def linear_coef_a_b(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    Gives coefficients of the line between two points (x1,y1) & (x2,y2)
    x1,y1,x2,y2 can be iterables

    x1,y1,x2,y2 : float or list or numpy.array
        Coordinates of the 1st and the 2nd point
    a : float
        regression coefficient
    b1 & b2 : float
        regression offsets coefficient (b1 must be equal to b2)

    if genefun.is_iterable(x1):
        x1 = np.array(x1, dtype=np.float64)
        x2 = np.array(x2, dtype=np.float64)
        y1 = np.array(y1, dtype=np.float64)
        y2 = np.array(y2, dtype=np.float64)
        x1 = float(x1)
        x2 = float(x2)
        y1 = float(y1)
        y2 = float(y2)

    a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
    b1 = y1 - a * x1
    b2 = y2 - a * x2
    return a, b1, b2
Пример #2
def fuv_calc(V, A, P=1, normafuv=1):
    Args :
        V : residuals vector

        A : Jacobian matrix

        P : weight matrix

        Can manage both standard arrays and sparse array

    Returns :
        fuv : Facteur unitaire de variance (unitary variance factor)

    Notes :
        le fuv dépend de la martice de poids
        mais les sigmas non
        ex :
        poids de 10**-6
        fuv    :  439828.260843
        sigma  :  [ 5.21009306  5.09591568  0.04098106]
        poids de 1
        fuv    :  4.39828260843e-07
        sigma  :  [ 5.21009306  5.09591568  0.04098106]
    V = np.squeeze(np.array(V))

    if not genefun.is_iterable(P):
        P = np.ones(len(V)) * P
    elif scipy.sparse.issparse(P):
        P = P.diagonal()
            "DEPRECIATION : modification done in fuv_calc, P should be given as Matrix-shaped now"
        P = P.diagonal()

    P = P * (1 / normafuv)

    VPV = np.column_stack((V, P, V))
    numera = np.sum(np.product(VPV, 1))

    # nummera is just an adaptation of VT * P * V
    # EDIT 1806 : Je veux bien ... mais c'est une adaptation pourrie !
    # ou alors il faut bien s'assurer que l'on a extrait la diagonale de P

    if A.ndim == 1:
        A = np.expand_dims(A, 0)

    fuv = numera / np.abs(A.shape[0] - A.shape[1])
    return fuv
Пример #3
def savage_buford_formula(Vs,X,d):
    X : distance à la faille , un iterable pour toutes le profil,
    un nombre pour la longeur max

    d : profondeur de la faille
    retourne X , et Vdeform(X)

    X et d doivent être dans la même unité, Vs pas forcément

    if not genefun.is_iterable(X):
        X = np.arange(-X,X,1)
    return X , ( Vs / np.pi ) * np.arctan2(X,d)
Пример #4
def kwargs_for_jacobian(kwdic_generik, kwdic_variables):
    """ Building a list of kwargs for the jacobian function
        kwdic_generik : parameters which not gonna change
        kwdic_variable : parameters which gonna change, so must be associated
        with iterable
    keys_list = list(kwdic_variables.keys())

    for k, v in kwdic_variables.items():
        if not genefun.is_iterable(v):
            print('WARN : key', k, 'val', v, 'is not iterable !!!')

    values_combined = itertools.product(*list(kwdic_variables.values()))

    kwdic_list_out = []
    for values in values_combined:
        kwdic_out = dict(kwdic_generik)
        for k, v in zip(keys_list, values):
            kwdic_out[k] = v

    return kwdic_list_out
def outlier_above_below(X,
    Gives values of X which are between threshold values

    threshold_values : single value (float) or a 2-tuple 
        (lower bound theshold , upper bound theshold)
        `WARN` : those value(s) have to be positives.
        Minus sign for lower bound and plus sign for upper 
        one will be applied internally
    reference : float or callable
        the central reference value
        can be a absolute fixed value (float) or 
        a function (e.g. np.mean of np.median)

    theshold_absolute : bool
        if True threshold_values are absolutes values
            >>> low = reference - threshold_values[0] 
            >>> upp = reference + threshold_values[1] 
        if False they are fractions of theshold_relative_value 
            >>> low = reference - threshold_values[0] * theshold_relative_value 
            >>> upp = reference + threshold_values[1] * theshold_relative_value
        (see also below)
    theshold_relative_value : str or function
        if the string "reference" or None is given, then it the reference 
        value which is used
        if it is a fuction (e.g. np.std()) then it is this value returned
        by this function which is used
        Only useful when theshold_absolute = False
    return_booleans : bool
        return booleans or not

    verbose : bool
    Xout : numpy array
        X between low_bound & upp_bound
    bbool : numpy array
        X-sized array of booleans

    if genefun.is_iterable(threshold_values):
        ths_input_low = threshold_values[0]
        ths_input_upp = threshold_values[1]
        ths_input_low = threshold_values
        ths_input_upp = threshold_values

    if ths_input_low < 0. or ths_input_upp < 0.:
            "WARN : outlier_above_below : threshold_values have to be positive"
        print("       minus sign for lower bound will be applied internally")

    if callable(reference):
        ref_val = reference(X)
        ref_val = reference

    if theshold_relative_value in ("reference", None):
        relativ_val = reference
    elif callable(theshold_relative_value):
        relativ_val = theshold_relative_value(X)
        relativ_val = reference

    if theshold_absolute:
        ths_low = ref_val - ths_input_low
        ths_upp = ref_val + ths_input_upp
        ths_low = ref_val - ths_input_low * relativ_val
        ths_upp = ref_val + ths_input_upp * relativ_val

    if verbose:
        print("INFO : outlier_above_below theshold values")
        print("       reference : ", ref_val)
        print("       effective lower bound : ", ths_low)
        print("       effective upper bound : ", ths_upp)

    Xout, bbool = outlier_above_below_simple(X, ths_low, ths_upp)

    if return_booleans:
        return Xout, bbool
        return Xout
Пример #6
def rotate_points(alphal,betal,gammal,pointlin,Rtype='R1',
                  xyzreftuple = ([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
                  angtype='deg',fullout = False):
    R1  = Rz(g) * Ry(b) * Rx(a)
         si les RPY sont donnés dans le NED
         alors les positions résultantes sont dans le NED

    R2  =  matrice RPY2ENU
        si les RPY sont donnés dans le NED
        alors les  résultantes sont DANS LE ENU
        pas besoin de rotation NED2ENU

        Grewal et al. 2007

    Entrée :
        Angles n = A
        liste de listes de P * [ points ]

    Sortie :
        liste de listes [ [ xA ] [ xA ] ... xP [ xA ] ]  '''

    xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = xyzreftuple

    if not genefun.is_iterable(alphal):
        alphal = np.array([alphal])
        betal = np.array([betal])
        gammal = np.array([gammal])
        boolnotiterable = True
        boolnotiterable = False

    pointlout = []
    R_out = []

    for pt in pointlin:

        if not genefun.is_iterable(pt) or len(pt) != 3:
            print("ERR : rotate_points : pts != 3 coords")
            return 0

        pointltmp = []

        for a,b,g in zip(alphal,betal,gammal):

            R1 = rotmat3(a,b,g,angtype=angtype,xyzreftuple=xyzreftuple)
            R2 = C_rpy2enu(a,b,g,angtype=angtype)

            if Rtype == 'R1':
                R = R1
            elif Rtype == 'R2':
                R = R2



        if boolnotiterable:
            pointlout = pointltmp

        pointlout = np.array(pointlout)

    if fullout:
        return pointlout , R_out
        return pointlout
Пример #7
def partial_derive_old(f, var_in, var_out=0, kwargs_f={}, args_f=[], h=0):
    ''' var_in :
            detrivation with respect to this variable
            can be a int (starts with 0) or a string descirbing the name of
            the var in f
        var_out :
            the output of f which needs to be considerated as the output
            ** must be a int **
        args_f & kwargs_f :
            tuple/list & dict describing the arguments of f
        h :
            derivation step, if h == 0 give x * sqrt(epsilon)
            (source : '''

    # tuple => list pour plus d'aisance
    args_f = list(args_f)

    # operational arguments
    args_f_m = list(args_f)
    args_f_p = list(args_f)
    kwargs_f_m = dict(kwargs_f)
    kwargs_f_p = dict(kwargs_f)

    args_name_list = list(f.__code__.co_varnames)
    # var in is a int
    if type(var_in) is int:
        var_ind = var_in
        var_name = args_name_list[var_ind]
    # var in is a str
        var_name = var_in
            var_ind = args_name_list.index(var_name)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception('wrong var_in name (not in args name list)')

#    if var_ind < len(args_f):
#        x = args_f[var_ind]
#        if h == 0:
#            h = x * np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)
#            if h == 0:
#                print 'WARN : h == 0 ! setting @ 10**-6 '
#                h = 10**-6
#        args_f_m[var_ind] = x - h
#        args_f_p[var_ind] = x + h
#    else:
#        x = kwargs_f[var_name]
#        if h == 0:
#            h = x * np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)
#            if h == 0:
#                print 'WARN : h == 0 ! setting @ 10**-6 '
#                h = 10**-6
#        kwargs_f_m[var_name] = x - h
#        kwargs_f_p[var_name] = x + h

    if var_ind < len(args_f):
        x = args_f[var_ind]
        x = kwargs_f[var_name]

    if h == 0:
        h = x * np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)
        if h == 0:
            print('WARN : h == 0 ! setting @ 10**-6 ')
            h = 10**-6

    if var_ind < len(args_f):
        args_f_m[var_ind] = x - h
        args_f_p[var_ind] = x + h
        kwargs_f_m[var_name] = x - h
        kwargs_f_p[var_name] = x + h

    m = f(*args_f_m, **kwargs_f_m)
    p = f(*args_f_p, **kwargs_f_p)

    if genefun.is_iterable(m):
        m = m[var_out]
        p = p[var_out]

#    print p,m,h,x
#    print h
#    print h == 0
    dout = (p - m) / (2. * float(h))

    return dout
Пример #8
def partial_derive(f,
    ''' var_in :
            detrivation with respect to this variable
            can be a int (starts with 0) or a string describing the name of
            the var in f
        var_out :
            the output of f which needs to be considerated as the output
            ** must be a int **

        args_f & kwargs_f :
            tuple/list & dict describing the arguments of f
        h :
            derivation step, if h == 0 give x * sqrt(epsilon)
            (source : '''

    # tuple => list pour plus d'aisance
    args_f = list(args_f)

    # operational arguments
    args_f_i = list(args_f)
    kwargs_f_i = dict(kwargs_f)

    args_name_list = list(f.__code__.co_varnames)
    # var in is a int
    if type(var_in) is int:
        var_ind = var_in
        var_name = args_name_list[var_ind]
    # var in is a str
        var_name = var_in
            var_ind = args_name_list.index(var_name)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception('wrong var_in name (not in args name list)')

    if var_ind < len(args_f):
        x = args_f[var_ind]
        x = kwargs_f[var_name]

    if h == 0:
        h = x * np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)
        if h == 0:
            print('WARN : h == 0 ! setting @ 10**-6 ')
            h = 10**-6

    res_stk = []
    accur_coeff = get_accur_coeff(accur)
    for i, k in enumerate(accur_coeff):
        if k == 0:
            if var_ind < len(args_f):
                args_f_i[var_ind] = x + h * (i - 4)
                kwargs_f_i[var_name] = x + h * (i - 4)

            res = f(*args_f_i, **kwargs_f_i)

            if genefun.is_iterable(res):
                res = res[var_out]


    dout =, accur_coeff) / h

    return dout