def publish_Transform_Pose_Twist_AccelStamped(trans, ang, timestamp, header_frame_id='world'): transform_msg = TransformStamped() transform_msg.header.frame_id = header_frame_id transform_msg.header.stamp = timestamp transform_msg.child_frame_id = "x1" transform_msg.transform.translation.x = trans.x transform_msg.transform.translation.y = trans.y transform_msg.transform.rotation = th_to_quat( tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(transform_msg) pose_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg.header = transform_msg.header pose_msg.pose.position.x = trans.x pose_msg.pose.position.y = trans.y pose_msg.pose.orientation = th_to_quat( x1_pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) vel_msg = TwistStamped() vel_msg.header = transform_msg.header vel_msg.twist.linear.x = trans.xd vel_msg.twist.linear.y = trans.yd vel_msg.twist.angular.z = x1_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) accel_msg = AccelStamped() accel_msg.header = transform_msg.header accel_msg.accel.linear.x = trans.xdd accel_msg.accel.linear.y = trans.ydd x1_accel_pub.publish(accel_msg)
def _calc_accel(self): """ Calculate Acceleration Setpoint from Twist Setpoint PID """ if self._latest_vel_sp is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, "{} | No vel setpoint.".format(rospy.get_name())) return False if self._latest_odom_fb is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, "{} | No vel feedback.".format(rospy.get_name())) return False # Convert setpoint velocity into the correct frame if self._latest_vel_sp.header.frame_id != self._latest_odom_fb.child_frame_id and len( self._latest_vel_sp.header.frame_id) > 0: if self._tf_buff.can_transform(self._latest_odom_fb.child_frame_id, self._latest_vel_sp.header.frame_id, rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0)): cmd_vel = TwistStamped() header = Header(self._latest_vel_sp.header.seq, rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0), self._latest_vel_sp.header.frame_id) cmd_vel.twist.linear = self._tf_buff.transform( Vector3Stamped(header, self._latest_vel_sp.twist.linear), self._latest_odom_fb.child_frame_id, rospy.Duration(5)).vector cmd_vel.twist.angular = self._tf_buff.transform( Vector3Stamped(header, self._latest_vel_sp.twist.angular), self._latest_odom_fb.child_frame_id, rospy.Duration(5)).vector cmd_vel.header.stamp = else: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5, "{} | Cannot TF Velocity SP frame_id: {}".format( rospy.get_name(), self._latest_vel_sp.header.frame_id)) return False else: cmd_vel = self._latest_vel_sp clean_linear_vel = self._enforce_deadband( self._latest_odom_fb.twist.twist.linear) clean_angular_vel = self._enforce_deadband( self._latest_odom_fb.twist.twist.angular) vel_err = np.array([[cmd_vel.twist.linear.x - clean_linear_vel.x], [cmd_vel.twist.linear.y - clean_linear_vel.y], [cmd_vel.twist.linear.z - clean_linear_vel.z], [ cmd_vel.twist.angular.z - self._latest_odom_fb.twist.twist.angular.z ]], dtype=float) accel_sp_msg = AccelStamped() accel_sp_msg.header = cmd_vel.header accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.x, accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.y, accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.z, accel_sp_msg.accel.angular.z = self._vel_pids( vel_err, self._latest_odom_fb.header.stamp.to_sec()) accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.y = 0 if not self._control_sway else accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.y accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.z = 0 if not self._control_depth else accel_sp_msg.accel.linear.z accel_sp_msg.accel.angular.z = 0 if not self._control_yaw else accel_sp_msg.accel.angular.z self._latest_accel_sp = accel_sp_msg return True
def publishAccel(): a = AccelStamped() a.header.frame_id = "map" a.header.stamp = a.accel.linear.x = AccX a.accel.linear.y = AccY a.accel.linear.z = AccZ return a
def _calc_surface(self): cmd_accel = AccelStamped(Header(0,, ""), None) if self._latest_odom_fb is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, "{} | SURFACING! No odom feedback.".format(rospy.get_name())) cmd_accel.accel.linear.z = 10 else: cmd_accel.accel.linear.z = 10 if self._latest_odom_fb.pose.pose.position.z < -0.5 else 0 self._latest_accel_sp = cmd_accel return True
def publish_accel_stamped(index, iter): accel_stamped = AccelStamped() accel_stamped.header.frame_id = 'world' accel_stamped.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() accel_stamped.accel.linear.x = random.uniform(-2, 2) accel_stamped.accel.linear.y = random.uniform(-2, 2) accel_stamped.accel.linear.z = random.uniform(-2, 2) accel_stamped.accel.angular.x = random.uniform(-2, 2) accel_stamped.accel.angular.y = random.uniform(-2, 2) accel_stamped.accel.angular.z = random.uniform(-2, 2) geometry_publisher[index].publish(accel_stamped)
def run(self, frequency=0): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x, y, z = msg = AccelStamped() msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "accel_frame" msg.accel.linear.x = x msg.accel.linear.y = y msg.accel.angular.z = z msg.header.seq = self.seq self.seq = self.seq + 1 self.acc_pub.publish(msg)
def _publish_accel(self, timestamp): ''' See base class comment ''' # One of the kalman filters have not been initialized yet, don't publish if not self._imu_kf or not self._chassis_kf: return accel_msg = AccelStamped() accel_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" accel_msg.header.stamp = timestamp (accel_msg.accel.linear.x, accel_msg.accel.linear.y, accel_msg.accel.linear.z) = self._chassis_kf.statePost[8:11, 0] (accel_msg.accel.angular.x, accel_msg.accel.angular.y, accel_msg.accel.angular.z) = self._imu_kf.statePost[6:9, 0] self._accel_pub.publish(accel_msg)
def eraseGravity(self): q1 = [self.Quat.x, self.Quat.y, self.Quat.z, self.Quat.w] q1 = list(q1) acc = [self.Acc.x, self.Acc.y, self.Acc.z] acc = numpy.array(acc, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True) acc_scalar = sqrt(, acc)) unit_acc = acc / acc_scalar q2 = list(unit_acc) q2.append(0.0) acc_no_grav = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply( tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q1, q2), tf.transformations.quaternion_conjugate(q1))[:3] acc_no_grav *= acc_scalar acc_no_grav -= [0.0, 0.0, 9.8] PubAcc = Vector3(acc_no_grav[0], acc_no_grav[1], acc_no_grav[2]) acc_msg = AccelStamped() acc_msg.header.stamp = acc_msg.accel.linear = PubAcc self.accPub.publish(acc_msg)
def pose_twist_accelStamped_pub(self, state, pose_pub, vel_pub, accel_pub, xythv_pub, header_frame_id, timestamp): self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform((state.position.x, state.position.y, 0), state.orientation.to_list(), timestamp, "tracked_object", header_frame_id) pose_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg.header.frame_id = header_frame_id pose_msg.header.stamp = timestamp pose_msg.pose.position.x = state.position.x pose_msg.pose.position.y = state.position.y pose_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*state.orientation.to_list()) pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) vel_msg = TwistStamped() vel_msg.header.frame_id = header_frame_id vel_msg.header.stamp = timestamp vel_msg.twist.linear.x = state.position.xd vel_msg.twist.linear.y = state.position.yd vel_msg.twist.angular.z = state.orientation.dtheta vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) accel_msg = AccelStamped() accel_msg.header.frame_id = header_frame_id accel_msg.header.stamp = timestamp accel_msg.accel.linear.x = state.position.xdd accel_msg.accel.linear.y = state.position.ydd accel_pub.publish(accel_msg) xythv_msg = XYThV() xythv_msg.x = state.position.x xythv_msg.y = state.position.y = np.arctan2(state.position.yd, state.position.xd) xythv_msg.v = np.hypot(state.position.xd, state.position.yd) xythv_pub.publish(xythv_msg)
msg = PoseStamped() msg.header.seq = 0 msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = worldFrame msg.pose.position.x = x msg.pose.position.y = y msg.pose.position.z = z quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0) msg.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] msg.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] msg.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] msg.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] pub = rospy.Publisher(name, PoseStamped, queue_size=1) acc = AccelStamped() acc.header.seq = 0 acc.header.frame_id = worldFrame pubAccel = rospy.Publisher("feedforwardAcceleration", AccelStamped, queue_size=1) vel = TwistStamped() vel.header.seq = 0 vel.header.frame_id = worldFrame pubVel = rospy.Publisher("feedforwardVelocity", TwistStamped, queue_size=1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header.seq += 1 msg.header.stamp = pub.publish(msg)
def publisher(): global drone_pose, flag_rec_info, drone_yaw act_pose = PoseStamped() act_vel = TwistStamped() act_accel = AccelStamped() drone_yaw = 0 flag_rec_info = 0 # subscribers if gazebo_info == 1: # subscribers gazebo print ("Listening to Gazebo \n") rospy.Subscriber("/drone_gazebo" + str(num_drone) + "/pose", PoseStamped, gz_callback) else: print ("Listening to Optitrack \n") # subscribers optitrack # cambiar nombre de topics rospy.Subscriber('/drone_optitrack' + str(num_drone) + '/pose', PoseStamped, ot_callback) # Vel minimos cuadrados j = 0 n = 30 t = np.zeros(n) x = np.zeros(n) y = np.zeros(n) z = np.zeros(n) yaw = np.zeros(n) # Accel minimos cuadrados vt = np.zeros(n) vx = np.zeros(n) vy = np.zeros(n) vz = np.zeros(n) rate = rospy.Rate(60) # 60hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if flag_rec_info == 1: mutex.acquire() act_pose.pose.position.x = drone_pose.pose.position.x act_pose.pose.position.y = drone_pose.pose.position.y act_pose.pose.position.z = drone_pose.pose.position.z act_pose.header.stamp = drone_pose.header.stamp act_pose.pose.orientation.z = drone_yaw mutex.release() # estimacion vel por minimos cuadrados for i in range(0, n - 1): x[i] = x[i + 1] y[i] = y[i + 1] z[i] = z[i + 1] t[i] = t[i + 1] yaw[i] = yaw[i + 1] x[n - 1] = float(act_pose.pose.position.x) y[n - 1] = float(act_pose.pose.position.y) z[n - 1] = float(act_pose.pose.position.z) yaw[n - 1] = float(act_pose.pose.orientation.z) t[n - 1] = float(act_pose.header.stamp.to_sec()) # igual es prescindible # j contador para no empezar ajuste por minimos cuadrados hasta que no esten n primeras medidas copiadas j = j + 1 if j >= n: j = n # print("New measure") # print("t = ["+str(t[0])+", "+str(t[1])+", "+str(t[2])+", "+str(t[3])+", "+str(t[4])+", "+str(t[5])+", "+str(t[6])+", "+str(t[7])+", "+str(t[8])+", "+str(t[9])+", "+str(t[10])+", "+str(t[11])+", "+str(t[12])+", "+str(t[13])+", "+str(t[14])+", "+str(t[15])+", "+str(t[16])+", "+str(t[17])+", "+str(t[18])+", "+str(t[19])+"]") # print("x = [" + str(x[0]) + ", " + str(x[1]) + ", " + str(x[2]) + ", " + str(x[3]) + ", " + str(x[4]) + ", " + str(x[5]) + ", " + str(x[6]) + ", " + str(x[7]) + ", " + str(x[8]) + ", " + str(x[9]) + ", " + str(x[10]) + ", " + str(x[11]) + ", " + str(x[12]) + ", " + str(x[13]) + ", " + str(x[14]) + ", " + str(x[15]) + ", " + str(x[16]) + ", " + str(x[17]) + ", " + str(x[18]) + ", " + str(x[19]) + "]") # Coefs pol posicion cx = np.polyfit(t, x, 2) cy = np.polyfit(t, y, 2) cz = np.polyfit(t, z, 2) cyaw = np.polyfit(t, yaw, 2) # pols polvx = np.polyder(np.poly1d(cx)) polvy = np.polyder(np.poly1d(cy)) polvz = np.polyder(np.poly1d(cz)) polvyaw = np.polyder(np.poly1d(cyaw)) act_vel.twist.linear.x = polvx(t[n-1]) act_vel.twist.linear.y = polvy(t[n-1]) act_vel.twist.linear.z = polvz(t[n-1]) act_vel.twist.angular.z = polvyaw(t[n-1]) act_vel.header.stamp = act_pose.header.stamp polax = np.polyder(polvx) polay = np.polyder(polvy) polaz = np.polyder(polvz) act_accel.accel.linear.x = polax(t[n-1]) act_accel.accel.linear.y = polay(t[n-1]) act_accel.accel.linear.z = polaz(t[n-1]) act_accel.header.stamp = act_pose.header.stamp # print ("vx: " + str(act_vel.twist.linear.x) + " vy: " + str(act_vel.twist.linear.y) + "vz: " + str(act_vel.twist.linear.z)) pub_pose.publish(act_pose) pub_twist.publish(act_vel) pub_accel.publish(act_accel) print('New measure') print ('time = ' + str(act_pose.header.stamp.to_sec()) + 'secs') print ('x = ' + str(act_pose.pose.position.x)+', y = ' + str(act_pose.pose.position.y)+', z = '+ str(act_pose.pose.position.z)) print ('yaw = ' + str(act_pose.pose.orientation.z)) print ('vx = ' + str(act_vel.twist.linear.x) + ', vy = ' + str(act_vel.twist.linear.y) + ', vz = ' + str(act_vel.twist.linear.z)) print ('vyaw = ' + str(act_vel.twist.angular.z)) print ('ax = ' + str(act_accel.accel.linear.x) + ', ay = ' + str(act_accel.accel.linear.y) + ', az = ' + str(act_accel.accel.linear.z)) if x[n-1] > 0.1 and x[n-1] < 0.4: np.savetxt('plot_mmc_x1.txt', x) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_yaw1.txt', yaw) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_t1.txt', t) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_vx1.txt', vx) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_vt1.txt', vt) plot_calculo_vels1 = [act_vel.twist.linear.x, act_vel.twist.angular.z] np.savetxt('plot_calculo_vels1.txt', plot_calculo_vels1) if x[n-1] > 0.5 and x[n-1] < 0.7: np.savetxt('plot_mmc_x2.txt', x) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_yaw2.txt', yaw) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_t2.txt', t) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_vx2.txt', vx) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_vt2.txt', vt) plot_calculo_vels2 = [act_vel.twist.linear.x, act_vel.twist.angular.z] np.savetxt('plot_calculo_vels2.txt', plot_calculo_vels2) if x[n-1] > 0.8 and x[n-1] < 1: np.savetxt('plot_mmc_x3.txt', x) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_yaw3.txt', yaw) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_t3.txt', t) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_vx3.txt', vx) np.savetxt('plot_mmc_vt3.txt', vt) plot_calculo_vels3 = [act_vel.twist.linear.x, act_vel.twist.angular.z] np.savetxt('plot_calculo_vels3.txt', plot_calculo_vels3) rate.sleep()
def run(self): self.listener.waitForTransform(self.worldFrame, self.frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)) goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.seq = 0 goal.header.frame_id = self.worldFrame circleFlag = 0 acc = AccelStamped() acc.header.seq = 0 acc.header.frame_id = self.worldFrame vel = TwistStamped() vel.header.seq = 0 vel.header.frame_id = self.worldFrame doCircle = Int8() = 0 # rate = rospy.Rate(200) # control the publish rate? while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # hovering at the first given position goal.header.seq += 1 goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = self.goals[self.goalIndex][0] goal.pose.position.y = self.goals[self.goalIndex][1] goal.pose.position.z = self.goals[self.goalIndex][2] quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.goals[self.goalIndex][3]) goal.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] goal.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] goal.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] goal.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] acc.header.seq += 1 acc.header.stamp = acc.accel.linear.z = 0 vel.header.seq += 1 vel.header.stamp = vel.twist.linear.x = 0 vel.twist.linear.y = 0 self.pubGoal.publish(goal) self.pubAccel.publish(acc) self.pubVeloc.publish(vel) self.pubCircle.publish(doCircle) # rate.sleep() t = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime(self.worldFrame, self.frame) if self.listener.canTransform(self.worldFrame, self.frame, t): position, quaternion = self.listener.lookupTransform( self.worldFrame, self.frame, t) rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) # if math.fabs(position[0] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][0]) < 0.1 \ # and math.fabs(position[1] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][1]) < 0.1 \ # and math.fabs(position[2] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][2]) < 0.1 \ # and math.fabs(rpy[2] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][3]) < math.radians(5): if math.fabs(position[0] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][0]) < 0.1 \ and math.fabs(position[1] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][1]) < 0.1 \ and math.fabs(position[2] - self.goals[self.goalIndex][2]) < 0.1 \ and math.fabs(rpy[2] - 0) < math.radians(5): rospy.sleep(5) circleFlag += 1 = 1 t0 = rospy.get_time() while circleFlag == 1: goal.header.seq += 1 goal.header.stamp = t = rospy.get_time() - t0 # n = 0.5 # if t > 10 and t <= 20: # n = 1 # else: # n = 2 # change the rate if t > 32: circleFlag = 2 docircle = 0 # continuously generate the setpoint goal.pose.position.x = 0.5 * math.cos(math.radians(45 * 2 * t)) goal.pose.position.y = 0.5 * math.sin(math.radians( 45 * 2 * t)) - 0.5 goal.pose.position.z = self.goals[self.goalIndex][2] x_dt = -0.5 * math.radians(45 * 2) * math.sin( math.radians(45 * 2 * t)) y_dt = 0.5 * math.radians(45 * 2) * math.cos( math.radians(45 * 2 * t)) # x_ddt = -0.5 * math.radians(45 * 2) * math.radians( 45 * 2) * math.cos(math.radians(45 * 2 * t)) y_ddt = -0.5 * math.radians(45 * 2) * math.radians( 45 * 2) * math.sin(math.radians(45 * 2 * t)) # publish x_acc and y_acc acc.header.seq += 1 acc.header.stamp = # add scaling factor acc.accel.linear.x = x_ddt * 180 / math.pi / 9.8 acc.accel.linear.y = y_ddt * 180 / math.pi / 9.8 acc.accel.linear.z = 1 z_ddt = 0 # publish x_vel and y_vel vel.header.seq += 1 vel.header.stamp = vel.twist.linear.x = x_dt vel.twist.linear.y = y_dt # m = 0.023 ########################differential flatness########################## # g = 9.8 # fzb = np.array([[x_ddt,y_ddt,z_ddt+g]]) # zb = fzb/np.linalg.norm(fzb) # zbx = zb[0][0] # zby = zb[0][1] # zbz = zb[0][2] # #roll # roll = math.atan2(zbz,zby)-math.pi/2 # #pitch # pitch = math.atan2(zbx,zbz) ####################################################################### quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0) # acc.accel.angular.x = roll # acc.accel.angular.y = pitch goal.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] goal.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] goal.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] goal.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] self.pubGoal.publish(goal) self.pubAccel.publish(acc) self.pubVeloc.publish(vel) self.pubCircle.publish(doCircle)
def compute_accel(current_vel, topic_name): current_accel = AccelStamped() current_accel.header.stamp.secs = current_vel.header.stamp.secs current_accel.header.stamp.nsecs = current_vel.header.stamp.nsecs ave_accel = AccelStamped() ave_accel.header.stamp.secs = current_vel.header.stamp.secs ave_accel.header.stamp.nsecs = current_vel.header.stamp.nsecs # Only compute once we have two samples to compute acceleration. if 'ave_vel' in past[topic_name]: past_vel = past[topic_name]['ave_vel'] # Calculate times, measured in seconds current_t = float(current_vel.header.stamp.secs + 1e-9 * current_vel.header.stamp.nsecs) past_t = float(past_vel.header.stamp.secs + 1e-9 * past_vel.header.stamp.nsecs) delta_t = current_t - past_t #Calculate current acceleration current_accel.accel.linear.x = (current_vel.twist.linear.x - past_vel.twist.linear.x) / delta_t current_accel.accel.linear.y = (current_vel.twist.linear.y - past_vel.twist.linear.y) / delta_t current_accel.accel.linear.z = (current_vel.twist.linear.z - past_vel.twist.linear.z) / delta_t current_accel.accel.angular.x = (current_vel.twist.angular.x - past_vel.twist.angular.x) / delta_t current_accel.accel.angular.y = (current_vel.twist.angular.y - past_vel.twist.angular.y) / delta_t current_accel.accel.angular.z = (current_vel.twist.angular.z - past_vel.twist.angular.z) / delta_t # Update acceleration buffer if (len(past[topic_name]['accel']) < RUNNING_AVE_SAMPLES): past[topic_name]['accel'].append(current_accel) else: del past[topic_name]['accel'][0] past[topic_name]['accel'].append(current_accel) # Compute average sum = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for i in range(0, len(past[topic_name]['accel'])): sample = past[topic_name]['accel'][i] sum[0] = sum[0] + sample.accel.linear.x sum[1] = sum[1] + sample.accel.linear.y sum[2] = sum[2] + sample.accel.linear.z sum[3] = sum[3] + sample.accel.angular.x sum[4] = sum[4] + sample.accel.angular.y sum[5] = sum[5] + sample.accel.angular.z average_accel = sum / RUNNING_AVE_SAMPLES ave_accel.accel.linear.x = average_accel[0] ave_accel.accel.linear.y = average_accel[1] ave_accel.accel.linear.z = average_accel[2] ave_accel.accel.angular.x = average_accel[3] ave_accel.accel.angular.y = average_accel[4] ave_accel.accel.angular.z = average_accel[5] else: past[topic_name]['accel'] = [] past[topic_name]['ave_vel'] = current_vel return ave_accel
def _calc_wrench(self): """ Calculate Wrench Setpoint from Accel Message Uses the odometry child_frame_id as the body-fixed frame (ASSUMED FLU) Will transform the requested setpoint into the body-fixed frame. """ if self._latest_accel_sp is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, "{} | No accel setpoint.".format(rospy.get_name())) return if self._latest_accel_fb is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, "{} | No accel feedback.".format(rospy.get_name())) return # Convert setpoint acceleration into the correct frame if self._latest_accel_sp.header.frame_id != self._latest_accel_fb.header.frame_id and len( self._latest_accel_sp.header.frame_id) > 0: if self._tf_buff.can_transform( self._latest_accel_fb.header.frame_id, self._latest_accel_sp.header.frame_id, rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0), rospy.Duration(5)): header = Header(self._latest_accel_sp.header.seq, rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0), self._latest_accel_sp.header.frame_id) cmd_accel = AccelStamped() cmd_accel.accel.linear = self._tf_buff.transform( Vector3Stamped(header, self._latest_accel_sp.accel.linear), self._latest_accel_fb.header.frame_id, rospy.Duration(5)).vector cmd_accel.accel.angular = self._tf_buff.transform( Vector3Stamped(header, self._latest_accel_sp.accel.angular), self._latest_accel_fb.header.frame_id, rospy.Duration(5)).vector else: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5, "{} | Cannot TF Acceleration SP frame_id: {}".format( rospy.get_name(), self._latest_accel_sp.header.frame_id)) return False else: cmd_accel = self._latest_accel_sp # If it's already in the correct frame then never mind. if self._use_accel_fb: accel_err = np.array( [[ cmd_accel.accel.linear.x - self._latest_accel_fb.accel.accel.linear.x ], [ cmd_accel.accel.linear.y - self._latest_accel_fb.accel.accel.linear.y ], [ cmd_accel.accel.linear.z - self._latest_accel_fb.accel.accel.linear.z ], [ cmd_accel.accel.angular.z - self._latest_accel_fb.accel.accel.angular.z ]], dtype=float) tau = self._accel_pids(accel_err, self._latest_accel_fb.header.stamp.to_sec()) else: accel = np.array([[cmd_accel.accel.linear.x], [cmd_accel.accel.linear.y], [cmd_accel.accel.linear.z], [cmd_accel.accel.angular.x], [cmd_accel.accel.angular.y], [cmd_accel.accel.angular.z]]) tau =[[0, 1, 2, -1], :] self._wrench.header.stamp = self._wrench.header.frame_id = cmd_accel.header.frame_id self._wrench.wrench.force.x, self._wrench.wrench.force.y, self._wrench.wrench.force.z, self._wrench.wrench.torque.z = tau.squeeze( ) self._wrench_pub.publish(self._wrench)