad, aux=bias, aux_type='cal')
                # An Error will be raised if they don't match now
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad, bias, check_filter=False,

            log.fullinfo('Subtracting this bias from {}:\n{}'.
                         format(ad.filename, bias.filename))

            # Record bias used, timestamp, and update filename
            ad.phu.set('BIASIM', bias.filename, self.keyword_comments['BIASIM'])
            gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key)
            ad.update_filename(suffix=suffix, strip=True)
        return adinputs
    def subtractFringe(self, rc):
        # Instantiate the log
        log = gemLog.getGeminiLog(logType=rc["logType"],
        # Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "subtractFringe",
        # Define the keyword to be used for the time stamp for this primitive
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys["subtractFringe"]

        # Initialize the list of output AstroData objects
        adoutput_list = []
        # Check for a user-supplied fringe
        adinput = rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata()
        fringe_param = rc["fringe"]
        fringe_dict = None
        if fringe_param is not None:
            # The user supplied an input to the fringe parameter
            if not isinstance(fringe_param, list):
                fringe_list = [fringe_param]
                fringe_list = fringe_param

            # Convert filenames to AD instances if necessary
            tmp_list = []
            for fringe in fringe_list:
                if type(fringe) is not AstroData:
                    fringe = AstroData(fringe)
            fringe_list = tmp_list
            fringe_dict = gt.make_dict(key_list=adinput, value_list=fringe_list)

        # Loop over each input AstroData object in the input list
        for ad in adinput:
            # Check whether the subtractFringe primitive has been run
            # previously
            if ad.phu_get_key_value(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to %s, since it has " \
                            "already been processed by subtractFringe" \
                            % (ad.filename))
                # Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
                # AstroData objects without further processing
            # Retrieve the appropriate fringe
            if fringe_dict is not None:
                fringe = fringe_dict[ad]
                fringe = rc.get_cal(ad, "processed_fringe")
                # Take care of the case where there was no fringe 
                if fringe is None:
                    log.warning("Could not find an appropriate fringe for %s" \
                                % (ad.filename))
                    # Append the input to the output without further processing
                    fringe = AstroData(fringe)

            # Check the inputs have matching filters, binning and SCI shapes.
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad1=ad, ad2=fringe)
            except Errors.ToolboxError:
                # If not, try to clip the fringe frame to the size of the
                # science data
                # For a GMOS example, this allows a full frame fringe to
                # be used for a CCD2-only science frame. 
                fringe = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(
                    adinput=ad, aux=fringe, aux_type="cal")[0]

                # Check again, but allow it to fail if they still don't match
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad1=ad, ad2=fringe)

            # Subtract the fringe from the science
            ad = ad.sub(fringe)
            # Record the fringe file used

            # Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
            gt.mark_history(adinput=ad, keyword=timestamp_key)

            # Change the filename
            ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"], 
            # Append the output AstroData object to the list 
            # of output AstroData objects
        # Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction context
        yield rc
    def scaleFringeToScience(self, rc):
        This primitive will scale the fringes to their matching science data
        The fringes should be in the stream this primitive is called on,
        and the reference science frames should be loaded into the RC,
        as, eg. rc["science"] = adinput.
        There are two ways to find the value to scale fringes by:
        1. If stats_scale is set to True, the equation:
        (letting science data = b (or B), and fringe = a (or A))
        arrayB = where({where[SCIb < (SCIb.median+2.5*SCIb.std)]} 
                          > [SCIb.median-3*SCIb.std])
        scale = arrayB.std / SCIa.std
        The section of the SCI arrays to use for calculating these statistics
        is the CCD2 SCI data excluding the outer 5% pixels on all 4 sides.
        Future enhancement: allow user to choose section
        2. If stats_scale=False, then scale will be calculated using:
        exposure time of science / exposure time of fringe

        :param stats_scale: Use statistics to calculate the scale values,
                            rather than exposure time
        :type stats_scale: Python boolean (True/False)
        # Instantiate the log
        log = gemLog.getGeminiLog(logType=rc["logType"],
        # Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "scaleFringeToScience",
        # Define the keyword to be used for the time stamp for this primitive
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys["scaleFringeToScience"]

        # Check for user-supplied science frames
        fringe = rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata()
        science_param = rc["science"]
        fringe_dict = None
        if science_param is not None:
            # The user supplied an input to the science parameter
            if not isinstance(science_param, list):
                science_list = [science_param]
                science_list = science_param

            # If there is one fringe and multiple science frames,
            # the fringe must be deepcopied to allow it to be
            # scaled separately for each frame
            if len(fringe)==1 and len(science_list)>1:
                fringe = [deepcopy(fringe[0]) for img in science_list]

            # Convert filenames to AD instances if necessary
            tmp_list = []
            for science in science_list:
                if type(science) is not AstroData:
                    science = AstroData(science)
            science_list = tmp_list
            fringe_dict = gt.make_dict(key_list=science_list, 
            fringe_output = []
            log.warning("No science frames specified; no scaling will be done")
            science_list = []
            fringe_output = fringe

        # Loop over each AstroData object in the science list
        for ad in science_list:
            # Retrieve the appropriate fringe
            fringe = fringe_dict[ad]

            # Check the inputs have matching filters, binning and SCI shapes.
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad1=ad, ad2=fringe)
            except Errors.ToolboxError:
                # If not, try to clip the fringe frame to the size of the
                # science data
                # For a GMOS example, this allows a full frame fringe to
                # be used for a CCD2-only science frame. 
                fringe = gt.clip_auxiliary_data(
                    adinput=ad, aux=fringe, aux_type="cal")[0]

                # Check again, but allow it to fail if they still don't match
                gt.check_inputs_match(ad1=ad, ad2=fringe)

            # Check whether statistics should be used
            stats_scale = rc["stats_scale"]

            # Calculate the scale value
            scale = 1.0
            if not stats_scale:
                # Use the exposure times to calculate the scale
                log.fullinfo("Using exposure times to calculate the scaling"+
                             " factor")
                    scale = ad.exposure_time() / fringe.exposure_time()
                    raise Errors.InputError("Could not get exposure times " +
                                            "for %s, %s. Try stats_scale=True" %

                # Use statistics to calculate the scaling factor
                log.fullinfo("Using statistics to calculate the " +
                             "scaling factor")

                # Deepcopy the input so it can be manipulated without
                # affecting the original
                statsad = deepcopy(ad)
                statsfringe = deepcopy(fringe)

                # Trim off any overscan region still present
                statsad,statsfringe = gt.trim_to_data_section([statsad,

                # Check the number of science extensions; if more than
                # one, use CCD2 data only
                nsciext = statsad.count_exts("SCI")
                if nsciext>1:

                    # Get the CCD numbers and ordering information
                    # corresponding to each extension
                    log.fullinfo("Trimming data to data section to remove "\
                                 "overscan region")
                    sci_info,frng_info = gt.array_information([statsad,

                    # Pull out CCD2 data
                    scidata = []
                    frngdata = []
                    dqdata = []
                    for i in range(nsciext):

                        # Get the next extension in physical order
                        sciext = statsad["SCI",sci_info["amps_order"][i]]
                        frngext = statsfringe["SCI",frng_info["amps_order"][i]]

                        # Check to see if it is on CCD2; if so, keep it
                        if sci_info[


                            dqext = statsad["DQ",sci_info["amps_order"][i]]
                            maskext = statsad["OBJMASK",
                            if dqext is not None and maskext is not None:
                                dqdata.append(dqext.data | maskext.data)
                            elif dqext is not None:
                            elif maskext is not None:

                        if frng_info[
                    # Stack data if necessary
                    if len(scidata)>1:
                        scidata = np.hstack(scidata)
                        frngdata = np.hstack(frngdata)
                        scidata = scidata[0]
                        frngdata = frngdata[0]
                    if len(dqdata)>0:
                        if len(dqdata)>1:
                            dqdata = np.hstack(dqdata)
                            dqdata = dqdata[0]
                        dqdata = None
                    scidata = statsad["SCI"].data
                    frngdata = statsfringe["SCI"].data

                    dqext = statsad["DQ"]
                    maskext = statsad["OBJMASK"]
                    if dqext is not None and maskext is not None:
                        dqdata = dqext.data | maskext.data
                    elif dqext is not None:
                        dqdata = dqext.data
                    elif maskext is not None:
                        dqdata = maskext.data
                        dqdata = None

                if dqdata is not None:
                    # Replace any DQ-flagged data with the median value
                    smed = np.median(scidata[dqdata==0])
                    scidata = np.where(dqdata!=0,smed,scidata)

                # Calculate the maximum and minimum in a box centered on 
                # each data point.  The local depth of the fringe is
                # max - min.  The overall fringe strength is the median
                # of the local fringe depths.

                # Width of the box is binning and
                # filter dependent, determined by experimentation
                # Results don't seem to depend heavily on the box size
                if ad.filter_name(pretty=True).as_pytype=="i":
                    size = 20
                    size = 40
                size /= ad.detector_x_bin().as_pytype()
                # Use ndimage maximum_filter and minimum_filter to
                # get the local maxima and minima
                import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
                sci_max = ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(scidata,size)
                sci_min = ndimage.filters.minimum_filter(scidata,size)

                # Take off 5% of the width as a border
                xborder = int(0.05 * scidata.shape[1])
                yborder = int(0.05 * scidata.shape[0])
                if xborder<20:
                    xborder = 20
                if yborder<20:
                    yborder = 20
                sci_max = sci_max[yborder:-yborder,xborder:-xborder]
                sci_min = sci_min[yborder:-yborder,xborder:-xborder]

                # Take the median difference
                sci_df = np.median(sci_max - sci_min)

                # Do the same for the fringe
                frn_max = ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(frngdata,size)
                frn_min = ndimage.filters.minimum_filter(frngdata,size)
                frn_max = frn_max[yborder:-yborder,xborder:-xborder]
                frn_min = frn_min[yborder:-yborder,xborder:-xborder]
                frn_df = np.median(frn_max - frn_min)

                # Scale factor
                # This tends to overestimate the factor, but it is
                # at least in the right ballpark, unlike the estimation
                # used in girmfringe (masked_sci.std/fringe.std)
                scale = sci_df / frn_df

            log.fullinfo("Scale factor found = "+str(scale))
            # Use mult from the arith toolbox to perform the scaling of 
            # the fringe frame
            scaled_fringe = fringe.mult(scale)
            # Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
            gt.mark_history(adinput=scaled_fringe, keyword=timestamp_key)

            # Change the filename
            scaled_fringe.filename = gt.filename_updater(
                adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"], strip=True)
        # Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction context
        yield rc