def brake(self): move_velocity = g_msgs.Twist() move_velocity.linear.x = 0 move_velocity.linear.y = 0 move_velocity.angular.z = 0 self.cmd_angular_pub.publish(move_velocity)
def numpy_to_twist(linear_vel, angular_vel): return geometry_msgs.Twist(linear=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*linear_vel), angular=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*angular_vel))
def execute_cb(self, goal): # helper variables success = True #Callback function implementing the pose value received # publish info to the console for the user rospy.loginfo('%s: Executing, ' % (self._action_name)) # start executing the action # check that preempt has not been requested by the client if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: server is Preempted' % self._action_name) self._as.set_preempted() success = False #self._feedback.sequence = ["Preempted",] #self._feedback.sequence = actionlib.GoalStatus.PREEMPTED else: #mitwist=geomsg.Twist(linear=geomsg.Vector3(x=goal.len),angular=geomsg.Vector3(x=goal.ang)) #switched from polar to cartesian #if goal.ang != 0: # mitwist=geomsg.Twist(angular=geomsg.Vector3(z=-goal.ang*2*math.pi/360)) #to rad CW # self.pubtwist.publish(mitwist,) #if goal.len != 0: mitwist=geomsg.Twist() i_msg=0 i_msg_max=100 if not debug_teleport: while (self.get_distance(goal.x,goal.y) > distance_tolerance) and (i_msg < i_msg_max): i_msg+=1 #print(goal.x,goal.y, self.pose.x, self.pose.y, distance_tolerance, self.get_distance(goal.x,goal.y)) #Proportional Controller (thanks to #angular velocity in the z-axis: mitwist.angular.x = 0 mitwist.angular.y = 0 mitwist.angular.z = 4 * (math.atan2(goal.y - self.pose.y, goal.x - self.pose.x) - self.pose.theta) #Publishing our vel_msg self.pubtwist.publish(mitwist) self.r.sleep() self.r.sleep() self.r.sleep() #linear velocity in the x-axis: mitwist.linear.x = 1.5 * math.sqrt(pow((goal.x - self.pose.x), 2) + pow((goal.y - self.pose.y), 2)) mitwist.linear.y = 0 mitwist.linear.z = 0 self.pubtwist.publish(mitwist) self.r.sleep() if (self.get_distance(goal.x,goal.y) > distance_tolerance): # looks like there is a problem that makes P controller go into infinite loops, until it's fixed, teleporting rospy.wait_for_service('/ged/turtle1/teleport_absolute') try: teleport = rospy.ServiceProxy('/ged/turtle1/teleport_absolute', TeleportAbsolute) response = teleport(goal.x,goal.y,0) print("Teleport response: {}".format(response)) rospy.logwarn("Teleported: {}".format(response)) self.pose_callback(self.pose) time.sleep(2) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e
def move_to(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, max_velocity=0.0): rospy.logerr('Robot Move to x=%s y=%s' % (x, y)) #设置停止回调函数 rospy.on_shutdown(self.brake) move_velocity = g_msgs.Twist() # 计算目标移动欧拉距离 goal_distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(x, 2) + math.pow(y, 2)) # 算出方向角,便于接下来的分解 direction_angle = math.atan2(abs(y), abs(x)) # 获取启动前的x,y,yaw start_x, start_y, start_w = self.robot_state.get_robot_current_x_y_w() rospy.logerr('start_x=%s start_y=%s' % (start_x, start_y)) # 设置目标插值距离,确定最终插值曲线 self.linear_sp.set_goal(abs(goal_distance), max_velocity) # 确定目标位置 angular_has_moved = 0.0 is_in_x = False is_in_y = False #用于判断是否为单一方向上的运动(针对机器人坐标系) if x == 0: is_in_y = True if y == 0: is_in_x = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and goal_distance != 0: current_x, current_y, current_w = self.robot_state.get_robot_current_x_y_w( ) #x 方向已经移动的距离 x_has_moved = current_x - start_x #y 方向已经移动的距离 y_has_moved = current_y - start_y #已经走过的距离 dis_has_moved = math.sqrt( math.pow(x_has_moved, 2) + math.pow(y_has_moved, 2)) #角度的偏移量 angular_has_moved = abs(current_w - start_w) #计算速度 #如果只走x if is_in_x == True: #当x与y方向都到达目标以后退出循环,机器人的速度赋0 #防止机器人到达目标点后无法停止 if abs(dis_has_moved) >= abs(x): self.brake() rospy.logerr('We have arrived the goal!!!!') break else: #进行速度赋值 self.x_speed = math.copysign(, x) self.y_speed = 0.0 #只走y方向 elif is_in_y == True: #当x与y方向都到达目标以后退出循环,机器人的速度赋0 #防止机器人到达目标点后无法停止 if abs(dis_has_moved) >= abs(y): self.brake() rospy.logerr('We have arrived the goal!!!!') break else: #进行速度赋值 self.x_speed = 0.0 self.y_speed = math.copysign(, y) #机器人角速度为0 self.w_speed = 0.0 move_velocity.linear.x = self.x_speed move_velocity.linear.y = self.y_speed move_velocity.angular.z = self.w_speed self.cmd_move_pub.publish(move_velocity) self.rate.sleep() self.brake()
def numpy_to_twist(linear_vel, angular_vel): '''TODO: Unit-test ''' return geometry_msgs.Twist(linear=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*linear_vel), angular=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*angular_vel))
def SendNavigationMessage(self, request, context): # TODO: This frame_id should be dynamically set from a config file. nav_header = std_msgs.msg.Header( frame_id="fosenkaia_NED", stamp=rospy.Time.from_sec(request.timeStamp) ) position = geomsgs.Point() position.x = request.position.x position.y = request.position.y position.z = request.position.z orientation = geomsgs.Quaternion() orientation.x = request.orientation.x orientation.y = request.orientation.y orientation.z = request.orientation.z orientation.w = request.orientation.w pose_msg = geomsgs.PoseStamped( header=nav_header, pose=geomsgs.Pose( position=position, orientation=orientation ) ) pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) linear_vel = geomsgs.Vector3() linear_vel.x = request.linearVelocity.x linear_vel.y = request.linearVelocity.y linear_vel.z = request.linearVelocity.z angular_vel = geomsgs.Vector3() angular_vel.x = request.angularVelocity.x angular_vel.y = request.angularVelocity.y angular_vel.z = request.angularVelocity.z twist_msg = geomsgs.TwistStamped( header=nav_header, twist=geomsgs.Twist( linear=linear_vel, angular=angular_vel ) ) twist_pub.publish(twist_msg) transform = geomsgs.TransformStamped( header=nav_header, child_frame_id="vessel_center", transform=geomsgs.Transform( translation=position, rotation=orientation ) ) tf_pub.sendTransform(transform) return navigation_pb2.NavigationResponse(success=True)
def move_to(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, max_velocity=0.0): rospy.logerr('Move to x=%s y=%s' % (x, y)) #设置停止回调函数 rospy.on_shutdown(self.brake) move_velocity = g_msgs.Twist() # 计算目标移动欧拉距离 goal_distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(x, 2) + math.pow(y, 2)) # 算出方向角,便于接下来的分解 direction_angle = math.atan2(abs(y), abs(x)) # 获取启动前的x,y,yaw start_x, start_y, start_w = self.robot_state.get_robot_current_x_y_w() rospy.logerr('start_x=%s start_y=%s' % (start_x, start_y)) # 设置目标插值距离,确定最终插值曲线 self.linear_sp.set_goal(abs(goal_distance), max_velocity) # 确定目标位置 x_goal = start_x + x y_goal = start_y + y angular_has_moved = 0.0 y_has_moved = 0.0 x_has_moved = 0.0 x_amend_speed = 0.0 y_amend_speed = 0.0 x_arrive_goal = False y_arrive_goal = False move_in_x = False move_in_y = False #用于判断是否为单一方向上的运动 if x == 0: move_in_y = True x_arrive_goal = True if y == 0: move_in_x = True y_arrive_goal = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and goal_distance != 0: current_x, current_y, current_w = self.robot_state.get_robot_current_x_y_w( ) #x 方向已经移动的距离 x_has_moved = current_x - start_x #y 方向已经移动的距离 y_has_moved = current_y - start_y #角度的偏移量 angular_has_moved = abs(current_w - start_w) #计算速度 #如果只走x if move_in_x == True: #当x与y方向都到达目标以后退出循环,机器人的速度赋0 if x_arrive_goal == True and y_arrive_goal == True: self.brake() break #y方向的速度矫正 if abs(y_has_moved) < self.stop_tolerance: self.y_speed = 0.0 else: self.y_speed = math.copysign(self.x_y_amend_speed, -y_has_moved) #防止机器人到达目标点后无法停止 if abs(x_has_moved) >= abs(x): self.brake() rospy.logerr('We have arrived the goal!!!!') break else: #x方向的速度进行赋值 self.x_speed = math.copysign(, x) #角度矫正 if angular_has_moved < math.pi / 180: self.w_speed = 0.0 else: self.w_speed = math.copysign(1, current_w) #只走y方向 elif move_in_y == True: #当x与y方向都到达目标以后退出循环,机器人的速度赋0 if x_arrive_goal == True and y_arrive_goal == True: self.brake() break #y方向的角度矫正 if abs(x_has_moved) >= self.stop_tolerance: self.x_speed = math.copysign(self.x_y_amend_speed, -x_has_moved) else: self.x_speed = 0.0 #防止机器人到达目标点后无法停止 if abs(y_has_moved) >= abs(y): self.brake() break else: #y方向的速度进行赋值 self.y_speed = math.copysign(, y) #角度矫正 if angular_has_moved < math.pi / 180: self.w_speed = 0.0 else: self.w_speed = math.copysign(1, current_w) else: #同时向x与y方向进行运动 #如果x与y方向均到达目标则机器人停止运动 #设置末端矫正 if x_arrive_goal == True and y_arrive_goal == True: if abs(current_x - x_goal) > 0.02: linear_move().move_to(x_goal - current_x, 0, 1) if abs(y - y_has_moved) > 0.02: linear_move().move_to(0, y_goal - current_y, 1) break else: #设置基于目标角度的误差矫正,需要配合末端矫正才可以使机器人到达准确的位置 current_direction_angle = math.atan2( abs(current_y), abs(current_x)) dis_has_moved = math.sqrt(x_has_moved**2 + y_has_moved**2) linear_speed = bisu = direction_angle - current_direction_angle if abs(bisu) > 0.05: # Y 方向跑的慢 if bisu > 0: x_amend_speed = 0.0 y_amend_speed = self.amend_speed # X 方向跑的慢 else: x_amend_speed = self.amend_speed y_amend_speed = 0.0 else: x_amend_speed = 0.0 y_amend_speed = 0.0 #判断x方向是否到目标距离 if abs(x_has_moved) >= abs(x): self.x_speed = 0.0 x_arrive_goal = True else: self.x_speed = math.copysign( (linear_speed + x_amend_speed) * math.cos(direction_angle), x) #判断y方向是否到目标距离 if abs(y_has_moved) >= abs(y): self.y_speed = 0.0 y_arrive_goal = True else: self.y_speed = math.copysign( (linear_speed + y_amend_speed) * math.sin(direction_angle), y) #角度矫正 if angular_has_moved < math.pi / 180: self.w_speed = 0.0 else: self.w_speed = math.copysign(1, current_w) #将计算好的速度赋值并发下去 move_velocity.linear.x = self.x_speed move_velocity.linear.y = self.y_speed move_velocity.angular.z = self.w_speed self.cmd_move_pub.publish(move_velocity) self.rate.sleep() self.brake()
def test_set_msg_attribute_value(self): twi = geo_msgs.Twist() ez_model.set_msg_attribute_value(twi, '/twist', float, [u'linear', u'x'], None, 0.1) self.assertEqual(twi.linear.x, 0.1) self.assertEqual(ez_model.get_msg_attribute_value(twi, '/twist', [u'linear', u'x']), 0.1)