def _copy_asset(self, asset): """ Copy app assets. Args: self: class instance asset: what to copy Returns: On success: True. On failure: False. """ if not self._copy_prefix: Log.a().warning( 'copy prefix must be specified when copying app assets' ) return False if not asset.get('dst'): Log.a().warning('asset dst required for app %s', self._app['name']) return False if not asset.get('src'): Log.a().warning('asset src required for app %s', self._app['name']) return False # create asset destination asset_path = Path(self._path / asset['dst']) asset_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if 'zip' in asset: # create a tar.gz of src cmd = 'tar -czf "{}" --directory="{}" .'.format( str(Path(asset_path / '{}.tar.gz'.format(asset['zip']))), str(Path(self._copy_prefix) / asset['src']) ) Log.some().info('zipping: %s', cmd) cmd_result = ShellWrapper.invoke(cmd) if cmd_result is False: Log.a().warning('cannot zip asset src: %s', cmd) return False Log.some().info('tar stdout: %s', cmd_result) else: # move without creating tar.gz cmd = 'cp -R "{}" "{}"'.format( str(Path(self._copy_prefix) / asset['src']), str(asset_path) ) Log.some().info('copying: %s', cmd) cmd_result = ShellWrapper.invoke(cmd) if cmd_result is False: Log.a().warning('cannot copy asset src: %s', cmd) return False Log.some().info('copy stdout: %s', cmd_result) return True
def check_running_jobs(self): """ Check the status/progress of all map-reduce items and update _map status. Args: self: class instance. Returns: True. """ # check if procs are running, finished, or failed for map_item in self._map: try: if ShellWrapper.is_running( map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['proc'] ): map_item['status'] = 'RUNNING' else: if map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['proc'].returncode: map_item['status'] = 'FAILED' else: map_item['status'] = 'FINISHED' map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['status']\ = map_item['status'] except (OSError, AttributeError) as err: Log.a().warning( 'process polling failed for map item "%s" [%s]', map_item['filename'], str(err) ) map_item['status'] = 'FAILED' self._update_status_db(self._status, '') return True
def check_running_jobs(self): """ Check the status/progress of all map-reduce items and update _map status. Args: self: class instance. Returns: True. """ # check if procs are running, finished, or failed for map_item in self._map: if map_item['status'] in ['RUNNING', 'UNKNOWN']: try: if not ShellWrapper.is_running( map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['proc']): returncode = map_item['run'][ map_item['attempt']]['proc'].returncode if returncode: map_item['status'] = 'FAILED' else: map_item['status'] = 'FINISHED' Log.a().debug('[step.%s]: exit status: %s -> %s', self._step['name'], map_item['template']['output'], returncode) # decrease num running procs if self._num_running > 0: self._num_running -= 1 except (OSError, AttributeError) as err: Log.a().warning( 'process polling failed for map item "%s" [%s]', map_item['filename'], str(err)) map_item['status'] = 'UNKNOWN' map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['status']\ = map_item['status'] self._update_status_db(self._status, '') return True
def step_impl(context, shell):[shell] = {}[shell]['shell'] = ShellWrapper()
def _run_map(self, map_item): """ Run a job for each map item and store the proc and PID. Args: self: class instance. map_item: map item object (item of self._map). Returns: On success: True. On failure: False. """ # load default app inputs, overwrite with template inputs inputs = {} for input_key in self._app['inputs']: if input_key in map_item['template']: inputs[input_key] = map_item['template'][input_key] else: if self._app['inputs'][input_key]['default']: inputs[input_key] = self._app['inputs'][input_key]['default'] # load default app parameters, overwrite with template parameters parameters = {} for param_key in self._app['parameters']: if param_key in map_item['template']: parameters[param_key] = map_item['template'][param_key] else: if self._app['parameters'][param_key]['default'] not in [None, '']: parameters[param_key] \ = self._app['parameters'][param_key]['default'] # construct shell command cmd = self._app['implementation']['local']['script'] for input_key in inputs: if inputs[input_key]: cmd += ' --{}="{}"'.format( input_key, URIParser.parse(inputs[input_key])['chopped_path'] ) for param_key in parameters: if param_key == 'output': cmd += ' --output="{}/{}"'.format( self._parsed_data_uris[self._source_context]\ ['chopped_path'], parameters['output'] ) else: cmd += ' --{}="{}"'.format( param_key, parameters[param_key] ) # add exeuction method cmd += ' --exec_method="{}"'.format(self._step['execution']['method']) # specify execution init commands if 'init' param given if 'init' in self._step['execution']['parameters']: cmd += ' --exec_init="{}"'.format(self._step['execution']['parameters']['init']) # add stdout and stderr log_path = '{}/_log/gf-{}-{}-{}'.format( self._parsed_data_uris[self._source_context]['chopped_path'], map_item['attempt'], slugify(self._step['name'], regex_pattern=r'[^-a-z0-9_]+'), slugify(map_item['template']['output'], regex_pattern=r'[^-a-z0-9_]+') ) cmd += ' > "{}.out" 2> "{}.err"'.format(log_path, log_path) Log.a().debug('command: %s', cmd) # launch process proc = ShellWrapper.spawn(cmd) if proc is False: msg = 'shell process error: {}'.format(cmd) return self._fatal(msg) # record job info map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['proc'] = proc map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['pid'] = # set status of process map_item['status'] = 'RUNNING' map_item['run'][map_item['attempt']]['status'] = 'RUNNING' return True
def _build_asset(self, asset): """ Build app assets. Args: self: class instance asset: what to build Returns: On success: True. On failure: False. """ # make sure the build path exists build_path = self._path / 'build' build_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) build_repo_path = None if not asset.get('folder'): Log.a().warning( 'repo folder must be set when specifying a build asset' ) return False # clone build repo build_repo_path = build_path / asset['folder'] if asset.get('repo'): # if repo is set, clone and build it try: if asset.get('tag'): Repo.clone_from( asset['repo'], str(build_repo_path), branch=asset['tag'], config='http.sslVerify=false' ) else: Repo.clone_from( asset['repo'], str(build_repo_path), config='http.sslVerify=false' ) except GitError as err: 'cannot clone git repo for build: %s [%s]', asset['repo'], str(err) ) return False # if repo is not set, packaged build scripts are included with the # workflow in the build_repo_path # build cmd = 'make -C "{}"'.format(str(build_repo_path)) Log.some().info('build command: %s', cmd) cmd_result = ShellWrapper.invoke(cmd) if cmd_result is False: Log.a().warning('cannot build app: %s', cmd) return False Log.some().info('make stdout: %s', cmd_result) # move built assets # make sure asset folder exists if not asset.get('dst'): Log.a().warning('asset dst required for app %s', self._app['name']) return False if not asset.get('src'): Log.a().warning('asset src required for app %s', self._app['name']) return False # create asset destination asset_path = self._path / asset['dst'] asset_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # set src path src_path = self._path / asset['src'] if 'zip' in asset: # create a tar.gz of src cmd = 'tar -czf "{}" --directory="{}" .'.format( str(asset_path / '{}.tar.gz'.format(asset['zip'])), str(src_path) ) Log.some().info('zipping: %s', cmd) cmd_result = ShellWrapper.invoke(cmd) if cmd_result is False: Log.a().warning('cannot zip asset src: %s', cmd) return False Log.some().info('tar stdout: %s', cmd_result) else: # move without creating tar.gz cmd = 'mv "{}" "{}"'.format(str(src_path), str(asset_path)) Log.some().info('moving: %s', cmd) cmd_result = ShellWrapper.invoke(cmd) if cmd_result is False: Log.a().warning('cannot move asset src: %s', cmd) return False Log.some().info('mv stdout: %s', cmd_result) return True