Пример #1
def check_required(obj, required_parameters):
    Check if a parameter is available on an object

    :param obj: Object
    :param required_parameters: list of parameters
    for parameter in required_parameters:
        if not hasattr(obj, parameter) or getattr(obj, parameter) is None:
            raise DesignError("parameter '%s' must be set for '%s' object." %
                              (parameter, obj.base_type))
Пример #2
def size_footing_for_capacity(sl,
    Determine the size of a footing given an aspect ratio and a load

    :param sl: Soil object
    :param vertical_load: The applied load to the foundation
    :param fos: The target factor of safety
    :param length_to_width: The desired length to width ratio of the foundation
    :param verbose: verbosity
    :return: a Foundation object
    method = kwargs.get("method", 'vesic')
    depth_to_width = kwargs.get("depth_to_width", 0)
    depth = kwargs.get("depth", 0)
    use_depth_to_width = 0
    if not depth:
        use_depth_to_width = 1

    # Find approximate size
    fd = models.RaftFoundation()
    fd.width = .5  # start with B=1.0m
    for i in range(50):
        fd.length = length_to_width * fd.width
        if use_depth_to_width:
            fd.depth = depth_to_width * fd.width
            fd.depth = depth
        capacity_method_selector(sl, fd, method)
        q = fd.q_ult

        bearing_capacity = q * fd.length * fd.width
        fs_actual = bearing_capacity / (vertical_load +
                                        unit_weight * fd.area * fd.depth)

        if fs_actual < fos:
            # Need to increase foundation sizes
            fd.width += 0.5
            if verbose:
                log("fs_actual: ", fs_actual)
                log("fd.width: ", fd.width)

    # at this stage the current size should be too big
    width_array = []
    fs_array = []
    for j in range(11):
        fd.length = length_to_width * fd.width
        if use_depth_to_width:
            fd.depth = depth_to_width * fd.width
        capacity_method_selector(sl, fd, method)
        q = fd.q_ult

        capacity = q * fd.length * fd.width

        fs_array.append(capacity /
                        (vertical_load + unit_weight * fd.area * fd.depth))

        fd.width = fd.width - 0.5 / 10

    # search the array until FS satisfied:
    if verbose:
        log("reqFS: ", fos)
        log("width array: \n", width_array)
        log("FS array: \n", fs_array)

    for fs in range(len(fs_array)):
        if fs_array[fs] < fos:
            fd.width = width_array[fs - 1]
            fd.length = length_to_width * fd.width
            if use_depth_to_width:
                fd.depth = depth_to_width * fd.width
            capacity_method_selector(sl, fd, method)
        if fs == len(fs_array) - 1:
            DesignError("No suitable foundation sizes could be determined!")

    return fd
Пример #3
def capacity_salgado_2008(sl,
    Calculates the capacity according to
     The Engineering of Foundations textbook by Salgado

     ISBN: 0072500581

     The method combines load factors from Bolton (1979) and shape factors from Brinch-Hansen (1970)

    :param sl: Soil object
    :param fd: Foundation object
    :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length
    :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width
    :param vertical_load: Vertical load
    :param verbose: verbosity
    :return: ultimate bearing stress
    # Need to make adjustments if sand  has DR<40% or
    # clay has liquidity indices greater than 0.7
    if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False):
        models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"])
        models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"])

    h_eff_b = kwargs.get("h_eff_b", 0)
    h_eff_l = kwargs.get("h_eff_l", 0)
    ip_axis_2d = kwargs.get('ip_axis_2d', None)
    # TODO: implement phi as fn of sigma_m
    temp_fd_length = fd.length
    temp_fd_width = fd.width
    if ip_axis_2d is not None:
        if ip_axis_2d == 'width':
            temp_fd_length = temp_fd_width * 100
        elif ip_axis_2d == 'length':
            temp_fd_width = temp_fd_length * 100
            raise ValueError(
                f"ip_axis_2d must be either 'width' or 'length', not {ip_axis_2d}"
    v_l = kwargs.get("loc_v_l", temp_fd_length / 2)  # given in fd coordinates
    v_b = kwargs.get("loc_v_b", temp_fd_width / 2)

    if temp_fd_length > temp_fd_width:  # TODO: deal with plane strain
        fd_length = temp_fd_length
        fd_width = temp_fd_width
        loc_v_l = v_l
        loc_v_b = v_b
        loc_h_b = h_b
        loc_h_l = h_l
        fd_length = temp_fd_width
        fd_width = temp_fd_length
        loc_v_l = v_b
        loc_v_b = v_l
        loc_h_b = h_l
        loc_h_l = h_b

    ecc_b = loc_h_b * h_eff_b / vertical_load
    ecc_l = loc_h_l * h_eff_l / vertical_load

    width_eff = min(fd_width, 2 * (loc_v_b + ecc_b),
                    2 * (fd_width - loc_v_b - ecc_b))
    length_eff = min(fd_length, 2 * (loc_v_l + ecc_l),
                     2 * (fd_length - loc_v_l - ecc_l))

    # check para 3.4.1
    if width_eff / 2 < fd_width / 6:
        DesignError("failed on eccentricity")

    fd.nq_factor = np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r)) * (
        1 + np.sin(sl.phi_r)) / (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))
    fd.ng_factor = 1.5 * (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r)
    # fd.ng_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(1.32 * sl.phi_r)
    if sl.phi_r == 0:
        fd.nc_factor = 5.14
        fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r)

    # shape factors:
    s_q = 1 + (width_eff / length_eff) * np.sin(sl.phi_r)
    s_g = max(1 - 0.4 * width_eff / length_eff, 0.6)
    s_c = 1.0

    # depth factors:
    d_over_b = min(1, fd.depth / width_eff)  # limit to 1
    d_q = 1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))**2 * d_over_b
    d_g = 1.0
    d_c = 1.0

    # stress at footing base:
    q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth

    if verbose:
        log("width_eff: ", width_eff)
        log("length_eff: ", length_eff)
        log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor)
        log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor)
        log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor)
        log("s_c: ", s_c)
        log("s_q: ", s_q)
        log("s_g: ", s_g)
        log("d_c: ", d_c)
        log("d_q: ", d_q)
        log("d_g: ", d_g)
        log("q_d: ", q_d)

    # Capacity
    fd.q_ult = (
        sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c +
        q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q +
        0.5 * width_eff * sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g)

    if verbose:
        log("qult: ", fd.q_ult)
    return fd.q_ult
Пример #4
def capacity_nzs_vm4_2011(sl,
    calculates the capacity according to
     Appendix B verification method 4 of the NZ building code

    :param sl: Soil object
    :param fd: Foundation object
    :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length
    :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width
    :param vertical_load: Vertical load
    :param slope: ground slope
    :param verbose: verbosity
    :return: ultimate bearing stress
    # Need to make adjustments if sand  has DR<40% or
    # clay has liquidity indices greater than 0.7

    if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False):
        models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"])
        models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"])

    horizontal_load = np.sqrt(h_l**2 + h_b**2)

    v_l = kwargs.get("loc_v_l", fd.length / 2)  # given in fd coordinates
    v_b = kwargs.get("loc_v_b", fd.width / 2)
    h_eff_b = kwargs.get("h_eff_b", 0)
    h_eff_l = kwargs.get("h_eff_l", 0)

    if fd.length > fd.width:  # TODO: deal with plane strain
        fd_length = fd.length
        fd_width = fd.width
        loc_v_l = v_l
        loc_v_b = v_b
        loc_h_b = h_b
        loc_h_l = h_l
        fd_length = fd.width
        fd_width = fd.length
        loc_v_l = v_b
        loc_v_b = v_l
        loc_h_b = h_l
        loc_h_l = h_b

    ecc_b = loc_h_b * h_eff_b / vertical_load
    ecc_l = loc_h_l * h_eff_l / vertical_load

    width_eff = min(fd_width, 2 * (loc_v_b + ecc_b),
                    2 * (fd_width - loc_v_b - ecc_b))
    length_eff = min(fd_length, 2 * (loc_v_l + ecc_l),
                     2 * (fd_length - loc_v_l - ecc_l))
    area_foundation = length_eff * width_eff

    # check para 3.4.1
    if width_eff / 2 < fd_width / 6:
        raise DesignError("failed on eccentricity")

    fd.nq_factor = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + sl.phi_r / 2))**2 *
                    np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r)))
    if sl.phi_r == 0:
        fd.nc_factor = 5.14
        fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r)
    fd.ng_factor = 2.0 * (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r)

    # shape factors:
    s_c = 1.0 + fd.nq_factor / fd.nc_factor * width_eff / length_eff
    s_q = 1 + width_eff / length_eff * np.tan(sl.phi_r)
    s_g = max(1.0 - 0.4 * width_eff / length_eff,
              0.6)  # add limit of 0.6 based on Vesics

    # depth factors:
    if fd.depth / width_eff > 1:
        k = np.arctan(fd.depth / width_eff)
        k = fd.depth / width_eff
    if sl.phi_r == 0:
        d_c = 1 + 0.4 * k
        d_q = 1.0
        d_q = (1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))**2 * k)
        d_c = d_q - (1 - d_q) / (fd.nq_factor * np.tan(sl.phi_r))
    d_g = 1.0

    # load inclination factors:
    if sl.phi_r == 0:
        i_c = 0.5 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - horizontal_load /
                                 (area_foundation * sl.cohesion)))
        i_q = 1.0
        i_g = 1.0
        if h_b == 0:
            i_q = 1 - horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation *
                                         sl.cohesion / np.tan(sl.phi_r))
            i_g = i_q
        elif h_b > 0 and h_l == 0:
            i_q = ((1 - 0.7 * horizontal_load /
                    (vertical_load +
                     area_foundation * sl.cohesion / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**3)
            i_g = ((1 - horizontal_load /
                    (vertical_load +
                     area_foundation * sl.cohesion / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**3)
            raise DesignError("not setup for bi-directional loading")
        i_c = (i_q * fd.nq_factor - 1) / (fd.nq_factor - 1)

    # ground slope factors:
    g_c = 1 - slope * (1.0 - fd.depth / (2 * width_eff)) / 150
    g_q = (1 - np.tan(slope * (1 - fd.depth / (2 * width_eff))))**2
    g_g = g_q

    # stress at footing base:
    q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth

    if verbose:
        log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor)
        log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor)
        log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor)
        log("H: ", horizontal_load)
        log("s_c: ", s_c)
        log("s_q: ", s_q)
        log("s_g: ", s_g)
        log("d_c: ", d_c)
        log("d_q: ", d_q)
        log("d_g: ", d_g)
        log("i_c: ", i_c)
        log("i_q: ", i_q)
        log("i_g: ", i_g)
        log("g_c: ", g_c)
        log("g_q: ", g_q)
        log("g_g: ", g_g)

    # Capacity
    fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c * i_c * g_c +
                q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q * i_q * g_q + 0.5 * width_eff *
                sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g * i_g * g_g)
    if verbose:
        log("q_ult: ", fd.q_ult)
    return fd.q_ult
Пример #5
def capacity_sp_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sp, fd, verbose=0):
    Calculates the two-layered foundation capacity according Meyerhof and Hanna (1978)

    :param sp: Soil profile object
    :param fd: Foundation object
    :param wtl: water table level
    :param verbose: verbosity
    :return: ultimate bearing stress
    assert isinstance(sp, sm.SoilProfile)
    if fd.length > fd.width:  # TODO: deal with plane strain
        fd_length = fd.length
        fd_width = fd.width
        fd_length = fd.width
        fd_width = fd.length

    sl_0 = sp.layer(1)
    sl_1 = sp.layer(2)
    h0 = sp.layer_depth(2)
    gwl = sp.gwl

    sl_0.nq_factor_0 = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + np.deg2rad(sl_0.phi / 2)))**2 *
                        np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(np.deg2rad(sl_0.phi))))
    if sl_0.phi == 0:
        sl_0.nc_factor_0 = 5.14
        sl_0.nc_factor_0 = (sl_0.nq_factor_0 - 1) / np.tan(np.deg2rad(
    sl_0.ng_factor_0 = (sl_0.nq_factor_0 - 1) * np.tan(
        1.4 * np.deg2rad(sl_0.phi))

    sl_1.nq_factor_1 = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + np.deg2rad(sl_1.phi / 2)))**2 *
                        np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(np.deg2rad(sl_1.phi))))
    if sl_1.phi == 0:
        sl_1.nc_factor_1 = 5.14
        sl_1.nc_factor_1 = (sl_1.nq_factor_1 - 1) / np.tan(np.deg2rad(
    sl_1.ng_factor_1 = (sl_1.nq_factor_1 - 1) * np.tan(
        1.4 * np.deg2rad(sl_1.phi))

    if verbose:
        log("Nc: ", sl_1.nc_factor_1)
        log("Nq: ", sl_1.nq_factor_1)
        log("Ng: ", sl_1.ng_factor_1)

    sl_0.kp_0 = (np.tan(np.pi / 4 + np.deg2rad(sl_0.phi / 2)))**2
    sl_1.kp_1 = (np.tan(np.pi / 4 + np.deg2rad(sl_1.phi / 2)))**2

    # shape factors
    if sl_0.phi >= 10:
        sl_0.s_c_0 = 1 + 0.2 * sl_0.kp_0 * (fd_width / fd_length)
        sl_0.s_q_0 = 1.0 + 0.1 * sl_0.kp_0 * (fd_width / fd_length)
        sl_0.s_c_0 = 1 + 0.2 * (fd_width / fd_length)
        sl_0.s_q_0 = 1.0
    sl_0.s_g_0 = sl_0.s_q_0

    if sl_1.phi >= 10:
        sl_1.s_c_1 = 1 + 0.2 * sl_1.kp_1 * (fd_width / fd_length)
        sl_1.s_q_1 = 1.0 + 0.1 * sl_1.kp_1 * (fd_width / fd_length)
        sl_1.s_c_1 = 1 + 0.2 * (fd_width / fd_length)
        sl_1.s_q_1 = 1.0
    sl_1.s_g_1 = sl_1.s_q_1

    # Note: this method explicitly accounts for the foundation depth, so there are no depth factors
    # TODO: inclination factors, see doi.org/10.1139/t78-060

    # Capacity
    a = 1  # assumed to  be one but can range between 1.1 and 1.27 for square footings according to Das (1999) Ch 4
    s = 1

    r = 1 + (fd_width / fd_length)

    # put the same things before that condition
    # effective weight not in the soil object

    if gwl == 0:  # case 1: GWL at surface
        q_at_interface = sl_0.unit_bouy_weight * h0
        unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth = sl_0.unit_bouy_weight
        unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface = sl_0.unit_bouy_weight
        unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation = sl_1.unit_bouy_weight

    elif 0 < gwl <= fd.depth:  # Case 2: GWL at between foundation depth and surface
        q_at_interface = (sl_0.unit_dry_weight *
                          gwl) + (sl_0.unit_bouy_weight * (h0 - gwl))
        q_d = (sl_0.unit_dry_weight * gwl) + (sl_0.unit_bouy_weight *
                                              (fd.depth - gwl))
        unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth = q_d / fd.depth
        unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface = sl_0.unit_bouy_weight
        unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation = sl_1.unit_bouy_weight

    elif fd.depth < gwl <= fd_width + fd.depth:
        if gwl < h0:  # Case 3: GWL at between foundation depth and foundation depth plus width, and GWL < layer 1 depth

            average_unit_bouy_weight = sl_0.unit_bouy_weight + (
                ((gwl - fd.depth) / fd_width) *
                (sl_0.unit_dry_weight - sl_0.unit_bouy_weight))

            q_at_interface = (sl_0.unit_dry_weight *
                              gwl) + (sl_0.unit_bouy_weight * (h0 - gwl))
            unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth = sl_0.unit_dry_weight
            unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface = average_unit_bouy_weight
            unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation = sl_1.unit_bouy_weight

        else:  # Case 4: GWL at between foundation depth and foundation depth plus width, and GWL > layer 1 depth
            average_unit_bouy_weight = sl_1.unit_bouy_weight + (
                ((gwl - h0) / fd_width) *
                (sl_1.unit_dry_weight - sl_1.unit_bouy_weight))

            q_at_interface = sl_0.unit_dry_weight * h0
            unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth = sl_0.unit_dry_weight
            unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface = sl_0.unit_dry_weight
            unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation = average_unit_bouy_weight

    elif gwl > fd.depth + fd_width:  # Case 5: GWL beyond foundation depth plus width
        q_at_interface = sl_0.unit_dry_weight * h0
        unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth = sl_0.unit_dry_weight
        unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface = sl_0.unit_dry_weight
        unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation = sl_1.unit_dry_weight
        raise ValueError("Could not interpret inputs")  # never reached

    # maximum value (qu <= qt)
    q_ult6 = q_at_interface - unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth * fd.depth
    q_0 = (sl_0.cohesion * sl_0.nc_factor_0) + (
        0.5 * unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface * fd_width * sl_0.ng_factor_0)
    q_b2 = (q_at_interface * sl_1.nq_factor_1 * sl_1.s_q_1)
    q_1 = (sl_1.cohesion * sl_1.nc_factor_1) + (
        0.5 * unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation * fd_width * sl_1.ng_factor_1)
    q_b3 = (unit_eff_weight_1_below_foundation * fd_width * sl_1.ng_factor_1 *
            sl_1.s_g_1 / 2)
    q_ult5 = r * (unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface * ((h0 - fd.depth)**2)) * (
        1 + (2 * fd.depth /
             (h0 - fd.depth))) * (np.tan(np.deg2rad(sl_0.phi)) / fd_width) * s
    q_t2 = (unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth * fd.depth * sl_0.nq_factor_0 *
    q_t3 = (unit_eff_weight_0_at_interface * fd_width * sl_0.ng_factor_0 *
            sl_0.s_g_0 / 2)

    # qb
    q_b1 = (sl_1.cohesion * sl_1.nc_factor_1 * sl_1.s_c_1)
    q_b = q_b1 + q_b2 + q_b3

    q1_q0 = q_1 / q_0

    # calculate the ca factor
    # if sl_0.cohesion == 0:
    #     c1_c0 = 0
    # else:
    #     c1_c0 = sl_1.cohesion / sl_0.cohesion
    x = np.array(
        [0.000, 0.082, 0.206, 0.298, 0.404, 0.509, 0.598, 0.685, 0.772])
    y = np.array(
        [0.627, 0.700, 0.794, 0.855, 0.912, 0.948, 0.968, 0.983, 0.997])

    # raise Warning("ca should be interpolated using q1/q2 not cohesion, see Figure 4 in MH1978")
    ca_c0 = np.interp(q1_q0, x, y)
    ca = ca_c0 * sl_0.cohesion

    # ks
    x_0 = np.array([
        0, 20.08, 22.42, 25.08, 27.58, 30.08, 32.58, 34.92, 37.83, 40.00,
        42.67, 45.00, 47.00, 49.75
    y_0 = np.array([
        0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 1.01, 1.17, 1.32, 1.56, 1.87, 2.26, 2.72, 3.35,
        3.81, 4.82
    x_2 = np.array([
        0, 20.08, 22.50, 25.08, 27.58, 30.08, 32.50, 35.00, 37.67, 40.17,
        42.67, 45.00, 47.50, 50.00
    y_2 = np.array([
        1.55, 1.55, 1.71, 1.86, 2.10, 2.33, 2.72, 3.11, 3.81, 4.43, 5.28, 6.14,
        7.46, 9.24
    x_4 = np.array([
        0, 20.00, 22.51, 25.10, 27.69, 30.11, 32.45, 35.04, 37.88, 40.14,
        42.65, 45.07, 47.33, 50.08
    y_4 = np.array([
        2.49, 2.49, 2.64, 2.87, 3.34, 3.81, 4.43, 5.20, 6.29, 7.38, 9.01,
        11.11, 14.29, 19.34
    x_10 = np.array([
        0, 20.00, 22.50, 25.08, 28.00, 30.00, 32.50, 34.92, 37.50, 40.17,
        42.42, 45.00, 47.17, 50.08
    y_10 = np.array([
        3.27, 3.27, 3.74, 4.44, 5.37, 6.07, 7.16, 8.33, 10.04, 12.30, 15.95,
        21.17, 27.47, 40.00
    x_int = sl_0.phi

    if sl_0.phi < 1:
        fd.ks = 0

        if q1_q0 == 0:
            fd.ks = np.interp(x_int, x_0, y_0)

        elif q1_q0 == 0.2:
            fd.ks = np.interp(x_int, x_2, y_2)

        elif q1_q0 == 0.4:
            fd.ks = np.interp(x_int, x_4, y_4)

        elif q1_q0 == 1.0:
            fd.ks = np.interp(x_int, x_10, y_10)

        elif 0 < q1_q0 < 0.2:
            ks_1 = np.interp(x_int, x_0, y_0)
            ks_2 = np.interp(x_int, x_2, y_2)
            fd.ks = (((ks_2 - ks_1) * q1_q0) / 0.2) + ks_1

        elif 0.2 < q1_q0 < 0.4:
            ks_1 = np.interp(x_int, x_2, y_2)
            ks_2 = np.interp(x_int, x_4, y_4)
            fd.ks = (((ks_2 - ks_1) * (q1_q0 - 0.2)) / 0.2) + ks_1

        elif 0.4 < q1_q0 < 1.0:
            ks_1 = np.interp(x_int, x_4, y_4)
            ks_2 = np.interp(x_int, x_10, y_10)
            fd.ks = (((ks_2 - ks_1) * (q1_q0 - 0.4)) / 0.6) + ks_1
            raise DesignError(
                "Cannot compute 'ks', bearing ratio out-of-range (q1_q0 = %.3f) required: 0-1."
                % q1_q0)

    # qu
    q_ult4 = (r * (2 * ca * (h0 - fd.depth) / fd_width) * a)
    q_ult5_ks = q_ult5 * fd.ks
    q_ult = q_b + q_ult4 + q_ult5_ks - q_ult6

    q_t1 = (sl_0.cohesion * sl_0.nc_factor_0 * sl_0.s_c_0)
    q_t = q_t1 + q_t2 + q_t3

    if q_ult > q_t:
        if h0 > fd_width / 2:
            fd.q_ult = q_t

            vert_eff_stress_interface = sp.get_v_eff_stress_at_depth(h0)
            vert_eff_stress_lowest = sp.get_v_eff_stress_at_depth(fd_width +
            average_eff_stress = (vert_eff_stress_interface +
                                  vert_eff_stress_lowest) / 2

            c_2_eff = sl_1.cohesion + average_eff_stress * np.tan(

            if sl_0.cohesion > c_2_eff:
                fd.q_ult = q_t

                # vd = {}
                # vd[1] =[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                # vd[0.667] = [1, 1.033, 1.064, 1.088, 1.109]
                # vd[0.5] = [1, 1.056, 1.107, 1.152, 1.193]
                # vd[0.333] = [1, 1.088, 1.167, 1.241, 1.311]
                # vd[0.25] = [1, 1.107, 1.208, 1.302, 1.389]
                # vd[0.2] = [1, 1.121, 1.235, 1.342, 1.444]
                # vd[0.1] = [1, 1.154, 1.302, 1.446, 1.584]

                h_over_b = (h0 - fd.depth) / fd_width
                c1_over_c2 = sl_0.cohesion / c_2_eff

                c_1_over_c_2 = [0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.333, 0.5, 0.667, 1.]
                m_1 = [1.584, 1.444, 1.389, 1.311, 1.193, 1.109, 1.]
                m_125 = [1.446, 1.342, 1.302, 1.241, 1.152, 1.088, 1.]
                m_167 = [1.302, 1.235, 1.208, 1.167, 1.107, 1.064, 1.]
                m_25 = [1.154, 1.121, 1.107, 1.088, 1.056, 1.033, 1.]
                m_5 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

                if h_over_b == 0.1:
                    m = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_1)
                elif h_over_b == 0.125:
                    m = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_125)
                elif h_over_b == 0.167:
                    m = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_167)
                elif h_over_b == 0.250:
                    m = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_25)
                elif h_over_b >= 0.5:
                    m = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_5)
                elif 0.1 < h_over_b < 0.125:
                    m_a = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_1)
                    m_b = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_125)
                    m = np.interp(h_over_b, [0.1, 0.125], [m_a, m_b])
                elif 0.125 < h_over_b < 0.167:
                    m_a = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_125)
                    m_b = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_167)
                    m = np.interp(h_over_b, [0.125, 0.167], [m_a, m_b])
                elif 0.167 < h_over_b < 0.25:
                    m_a = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_167)
                    m_b = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_25)
                    m = np.interp(h_over_b, [0.167, 0.250], [m_a, m_b])
                elif 0.25 < h_over_b < 0.5:
                    m_a = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_25)
                    m_b = np.interp(c1_over_c2, c_1_over_c_2, m_5)
                    m = np.interp(h_over_b, [0.250, 0.500], [m_a, m_b])

                fd.q_ult = (sl_0.cohesion * m * sl_0.nc_factor_0) + (
                    unit_eff_weight_0_at_fd_depth * fd.depth)

        fd.q_ult = q_ult

    return fd.q_ult
Пример #6
def salgado_capacity(sl, fd, h_l=0, h_b=0, vertical_load=1, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    calculates the capacity according to
     THe Engineering of Foundations textbook by Salgado

    :param sl: Soil object
    :param fd: Foundation object
    :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length
    :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width
    :param vertical_load: Vertical load
    :param verbose: verbosity
    :return: ultimate bearing stress
    # Need to make adjustments if sand  has DR<40% or
    # clay has liquidity indices greater than 0.7

    h_eff_b = kwargs.get("h_eff_b", 0)
    h_eff_l = kwargs.get("h_eff_l", 0)
    loc_v_l = kwargs.get("loc_v_l", fd.length / 2)
    loc_v_b = kwargs.get("loc_v_b", fd.width / 2)

    ecc_b = h_b * h_eff_b / vertical_load
    ecc_l = h_l * h_eff_l / vertical_load

    width_eff = min(fd.width, 2 * (loc_v_b + ecc_b), 2 * (fd.width - loc_v_b - ecc_b))
    length_eff = min(fd.length, 2 * (loc_v_l + ecc_l), 2 * (fd.length - loc_v_l - ecc_l))

    # check para 3.4.1
    if width_eff / 2 < fd.width / 6:
        DesignError("failed on eccentricity")

    fd.nq_factor = np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r)) * (1 + np.sin(sl.phi_r)) / (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))
    fd.ng_factor = 1.5 * (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r)
    # fd.ng_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(1.32 * sl.phi_r)
    if sl.phi_r == 0:
        fd.nc_factor = 5.14
        fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r)

    # shape factors:
    s_q = 1 + (width_eff / length_eff) * np.tan(sl.phi_r)
    s_g = max(1 - 0.4 * width_eff / length_eff, 0.6)
    s_c = 1.0

    # depth factors:
    d_q = 1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r)) ** 2 * fd.depth / width_eff
    d_g = 1.0
    d_c = 1.0

    # stress at footing base:
    q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth

    if verbose:
        log("width_eff: ", width_eff)
        log("length_eff: ", length_eff)
        log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor)
        log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor)
        log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor)
        log("s_c: ", s_c)
        log("s_q: ", s_q)
        log("s_g: ", s_g)
        log("d_c: ", d_c)
        log("d_q: ", d_q)
        log("d_g: ", d_g)
        log("q_d: ", q_d)

    # Capacity
    fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c +
                q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q +
                0.5 * width_eff * sl.unit_dry_weight *
                fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g)

    if verbose:
        log("qult: ", fd.q_ult)
    return fd.q_ult