Пример #1
    def writeI18NFiles(self, globalCodes, script):

        # for each locale code, collect mappings
        transKeys  = globalCodes['Translations'].keys()
        localeKeys = globalCodes['Locales'].keys()
        newParts   = {}    # language codes to part objects,    {"C": part}
        newPackages= {}    # language codes to private package objects, {"C": package}
        for localeCode in set(transKeys + localeKeys):
            # new: also provide a localeCode "part" with corresponding packages
            part = Part(localeCode)
            part.bit_mask = script.getPartBitMask()
            newParts[localeCode] = part
            package = Package(part.bit_mask)  # this might be modified later
            newPackages[localeCode] = package

            data = {}
            data[localeCode] = { 'Translations': {}, 'Locales': {} }  # we want to have the locale code in the data
            if localeCode in transKeys:
                data[localeCode]['Translations']     = globalCodes['Translations'][localeCode]
                package.data.translations[localeCode] = globalCodes['Translations'][localeCode]
            if localeCode in localeKeys:
                data[localeCode]['Locales']     = globalCodes['Locales'][localeCode]
                package.data.locales[localeCode] = globalCodes['Locales'][localeCode]

            # write to file
            #dataS = json.dumpsCode(data)
            hash, dataS = package.packageContent()  # TODO: this currently works only for pure data packages
            dataS = dataS.replace('\\\\\\', '\\').replace(r'\\', '\\')  # undo damage done by simplejson to raw strings with escapes \\ -> \
            package.compiled = dataS
            fPath = self._resolveFileName(script.baseScriptPath, script.variants, script.settings, localeCode)
            self.writePackage(dataS, fPath, script)
            package.file = os.path.basename(fPath) # TODO: the use of os.path.basename is a hack
            package.hash = hash

        # Finalize the new packages and parts
        # - add prerequisite languages to parts; e.g. ["C", "en", "en_EN"]
        for partId, part in newParts.items():
            if newPackages["C"] not in part.packages:
                package = newPackages["C"]
                part.packages.append(package)   # all need "C"
                package.id |= part.bit_mask     # adapt package's bit string
            if len(partId) > 2 and partId[2] == "_":  # it's a sub-language -> include main language
                mainlang = partId[:2]
                if mainlang not in newPackages:
                    raise RuntimeError("Locale '%s' specified, but not base locale '%s'" % (partId, mainlang))
                if newPackages[mainlang] not in part.packages:
                    part.packages.append(newPackages[mainlang])   # add main language
                    newPackages[mainlang].id |= part.bit_mask     # adapt package's bit string

        # finally, sort packages
        for part in newParts.values():

        # - add to script object
        script.parts.update([(x.name, x) for x in newParts.values()])  # TODO: update might overwrite exist. entries!

        return globalCodes
Пример #2
    def generateI18NParts(self, script, globalCodes):

        # for each locale code, collect mappings
        transKeys  = globalCodes['Translations'].keys()
        localeKeys = globalCodes['Locales'].keys()
        newParts   = {}    # language codes to part objects,    {"C": part}
        newPackages= {}    # language codes to private package objects, {"C": package}
        for localeCode in set(transKeys + localeKeys):
            # new: also provide a localeCode "part" with corresponding packages
            part = Part(localeCode)
            part.bit_mask = script.getPartBitMask()
            newParts[localeCode] = part
            package = Package(part.bit_mask)  # this might be modified later
            newPackages[localeCode] = package

            data = {}
            data[localeCode] = { 'Translations': {}, 'Locales': {} }  # we want to have the locale code in the data
            if localeCode in transKeys:
                data[localeCode]['Translations']     = globalCodes['Translations'][localeCode]
                package.data.translations[localeCode] = globalCodes['Translations'][localeCode]
            if localeCode in localeKeys:
                data[localeCode]['Locales']     = globalCodes['Locales'][localeCode]
                package.data.locales[localeCode] = globalCodes['Locales'][localeCode]

            # file name and hash code
            hash, dataS  = package.packageContent()  # TODO: this currently works only for pure data packages
            dataS        = dataS.replace('\\\\\\', '\\').replace(r'\\', '\\')  # undo damage done by simplejson to raw strings with escapes \\ -> \
            package.compiled = dataS
            package.hash     = hash
            fPath = self._resolveFileName(script.baseScriptPath, script.variants, script.settings, localeCode)
            package.file = os.path.basename(fPath)
            if self._job.get("compile-options/paths/scripts-add-hash", False):
                package.file = self._fileNameWithHash(package.file, package.hash)
            setattr(package,"__localeflag", True)   # TODO: temp. hack for writeI18NPackages()

        # Finalize the new packages and parts
        # - add prerequisite languages to parts; e.g. ["C", "en", "en_EN"]
        for partId, part in newParts.items():
            if newPackages["C"] not in part.packages:
                package = newPackages["C"]
                part.packages.append(package)   # all need "C"
                package.id |= part.bit_mask     # adapt package's bit string
            if len(partId) > 2 and partId[2] == "_":  # it's a sub-language -> include main language
                mainlang = partId[:2]
                if mainlang not in newPackages:
                    raise RuntimeError("Locale '%s' specified, but not base locale '%s'" % (partId, mainlang))
                if newPackages[mainlang] not in part.packages:
                    part.packages.append(newPackages[mainlang])   # add main language
                    newPackages[mainlang].id |= part.bit_mask     # adapt package's bit string

        # finally, sort packages
        for part in newParts.values():

        # - add to script object
        for partId in newParts:
            if partId in script.parts:
                raise RuntimeError("Name collison between code part and generated I18N part.")
            script.parts[partId] = newParts[partId]

        return script
Пример #3
    def runCompiled(self, script, treeCompiler, version="build"):

        def getOutputFile(compileType):
            filePath = compConf.get("paths/file")
            if not filePath:
                filePath = os.path.join(compileType, "script", self.getAppName() + ".js")
            return filePath

        def getFileUri(scriptUri):
            appfile = os.path.basename(fileRelPath)
            fileUri = os.path.join(scriptUri, appfile)  # make complete with file name
            fileUri = Path.posifyPath(fileUri)
            return fileUri

        def generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, bootPackage="", compileType="build"):

            def packagesOfFiles(fileUri, packages):
                # returns list of lists, each containing destination file name of the corresp. part
                # npackages = [['script/gui-0.js'], ['script/gui-1.js'],...]
                npackages = []
                file = os.path.basename(fileUri)
                if self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True):
                    totalLen = len(packages)
                    totalLen = len(packages) + 1
                for packageId, packageFileName in enumerate(self.packagesFileNames(file, totalLen, classPackagesOnly=True)):
                    packages[packageId].file = packageFileName  # TODO: very unnice to fix this here
                return npackages

            # besser: fixPackagesFiles()
            def packagesOfFilesX(fileUri, packages):
                # returns list of lists, each containing destination file name of the corresp. package
                # npackages = [['script/gui-0.js'], ['script/gui-1.js'],...]
                file = os.path.basename(fileUri)
                loader_with_boot = self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True)
                for packageId, package in enumerate(packages):
                    if loader_with_boot:
                        suffix = packageId - 1
                        if suffix < 0:
                            suffix = ""
                        suffix = packageId
                    packageFileName = self._resolveFileName(file, self._variants, self._settings, suffix)
                    package.file = packageFileName

                return packages

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            self._console.info("Generating boot script...")

            if not self._job.get("packages/i18n-with-boot", True):
                globalCodes = self.writeI18NFiles(globalCodes, script)
                # remove I18N info from globalCodes, so they don't go into the loader
                globalCodes["Translations"] = {}
                globalCodes["Locales"]      = {}
                if compileType == "build":
                    # also remove them here, as this info is now with the packages
                    globalCodes["Translations"] = {}
                    globalCodes["Locales"]      = {}

            plugCodeFile = compConf.get("code/decode-uris-plug", False)
            if compileType == "build":
                filepackages = packagesOfFiles(fileUri, packages)
                bootContent = self.generateBootCode(parts, filepackages, boot, script, compConf, variants, settings, bootPackage, globalCodes, compileType, plugCodeFile, format)
                filepackages = [x.classes for x in packages]
                bootContent = self.generateBootCode(parts, filepackages, boot, script, compConf, variants={}, settings={}, bootCode=None, globalCodes=globalCodes, version=compileType, decodeUrisFile=plugCodeFile, format=format)

            return bootContent

        def getPackageData(package):
            data = {}
            data["resources"]    = package.data.resources
            data["translations"] = package.data.translations
            data["locales"]      = package.data.locales
            data = json.dumpsCode(data)
            data += ';\n'
            return data

        def compilePackage(packageIndex, package):
            self._console.info("Compiling package #%s:" % packageIndex, False)

            # Compile file content
            pkgCode = self._treeCompiler.compileClasses(package.classes, variants, optimize, format)
            pkgData = getPackageData(package)
            hash    = sha.getHash(pkgData + pkgCode)[:12]  # first 12 chars should be enough

            isBootPackage = packageIndex == 0
            if isBootPackage:
                compiledContent = ("qx.$$packageData['%s']=" % hash) + pkgData + pkgCode
                compiledContent  = u'''qx.$$packageData['%s']=%s\n''' % (hash, pkgData)
                compiledContent += u'''qx.Part.$$notifyLoad("%s", function() {\n%s\n});''' % (hash, pkgCode)
            package.hash = hash  # to fill qx.$$loader.packageHashes in generateBootScript()

            self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(compiledContent))

            return compiledContent

        # -- Main --------------------------------------------------------------

        # Early return
        compileType = self._job.get("compile/type", "")
        if compileType not in ("build", "source"):

        packages   = script.packagesSortedSimple()
        parts      = script.parts
        boot       = script.boot
        variants   = script.variants

        self._classList    = script.classes
        self._treeCompiler = treeCompiler
        self._variants     = variants

        self._console.info("Generate %s version..." % compileType)

        # - Evaluate job config ---------------------
        # Compile config
        compConf = self._job.get("compile-options")
        compConf = ExtMap(compConf)

        # Whether the code should be formatted
        format = compConf.get("code/format", False)
        script.scriptCompress = compConf.get("paths/gzip", False)

        # Read in settings
        settings = self.getSettings()
        script.settings = settings

        # Read libraries
        libs = self._job.get("library", [])

        # Get translation maps
        locales = compConf.get("code/locales", [])
        translationMaps = self.getTranslationMaps(packages, variants, locales)

        # Read in base file name
        fileRelPath = getOutputFile(compileType)
        filePath    = self._config.absPath(fileRelPath)
        script.baseScriptPath = filePath

        if compileType == "build":
            # read in uri prefixes
            scriptUri = compConf.get('uris/script', 'script')
            scriptUri = Path.posifyPath(scriptUri)
            fileUri   = getFileUri(scriptUri)
            # for resource list
            resourceUri = compConf.get('uris/resource', 'resource')
            resourceUri = Path.posifyPath(resourceUri)
            # source version needs place where the app HTML ("index.html") lives
            self.approot = self._config.absPath(compConf.get("paths/app-root", ""))
            resourceUri = None
            scriptUri   = None

        # Get global script data (like qxlibraries, qxresources,...)
        globalCodes = self.generateGlobalCodes(script, libs, translationMaps, settings, variants, format, resourceUri, scriptUri)

        if compileType == "build":

            # - Specific job config ---------------------
            # read in compiler options
            optimize = compConf.get("code/optimize", [])

            # - Generating packages ---------------------
            self._console.info("Generating packages...")

            bootPackage = ""
            for packageIndex, package in enumerate(packages):
                package.compiled = compilePackage(packageIndex, package)

            if not len(packages):
                raise RuntimeError("No valid boot package generated.")

            # - Put loader and packages together -------
            loader_with_boot = self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True)
            # handle loader and boot package
            if loader_with_boot:
                bootCode = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, packages[0].compiled)
                packages[0].compiled = bootCode
                loaderCode = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script)
                loadPackage = Package(0)            # make a dummy Package for the loader
                loadPackage.compiled = loaderCode
                packages.insert(0, loadPackage)

            # attach file names
            for package, fileName in zip(packages, self.packagesFileNames(script.baseScriptPath, len(packages))):
                package.file = fileName

            # write packages
            self.writePackages(packages, script)

        # ---- 'source' version ------------------------------------------------

            sourceContent = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, bootPackage="", compileType=compileType)

            # Construct file name
            resolvedFilePath = self._resolveFileName(filePath, variants, settings)

            # Save result file
            filetool.save(resolvedFilePath, sourceContent)

            if compConf.get("paths/gzip"):
                filetool.gzip(resolvedFilePath, sourceContent)

            self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(sourceContent))


        return  # runCompiled()
Пример #4
    def generateI18NParts(self, script, globalCodes):

        # for each locale code, collect mappings
        transKeys  = globalCodes['Translations'].keys()
        localeKeys = globalCodes['Locales'].keys()
        newParts   = {}    # language codes to part objects,    {"C": part}
        newPackages= {}    # language codes to private package objects, {"C": package}
        for localeCode in set(transKeys + localeKeys):
            # new: also provide a localeCode "part" with corresponding packages
            part = Part(localeCode)
            part.bit_mask = script.getPartBitMask()
            newParts[localeCode] = part
            package = Package(part.bit_mask)  # this might be modified later
            newPackages[localeCode] = package

            data = {}
            data[localeCode] = { 'Translations': {}, 'Locales': {} }  # we want to have the locale code in the data
            if localeCode in transKeys:
                data[localeCode]['Translations']     = globalCodes['Translations'][localeCode]
                package.data.translations[localeCode] = globalCodes['Translations'][localeCode]
            if localeCode in localeKeys:
                data[localeCode]['Locales']     = globalCodes['Locales'][localeCode]
                package.data.locales[localeCode] = globalCodes['Locales'][localeCode]

            # file name and hash code
            hash, dataS  = package.packageContent()  # TODO: this currently works only for pure data packages
            dataS        = dataS.replace('\\\\\\', '\\').replace(r'\\', '\\')  # undo damage done by simplejson to raw strings with escapes \\ -> \
            package.compiled = dataS
            package.hash     = hash
            fPath = self._resolveFileName(script.baseScriptPath, script.variants, script.settings, localeCode)
            package.file = os.path.basename(fPath)
            if self._job.get("compile-options/paths/scripts-add-hash", False):
                package.file = self._fileNameWithHash(package.file, package.hash)
            setattr(package,"__localeflag", True)   # TODO: temp. hack for writeI18NPackages()

        # Finalize the new packages and parts
        # - add prerequisite languages to parts; e.g. ["C", "en", "en_EN"]
        for partId, part in newParts.items():
            if newPackages["C"] not in part.packages:
                package = newPackages["C"]
                part.packages.append(package)   # all need "C"
                package.id |= part.bit_mask     # adapt package's bit string
            if len(partId) > 2 and partId[2] == "_":  # it's a sub-language -> include main language
                mainlang = partId[:2]
                if mainlang not in newPackages:
                    raise RuntimeError("Locale '%s' specified, but not base locale '%s'" % (partId, mainlang))
                if newPackages[mainlang] not in part.packages:
                    part.packages.append(newPackages[mainlang])   # add main language
                    newPackages[mainlang].id |= part.bit_mask     # adapt package's bit string

        # finally, sort packages
        for part in newParts.values():

        # - add to script object
        for partId in newParts:
            if partId in script.parts:
                raise RuntimeError("Name collison between code part and generated I18N part.")
            script.parts[partId] = newParts[partId]

        return script