def entry2py(dl_e, w=1): """convert a datalist entry to python Args: dl_e (str): a datalist entry line w (float): inherited weight Returns: list: a datalist entry [fn, fmt, wt, ...] """ this_entry = dl_e.rstrip().split() try: entry = [x if n == 0 else int(x) if n < 2 else float(x) if n < 3 else x for n, x in enumerate(this_entry)] except Exception as e: utils.echo_error_msg('could not parse entry {}'.format(dl_e)) return(None) if len(entry) < 2: for key in _dl_dl_h.keys(): se = entry[0].split('.') if len(se) == 1: see = entry[0].split(':')[0] else: see = se[-1] if see in _dl_dl_h[key]['fmts']: entry.append(int(key)) if len(entry) < 3: entry.append(w) return(entry)
def gmt_inc2inc(inc_str): """convert a GMT-style `inc_str` (6s) to geographic units c/s - arc-seconds m - arc-minutes Args: inc_str (str): GMT style increment string Returns: float: increment value. """ if inc_str is None or inc_str.lower() == 'none': return (None) units = inc_str[-1] if units == 'c': inc = float(inc_str[:-1]) / 3600. elif units == 's': inc = float(inc_str[:-1]) / 3600. elif units == 'm': inc = float(inc_str[:-1]) / 360. else: try: inc = float(inc_str) except ValueError as e: utils.echo_error_msg('could not parse increment {}, {}'.format( inc_str, e)) return (None) return (inc)
def inf_entry(src_entry, overwrite=False, epsg=None): """Read .inf file and extract minmax info. the .inf file can either be an MBSystem style inf file or the result of `gmt gmtinfo -C`, which is a 6 column line with minmax info, etc. Args: src_entry (list): the source datalist entry list overwrite (bool): overwrite the inf file epsg (int): EPSG code Returns: list: the region [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] of the inf file. """ ei = {'name': src_entry, 'numpts': 0, 'minmax': [0,0,0,0,0,0], 'wkt': regions.region2wkt([0,0,0,0,0,0])} if entry_exists_p(src_entry[0]) or src_entry[1] == -4: path_i = src_entry[0] + '.inf' if not os.path.exists(path_i) or overwrite: ei = _dl_dl_h[src_entry[1]]['inf'](src_entry, epsg) else: ei = inf_parse(path_i) if regions.region_is_zeros(ei['minmax']): ei = inf_entry(src_entry, overwrite=True, epsg=epsg) if not regions.region_valid_p(ei['minmax']): utils.echo_error_msg('invalid inf file {}'.format(path_i)) return({}) return(ei)
def inf_parse(src_inf): """parse an inf file (mbsystem or gmt) Try to parse the infos file, could be native waffles infos, gmt-style infos, of mbsystem .inf file. Args: src_inf (str): path to sourc infos file Returns: list: the region [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] of the info dict """ xyzi = {'name': src_inf, 'numpts': 0, 'minmax': [0,0,0,0,0,0], 'wkt': regions.region2wkt([0,0,0,0,0,0])} try: with open(src_inf) as iob: xyzi = json.load(iob) except: try: xyzi = gmtfun.gmt_inf_parse(src_inf) except: try: xyzi = mbsfun.mb_inf_parse(src_inf) except: utils.echo_error_msg('could not parse inf file {}'.format(src_inf)) return(xyzi)
def xyz_parse_line(xyz_line, xyz_c=_xyz_config): """parse an xyz line-string, using _xyz_config Args: xyz_line (str): a string representing delimited data. xyz_c (dict): xyz config dictionary Returns: list: xyz data; [x, y, z] """ try: this_line = xyz_line.strip() except AttributeError as e: utils.echo_error_msg('input is list, should be xyz-line: {}'.format(e)) return (None) except Exception as e: utils.echo_error_msg(e) return (None) if xyz_c['delim'] is None: xyz_c['delim'] = xyz_line_delim(this_line) this_xyz = this_line.split(xyz_c['delim']) try: o_xyz = [ float(this_xyz[xyz_c['xpos']]) + float(xyz_c['x-off']), float(this_xyz[xyz_c['ypos']]), float(this_xyz[xyz_c['zpos']]) * float(xyz_c['z-scale']) ] except IndexError as e: if xyz_c['verbose']: utils.echo_error_msg(e) return (None) except Exception as e: if xyz_c['verbose']: utils.echo_error_msg(e) return (None) return (o_xyz)
def datalist_major(dls, major='.mjr.datalist', region=None): """set the major datalist Args: dls (list): datalist entries, minimally: [''] region (list): a region list [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] Returns: str: the major datalist filename """ with open(major, 'w') as md: for dl in dls: for entry in datalist2py(dl, region): md.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join([str(e) for e in entry]))) if os.stat(major).st_size == 0: utils.remove_glob(major) utils.echo_error_msg('bad datalist/entry, {}'.format(dls)) return(None) #utils.echo_msg('processed datalist') return(major)
def datalist2py(dl, region=None): """convert a datalist to python data Args: dl (str): a datalist path/entry region (list): a region list [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] Returns: list: list of datalist entries. """ this_entry = entry2py(dl) this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_entry[0]) if this_entry[1] == -1: if os.path.exists(this_entry[0]): with open(this_entry[0], 'r') as op: for this_line in op: if this_line[0] != '#' and this_line[0] != '\n' and this_line[0].rstrip() != '': yield([os.path.join(this_dir, x) if n == 0 else x for n,x in enumerate(entry2py(this_line.rstrip()))]) else: utils.echo_error_msg('could not open datalist/entry {}'.format(this_entry[0])) else: yield(this_entry)
def str2region(region_str): """attempt to convert a string into a region Arguments: region(str): a region string Returns: region(list/wkt): a region list or a polygon wkt """ try: this_region = [float(x) for x in region_str.split('/')] except ValueError: this_region = gdal_ogr_multi_poly(region_str) except Exception as e: utils.echo_error_msg('failed to parse region(s), {}'.format(e)) this_region = None if this_region is None: if region_wkt_p(regions_str): this_region = region_str return(this_region)
elif arg == '-overwrite' or arg == '--overwrite': overwrite = True elif arg == '-verbose' or arg == '--verbose': verbose = True elif arg[0] == '-': sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(1) elif output is None: output = arg else: sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(1) i = i + 1 if output is None: sys.stderr.write(_usage) utils.echo_error_msg('you must enter an output file name') sys.exit(0) if extent == None: extent = '1' #Run the program given the user input if cpgrd is not None: createNullCopy(cpgrd, output, nodata, d_format, verbose, overwrite) else: createGrid(output, extent, cellsize, nodata, d_format, verbose, overwrite) ### END
chunk_value = 1000 i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[i] if arg == '-C' or arg == '-c' or arg == '-chunk' or arg == '--chunk': try: chunk_value = int(sys.argv[i + 1]) except: pass i = i + 1 elif arg == '-help' or arg == '--help' or arg == '-h': sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(-1) elif arg == '-version' or arg == '--version': sys.stdout.write('{}\n'.format(_version)) sys.exit(-1) elif src_fn is None: src_fn = arg else: sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(-1) i = i + 1 if src_fn is None: utils.echo_error_msg('you must enter an input file') sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(src_fn): utils.echo_error_msg('{} is not valid'.format(src_fn)) else: gdalfun.gdal_chunks(src_fn, n_chunk = chunk_value) ### End
while i < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[i] if arg == '-s' or arg == '-split' or arg == '--split': split_value = float(sys.argv[i + 1]) i = i + 1 elif arg == '-help' or arg == '--help' or arg == '-h': sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(1) elif arg == '-version' or arg == '--version': sys.stderr.write(' v.{}'.format(_version)) sys.exit(1) elif elev is None: elev = arg else: sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(1) i = i + 1 if elev is None: sys.stderr.write(_usage) utils.echo_error_msg('you must enter an input file') sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(elev): utils.echo_error_msg("{} is not a valid file".format(elev)) else: gdalfun.gdal_split(elev, split_value) ### End
i = i + 1 elif arg == '-p' or arg == '--op': d_form = 'xy' + sys.argv[i + 1] i = i + 1 elif i_ds is None: i_ds = arg elif t_ds is None: t_ds = arg else: sys.stderr.write(_usage) sys.exit(1) i = i + 1 if i_ds is None or not os.path.exists(i_ds): sys.stderr.write(_usage) utils.echo_error_msg('you must enter a valid input raster file') sys.exit(1) if t_ds is None or not os.path.exists(t_ds): sys.stderr.write(_usage) utils.echo_error_msg('you must enter a valid input raster file') sys.exit(1) if d_ds is None: d_ds = i_ds.split('.')[0] + '_trans.' + i_ds.split('.')[-1] ds = gdal.Open(i_ds) ds_config = gdalfun.gdal_gather_infos(ds) ds_region = regions.gt2region(ds_config) ds_inc = ds_config['geoT'][1]
def datalists_cli(argv = sys.argv): """run datalists from command-line See `datalists_cli_usage` for full cli options. """ status = 0 dls = [] i_region = None i_inc = 0.000277777 o_bn = None epsg = None these_regions = [] want_verbose = False want_inf = False want_region = False want_sm = False want_glob = False want_list = False want_archive = False want_mask = False want_weights = False z_region = None w_region = None dl_fmt = None ## ============================================== ## parse command line arguments. ## ============================================== i = 1 while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if arg == '--region' or arg == '-R': i_region = str(argv[i + 1]) i = i + 1 elif arg[:2] == '-R': i_region = str(arg[2:]) elif arg == '--output-name' or arg == '-O': o_bn = str(argv[i + 1]) i = i + 1 elif arg[:2] == '-O': o_bn = str(arg[2:]) elif arg == '--increment' or arg == '-E': try: i_inc = float(argv[i + 1]) except: sys.stederr.write('error, -E should be a float value\n') sys.exit(1) i = i + 1 elif arg[:2] == '-E': try: i_inc = float(arg[2:]) except: sys.stederr.write('error, -E should be a float value\n') sys.exit(1) elif arg == '--epsg' or arg == '-P': epsg = argv[i + 1] i = i + 1 elif arg[:2] == '-P': epsg = arg[2:] elif arg == '--format' or arg == '-F': dl_fmt = int(argv[i + 1]) i = i + 1 elif arg[:2] == '-F': dl_fmt = int(arg[2:]) elif arg == '--glob' or arg == '-g': want_glob = True elif arg == '--spatial-md' or arg == '-s': want_sm = True elif arg == '--list' or arg == '-l': want_list = True elif arg == '--archive' or arg == '-a': want_archive = True elif arg == '--info-file' or arg == '-i': want_inf = True elif arg == '--region-info' or arg == '-r': want_region = True elif arg == '--weights' or arg == '-w': want_weights = True elif arg == '--help' or arg == '-h': print(datalists_usage) sys.exit(1) elif arg == '--version' or arg == '-v': print('{}, version {}'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), datalists_version)) sys.exit(1) elif arg == '--verbose' or arg == '-V': want_verbose = True elif arg[0] == '-': print(datalists_usage) sys.exit(0) else: dls.append(arg) i = i + 1 if want_glob: if dl_fmt is None: dl_fmts = list(_dl_dl_h.keys()) dl_fmts.remove(-1) else: dl_fmts = [dl_fmt] # for f in _known_datalist_fmts[-1]: # globs = glob.glob('*.{}'.format(f)) # [sys.stdout.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join([x, str(-1), '1']))) for x in globs] for key in dl_fmts: for f in _dl_dl_h[key]['fmts']: globs = glob.glob('*.{}'.format(f)) [sys.stdout.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join([x, str(key), '1']))) for x in globs] sys.exit(0) if len(dls) == 0: print(datalists_usage) sys.exit(1) ## ============================================== ## process input region(s) and loop ## ============================================== region_is_geom_p = False if i_region is not None: this_region = regions.str2region(i_region) these_regions = [this_region] # try: # these_regions = [[float(x) for x in i_region.split('/')]] # region_is_geom_p = False # except ValueError: # these_regions = regions.gdal_ogr_polys(i_region) # region_is_geom_p = True # except Exception as e: # utils.echo_error_msg('failed to parse region(s), {}'.format(e)) else: these_regions = [None] if len(these_regions) == 0: utils.echo_error_msg('failed to parse region(s), {}'.format(i_region)) for rn, this_region in enumerate(these_regions): dl = datalist_major(dls, region = this_region) dlp_hooks = [] if regions.region_valid_p(this_region): dlp_hooks.append(lambda e: intersect_p(this_region, e, epsg)) elif regions.region_wkt_p(this_region): dlp_hooks.append(lambda e: intersect_wkt_p(this_region, e, epsg)) if z_region is not None: dlp_hooks.append(lambda e: regions.z_region_pass(inf_entry(e)['minmax'], upper_limit=z_region[1], lower_limit=z_region[0])) if w_region is not None: dlp_hooks.append(lambda e: regions.z_pass(e[2], upper_limit=w_region[1], lower_limit=w_region[0])) #for dl in dls: if want_inf: #datalist_inf_entry([dl_m, -1, 1], epsg = epsg, overwrite = True) datalist_inf_entry(dl, epsg=epsg, overwrite=True) elif want_region: #print(datalist_inf(dl_m, inf_file = False, epsg = epsg, overwrite = False)) print(datalist_inf(dl, inf_file=False, epsg=epsg, overwrite=False)) elif want_list: for this_entry in datalist(dl, wt=1, pass_h=dlp_hooks, verbose=want_verbose): print(' '.join([','.join(x) if i == 3 else os.path.abspath(str(x)) if i == 0 else str(x) for i,x in enumerate(this_entry[:-1])])) else: datalist_dump_xyz(dl, wt=1 if want_weights else None, pass_h=dlp_hooks, region=this_region, epsg=epsg, verbose=want_verbose)