Пример #1
def cities_on_map(A, distance_limit=100):
    """Put selected cities on map.

    Ensure that cities shown are at least dis_lim km apart.

        A: Selected cities sorted by intensity and population.
        distance_limit: Minimum distance [km] between cities shown on map (default is 100 km)

        Generates text file for use by GMT to plot cities on map

    # Always take the first city (which is the one with the highest intensity)
    index = [0]

    # Indices of all remaining cities
    T = range(1, len(A))

    # Loop through remaining cities and determine which to plot
    T2 = []
    b = 0
    while True:

        # Find cities more than distance_limit km away from city b (anchor city)
        for i in range(len(T)):
            k = T[i]  # Index of other city
            start = Point(latitude=A['lat'][b], longitude=A['lon'][b])  # Anchor city
            end = Point(latitude=A['lat'][k], longitude=A['lon'][k])    # Other city
            r = start.distance_to(end)/1000  # Calculate distance and convert to km
            if r >= distance_limit:
                # Select city i because it is sufficiently far away from anchor city
                T2 += [(k)]

        # Determine whether to use more cities or not
        if len(T2) > 1:
            # If more than one candidate exist pick the first of the selected cities as new anchor city
            b = T2[0]
            index += [(b)]

            # Replace T with what now remains and reset T2
            T = T2[1:]
            T2 = []
        elif len(T2) == 1:
            # If only one city exists add it and exit loop
            index += [(T2[0])]
            # If no cities were found exit loop

    # Make sure there is no old file hanging around
    cmd = '/bin/rm -rf city.txt'

    # Record selected cities in GMT file
    city_filename = 'city.txt'
    for i in index:
        cmd = 'cat << END >> %s' % city_filename + '\n'+''+str(A['lon'][i])+' '+str(A['lat'][i])+' 15 0 0 BR '+A['name'][i]+'\n'+'END'
Пример #2
    def test_equator_example(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (near equator) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 11448.0959593 # True Distance [m]

        p1 = Point(latitude=-0.59, longitude=117.10)
        p2 = Point(latitude=-0.50, longitude=117.15)

        d = p1.distance_to(p2)
        msg = 'Dist to point failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-3), msg
Пример #3
    def test_equator_example(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (near equator) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 11448.0959593  # True Distance [m]

        p1 = Point(latitude=-0.59, longitude=117.10)
        p2 = Point(latitude=-0.50, longitude=117.15)

        d = p1.distance_to(p2)
        msg = 'Dist to point failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-3), msg
Пример #4
def calculate_location_info(event_info, city_info):
    """Calculate distance from earthquake to most affected city

        event_info: Information about earthquake
        city_info: List of cities sorted by intensity

    Note all information is passed in to allow future modifications such
    as options for calculating
    * distance to nearest city
    * distance to most affected city
    * distance to biggest city
    * etc

    # Get location of earthquake  FIXME: Should store these as floats
    earthquake_location = Point(float(event_info['lat']),

    # Select city (in this case, take the most affected)
    city = city_info[0]

    # Get location and name of selected city
    city_name = city[0]
    city_location = Point(city[4], city[3])

    # Compute distance [m] and bearing [deg from city]
    d = city_location.distance_to(earthquake_location)
    b = city_location.bearing_to(earthquake_location)

    # Create string and update event_info
    if 5 <= b < 85:
        direction = 'Timur Laut'  # North East
    elif 85 <= b < 95:
        direction = 'Timur'       # East
    elif 95 <= b < 175:
        direction = 'Tenggara'    # South East
    elif 175 <= b < 185:
        direction = 'Selatan'      # South
    elif 185 <= b < 265:
        direction = 'Barat Daya'  # South West
    elif 265 <= b < 275:
        direction = 'Barat'       # West
    elif 275 <= b < 355:
        direction = 'Barat Laut'  # North West
        direction = 'Utara'       # North

    s = 'Berjarak %i km, %i$^\circ$ Arah %s %s' % (d/1000, b,
                                                   direction, city_name)
    event_info['location_string'] = s
Пример #5
    def testEarthquake2Muncar(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (quake -> Muncar) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 151318 # True Distance [m]

        B = 26  # 26 19 42 / 26 13 57  # Bearing to between points (start, end)

        p1 = Point(latitude=-9.65, longitude=113.72)

        d = p1.distance_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Dist to Muncar failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D), msg

        b = p1.bearing_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Bearing to Muncar %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg
Пример #6
    def testEarthquake2Muncar(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (quake -> Muncar) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 151318  # True Distance [m]

        B = 26  # 26 19 42 / 26 13 57  # Bearing to between points (start, end)

        p1 = Point(latitude=-9.65, longitude=113.72)

        d = p1.distance_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Dist to Muncar failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D), msg

        b = p1.bearing_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Bearing to Muncar %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg
Пример #7
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        self.eps = 0.001    # Accept 0.1 % relative error

        self.RSISE = Point(-35.27456, 149.12065)
        self.Home = Point(-35.25629, 149.12494)     # 28 Scrivener Street, ACT
        self.Syd = Point(-33.93479, 151.16794)      # Sydney Airport
        self.Nadi = Point(-17.75330, 177.45148)     # Nadi Airport
        self.Kobenhavn = Point(55.70248, 12.58364)  # Kobenhavn, Denmark
        self.Muncar = Point(-8.43, 114.33)          # Muncar, Indonesia

    def testBearingNorth(self):
        """Bearing due north (0 deg) correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p2 = Point(1.0, 0.0)

        b = p1.bearing_to(p2)
        msg = 'Computed northward bearing: %d, Should have been: %d' % (b, 0)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, 0, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testBearingSouth(self):
        """Bearing due south (180 deg) is correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12
        B = 180  # True bearing

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p2 = Point(1.0, 0.0)

        b = p2.bearing_to(p1)
        msg = 'Computed southward bearing %d. Expected %d' % (b, B)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, B, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testBearingEast(self):
        """Bearing due west (270 deg) is correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12
        B = 90  # True bearing

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p3 = Point(0.0, 1.0)

        b = p1.bearing_to(p3)
        msg = 'Computed southward bearing %d. Expected %d' % (b, B)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, B, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testBearingWest(self):
        """Bearing due west (270 deg) is correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12
        B = 270  # True bearing

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p3 = Point(0.0, 1.0)

        b = p3.bearing_to(p1)
        msg = 'Computed southward bearing %d. Expected %d' % (b, B)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, B, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testRSISE2Home(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Home) are correct

        D = 2068.855  # True Distance to Home
        B = 11        # True Bearing to Home

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Home)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Home %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-6), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Home)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Home %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testRSISE2Sydney(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Syd) are correct

        D = 239407.67  # True Distance to Sydney Airport
        B = 52         # True Bearing to Sydney Airport

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Syd)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Sydney airport %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-6), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Syd)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Sydney airport %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testRSISE2Nadi(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Nadi) are correct

        D = 3406100   # True Distance to Nadi Airport
        B = 63        # True Bearing to Nadi Airport

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Nadi)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Nadi airport %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-4), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Nadi)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Nadi airport %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testRSISE2Kobenhavn(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Kbh) are correct
        D = 16025 * 1000   # True Distance to Kobenhavn
        B = 319            # True Bearing to Kobenhavn

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Kobenhavn)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Kobenhavn %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-3), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Kobenhavn)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Nadi airport %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testEarthquake2Muncar(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (quake -> Muncar) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 151318 # True Distance [m]

        B = 26  # 26 19 42 / 26 13 57  # Bearing to between points (start, end)

        p1 = Point(latitude=-9.65, longitude=113.72)

        d = p1.distance_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Dist to Muncar failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D), msg

        b = p1.bearing_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Bearing to Muncar %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def test_equator_example(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (near equator) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 11448.0959593 # True Distance [m]

        p1 = Point(latitude=-0.59, longitude=117.10)
        p2 = Point(latitude=-0.50, longitude=117.15)

        d = p1.distance_to(p2)
        msg = 'Dist to point failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-3), msg
Пример #8
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.eps = 0.001  # Accept 0.1 % relative error

        self.RSISE = Point(-35.27456, 149.12065)
        self.Home = Point(-35.25629, 149.12494)  # 28 Scrivener Street, ACT
        self.Syd = Point(-33.93479, 151.16794)  # Sydney Airport
        self.Nadi = Point(-17.75330, 177.45148)  # Nadi Airport
        self.Kobenhavn = Point(55.70248, 12.58364)  # Kobenhavn, Denmark
        self.Muncar = Point(-8.43, 114.33)  # Muncar, Indonesia

    def testBearingNorth(self):
        """Bearing due north (0 deg) correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p2 = Point(1.0, 0.0)

        b = p1.bearing_to(p2)
        msg = 'Computed northward bearing: %d, Should have been: %d' % (b, 0)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, 0, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testBearingSouth(self):
        """Bearing due south (180 deg) is correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12
        B = 180  # True bearing

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p2 = Point(1.0, 0.0)

        b = p2.bearing_to(p1)
        msg = 'Computed southward bearing %d. Expected %d' % (b, B)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, B, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testBearingEast(self):
        """Bearing due west (270 deg) is correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12
        B = 90  # True bearing

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p3 = Point(0.0, 1.0)

        b = p1.bearing_to(p3)
        msg = 'Computed southward bearing %d. Expected %d' % (b, B)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, B, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testBearingWest(self):
        """Bearing due west (270 deg) is correct within double precision

        eps = 1.0e-12
        B = 270  # True bearing

        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p3 = Point(0.0, 1.0)

        b = p3.bearing_to(p1)
        msg = 'Computed southward bearing %d. Expected %d' % (b, B)
        assert numpy.allclose(b, B, rtol=eps, atol=eps), msg

    def testRSISE2Home(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Home) are correct

        D = 2068.855  # True Distance to Home
        B = 11  # True Bearing to Home

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Home)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Home %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-6), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Home)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Home %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testRSISE2Sydney(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Syd) are correct

        D = 239407.67  # True Distance to Sydney Airport
        B = 52  # True Bearing to Sydney Airport

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Syd)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Sydney airport %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-6), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Syd)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Sydney airport %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testRSISE2Nadi(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Nadi) are correct

        D = 3406100  # True Distance to Nadi Airport
        B = 63  # True Bearing to Nadi Airport

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Nadi)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Nadi airport %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-4), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Nadi)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Nadi airport %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testRSISE2Kobenhavn(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (RSISE -> Kbh) are correct
        D = 16025 * 1000  # True Distance to Kobenhavn
        B = 319  # True Bearing to Kobenhavn

        d = self.RSISE.distance_to(self.Kobenhavn)
        msg = 'Dist from RSISE to Kobenhavn %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-3), msg

        b = self.RSISE.bearing_to(self.Kobenhavn)
        msg = 'Bearing from RSISE to Nadi airport %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def testEarthquake2Muncar(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (quake -> Muncar) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 151318  # True Distance [m]

        B = 26  # 26 19 42 / 26 13 57  # Bearing to between points (start, end)

        p1 = Point(latitude=-9.65, longitude=113.72)

        d = p1.distance_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Dist to Muncar failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D), msg

        b = p1.bearing_to(self.Muncar)
        msg = 'Bearing to Muncar %i. Expected %i' % (b, B)
        assert b == B, msg

    def test_equator_example(self):
        """Distance and bearing of real example (near equator) are correct

        # Test data from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        D = 11448.0959593  # True Distance [m]

        p1 = Point(latitude=-0.59, longitude=117.10)
        p2 = Point(latitude=-0.50, longitude=117.15)

        d = p1.distance_to(p2)
        msg = 'Dist to point failed %f. Expected %f' % (d, D)
        assert numpy.allclose(d, D, rtol=1.0e-3), msg

    def test_generate_circle(self):
        """A circle with a given radius can be generated correctly

        # Generate a circle around Sydney airport with radius 3km
        radius = 3000
        C = self.Syd.generate_circle(radius)

        # Check distance around the circle
        # Note that not every point will be exactly 3000m
        # because the circle in defined in geographic coordinates
        for c in C:
            p = Point(c[1], c[0])
            d = self.Syd.distance_to(p)
            msg = ('Radius %f not with in expected tolerance. Expected %d' %
                   (d, radius))
            assert numpy.allclose(d, radius, rtol=2.0e-1), msg
Пример #9
def city_info(R, B, path, eve_info):
    """List cities exposed sorted by MMI experienced

        R: Bounding box of interest
        B: MMI point values from shakemap
        path: Location of library data
        eve_info: Event info (in this case get epicentre)

    # Load raw city information
    path = path + "/cities/Indonesia.txt"
    A = np.loadtxt(path, dtype={"names": ("lon", "lat", "pop", "name"), "formats": (float, float, float, "S10")})

    # Mask of those cities that are inside region of interest (1D boolean array)
    mask = (A["lon"] > R[0]) & (A["lon"] < R[1]) & (A["lat"] > R[2]) & (A["lat"] < R[3])

    # Get indices of cities in region of interest (1D array of integers)
    index = np.nonzero(mask)[0]  # Get single array from tuple output

    if len(index) == 0:
        # No cities were found in region of interest.
        # Search entire database for the nearest city

        eve_lon = float(eve_info["lon"])
        eve_lat = float(eve_info["lat"])
        min_dist = sys.maxint
        for i in range(len(A)):
            start = Point(latitude=A["lat"][i], longitude=A["lon"][i])
            end = Point(latitude=eve_lat, longitude=eve_lon)
            dis = start.distance_to(end) / 1000
            if dis < min_dist:
                min_dist = dis
                index = i

        # Assign MMI 0 to nearest city outside region of interest
        A = A[index]

        city = [(A["name"], A["pop"], 1, A["lon"], A["lat"])]
        # One or more cities were found in region of interest
        A = A[index]

        # Create grid of MMI values (FIXME: More explanation in here please)
        points = B[:, 0:2]
        values = B[:, 4]
        I = make_grid(points, values, (A["lon"], A["lat"]))

        # Create city list with entries: Name, population, MMI, lon, lat
        intensity = I.tolist()
        name = A["name"].tolist()
        pop = A["pop"].tolist()
        lon = A["lon"].tolist()
        lat = A["lat"].tolist()
        city = zip(name, pop, intensity, lon, lat)

    # Convert to array and sort by intensity
    # (and population if intensity is the same)
    city = np.array(city, dtype=city_dtype)
    city = np.sort(city, order=["intensity", "population"])
    city = np.flipud(city)

    return city