Пример #1
def removeWorkerNameDataBase(name, firstName, fileWorkerName) :
    remove worker off the database.
    :param name: the worker's name.
    :param firstName: the worker's firstname.
    :param fileWOrkerName: the path to the file to get name and firstname's worker.
    :rtype: str
    :return: message to check the removing.
    if name == "" :
        return "name"
    elif firstName == "" :
        return "firstname"
    else :
        res = ""
        remove = False
        lines = gl.getLinesOfFile(fileWorkerName)
        for l in lines :
            line = l.split(";")
            nameFile = line[0]
            firstNameFile = line[1]
            if not(name == nameFile and firstName == firstNameFile) : #if not the worker ti remove, write the line.
                res += l
            else : #else, do nothing to not write the line.
                remove = True 
        gl.writeInFile(fileWorkerName, res)
        if remove :
            return "okRemoveWorker"
        else :
            return "remove"
Пример #2
def hoursDataBase(workerFile, hourFile, cssFile, show=True) :
    write an html file with all work hours of all workers.
    :param workerFile: the path to the file with work hours.
    :param hourFile: the path to the html file, to write on it.
    :param cssFile: the path to the css, to write it in the html file. (when the html file is sended by email, we don't need to send the css file).
    :param show: default, true, to show the html file. (false when the html file is sended by email).
    lines = gl.getLinesOfFile(workerFile)
    res = "<!doctype html><html lang='fr'><head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>Heure des ouvriers du mois de" + gl.getMonth() + "</title>" 
    #read the css file to write it on the html file.
    f = open(cssFile, "r")
    css = f.read()
    res += "<style>" + css + "</style>"
    res += "</head><body>"
    #show columns
    num_col = 0
    number_of_columns = 2
    cols = ['gauche', 'droite']
    for l in lines :
        line = l.split(";")
        name = line[0]
        firstName = line[1]
        #show columns
        res += "<div id='" + cols[num_col%number_of_columns] + "'>"
        num_col += 1
        res += "<p id='worker'>" + name + " " + firstName + "</p><table><tbody><tr><td id='date'>Date</td><td id='hour'>Nombre d'heure</td><td id='mg'>MG</td></tr>"
        sumHour = 0
        sumMG = 0
        lineLen = len(line)
        for i in range(2,lineLen) :
            try : 
                construction = line[i].split(":")
                d = construction[0]
                year = d[0:4]
                month = d[5:7]
                day = d[8:10]
                nbHour = construction[1]
                mg = construction[2]
                sumHour += float(nbHour)
                sumMG += float(mg)
                res += "<tr><td>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</td><td>" + nbHour + "</td><td>" + mg + "</td></tr>"
            except :
        res += "<tr><td>Totaux</td><td>" + str(sumHour) + "</td><td>" + str(sumMG) + "</td></tr>"
        res += "</tbody></table>"
        res += "</div>" #show columns
    res += "</body></html>"
    gl.writeInFile(hourFile, res)
    if show :
Пример #3
def emptyHour(hourFile, fileNameWorker) :
    to empty the file with work hours at the end of the month, and write the worker's name and firstname.
    :param hourFile: the path to the file with work hours.
    :param fileNameWorker: the path to the file with name and firstname workers.
    lines = gl.getLinesOfFile(fileNameWorker)
    res = ""
    for l in lines :
        line = l.split(";")
        res += line[0] + ";" + line[1] + ";\n" 
    fileSendHour = open(hourFile, "w")
Пример #4
def takeValuesCombobox(i, f) :
    take the line of the file to put it in the combobox.
    :param i: the index to take the name (0) or the firstname (1).
    :param f: the file to read the name and firstname's workers.
    :rtype: list
    :return: the list of all names or all firstnames.
    res = []
    lines = gl.getLinesOfFile(f)
    for l in lines :
        worker = l.split(";")
        workerValue = worker[i]
    return res
Пример #5
def takeMG(c, f):
    take the MG to the associeted city.
    :param c: the name of the city.
    :param f: the file includes the city and this MG.
    :rtype: float
    :return: the MG associted at the city.
    lines = genLib.getLinesOfFile(f)
    mg = -1  #if not found city, mg = -1 to show error
    for l in lines:
        res = l.split(";")
        if res[0] == c:
            mg = res[1]
    return float(mg)
Пример #6
def addWorkerNameDataBase(name, firstName, fileWorkerName, fileWorkerHour) :
    add the worker at the databse.
    :param name: the worker's name.
    :param firstName: the worker's firstname.
    :param fileWOrkerName: the path to the file to get name and firstname's worker.
    :param fileWorkerHour: the path to the fileto get work hours, to add the name on this file.
    :rtype: str
    :return: message to check the adding.
    if name == "" :
        return "name"
    elif firstName == "" :
        return "firstname"
    else :
        res = ""
        add = False
        lines = gl.getLinesOfFile(fileWorkerName)
        if lines == [] : #if the file is empty, add name and firstname directly.
            #for name
            gl.writeInFile(fileWorkerName, name + ";" + firstName + ";\n")
            #for hour
            gl.writeInFile(fileWorkerHour, name + ";" + firstName + ";\n")
            return "okAddWorker"
        for l in lines : #else, add them in alphabetical order.
            line = l.split(";")
            if not add and line[0] == name and line[1] == firstName : #same name and firstname.
                return "double" 
            if not add and line[0] > name : #
                res += name + ";" + firstName + ";\n" + l
                add = True
            elif not add and line[0] == name :
                if line[1] > firstName :
                    res += name + ";" + firstName + ";\n" + l
                    add = True
                else :
                    res += l
            else :
                res += l
        if not add :
            res += name + ";" + firstName + ";\n"
        #for name
        gl.writeInFile(fileWorkerName, res)
        #for hour
        fileWorker = open(fileWorkerHour, "a")
        fileWorker.write(name + ";" + firstName + ";\n")
        return "okAddWorker"
Пример #7
def addCityDataBase(city, mg, f) :
    add city and this MG in databse.
    :param city: the name of the city.
    :pram mg: the MG.
    :param f: the work hours file.
    :rtype: str
    :return: message to check the adding.
    if city == "" : #empty city.
        return "city" 
    elif mg == "" : #empty MG.
        return "mg" 
    elif "," in mg : #MG with comma.
        return "mg,"
    else : 
        try :
            res = ""
            add = False
            mg = float(mg)
            lines = gl.getLinesOfFile(f)
            for l in lines :
                line = l.split(";")
                if not add and line[0] > city : #not add, and alphabetical order
                    res += city + ";" + str(mg) + "\n" + l
                    add = True
                else :
                    res += l
            if not add :
                res += city + ";" + str(mg) + "\n"
            return "okAddCity" #city added.
        except :
            return "errorMG" #invalid MG.
Пример #8
def watchEveryHour(userFile, fileToSend, workerFile, hourFile, cssFile,
    watch every hour if we are into 00:00 and 01:00 at the 1 of the month.
    If it is, send an email with all work hours of all workers.
    :param userFile: path of the userFile (includes password, and email).
    :param fileToSend: the path of the file to send. This is the file with all work hours of all workers.
    :param workerFile: the path to the file with work hours.
    :param hourFile: the path to the html file, to write on it.
    :param cssFile: the path to the css file, to write it in the html file. (when the html file is sended by email, we don't need to send the css file).
    :param fileNameWorker: the path to the file includes all names and firstname worker. Used to empty workerFile, and write on it the name and forstname's workers.
    while True:
        now = datetime.now()
        date = now.strftime("%d;%H")
        splitDate = date.split(";")
        day = int(splitDate[0])
        hour = int(splitDate[1])
        if day == 1 and hour <= 1:
            mh.hoursDataBase(workerFile, hourFile, cssFile, False)
            mail = gl.getLinesOfFile(userFile)[1]
            if sendMail(mail, fileToSend):
                mh.emptyHour(hourFile, fileNameWorker)
Пример #9
def checkParams(workerName, workerFirstName, workerArrivingTime,
                workerDepartureTime, workerMeal, fileWorkerHourPath):
    check params, to correct them.
    :param workerName: the worker's name.
    :param workerFirstName: the worker's firstname.
    :parzm workerArrivingTime: the arriving time.
    :param workerDepartureTime: the departure time.
    :param workerMeal: the meal time.
    :param fileWorkerHourPath: the path to the file includes the work hours of workers.
    :rtype: tuple (float, list), or str if was an error.
    :return: tuple of work hours of the day and the lines of the file given, or message error.
    if workerName == "":
        return "name"
    elif workerFirstName == "":
        return "firstname"
    elif workerArrivingTime == "":
        return "arriving"
    elif workerDepartureTime == "":
        return "departure"
    elif workerMeal == "":
        return "meal"
        hourBegin = getHourInInt(workerArrivingTime)
        if hourBegin == "errorHour" or hourBegin == "errorMinute":
            return "errorHourBegin"
        hourEnd = getHourInInt(workerDepartureTime)
        if hourEnd == "errorHour" or hourEnd == "errorMinute":
            return "errorHourEnd"
        minuteMeal = getMinuteInInt(workerMeal)
        if minuteMeal == "errorMinute":
            return "errorMinute"
        workerHour = hourEnd - hourBegin - minuteMeal
        lines = genLib.getLinesOfFile(fileWorkerHourPath)
        return workerHour, lines
Пример #10
 def __init__(self):
     self.width = 1900
     self.height = 950
     self.fileWorkerHourPath = "./dataBase/workerHour.csv"  #includes name, first name, date and number of hours work
     self.fileMGPath = "./dataBase/mg.csv"  #includes name of city and this MG (kilometer allowance)
     self.fileSendHourPath = "./html/sendHour.html"  #includes the file to send with worker name and forstname, date, number of hours work and MG (in html)
     self.fileUserPath = "./user/user.csv"  #includes user password and email of client
     self.scriptPath = "./app/scriptSendMail.py"  #the programme that send the file in html by email
     self.fileCssPath = "./html/style.css"  #the cs of html file to send
     self.fileWorkerNamePath = "./dataBase/workerName.csv"  #includes name and firstname of all workers
     if sys.platform != 'linux':  #if os is window, paths are different
         self.height = 600
         self.fileWorkerHourPath = "." + self.fileWorkerHourPath
         self.fileMGPath = "." + self.fileMGPath
         self.fileSendHourPath = "." + self.fileSendHourPath
         self.fileUserPath = "." + self.fileUserPath
         self.scriptPath = "." + self.scriptPath
         self.fileCssPath = "." + self.fileCssPath
         self.fileWorkerNamePath = "." + self.fileWorkerNamePath
     self.window = tk.Tk(className="Horaires")
     self.window.geometry(str(self.width) + "x" + str(self.height + 15))
     self.listbox = tk.Listbox(self.window)
     #label and input
     #worker name
     self.labelWorkerName = tk.Label(self.window,
                                     text="Nom de l'ouvrier : ")
     self.valueWorkerName = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputWorkerName = tk.Entry(self.window,
     #worker first name
     self.labelWorkerFirstName = tk.Label(self.window,
                                          text="Prénom de l'ouvrier : ")
     self.valueWorkerFirstName = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputWorkerFirstName = tk.Entry(
         self.window, textvariable=self.valueWorkerFirstName)
     #arriving time
     self.labelArrivingTime = tk.Label(self.window,
                                       text="Heure d'arrivée (en heure) : ")
     self.valueArrivingTime = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputArrivingTime = tk.Entry(self.window,
     self.labelMeal = tk.Label(self.window, text="Repas (en minute) : ")
     self.valueMeal = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputMeal = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.valueMeal)
     #departure time
     self.labelDepartureTime = tk.Label(
         self.window, text="Heure de départ (en heure) : ")
     self.valueDepartureTime = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputDepartureTime = tk.Entry(
         self.window, textvariable=self.valueDepartureTime)
     self.labelCity = tk.Label(self.window, text="Lieu du chantier : ")
     self.valueCity = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputCity = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.valueCity)
     self.labelMG = tk.Label(self.window, text="MG : ")
     self.valueMG = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputMG = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.valueMG)
     self.labelDate = tk.Label(self.window,
                               text="Date (sous le format aaaa-mm-jj) : ")
     self.valueDate = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputDate = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.valueDate)
     #combobox to facilitate the choice
     self.comboWorkerName = ttk.Combobox(self.window)
     self.comboWorkerFistName = ttk.Combobox(self.window)
     self.comboCity = ttk.Combobox(self.window)
     self.buttonAddHour = tk.Button(self.window,
                                    text="Ajouter les heures",
     self.buttonAddMG = tk.Button(self.window,
                                  text="Ajouter la ville et ses MG",
     self.buttonEditHour = tk.Button(self.window,
                                     text="Editer les horaires",
     self.closeButton = tk.Button(self.window,
     self.buttonAddWorker = tk.Button(self.window,
                                      text="Ajouter l'ouvrier",
     self.buttonRemoveWorker = tk.Button(self.window,
                                         text="Supprimer l'ouvrier",
     #password button (all actions need password)
     self.buttonEditPassWord = tk.Button(self.window,
                                         text="Changer le mot de passe",
     self.buttonCheckPassWordEditPassWord = tk.Button(
     self.buttonCheckPassWordEditHour = tk.Button(
         self.window, text="Valider", command=self.checkPassWordEditHour)
     self.buttonCheckPassWordAddMG = tk.Button(
         self.window, text="Valider", command=self.checkPassWordAddMG)
     self.buttonCheckPassWordEditEmail = tk.Button(
         self.window, text="Valider", command=self.checkPassWordEditEMail)
     self.buttonEditEmail = tk.Button(self.window,
                                      text="Changer le mail",
     self.buttonCheckPassWordAddWorker = tk.Button(
         self.window, text="Valider", command=self.checkPassWordAddWorker)
     self.buttonCheckPassWordRemoveWorker = tk.Button(
     self.password = gl.getLinesOfFile(self.fileUserPath)[0][0:-1]
     self.labelPassWord = tk.Label(self.window, text="Mot de passe : ")
     self.valuePassWord = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputPassWord = tk.Entry(self.window,
     self.inputPassWordWhitoutStars = tk.Entry(
         self.window, textvariable=self.valuePassWord, exportselection=0)
     self.email = gl.getLinesOfFile(self.fileUserPath)[1]
     self.labelEmail = tk.Label(self.window, text="Email : ")
     self.valueEMail = tk.StringVar()
     self.inputEmail = tk.Entry(self.window,