Пример #1
from numpy import array, ones, size, mean, zeros, dot, pi
from numpy import diag, nan, max, std, exp, conjugate
from numpy import random, cos, sin, sqrt
from numpy import ceil, log2, real, concatenate
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from scipy import fft, ifft, any, isreal, argsort, isnan

from scipy.signal import lfilter, butter

from scipy.signal.spectral import coherence

station = 1
if station == 1:
    numselect = 'I31'
    sensors = extractstationlocations(numselect, ReferenceEllipsoid=23)
    nbsensors = len(sensors)

    xsensors_m = zeros([nbsensors, 3])

    for im in range(nbsensors):
        evi = sensors[im]
        xsensors_m[im, :] = array(
            [evi.geolocs.X_km, evi.geolocs.Y_km, evi.geolocs.Z_km]) * 1000.0

    xsensors_m = xsensors_m - xsensors_m[0, :]

if station == 2:
    #=== I22
    xsensors_m = 1.0e+03 * array(
        [[-0.088034341864435, -0.095905624230955, 0.272],
Пример #2
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/maurice/etudes/ctbto/allJOBs2016/myjob/progspy/toolutilities')
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/maurice/etudes/ctbto/allJOBs2016/myjob/progspy/toolcalibration')

from geoloc import extractstationlocations

from toolIS import MCCM, consistence
from toolIS import estimSCP, generateISsto, logMSCtheoGaussian

class struct:
     def __init__(self, **kwds):
from matplotlib import  pyplot as plt
from numpy import array, size, zeros, exp

station = 'I31'
sensors = extractstationlocations(station, 
nbsensors = len(sensors)
xsensors_m = zeros([nbsensors,3])
if nbsensors == 0:
    sys.exit('no sensor in %s'%station)
    for im in range(nbsensors):
        evi   = sensors[im]
        xsensors_m[im,:] = array([evi.geolocs.X_km,
    xsensors_m = xsensors_m - xsensors_m[0,:]
    M = size(xsensors_m,0);
M = size(xsensors_m,0);
Пример #3

from geoloc import extractstationlocations
from tool4generate import generator
from numpy import array, size, zeros, isnan
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# This part extracts useful informatons about the sensors.
# station is a sequence of structures describing the sensosrs. It is computed from the
# geolocation of the sensors provided in file XLSfile.
# That could be removed in the future
# Here the only part we use is the sensor coordinates xsensors_m
numselect = 'I31'
XLSfile = '/Users/maurice/etudes/ctbto/allJOBs2016/myjob/progspy/pierrick/testsIDC/allISs.xls'
station = extractstationlocations(XLSfile, numselect, ReferenceEllipsoid=23)
nbsensors = len(station)
xsensors_m = zeros([nbsensors, 3])
for im in range(nbsensors):
    evi = station[im]
    xsensors_m[im,:] = array([evi.geolocs.X_km, \
                evi.geolocs.Y_km, \
#================ call the generator ======================================================
settingfile = 'settings1.txt'
signals, groundtruth = generator(xsensors_m, settingfile)
Пример #4
#33:M=8 (with a few co-located)
#34,M=12 (with a few co-located)


#listIS = ('I22',)

# from scipy.signal import lfilter, butter

station = 'I22'
sensors = extractstationlocations(station, ReferenceEllipsoid=23)
nbsensors = len(sensors)
xsensors_m = zeros([nbsensors,3])
if nbsensors == 0:
    print 'no sensor in %s'%station
    for im in range(nbsensors):
        evi   = sensors[im]
        xsensors_m[im,:] = array([evi.geolocs.X_km,
    xsensors_m = xsensors_m - xsensors_m[0,:]
    M = size(xsensors_m,0);

T_sec               = 1200;
Пример #5

from geoloc import extractstationlocations
from tool4generate import generator
from numpy import array, size, zeros,  isnan
from matplotlib import  pyplot as plt

# This part extracts useful informatons about the sensors.
# station is a sequence of structures describing the sensosrs. It is computed from the
# geolocation of the sensors provided in file XLSfile. 
# That could be removed in the future 
# Here the only part we use is the sensor coordinates xsensors_m
numselect = 'I31'
XLSfile = '/Users/maurice/etudes/ctbto/allJOBs2016/myjob/progspy/pierrick/testsIDC/allISs.xls';
station = extractstationlocations(XLSfile, numselect, ReferenceEllipsoid=23)
nbsensors = len(station)
xsensors_m = zeros([nbsensors,3])
for im in range(nbsensors):
    evi   = station[im]
    xsensors_m[im,:] = array([evi.geolocs.X_km, \
                evi.geolocs.Y_km, \
#================ call the generator ======================================================
settingfile          = 'settings1.txt';
signals, groundtruth = generator(xsensors_m,settingfile)