def filter_safetyzone(request): #안심장소보기 global getGu safety_type = "" gu_type = "" mkurl = "" map = folium.Map(location=[37.55582994870823, 126.9726320033982], zoom_start=12) if request.method == "POST": filter_value = request.POST['safetyZone_filter'] safety_type = filter_value # 편의점을 선택한 경우 선택된 구를 출력 if (safety_type == "편의점"): mkurl = "safety_map/static/img/mk_cvs.png" #편의점 마커 이미지 safetyzone_ob_all = SafetyZone.objects.filter( gu=getGu) # 구 입력 방식 정해지면 '종로구'자리에 gu_type 넣으면 된다. # 경찰서, 지구대, 파출소를 선택한 경우 서울 전체 else: if (safety_type == "경찰서"): mkurl = "safety_map/static/img/mk_police_station.png" # 경찰서 마커 이미지 elif (safety_type == "지구대"): mkurl = "safety_map/static/img/mk_police_unit.png" # 지구대 마커 이미지 elif (safety_type == "파출소"): mkurl = "safety_map/static/img/mk_police_box.png" # 파출소 마커 이미지 safetyzone_ob_all = SafetyZone.objects.filter( safety_type=safety_type).all() # 마커 지도에 추가 for loc in safetyzone_ob_all: icon = folium.features.CustomIcon(icon_image=mkurl, icon_size=(50, 50)) gis = Geometry(loc.safety_loc.hex()[8:]) to_geojson = convert.wkt_to_geojson(str(gis.shapely)) to_coordinate = json.loads(to_geojson) marker = [to_coordinate['coordinates'][0], to_coordinate['coordinates'][1]], icon=icon) marker.add_to(map) maps = map._repr_html_() return render(request, 'home.html', {'map': maps})
def showKid(request): #아동필터 global g global getGu accident_type = "" loc_list = [] if request.method == 'POST': filter_value = request.POST["kid_filter"] accident_type = filter_value # 어린이 보행사고를 클릭한 경우 if filter_value == "스쿨존사고": accident_type = filter_value + "다발지역" elif filter_value == "어린이보행사고": accident_type = filter_value else: accident_type = filter_value kid_accident = Kid.objects.filter(gu=getGu, kid_accident_type=accident_type).all() #colormap_dept = cmp.StepColormap(colors=['#00ae53', '#86dc76', '#daf8aa','#ffe6a4', '#ff9a61', '#ee0028'], # vmin=10, vmax=310) for i in kid_accident: gis = Geometry(i.kid_accident_loc.hex()[8:]) to_geojson = convert.wkt_to_geojson(str(gis.shapely)) to_coordinate = json.loads(to_geojson) contain_coordinate = shape(to_coordinate) crime_location = {"type": "Feature", "geometry": to_coordinate} loc_list.append(crime_location) pistes = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": loc_list} map = folium.Map(location=[37.55582994870823, 126.9726320033982], zoom_start=15) folium.GeoJson(pistes).add_to(map) maps = map._repr_html_() return render(request, 'home.html', {'map': maps, 'pistes': pistes})
import os import json from glob import glob import geodaisy.converters as convert import visvalingamwyatt as vw for json_file in glob('*.json'): print(json_file) with open(json_file, 'r') as fh_in: j = json.load(fh_in) shape = j['View'][0]['Result'][0]['Location']['Shape']['Value'] try: shape = json.loads(convert.wkt_to_geojson(shape)) shape = vw.simplify_geometry(shape, ratio=0.2) j['View'][0]['Result'][0]['Location']['Shape'][ 'Value'] = convert.geojson_to_wkt(shape) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('>>>>') with open('{}-simplified{}'.format(*os.path.splitext(json_file)), 'w') as fh_out: json.dump(j, fh_out)
def pathFinder(request): #위험지역 받는 함수 global global_contain_coordinate global gu_coordinate gu_list = [ '종로구', '중구', '용산구', '성동구', '광진구', '동대문구', '중랑구', '성북구', '강북구', '도봉구', '노원구', '은평구', '서대문구', '마포구', '양천구', '강서구', '구로구', '금천구', '영등포구', '동작구', '관악구', '서초구', '강남구', '송파구', '강동구', ] loc_list = [] if request.method == "POST": startPoint = request.POST.get('start') endPoint = request.POST.get('end') print(startPoint, endPoint) for find_gu in gu_list: if find_gu in startPoint: startGu = find_gu else: pass if find_gu in endPoint: endGu = find_gu else: pass female_start = Female2.objects.filter(female2_crime_type="전체_전체", gu=startGu).all() female_end = Female2.objects.filter(female2_crime_type="전체_전체", gu=endGu).all() female_total = female_start.union(female_end, all=False) for loc in female_total: gis = Geometry(loc.female2_crime_loc.hex()[8:]) to_geojson = convert.wkt_to_geojson(str(gis.shapely)) to_coordinate = json.loads(to_geojson) contain_coordinate = shape(to_coordinate) global_contain_coordinate.append(contain_coordinate) crime_location = {"type": "Feature", "geometry": to_coordinate} loc_list.append(crime_location) pistes = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []} return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'pistes': pistes}), content_type="application/json")
def test_geojson_from_wkt(shape): test_geojson = convert.wkt_to_geojson(shape) check = geojson.loads(test_geojson) assert check.is_valid