Пример #1
def synth_mag(band=None, datapath=None, wave=None, flux=None, error=None):
	Function to calculate synthetic AB magnitudes. Following Bessell & Murphy (2012) and Casagrande & VandenBerg (2014). 

        band (string): string value for the band. Must match .dat files for the transmission curves
        datapath (string): Path to transmission curves
        wave (np.array): Input wavelength array
        flux (np.array) = Input flux array
        error (np.array) = Input error array

        float: Calculated apparent magnitude


    import glob
    import numpy as np
    from astropy.cosmology import Planck13 as cosmo
    from gen_methods import medfilt
    from supersmoother import SuperSmoother

    #Read file
    filter = glob.glob(datapath+band+'.dat')[0]
    filter = np.genfromtxt(filter)
    filter_wave = np.array(filter[:,0])
    filter_throughput = filter[:,1]

    #Convert micron to Angstrom
    if np.mean(filter_wave) < 10:
        filter_wave *= 10000.0

    #Interpolate filter to same sampling as target spectrum
    filt_new =  common_wavelength(filter_wave, filter_throughput, wave, fill_value=0.0)

    #Smooth flux to reject noisy pixels:
    sflux = medfilt(flux, 25)

    #Calculate AB magnitude
    f_nu = (np.sum(filt_new * sflux * wave)) / (3e18 * np.sum(filt_new/wave))
    i_band_mag = -2.5 * np.log10((f_nu)) - 48.6
    return i_band_mag
Пример #2
def main():

    root_dir = '/Users/jselsing/Work/X-Shooter/CompositeRedQuasar/processed_data/'

    data_file = np.genfromtxt(root_dir+'Composite.dat')

    wl = data_file[:,0]
    mean = data_file[:,1]
    err_mean = data_file[:,2]
    wmean = data_file[:,3]
    err_wmean = data_file[:,4]
    geo_mean = data_file[:,5]
    median = data_file[:,6]
    n_spec = data_file[:,7]
    std = data_file[:,8]
    std_norm = data_file[:,9]
    wmean_cont = data_file[:,10]

    #Fitting power laws
    from scipy import optimize

    def power_law(x_tmp, a_tmp, k_tmp):

        tmp = a_tmp * x_tmp ** k_tmp
        return tmp

    def power_law2(x_tmp, a1_tmp, x_c, k1_tmp, k2_tmp):

        tmp1 = power_law(x_tmp, a1_tmp,k1_tmp)[x_tmp<x_c]
        scale2loc = np.argmin(np.abs(x_tmp - x_c))
        a2_tmp = power_law(x_tmp[scale2loc], a1_tmp, (k1_tmp - k2_tmp))

        tmp2 = power_law(x_tmp, a2_tmp,k2_tmp)[x_tmp>= x_c]

        return np.concatenate((tmp1,tmp2))

    def power_law3(x_tmp, a_tmp, k_tmp, b_tmp):

        tmp = a_tmp * x_tmp ** (k_tmp + b_tmp * x_tmp)
        return tmp

    par_guess = [1, -1.70]
    par_guess2 = [1, 5000, -1.7, -1.7]
    wmean[np.where(np.isnan(wmean) == True)] = 0

    mask = (wl > 1300) & (wl < 1350) | (wl > 1425) & (wl < 1475) | (wl > 5500) & (wl < 5800) | (wl > 7300) & (wl < 7500)
    err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask]
    popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], p0=par_guess, sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=5000)
    popt2, pcov2 = optimize.curve_fit(power_law2, wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], p0=par_guess2, sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=5000)


    par_guess = [1, -1.7]

    wl_new = wl
    wm = []
    m = []
    geo = []
    med = []
    mask = (wl_new > 1300) & (wl_new < 1350) | (wl_new > 1425) & (wl_new < 1475) | (wl_new > 5500) & (wl_new < 5800) | (wl_new > 7300) & (wl_new < 7500)

    for i in np.arange(10):
        print('Iteration: ', i)
        err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask]
        resampled_spec = np.random.normal((wmean_cont)[mask], np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2))
        popt_wmean, pcov_wmean = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess,
                                                    sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True)

        err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask]
        resampled_spec = np.random.normal((mean)[mask], np.sqrt(err**2 + err_mean[mask]**2))
        popt_mean, pcov_mean = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess,
                                                    sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_mean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True)

        err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask]
        resampled_spec = np.random.normal((median[std != 0])[mask], err)
        popt_median, pcov_median = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess,
                                                    sigma=err, absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=600)


        err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask]
        resampled_spec = np.random.normal((geo_mean[std != 0])[mask], err)
        # pl.plot(wl_new[mask], resampled_spec)
        popt_geo, pcov_geo = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess,
                                                    sigma=err, absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=600)

    # pl.plot(wl, geo_mean)
    # pl.show()

    print("""Composite fit slope wmean...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(wm, axis=0)[1],np.std(wm, axis=0)[1]))
    print("""Composite fit slope mean...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(m, axis=0)[1], np.std(m, axis=0)[1]))
    print("""Composite fit slope median...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(med, axis=0)[1], np.std(med, axis=0)[1]))
    print("""Composite fit slope geo...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(geo, axis=0)[1], np.std(geo, axis=0)[1]))

    # Plotting
    latexify(columns=2, fig_height=7)
    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

    fig = pl.figure()

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 1, height_ratios=[2,1,1,1])

    ax1 = pl.subplot(gs[0])
    ax2 = pl.subplot(gs[1])
    ax3 = pl.subplot(gs[2])
    ax4 = pl.subplot(gs[3])

    # ax1.plot(wl, power_law2(wl, *popt2) , 'b--')
    # ax1.plot(wl, power_law(wl, *popt) , 'b--')
    ax1.plot(wl, wmean_cont, lw = 0.5, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label='X-shooter wmean composite')

    nbins = len(wl)
    from methods import hist
    log_binned_wl = np.array(hist(wl,[min(wl),max(wl)], int(2*nbins),'log'))
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
    sps = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wl, std_norm)
    std_plot = smooth(medfilt(sps(log_binned_wl) , 9), window='hanning', window_len=15)
    wave_std = log_binned_wl

    ax2.plot(wave_std, std_plot, lw = 0.5, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label='Normalised variability')

    ax3.plot(wl, wmean_cont/medfilt(err_wmean, 5), lw = 0.5, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label = 'Signal-to-noise')

    ax4.plot(wl,medfilt( n_spec, 1), label='Number of spectra', lw=0.5)

    #Overplot lines
    fit_line_positions = np.genfromtxt('data/plotlinelist.txt', dtype=None)

    linelist = []
    linenames = []
    for n in fit_line_positions:

    pl.xlabel(r'Rest Wavelength  [$\AA$]')
    ax1.set_ylabel(r'Normalised flux density F$_{\lambda}$')
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'Normalised Variability  $\delta$F$_{\lambda}$')
    ax3.set_ylabel(r'S/N Ratio')
    ax4.set_ylabel(r'Number of spectra')

    ax1.set_xlim((1000, 11500 ))
    ax1.set_ylim((0.1, 750))

    ax2.set_xlim((1000, 11500 ))
    ax2.set_ylim((0.001, 90))

    ax3.set_xlim((1000, 11500 ))

    ax4.set_xlim((1000, 11500 ))
    ax4.set_ylim((0, 9))

    # Formatting axes
    import matplotlib as mpl

    ax4.set_xticks([1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 9000])


    ax1.set_yticks([0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500])
    ax2.set_yticks([0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30])
    ax3.set_yticks([50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300])
    ax4.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])



    val = []
    for p in range(len(linelist)):
        xcoord = linelist[p]
        mask = (wl > xcoord - 1) & (wl < xcoord + 1)
        y_val = np.mean(wmean_cont[mask])
        val.append(1.5 * y_val)
    arrow_tips = val
    lineid_plot.plot_line_ids(wl, wmean_cont, linelist, linenames, arrow_tip=arrow_tips, ax=ax1)
    for i in ax1.lines:
        if '$' in i.get_label():

    for p in range(len(linelist)):
         xcoord = linelist[p]
         mask = (wl > xcoord - 1) & (wl < xcoord + 1)
         y_val = np.mean(wmean_cont[mask])
         ax1.vlines(xcoord, ax1.get_ylim()[0], y_val, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3)
         ax2.axvline(x=xcoord, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3)
         ax3.axvline(x=xcoord, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3)
         ax4.axvline(x=xcoord, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3)

    a = ax1.findobj(mpl.text.Annotation)
    for i in a:
        if '$' in i.get_label():

    fig.savefig("../documents/figs/Combined.pdf", rasterized=True, dpi=600)
Пример #3
        if obs != []:
            for n in arms:
#                print 'In arm: '+n
#                 ob = [k for k in obs if n in k]
                ob = [k for k in obs]
                # print(ob)

                dat = np.genfromtxt(str(ob[0]), dtype = np.float64)
                wave = dat[:,0]
                flux = dat[:,1]
                nbins = len(wave)
                log_binned_wl = np.array(hist(wave,[min(wave),max(wave)], int(nbins/2.0),'log'))
                from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
                sps = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, flux)
                flux = medfilt(sps(log_binned_wl) , 35)
                wave = log_binned_wl
                ax.plot(wave, flux/1e-16, label='Corrected', zorder=5, lw = 1.25, color = cmap[0], linestyle='steps-mid', rasterized=True)

                dat = np.genfromtxt(str(ob[0]), dtype = np.float64)
                wave = dat[:,0]
                flux = dat[:,1]
                nbins = len(wave)
                log_binned_wl = np.array(hist(wave,[min(wave),max(wave)], int(2.0*nbins),'log'))
                from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
                sps = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, flux)
                flux = medfilt(sps(log_binned_wl) , 5)
                wave = log_binned_wl
                ax.plot(wave, flux/1e-16, label='Corrected', zorder=3, lw = 0.25, color = cmap[2], linestyle='steps-mid', rasterized=True)
Пример #4
    # pl.show()
    # from methods import ConfInt
    # y_op_lower, y_op_upper = ConfInt(wl_fit, model2, best_vals, covar, [16,84]) + cont

    ratio = (1.0 + np.sqrt(5.0))/2.0
    fig, ax = pl.subplots()
    # latexify(fig_width=4*ratio, fig_height=4, columns=1)
    # latexify(columns=1)
    # fig, ax = pl.subplots()

    from gen_methods import medfilt
    # ax.plot(wl, medfilt(flux, 3)/norm, drawstyle='steps-mid', lw = 0.5, alpha=0.5)
    ax.errorbar(wl[1::10], ((medfilt(flux, 3)/norm)/1e-16)[1::10], yerr=((fluxerror/norm)/1e-16)[1::10], fmt=".k", capsize=0, elinewidth=0.5, ms=3, rasterized=True)

    ax.plot(wl_fit, (y_op/norm)/1e-16, lw=1, color = cmap[2], rasterized=True)
    ax.fill_between(wl_fit, (y_op_lower/norm)/1e-16, (y_op_upper/norm)/1e-16, alpha = 0.5, color = cmap[2], rasterized=True)

    ax.set_xlim((4700, 5100))
    ax.set_ylim((5e-16/1e-16, 9e-16/1e-16))

    # ax.set_xticks([4750, 4850, 4950, 5050, 5150])
    norm_reg1 = (wave > 1425) & (wave < 1450)
    norm1 = np.median(flux[norm_reg1])

    norm_reg2 = (wave > 3850) & (wave < 3875)
    norm2 = np.median(flux[norm_reg2])

    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline
    f = spline(wave[np.where(flux != 0)], flux[np.where(flux != 0)])
    flux = f(wave)

    nbins = len(wave)
    log_binned_wl = np.array(hist(wave,[min(wave),max(wave)], int(2*nbins),'log'))
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
    sps = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, flux)
    flux = medfilt(sps(log_binned_wl) , 9)
    sps = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, err)
    err = medfilt(sps(log_binned_wl) , 9)
    wave = log_binned_wl
    wave = wave[np.where(wave <= 11400)]
    flux = flux[np.where(wave <= 11400)]
    err = err[np.where(wave <= 14000)]
    positive = (flux - err > 0 )
    ax.plot(wave[1::1], flux[1::1], label='This work', zorder=5, lw = 0.75, color = cmap[0], linestyle='steps-mid')
    ax.fill_between(wave, flux - err, flux +  err, alpha=0.2, where=positive, label=r'1 $\sigma$ confidence interval', color = cmap[0], rasterized=True)
    ax2.plot(wave[1::1], flux[1::1], label = 'This work', zorder=5, lw = 0.75, color = cmap[0], linestyle='steps-mid')
    ax2.fill_between(wave, flux - err, flux +  err, alpha=0.2, where=positive, label=r'1 $\sigma$ confidence interval', color = cmap[0], rasterized=True)

    #Lusso et al. 2015
    filename = '/Users/jselsing/Work/Projects/QuasarComposite/py/data/templates/Lusso2015.dat'