Пример #1
	def getPoint(self):
		t = self.getTranslation()
		p = Point()
		p.x = t[0]
		p.y = t[1]
		p.z = t[2]
		return p
Пример #2
    def getPoint(self):
        t = self.getTranslation()
        p = Point()
        p.x = t[0]
        p.y = t[1]
        p.z = t[2]

        return p


Пример #3
def make_scan_pose(point, distance, angle, frame="/odom_combined", n=8):
    Calculates "n" positions around and pointing to "point" with "distance" in an "angle"
    :param point: Point the positions will be pointing to
    :type: Point
    :param distance: distance from the point to tcp origin
    :type: float
    :param angle: pitch of the gripper, 0 = horizontally, pi/2 = downwards
    :type: float
    :param frame: the frame that the positions will have
    :type: str
    :param n: number of positions
    :type: float
    :return: list of scan poses
    :type: [PoseStamped
    #TODO: assumes odom_combined
    look_positions = []

    alpha = pi/2 - angle
    r = sin(alpha) * distance
    h = cos(alpha) * distance
    h_vector = Point()
    h_vector.z = h
    muh = add_point(point, h_vector)
    for i in range(0, n):
        a = 2 * pi * ((i + 0.0) / (n + 0.0))
        b = a - (pi / 2)

        look_point = Point(cos(a), sin(a), 0)
        look_point = set_vector_length(r, look_point)
        look_point = add_point(look_point, muh)

        roll_point = Point(cos(b), sin(b), 0)
        roll_point = add_point(roll_point, point)
        look_pose = PoseStamped()
        look_pose.header.frame_id = frame
        look_pose.pose.orientation = three_points_to_quaternion(look_point, point, roll_point)

        look_pose.pose.position = look_point

    look_positions.sort(key=lambda x: magnitude(x.pose.position))
    return look_positions
Пример #4
def main():
    global RATE
    global lastVCmd
    global lastOCmd
    global obs
    global obsDist
    global obsExists
    global stopped
    global seg_number
    global currSeg
    global nextSeg
    global pose
    global ping_angle
    desVelPub = rospy.Publisher('des_vel',TwistMsg) # Steering reads this and adds steering corrections on top of the desired velocities
    segStatusPub = rospy.Publisher('seg_status', SegStatusMsg) # Lets the other nodes know what path segment the robot is currently executing
    rospy.Subscriber("motors_enabled", BoolMsg, eStopCallback) # Lets velocity profiler know the E-stop is enabled
    rospy.Subscriber("obstacles", ObstaclesMsg, obstaclesCallback) # Lets velocity profiler know where along the path there is an obstacle 
    rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", TwistMsg, velCmdCallback) # 
    rospy.Subscriber("path_seg", PathSegmentMsg, pathSegmentCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber("map_pos", PoseStampedMsg, poseCallback)
    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)
    vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
    point = PointMsg()

    # while(not ros.Time.isValid()):
    print "Entering main loop"
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if(currSeg is not None):
         #   print "seg type %i " % currSeg.seg_type
          #  print "ref_point %s " % currSeg.ref_point
           # print "curv %f" % currSeg.curvature
           print "dist done %f" % currState.segDistDone
        if stopped:
        if(currSeg is not None):
            # Eventually this should work with arcs, spins and lines, but right
            # now its only working with lines
            if(currSeg.seg_type == PathSegmentMsg.LINE):
                # if there is an obstacle and the obstacle is within the segment length
                print ping_angle
                if(obsExists and obsDist/currSeg.seg_length < 1.0-currState.segDistDone and ping_angle > 60 and ping_angle < 140):
            vel_cmd.linear.x = lastVCmd
            vel_cmd.angular.z = lastOCmd
            point.x = pose.pose.position.x
            point.y = pose.pose.position.y
            point.z = pose.pose.position.z
            currState.updateState(vel_cmd, point, State.getYaw(pose.pose.orientation)) # update where the robot is at
            (sVAccel, sVDecel, sWAccel, sWDecel) = computeTrajectory(currSeg,nextSeg) # figure out the switching points in the trajectory
            #print "sVAccel: %f sVDecel: %f" % (sVAccel,sVDecel)
            #print "sWAccel: %f, sWDecel: %f" % (sWAccel,sWDecel)
            des_vel = getVelCmd(sVAccel, sVDecel, sWAccel, sWDecel) # figure out the robot commands given the current state and the desired trajectory
            desVelPub.publish(des_vel) # publish the commands
            publishSegStatus(segStatusPub) # let everyone else know the status of the segment
            # see if its time to switch segments yet
            if(currState.segDistDone > 1.0):
                print "Finished segment type %i" % (currState.pathSeg.seg_type)
                print "currState.segDistDone %f" % (currState.segDistDone)
                currSeg = None
            # try and get new segments
            if(nextSeg is not None):
                currSeg = nextSeg # move the nextSegment up in line
                nextSeg = None # assume no segment until code below is run
            else: # didn't have a next segment before
                try: # so try and get a new one from the queue
                    currSeg = segments.get(False)
                except QueueEmpty: # if the queue is still empty then 
                    currSeg = None # just set it to None
            try: # see if a next segment is specified
                nextSeg = segments.get(False) # try and get it
            except QueueEmpty: # if nothing specified
                nextSeg = None # set to None
            point = PointMsg()
            point.x = pose.pose.position.x
            point.y = pose.pose.position.y
            point.z = pose.pose.position.z
            currState.newPathSegment(currSeg, point, pose.pose.orientation)
            des_vel = TwistMsg()
            desVelPub.publish(des_vel) # publish all zeros for the des_vel
            publishSegStatus(segStatusPub) # publish that there is no segment
            if(currSeg is not None):
                rospy.logwarn("Starting a new segment, type %i" %currSeg.seg_type)
                rospy.logwarn("\tcurvature: %f" % currSeg.curvature)
                rospy.logwarn("\tref_point: %s" % currSeg.ref_point)