def __init__(self): """ Init """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.original_entry: str = "" float = float('NaN') # Latitude self.lon: float = float('NaN') # Longitude self.country_iso: str = "" # Country ISO code self.country_name: str = '' str = "" # City or entity name self.admin1_name: str = "" # Admin1 (State/province/etc) self.admin1_id: str = "" # Admin1 Geoname ID self.admin2_name: str = "" # Admin2 (county) self.admin2_id = "" # Admin2 Geoname ID self.prefix: str = "" # Prefix (entries prepended before geoname location) self.feature: str = '' # Geoname feature code self.place_type: int = PlaceType.COUNTRY # Is this a Country , Admin1 ,admin2 or city? self.geoid: str = '' # Geoname GEOID self.enclosed_by = '' # The entity that encloses this. E.g United States encloses Texas self.updated_entry = '' self.score = 100.0 self.norm = Normalize.Normalize() # Lookup result info self.status: str = "" self.status_detail: str = "" self.result_type: int = GeoUtil.Result.NO_MATCH # Result type of lookup self.result_type_text: str = '' # Text version of result type self.georow_list: List = [] # List of items that matched this location self.event_year: int = 0 self.geo_db = None
def __init__(self, geodb): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.detailed_debug = True self.start = 0 self.use_wildcards = True self.total_lookups = 0 self.cache = {} self.place_type = '' self.select_str = 'name, country, admin1_id, admin2_id, lat, lon, feature, geoid, sdx' self.geodb = geodb self.match = MatchScore.MatchScore() self.norm = Normalize.Normalize() = Loc.Loc()
def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.score_diags = '' # Diagnostic text for scoring self.token_weight = [] self.prefix_weight = 0.0 self.feature_weight = 0.0 self.input_weight = 0.0 # Weighting for each input term match - adm2, adm1, country token_weights = [.2, .3, .5] self.set_weighting(token_weight=token_weights, prefix_weight=6.0, feature_weight=0.15) # Weighting for each part of score self.wildcard_penalty = 8.0 self.norm = Normalize.Normalize()
def __init__(self, db_path, show_message: bool, exit_on_error: bool, set_speed_pragmas: bool, db_limit: int): """ geoname data database init. Open database if present otherwise raise error # Args: db_path: full path to database file show_message: If True, show messagebox to user on error exit_on_error: If True, exit if significant error occurs set_speed_pragmas: If True, set DB pragmas for maximum performance. db_limit: SQL LIMIT parameter # Raises: ValueError('Cannot open database'), ValueError('Database empty or corrupt') """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.show_message = show_message self.exit_on_error = exit_on_error self.max_query_results = 50 self.total_time = 0 self.total_lookups = 0 self.slow_lookup = 0 self.match = MatchScore.MatchScore() self.norm = Normalize.Normalize() #self.select_str = 'name, country, admin1_id, admin2_id, lat, lon, feature, geoid, sdx' self.db_path = db_path # See if DB exists if os.path.exists(db_path): db_existed = True else: db_existed = False self.db = DB.DB(db_filename=db_path, show_message=show_message, exit_on_error=exit_on_error) if self.db.err != '': self.logger.error(f"Error! cannot open database {db_path}.") raise ValueError('Cannot open database') # If DB was initially found if db_existed: # Run sanity test on DB err = self.db.test_database('name', 'main.geodata', where='name = ? AND country = ?', args=('ba', 'fr')) if err: # DB failed sanity test self.logger.warning(f'DB error for {db_path}') if show_message: if messagebox.askyesno( 'Error', f'Geoname database is empty or corrupt:\n\n {db_path} \n\nDo you want to delete it and rebuild?' ): messagebox.showinfo('', 'Deleting Geoname database') self.db.conn.close() os.remove(db_path) if exit_on_error: sys.exit() else: raise ValueError('Database empty or corrupt') if set_speed_pragmas: self.db.set_speed_pragmas() self.db_limit = db_limit self.db.order_string = '' self.db.limit_string = f'LIMIT {self.db_limit}' self.place_type = '' self.s: GeoSearch.GeoSearch = GeoSearch.GeoSearch(geodb=self)
def __init__(self, directory: str, display_progress, show_message: bool, exit_on_error: bool, languages_list_dct: {}, feature_code_list_dct: {}, supported_countries_dct: {}, volume=''): """ Read in datafiles needed for geodata, filter them and create a sql db. Filter dictionary examples: languages_list_dct={'fr','de'} feature_code_list_dct={'PPL', 'ADM1', 'CSTL'} supported_countries_dct = {'us','gb','at'} # Args: directory: base directory display_progress: None or Handler called with percent_done:int, msg:str show_message: True to show message boxes to user on errors exit_on_error: True to exit on serious errors languages_list_dct: dictionary containing the ISO-2 languages to load from alternateNames feature_code_list_dct: dictionary containing the feature codes to load supported_countries_dct: dictionary containing the ISO-2 countries to load volume: disk volume to use - e.g. C: for Windows or /Volumes/xyz for OSX, /media/xyz for linux """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.geodb: [GeoDB.GeoDB, None] = None self.show_message = show_message self.geoid_main_dict = {} # Key is GEOID, Value is DB ID for entry self.geoid_admin_dict = {} # Key is GEOID, Value is DB ID for entry # TODO fix volume handling self.volume = volume self.collate = 'COLLATE NOCASE' self.exit_on_error = exit_on_error self.required_db_version = 4 # Message to user upgrading from earlier DB version self.db_upgrade_text = 'Renamed column to Feature' str = directory self.progress_bar = display_progress self.line_num = 0 self.cache_changed: bool = False sub_dir = GeoUtil.get_cache_directory( = None self.languages_list_dct = languages_list_dct self.feature_code_list_dct = feature_code_list_dct self.supported_countries_dct = supported_countries_dct self.lang_list = [] self.norm = Normalize.Normalize() for item in self.languages_list_dct: self.lang_list.append(item) if volume != '': os.chdir(volume) if not os.path.exists(sub_dir): self.logger.warning(f'Directory] {sub_dir} NOT FOUND') if self.show_message: messagebox.showwarning( 'Folder not found', f'Directory\n\n {sub_dir}\n\n NOT FOUND') if exit_on_error: sys.exit() # Read in Text Replacement dictionary pickle - this has output text replacements self.output_replace_cd = CachedDictionary.CachedDictionary( sub_dir, "output_list.pkl") self.output_replace_dct: Dict[str, str] = self.output_replace_cd.dict self.output_replace_list = [] for item in self.output_replace_dct: self.output_replace_list.append(item) self.entry_place = Loc.Loc() # Support for Geonames AlternateNames file. Adds alternate names for entries self.alternate_names = AlternateNames.AlternateNames(, geo_build=self, progress_bar=self.progress_bar, prefix="Step 3 of 4) ", filename='alternateNamesV2.txt', lang_list=self.lang_list)