Пример #1
    def _expandMacrosInValues(self, data, maps):

        # arrays
        if isinstance(data, types.ListType):
            result = []
            for e in range(len(data)):
                enew = self._expandMacrosInValues(data[e], maps)
                if enew != data[e]:
                    console.debug("expanding: %r ==> %r" % (data[e], enew))
                    #data[e] = enew

        # dicts
        elif isinstance(data, types.DictType):
            result = {}
            for e in data.keys(
            ):  # have to use keys() explicitly since i modify data in place
                # expand in values
                enew = self._expandMacrosInValues(data[e], maps)
                if enew != data[e]:
                    console.debug("expanding: %r ==> %r" % (data[e], enew))
                    #data[e] = enew
                result[e] = enew

                # expand in keys
                if (isinstance(e, types.StringTypes) and Key.hasMacro(e)):
                    enew = self._expandString(e, maps['str'],
                                              {})  # no bin expand here!
                    if enew == e:
                        #self._console.warn("! Empty expansion for macro in config key: \"%s\"" % e)
                        pass  # TODO: the above warning produces too many false positives
                        result[enew] = result[e]
                        del result[e]
                        console.debug("expanding key: %s ==> %s" % (e, enew))

        # JobMergeValues
        elif isinstance(data, JobMergeValue):
            # macro-expand and merge further
            source = self._expandMacrosInValues(data.val1, maps)
            target = self._expandMacrosInValues(data.val2, maps)
            result = self.mergeValues(source, target)

        # strings
        elif isinstance(data, types.StringTypes):
            if Key.hasMacro(data):
                result = self._expandString(data, maps['str'], maps['bin'])
                if result == data:
                    #self._console.warn("! Empty expansion for macro in config value: \"%s\"" % data)
                    pass  # TODO: see other Empty expansion warning
                result = data

        # leave everything else alone
            result = data

        #print "OUT: %r" % result
        return result
Пример #2
    def _expandMacrosInValues(self, data, maps):
        # arrays
        if isinstance(data, types.ListType):
            result = []
            for e in range(len(data)):
                enew = self._expandMacrosInValues(data[e], maps)
                if enew != data[e]:
                    console.debug("expanding: %r ==> %r" % (data[e], enew))
                    #data[e] = enew
        # dicts
        elif isinstance(data, types.DictType):
            result = {}
            for e in data.keys(): # have to use keys() explicitly since i modify data in place
                # expand in values
                enew = self._expandMacrosInValues(data[e], maps)
                if enew != data[e]:
                    console.debug("expanding: %r ==> %r" % (data[e], enew))
                    #data[e] = enew
                result[e] = enew

                # expand in keys
                if (isinstance(e, types.StringTypes)
                        and Key.hasMacro(e)):
                    enew = self._expandString(e, maps['str'], {}) # no bin expand here!
                    if enew == e:
                        #self._console.warn("! Empty expansion for macro in config key: \"%s\"" % e)
                        pass  # TODO: the above warning produces too many false positives
                        result[enew] = result[e]
                        del result[e]
                        console.debug("expanding key: %s ==> %s" % (e, enew))

        # JobMergeValues
        elif isinstance(data, JobMergeValue):
            # macro-expand and merge further
            source = self._expandMacrosInValues(data.val1, maps)
            target = self._expandMacrosInValues(data.val2, maps)
            result = self.mergeValues(source, target)

        # strings
        elif isinstance(data, types.StringTypes):
            if Key.hasMacro(data):
                result = self._expandString(data, maps['str'], maps['bin'])
                if result == data:
                    #self._console.warn("! Empty expansion for macro in config value: \"%s\"" % data)
                    pass # TODO: see other Empty expansion warning
                result = data

        # leave everything else alone
            result = data

        #print "OUT: %r" % result
        return result
Пример #3
 def _expandString(self, s, mapstr, mapbin):
     assert isinstance(s, types.StringTypes)
     if not Key.hasMacro(s):  # optimization: no macro -> return
         return s
     macro = ""
     sub = ""
     possiblyBin = re.match(r'^\${(.*)}$',
                            s)  # look for '${...}' as a bin replacement
     if possiblyBin:
         macro = possiblyBin.group(1)
     if macro and (macro in mapbin.keys()):
         replval = mapbin[macro]
         if isinstance(replval, types.DictType):
             sub = copy.deepcopy(
             )  # make sure macro values are not affected during value merges later
             sub = replval  # array references are ok for now
         templ = string.Template(s)
         #sub = templ.safe_substitute(mapstr)
             sub = templ.substitute(mapstr)
         except KeyError, e:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Macro left undefined in job (%s): '%s'\n(might be from an included config)"
                 % (self.name, e.args[0]))
Пример #4
    def _expandString(self, s, mapstr, mapbin):
        assert isinstance(s, types.StringTypes)
        if not Key.hasMacro(s):  # optimization: no macro -> return
            return s
        macro = ""
        sub   = ""
        possiblyBin = re.match(r'^\${(.*)}$', s)   # look for '${...}' as a bin replacement
        if possiblyBin:
            macro = possiblyBin.group(1)

        if macro and (macro in mapbin.keys()):
            replval = mapbin[macro]
            if isinstance(replval, types.DictType):
                sub = copy.deepcopy(replval)  # make sure macro values are not affected during value merges later
                sub = replval   # array references are ok for now
            templ = string.Template(s)
            # allow stringyfied value of bin macros to be spliced into result value
            mapall = mapstr.copy()
            mapall.update(dict((k,json.dumps(v)) for (k,v) in mapbin.items()))
                sub = templ.substitute(mapall)
            except KeyError, e:
                raise ValueError("Macro left undefined in job (%s): '%s'\n(might be from an included config)" % (self.name, e.args[0]))
Пример #5
 def patchJobReferences(job, key, renamedJobs):
     newlist = []
     oldlist = job.getFeature(key)
     for jobentry in oldlist:
         if Key.hasMacro(jobentry) and renamedJobs:
             console.warn("Potential pitfall: Cannot rename job reference containing macros (%s#%s[\"%s\"]:%s)" \
                             % (extConfig._fname, extJob.name, key, oldlist))
         if (isinstance(jobentry, types.StringTypes)
             and jobentry in renamedJobs):
     job.setFeature(key, newlist)
Пример #6
    def resolveRun(self, cfg=None):
        config = cfg or self._config
        subJobs = []

        job = self
        if not job.hasFeature("run"):
            return [job]
            # prepare a Let object for potential macro expansion
            letObj = Let(self.get(Key.LET_KEY, {}))
            letObj.expandMacrosInLet()  # do self-expansion of macros

            for subjob in job.getFeature("run"):

                # make best effort on macro expansion
                if isinstance(subjob, types.StringTypes):
                    if Key.hasMacro(subjob):
                        subjob = letObj.expandMacros(subjob)
                # get job object
                subjobObj = self._getJob(subjob, config)
                if not subjobObj:
                    raise RuntimeError, "No such job: \"%s\"" % subjob
                # make new job map job::subjob as copy of job, but extend[subjob]
                newjobname = self.name + self._config.COMPOSED_NAME_SEP + \
                             subjobObj.name.replace(self._config.NS_SEP, self._config.COMPOSED_NAME_SEP)
                newjob = job.clone()
                newjob.name = newjobname
                newjob.removeFeature('run')  # remove 'run' key

                # we assume the initial 'run' job has already been resolved, so
                # we reset it here and set the 'extend' to the subjob
                if newjob.hasFeature(Key.RESOLVED_KEY):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Cannot resolve 'run' key before 'extend' key"
                newjob.setFeature('extend', [subjobObj])  # extend subjob

                # add to config
                    newjobname, newjob)  # TODO: why not config.addJob(...) ?!
                # add to job list

                subJobs)  # overwrite with list of Jobs (instead of Strings)

        return subJobs
Пример #7
    def resolveRun(self, cfg=None):
        config = cfg or self._config
        subJobs = []

        job = self
        if not job.hasFeature("run"):
            return [job]
            # prepare a Let object for potential macro expansion
            letObj = Let(self.get(Key.LET_KEY, {}))
            letObj.expandMacrosInLet()  # do self-expansion of macros

            for subjob in job.getFeature("run"):

                # make best effort on macro expansion
                if isinstance(subjob, types.StringTypes):
                    if Key.hasMacro(subjob):
                        subjob = letObj.expandMacros(subjob)
                # get job object
                subjobObj = self._getJob(subjob, config)
                if not subjobObj:
                    raise RuntimeError, 'No such job: "%s"' % subjob
                # make new job map job::subjob as copy of job, but extend[subjob]
                newjobname = (
                    + self._config.COMPOSED_NAME_SEP
                    + subjobObj.name.replace(self._config.NS_SEP, self._config.COMPOSED_NAME_SEP)
                newjob = job.clone()
                newjob.name = newjobname
                newjob.removeFeature("run")  # remove 'run' key

                # we assume the initial 'run' job has already been resolved, so
                # we reset it here and set the 'extend' to the subjob
                if newjob.hasFeature(Key.RESOLVED_KEY):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Cannot resolve 'run' key before 'extend' key"
                newjob.setFeature("extend", [subjobObj])  # extend subjob

                # add to config
                self._config.addJob(newjobname, newjob)  # TODO: why not config.addJob(...) ?!
                # add to job list

            job.setFeature("run", subJobs)  # overwrite with list of Jobs (instead of Strings)

        return subJobs
Пример #8
 def patchJobReferences(job, key, renamedJobs):
     newlist = []
     oldlist = job.getFeature(key)
     for jobentry in oldlist:
         # it's a string reference
         if isinstance(jobentry, types.StringTypes):
             if Key.hasMacro(jobentry) and renamedJobs:
                 console.warn("Potential pitfall: Cannot rename job reference containing macros (%s#%s[\"%s\"]:%s)" \
                                 % (extConfig._fname, extJob.name, key, oldlist))
             if jobentry in renamedJobs:
         # it's a Job() object
     job.setFeature(key, newlist)
Пример #9
 def _expandString(self, s, mapstr, mapbin):
     assert isinstance(s, types.StringTypes)
     if not Key.hasMacro(s):  # optimization: no macro -> return
         return s
     macro = ""
     sub   = ""
     possiblyBin = re.match(r'^\${(.*)}$', s)   # look for '${...}' as a bin replacement
     if possiblyBin:
         macro = possiblyBin.group(1)
     if macro and (macro in mapbin.keys()):
         replval = mapbin[macro]
         if isinstance(replval, types.DictType):
             sub = copy.deepcopy(replval)  # make sure macro values are not affected during value merges later
             sub = replval   # array references are ok for now
         templ = string.Template(s)
         sub = templ.safe_substitute(mapstr)
     return sub
Пример #10
    def resolveExtend(self, entryTrace=[], cfg=None):
        # resolve the 'extend' entry of a job
        config = cfg or self._config

        if self.hasFeature(Key.RESOLVED_KEY):

        #self.includeGlobalLet() # make sure potential global let is included first
        )  # make sure potential global let is included first

        if self.hasFeature("extend"):
            # prepare a Let object for potential macro expansion
            letObj = Let(self.get(Key.LET_KEY, {}))
            letObj.expandMacrosInLet()  # do self-expansion of macros
            # loop through 'extend' entries
            extends = self.getFeature("extend")
            for entry in extends:
                # make best effort on macro expansion
                if isinstance(entry, types.StringTypes):
                    if Key.hasMacro(entry):
                        entry = letObj.expandMacros(entry)

                entryJob = self._getJob(entry, config)
                if not entryJob:
                    raise RuntimeError, "No such job: \"%s\" (trace: %s)" % (
                        entry, entryTrace + [self.name])
                if entryJob.name in entryTrace:  # cycle check
                    raise RuntimeError, "Extend entry already seen: %s" % str(
                        entryTrace + [self.name, entryJob.name])

                self._console.debug('Including "%s" into "%s"' %
                                    (entryJob.name, self.name))
                # make sure this entry job is fully resolved in its context
                entryJob.resolveExtend(entryTrace + [self.name], config)

                # now merge the fully expanded job into the current job

        self.setFeature(Key.RESOLVED_KEY, True)
Пример #11
 def _expandString(self, s, mapstr, mapbin):
     assert isinstance(s, types.StringTypes)
     if not Key.hasMacro(s):  # optimization: no macro -> return
         return s
     macro = ""
     sub = ""
     possiblyBin = re.match(r'^\${(.*)}$',
                            s)  # look for '${...}' as a bin replacement
     if possiblyBin:
         macro = possiblyBin.group(1)
     if macro and (macro in mapbin.keys()):
         replval = mapbin[macro]
         if isinstance(replval, types.DictType):
             sub = copy.deepcopy(
             )  # make sure macro values are not affected during value merges later
             sub = replval  # array references are ok for now
         templ = string.Template(s)
         sub = templ.safe_substitute(mapstr)
     return sub
Пример #12
    def resolveExtend(self, entryTrace=[], cfg=None):
        # resolve the 'extend' entry of a job
        config = cfg or self._config

        if self.hasFeature(Key.RESOLVED_KEY):

        #self.includeGlobalLet() # make sure potential global let is included first
        self.includeGlobalDefaults() # make sure potential global let is included first

        if self.hasFeature("extend"):
            # prepare a Let object for potential macro expansion
            letObj = Let(self.get(Key.LET_KEY, {}))
            letObj.expandMacrosInLet()              # do self-expansion of macros
            # loop through 'extend' entries
            extends = self.getFeature("extend")
            for entry in extends:
                # make best effort on macro expansion
                if isinstance(entry, types.StringTypes):
                    if Key.hasMacro(entry):
                        entry = letObj.expandMacros(entry)
                entryJob = self._getJob(entry, config)
                if not entryJob:
                    raise RuntimeError, "No such job: \"%s\" (trace: %s)" % (entry, entryTrace+[self.name])
                if entryJob.name in entryTrace: # cycle check
                    raise RuntimeError, "Extend entry already seen: %s" % str(entryTrace+[self.name, entryJob.name])

                self._console.debug('Including "%s" into "%s"' % (entryJob.name, self.name))
                # make sure this entry job is fully resolved in its context
                entryJob.resolveExtend(entryTrace + [self.name], config)

                # now merge the fully expanded job into the current job

        self.setFeature(Key.RESOLVED_KEY, True)