def add_data_to_municipality( counts, map_year=2019, codmun_col='CODMUNRES', title_cols=['SEXO','IDADE_ANOS'], value_col='CONTAGEM'): """ Adiciona dados de mortalidade aos seus respectivos municípios. Gera um GeoDataFrame do GeoPandas. :param counts: dataframe contendo os dados a serem agregados. :param map_year: ano do mapa a ser usado (biblioteca geobr). :param codmun_col: coluna com geocode do município :param title_cols: colunas que serão utilizadas para formar o título das colunas no GeoDataFrame. :param value_col: coluna com o valor a ser adicionado ao GeoDataFrame :return: """ # Extrai código do estado dos municípios. # 2 primeiros dígitos do código são o estado states = counts[counts[codmun_col] != 'nan'][codmun_col].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:2]).unique() geo_df = read_municipality(code_muni=states[0],year=map_year) if(len(states) > 1): for state in states[1:]: geo_df = geo_df.append(read_municipality(code_muni=state,year=map_year)) column_names = column_name_list(counts,title_cols) geo_df[column_names] = 0 for i, mun in geo_df.iterrows(): data = counts[(counts[codmun_col] == mun['code_muni']) & (counts[value_col] > 0.0)] for _, item in data.iterrows(): geo_df.loc[i, column_name(item,title_cols)] = item[value_col] return geo_df.fillna(0)
def total_veh_domain(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, year, UF, veh_sep18): ''' Parameters ---------- lon1 : float number longitude 1 of the south-west. lat1 : float number latitude 1 of the south-west lon2 : float number longitude 2 of the north-east. lat2 : float number latitude 2 of the north-east. year : integer year analized. UF : string list Unidades Federais de Brasil veh : Pandas DataFrame Number of vehicle types by UF and municipality. Returns ------- Number of vehicles inside the modeling domain area ''' mun = geobr.read_municipality(code_muni='all', year=2018) polygon = Polygon([(lon1, lat1), (lon1, lat2), (lon2, lat2), (lon2, lat1), (lon1, lat1)]) munDomain = gpd.clip(mun, polygon) ## This is very important munDomain = munDomain.sort_values(by='abbrev_state') munnames = list(munDomain.name_muni.values) munNAMES = [x.upper() for x in munnames] munNAMES = [strip_accents(x) for x in munNAMES] munDomain['MUNICIPIO'] = munNAMES UF = ['MG', 'ES', 'RJ', 'SP', 'PR', 'SC', 'RS', 'MS', 'GO'] vehUF = veh_sep18[veh_sep18.UF.isin(UF)] vehs = [ 'AUTOMOVEL', 'CAMINHAO', 'CAMINHAO TRATOR', 'CAMINHONETE', 'CAMIONETA', 'CICLOMOTOR', 'MICRO-ONIBUS', 'MOTOCICLETA', 'MOTONETA', 'ONIBUS', 'TRATOR ESTEI', 'TRATOR RODAS', 'UTILITARIO' ] vehUF = vehUF.filter(['UF', 'MUNICIPIO'] + vehs) vehUF['TOTAL'] = vehUF.sum(axis=1) vehMunDom1 = vehUF[vehUF.MUNICIPIO.isin(munNAMES)] return vehMunDom1, vehUF
def get_geobr(): for k, v in initials.items(): ufs = v.upper() df = read_municipality(code_muni=ufs, year=2019) cols = ['code_muni', 'code_state', 'code_region'] df[cols] = df[cols].applymap(np.int64) result = df.to_json() parsed = json.loads(result) fname = f'{v}-municipalities.json' to_path = os.path.join(path_, fname) with open(to_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(parsed, f) logger.warning(f'Saving the JSON to {k} state in {to_path}') print('\n') logger.warning('All files were downloaded successfully!')
@author: mgavidia """ import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import geobr as gb import xarray as xr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from shapely.geometry import Polygon # States in domain states_codes = ["SP", "RJ", "PR", "MG", "ES", "SC", "MS"] # Saving shapefile in a dict states_in_domain = { code: gb.read_municipality(code_muni=code, year=2014) for code in states_codes } # Merging municipalities in domain mun_gdf = pd.concat([state for code, state in states_in_domain.items()], ignore_index=True) # Reading veicule number from # veic = pd.read_excel("./frota_por_municipio_e_tipo_out_2014.xlsx", sheet_name="OUT_2014", header=3) # Clip shapefiles to WRF domain wrf = xr.open_dataset("./")
def test_read_municipality(): assert isinstance(read_municipality(), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) assert isinstance(read_municipality(code_muni="AC", year=1991), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) assert isinstance(read_municipality(code_muni="AC", year=2010), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) assert isinstance(read_municipality(code_muni=11, year=1991), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) assert isinstance(read_municipality(code_muni=11, year=2010), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) assert isinstance(read_municipality(code_muni="all", year=1991), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) assert isinstance(read_municipality(code_muni="all", year=2010), gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) with pytest.raises(Exception): read_municipality(year=9999999) read_municipality(code_muni="RJ_ABC")
crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Put a background image on for nice sea rendering. ax1.stock_img() # Create a feature for States/Admin 1 regions at 1:50m from Natural Earth states_provinces = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale='50m', facecolor='none') ax1.add_feature(cfeature.LAND) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE) ax1.add_feature(states_provinces, edgecolor='black') mun = geobr.read_municipality(code_muni='all', year=2018) mun.plot(facecolor="none", alpha=1, edgecolor='gray', ax=ax1) polygon = Polygon([(lon1, lat1), (lon1, lat2), (lon2, lat2), (lon2, lat1), (lon1, lat1)]) poly_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame([1], geometry=[polygon], poly_gdf.boundary.plot(ax=ax1, color="red") munDomain = gpd.clip(mun, polygon) ## This is very important munDomain = munDomain.sort_values(by='abbrev_state') ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) munDomain.plot(ax=ax2, color="purple", alpha=0.5) munDomain.boundary.plot(ax=ax2) poly_gdf.boundary.plot(ax=ax2, color="red") ax2.set_title("Clipped", fontsize=20) plt.savefig('04_output/emissions/fig/clip.png',
def plot_map(df, data_type, title, cmap, cbar_title, UF=None): #df must be in format pd.DataFrame({'id': [...] ,'z':[...]}) year = 2018 var = df.columns[-1] if data_type == 'state': df1 = geobr.read_state(code_state='all', year=year) df1 = df1.sort_values('abbrev_state').reset_index(drop=True) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df1[['abbrev_state', 'geometry']]) jdf = json.loads(df1[['abbrev_state', 'geometry']].to_json()) try: assert list(df1['abbrev_state'].values) == list(df['state']) except: print( "df is not in the same order of IBGE data, try to put it on state name alphabetical order " ) plot_data = dict(type='choropleth', geojson=jdf, locations=gdf.index.astype(str), locationmode='geojson-id', colorscale=cmap, text=gdf['abbrev_state'].astype(str), z=df[var].astype(float), colorbar={'title': cbar_title}) layout = dict(title_text=title, geo={'scope': 'south america'}) fig = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=layout) fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False) elif data_type == 'city': df1 = geobr.read_municipality(code_muni=UF, year=year) df1 = df1.sort_values('name_muni').reset_index(drop=True) df1['code_muni'] = df1['code_muni'].astype(int) idx = [ pd.Index(df1['code_muni']).get_loc(i) for i in df['city_id'].values ] idx = np.array(idx) idxx = list(set(range(len(df1))).difference(idx)) z = np.ones(len(df1)) z[idx] = df[var] z[idxx] = np.nan gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df1[['name_muni', 'geometry']]) jdf = json.loads(df1[['name_muni', 'geometry']].to_json()) try: assert list(df1.loc[idx]['code_muni'].values) == list( df['city_id']) except: print( "df isnt in the same order of IBGE data, try to put it on city name alphabetical order " ) plot_data = dict(type='choropleth', geojson=jdf, locations=gdf.index.astype(str), locationmode='geojson-id', colorscale=cmap, text=gdf['name_muni'].astype(str), z=z.astype(float), colorbar={'title': cbar_title}) layout = dict(title_text=title, geo={'scope': 'south america'}) fig = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=layout) fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False) plotly.offline.iplot(fig)
import pandas as pd from geobr import read_municipality import sys from colorama import Fore,Style try: sys.argv[1] except: raise ValueError(Fore.RED+"Please inform the year"+Style.RESET_ALL) ano=int(sys.argv[1]) df=pd.read_csv('/home/lucas/projects/cartpy/cartpy/data/counties_1872_1991.csv') mun = read_municipality(code_muni="all", year=ano) mun.columns=['codigo','nome','estado_code','estado','geometry'] mun['ano']=ano new=df.append(mun) new['nome']=[k.title().replace('ç','c').replace('ã','a').replace('á','a').replace('à','a').replace('â','a')\ .replace('ẽ','e').replace('é','e').replace('è','e').replace('ê','e').replace('ĩ','i').\ replace('í','i').replace('ì','i').replace('î','i').replace('õ','o').replace('ó','o').\ replace('ò','o').replace('ô','o').replace('ũ','u').replace('ú','u').\ replace('ù','u').replace('û','u')\ if isinstance(k,str) else k for k in new['nome']] new.to_csv('/home/lucas/projects/cartpy/cartpy/data/counties_1872_1991.csv',index=False) print("The year {} was added successfully".format(ano))