def biosamples_list( basespace_project_id, host, email, password, api_key, ): """List all Biosamples from BaseSpace project. Examples: List Biosamples of a BaseSpace project: gencove basespace biosamples list 12345678 List Biosamples of a BaseSpace projects: gencove basespace biosamples list 12345678,87654321 """ BiosamplesList( basespace_project_id, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def list_project_batch_types(project_id, host, email, password, api_key): """List batch types that are available for a project.""" ListBatchTypes( project_id, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def create_project_batch( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments project_id, batch_type, batch_name, sample_ids, host, email, password, api_key, ): """Create a batch in a project.""" if sample_ids: sample_ids = [s_id.strip() for s_id in sample_ids.split(",")] echo_debug("Sample ids translation: {}".format(sample_ids)) else: sample_ids = [] CreateBatch( project_id, batch_type, batch_name, sample_ids, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def get_batch(batch_id, output_filename, host, email, password, api_key, no_progress): """Get batch that is available for a project.""" GetBatch( batch_id, output_filename, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), no_progress, ).run()
def create_merged_vcf( project_id, host, email, password, api_key, ): """Merge VCF files in a project.""" CreateMergedVCF( project_id, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def status_merged_vcf( project_id, host, email, password, api_key, ): """Get status of merge VCF files job in a project.""" StatusMergedVCF( project_id, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def get_metadata( sample_id, output_filename, host, email, password, api_key, ): """Get sample metadata.""" GetMetadata( sample_id, output_filename, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def set_metadata( sample_id, json, host, email, password, api_key, ): """Set sample metadata.""" SetMetadata( sample_id, json, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def get_merged_vcf( project_id, output_filename, host, email, password, api_key, no_progress, ): """Download merged VCF file in a project.""" GetMergedVCF( project_id, output_filename, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), no_progress, ).run()
def delete_project_samples( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments project_id, sample_ids, host, email, password, api_key, ): """Delete samples in a project.""" sample_ids = ([s_id.strip() for s_id in sample_ids.split(",")] if sample_ids else []) echo_debug("Sample ids translation: {}".format(sample_ids)) DeleteSamples( project_id, sample_ids, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def basespace_list( host, email, password, api_key, ): """List all BaseSpace projects. Examples: Import Biosamples to a project: gencove basespace projects list """ BaseSpaceList( Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def autoimport_list( host, email, password, api_key, ): """Lists S3 automatic import jobs. Examples: List S3 automatic import jobs: gencove s3 autoimports list """ # noqa: E501 S3AutoImportList( Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def list_projects(host, email, password, api_key): """List your projects.""" List( Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), ).run()
def download_file( sample_id, file_type, destination, host, email, password, api_key, no_progress, ): # noqa: D413,D301,D412 # pylint: disable=C0301 """Download sample file metadata. SAMPLE_ID specific sample for which to download the results FILE_TYPE specific deliverable to download results for DESTINATION path/to/file Examples: Download sample: gencove samples download-file e6b45af7-07c5-4a6d-9f97-6e1efbf3e215 ancestry-json ancestry.json Download and print to stdout then compress using gzip: gencove samples download-file e6b45af7-07c5-4a6d-9f97-6e1efbf3e215 ancestry-json - | gzip > ancestry.json.gz \f Args: sample_id (str): specific sample for which to download the results. file_type (str): specific deliverable to download results for. destination (str): path/to/file. no_progress (bool, optional, default False): do not show progress bar. """ # noqa: E501 if destination in ("-", "/dev/stdout"): DownloadFile( sample_id, file_type, sys.stdout.buffer, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), no_progress, ).run() else: try: with open(destination, "wb") as destination_file: DownloadFile( sample_id, file_type, destination_file, Credentials(email=email, password=password, api_key=api_key), Optionals(host=host), no_progress, ).run() except IsADirectoryError: echo_error("Please specify a file path (not directory path)" " for DESTINATION") raise click.Abort() # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from