Пример #1
    def to_tangent(self, vector, base_point):
        """Project a vector to the tangent space.

        Project a vector in the embedding matrix space
        to the tangent space of the pre-shape space at a base point.

        vector : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Vector in Matrix space.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Point on the pre-shape space defining the tangent space,
            where the vector will be projected.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector in the tangent space of the pre-shape space
            at the base point.
        if not gs.all(self.is_centered(base_point)):
            raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape"
                             " space")
        vector = self.center(vector)
        sq_norm = Matrices.frobenius_product(base_point, base_point)
        inner_prod = self.ambient_metric.inner_product(base_point, vector)
        coef = inner_prod / sq_norm
        tangent_vec = vector - gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", coef, base_point)

        return tangent_vec
    def squared_dist(self, point_a, point_b, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Cholesky Metric squared distance.

        Compute the Riemannian squared distance between point_a and point_b.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]

        _ : array-like, shape=[...]
            Riemannian squared distance.
        log_diag_a = gs.log(Matrices.diagonal(point_a))
        log_diag_b = gs.log(Matrices.diagonal(point_b))
        diag_diff = log_diag_a - log_diag_b
        squared_dist_diag = gs.sum((diag_diff) ** 2, axis=-1)

        sl_a = Matrices.to_strictly_lower_triangular(point_a)
        sl_b = Matrices.to_strictly_lower_triangular(point_b)
        sl_diff = sl_a - sl_b
        squared_dist_sl = Matrices.frobenius_product(sl_diff, sl_diff)
        return squared_dist_sl + squared_dist_diag
Пример #3
    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point):
        """Compute the Euclidean inner-product.

        Compute the inner-product of tangent_vec_a and tangent_vec_b
        at point base_point using the power-Euclidean metric.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Tangent vector at base point.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Tangent vector at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Base point.

        inner_product : array-like, shape=[...,]
        power_euclidean = self.power_euclidean
        spd_space = SPDMatrices

        if power_euclidean == 1:
            inner_product = Matrices.frobenius_product(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
            modified_tangent_vec_a = spd_space.differential_power(
                power_euclidean, tangent_vec_a, base_point
            modified_tangent_vec_b = spd_space.differential_power(
                power_euclidean, tangent_vec_b, base_point

            inner_product = Matrices.frobenius_product(
                modified_tangent_vec_a, modified_tangent_vec_b
            ) / (power_euclidean ** 2)
        return inner_product
Пример #4
        def inner_prod(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point):
            affine_part = self.bundle.ambient_metric.inner_product(
                tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point)
            n = tangent_vec_b.shape[-1]

            inverse_base_point = GeneralLinear.inverse(base_point)
            operator = gs.eye(n) + base_point * inverse_base_point
            inverse_operator = GeneralLinear.inverse(operator)

            diagonal_a = gs.einsum("...ij,...ji->...i", inverse_base_point,
            diagonal_b = gs.einsum("...ij,...ji->...i", inverse_base_point,
            aux = gs.einsum("...i,...j->...ij", diagonal_a, diagonal_b)
            other_part = 2 * Matrices.frobenius_product(aux, inverse_operator)
            return affine_part - other_part
Пример #5
    def inner_product_at_identity(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b):
        """Compute inner product at tangent space at identity.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., {dim, [n, n]}]
            First tangent vector at identity.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., {dim, [n, n]}]
            Second tangent vector at identity.

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[...]
            Inner-product of the two tangent vectors.
        if self.default_point_type == 'vector':
            return super(BiInvariantMetric, self).inner_product_at_identity(
                tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
        return Matrices.frobenius_product(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
Пример #6
    def inner_product_at_identity(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b):
        """Compute inner product at tangent space at identity.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            First tangent vector at identity.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Second tangent vector at identity.

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[...]
            Inner-product of the two tangent vectors.
        tan_b = tangent_vec_b
        metric_mat = self.metric_mat_at_identity
        if (Matrices.is_diagonal(metric_mat) and self.lie_algebra is not None):
            tan_b = tangent_vec_b * self.reshaped_metric_matrix
        inner_prod = Matrices.frobenius_product(tangent_vec_a, tan_b)
        return inner_prod
Пример #7
    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point):
        r"""Compute the Bures-Wasserstein inner-product.

        Compute the inner-product of tangent_vec_a :math: `A` and tangent_vec_b
        :math: `B` at point base_point :math: `S=PDP^\top` using the
        Bures-Wasserstein Riemannian metric:
        `\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j}\frac{[P^\top AP]_{ij}[P^\top BP]_{ij}}{d_i+d_j}`

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Tangent vector at base point.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Tangent vector at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
            Base point.

        inner_product : array-like, shape=[...,]
        eigvals, eigvecs = gs.linalg.eigh(base_point)
        transp_eigvecs = Matrices.transpose(eigvecs)
        rotated_tangent_vec_a = Matrices.mul(transp_eigvecs, tangent_vec_a, eigvecs)
        rotated_tangent_vec_b = Matrices.mul(transp_eigvecs, tangent_vec_b, eigvecs)

        coefficients = 1 / (eigvals[..., :, None] + eigvals[..., None, :])
        result = (
                coefficients * rotated_tangent_vec_a, rotated_tangent_vec_b
            / 2

        return result
Пример #8
class TestMatrices(geomstats.tests.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        self.m = 2
        self.n = 3
        self.space = Matrices(m=self.n, n=self.n)
        self.space_nonsquare = Matrices(m=self.m, n=self.n)
        self.metric = self.space.metric
        self.n_samples = 2

    def test_mul(self):
        a = gs.eye(3, 3, 1)
        b = gs.eye(3, 3, -1)
        c = gs.array([
            [1., 0., 0.],
            [0., 1., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0.]])
        d = gs.array([
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 1., 0.],
            [0., 0., 1.]])
        result = self.space.mul([a, b], [b, a])
        expected = gs.array([c, d])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        result = self.space.mul(a, [a, b])
        expected = gs.array([gs.eye(3, 3, 2), c])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_bracket(self):
        x = gs.array([
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., -1.],
            [0., 1., 0.]])
        y = gs.array([
            [0., 0., 1.],
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [-1., 0., 0.]])
        z = gs.array([
            [0., -1., 0.],
            [1., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0.]])
        result = self.space.bracket([x, y], [y, z])
        expected = gs.array([z, x])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        result = self.space.bracket(x, [x, y, z])
        expected = gs.array([gs.zeros((3, 3)), z, -y])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_transpose(self):
        tr = self.space.transpose
        ar = gs.array
        a = gs.eye(3, 3, 1)
        b = gs.eye(3, 3, -1)
        self.assertAllClose(tr(a), b)
        self.assertAllClose(tr(ar([a, b])), ar([b, a]))

    def test_is_symmetric(self):
        not_squared = gs.array([[1., 2.], [2., 1.], [3., 1.]])
        result = self.space.is_symmetric(not_squared)
        expected = False
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        sym_mat = gs.array([[1., 2.], [2., 1.]])
        result = self.space.is_symmetric(sym_mat)
        expected = gs.array(True)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        not_a_sym_mat = gs.array([[1., 0.6, -3.],
                                  [6., -7., 0.],
                                  [0., 7., 8.]])
        result = self.space.is_symmetric(not_a_sym_mat)
        expected = gs.array(False)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_is_skew_symmetric(self):
        skew_mat = gs.array([[0, - 2.],
                            [2., 0]])
        result = self.space.is_skew_symmetric(skew_mat)
        expected = gs.array(True)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        not_a_sym_mat = gs.array([[1., 0.6, -3.],
                                  [6., -7., 0.],
                                  [0., 7., 8.]])
        result = self.space.is_skew_symmetric(not_a_sym_mat)
        expected = gs.array(False)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_is_symmetric_vectorization(self):
        points = gs.array([
            [[1., 2.],
             [2., 1.]],
            [[3., 4.],
             [4., 5.]],
            [[1., 2.],
             [3., 4.]]])
        result = self.space.is_symmetric(points)
        expected = [True, True, False]
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_make_symmetric(self):
        sym_mat = gs.array([[1., 2.],
                            [2., 1.]])
        result = self.space.to_symmetric(sym_mat)
        expected = sym_mat
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        mat = gs.array([[1., 2., 3.],
                        [0., 0., 0.],
                        [3., 1., 1.]])
        result = self.space.to_symmetric(mat)
        expected = gs.array([[1., 1., 3.],
                             [1., 0., 0.5],
                             [3., 0.5, 1.]])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        mat = gs.array([[1e100, 1e-100, 1e100],
                        [1e100, 1e-100, 1e100],
                        [1e-100, 1e-100, 1e100]])
        result = self.space.to_symmetric(mat)

        res = 0.5 * (1e100 + 1e-100)

        expected = gs.array([[1e100, res, res],
                             [res, 1e-100, res],
                             [res, res, 1e100]])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_make_symmetric_and_is_symmetric_vectorization(self):
        points = gs.array([
            [[1., 2.],
             [3., 4.]],
            [[5., 6.],
             [4., 9.]]])

        sym_points = self.space.to_symmetric(points)
        result = gs.all(self.space.is_symmetric(sym_points))
        expected = True
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_inner_product(self):
        base_point = gs.array([
            [1., 2., 3.],
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [3., 1., 1.]])

        tangent_vector_1 = gs.array([
            [1., 2., 3.],
            [0., -10., 0.],
            [30., 1., 1.]])

        tangent_vector_2 = gs.array([
            [1., 4., 3.],
            [5., 0., 0.],
            [3., 1., 1.]])

        result = self.metric.inner_product(

        expected = gs.trace(

        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_cong(self):
        base_point = gs.array([
            [1., 2., 3.],
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [3., 1., 1.]])

        tangent_vector = gs.array([
            [1., 2., 3.],
            [0., -10., 0.],
            [30., 1., 1.]])

        result = self.space.congruent(tangent_vector, base_point)
        expected = gs.matmul(
            tangent_vector, gs.transpose(base_point))
        expected = gs.matmul(base_point, expected)

        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

    def test_belongs(self):
        base_point_square = gs.zeros((self.n, self.n))
        base_point_nonsquare = gs.zeros((self.m, self.n))

        result = self.space.belongs(base_point_square)
        expected = True
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
        result = self.space_nonsquare.belongs(base_point_square)
        expected = False
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        result = self.space.belongs(base_point_nonsquare)
        expected = False
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
        result = self.space_nonsquare.belongs(base_point_nonsquare)
        expected = True
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        result = self.space.belongs(gs.zeros((2, 2, 3)))

        result = self.space.belongs(gs.zeros((2, 3, 3)))

    def test_is_diagonal(self):
        base_point = gs.array([
            [1., 2., 3.],
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [3., 1., 1.]])
        result = self.space.is_diagonal(base_point)
        expected = False
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        diagonal = gs.eye(3)
        result = self.space.is_diagonal(diagonal)

        base_point = gs.stack([base_point, diagonal])
        result = self.space.is_diagonal(base_point)
        expected = gs.array([False, True])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        base_point = gs.stack([diagonal] * 2)
        result = self.space.is_diagonal(base_point)

        base_point = gs.reshape(gs.arange(6), (2, 3))
        result = self.space.is_diagonal(base_point)

    def test_norm(self):
        for n_samples in [1, 2]:
            mat = self.space.random_point(n_samples)
            result = self.metric.norm(mat)
            expected = self.space.frobenius_product(mat, mat) ** .5
            self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
Пример #9
 def test_frobenius_product(self, mat_a, mat_b, expected):
         Matrices.frobenius_product(gs.array(mat_a), gs.array(mat_b)),
Пример #10
    def iterated_integrability_tensor_derivative_parallel(
            self, horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y, base_point):
        r"""Compute iterated derivatives of the integrability tensor A.

        The iterated horizontal covariant derivative
        :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y A_X Y)` (where :math:`X` and :math:`Y` are
        horizontal vector fields) is a key ingredient in the computation of
        the covariant derivative of the directional curvature in a submersion.

        The components :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y A_X Y)`, :math:`A_X A_Y A_X Y`,
        :math:`\nabla_X (A_X Y)`,  and intermediate computations
        :math:`A_Y A_X Y` and :math:`A_X Y` are computed here for the
        Kendall shape space in the special case of quotient-parallel vector
        fields :math:`X, Y` extending the values horizontal_vec_x and
        horizontal_vec_y by parallel transport in a neighborhood.
        Such vector fields verify :math:`\nabla_X^X = A_X X` and :math:
        `\nabla_X^Y = A_X Y`.

        horizontal_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        horizontal_vec_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Point of the total space.

        nabla_x_a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
            :math:`\nabla_X^S (A_Y A_X Y)` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        a_x_a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
            :math:`A_X A_Y A_X Y` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        nabla_x_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
            :math:`\nabla_X^S (A_X Y)` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_Y A_X Y` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_X Y` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.

        .. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
        in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
        if not gs.all(self.is_centered(base_point)):
            raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape"
                             " space")
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_x, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector x is not horizontal")
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_y, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector y is not horizontal")

        p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
        p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)

        def sylv_p(mat_b):
            """Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
            return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(p_top_p, p_top_p,
                                             mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b))

        y_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_y)
        x_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_x)
        x_y_top = gs.matmul(y_top, horizontal_vec_x)
        omega_xy = sylv_p(x_y_top)
        vertical_vec_v = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_xy)
        omega_xy_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_xy)
        omega_xy_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xy)

        v_top = Matrices.transpose(vertical_vec_v)
        x_v_top = gs.matmul(v_top, horizontal_vec_x)
        omega_xv = sylv_p(x_v_top)
        omega_xv_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_xv)

        y_v_top = gs.matmul(v_top, horizontal_vec_y)
        omega_yv = sylv_p(y_v_top)
        omega_yv_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_yv)

        nabla_x_v = 3.0 * omega_xv_p + omega_xy_x
        a_y_a_x_y = omega_yv_p + omega_xy_y
        tmp_mat = gs.matmul(x_top, a_y_a_x_y)
        a_x_a_y_a_x_y = -gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_mat))

        omega_xv_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xv)
        omega_yv_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_yv)
        omega_xy_v = gs.matmul(vertical_vec_v, omega_xy)
        norms = Matrices.frobenius_product(vertical_vec_v, vertical_vec_v)
        sq_norm_v_p = gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", norms, base_point)

        tmp_mat = gs.matmul(p_top, 3.0 * omega_xv_y +
                            2.0 * omega_yv_x) + gs.matmul(y_top, omega_xy_x)

        nabla_x_a_y_v = (3.0 * omega_xv_y + omega_yv_x + omega_xy_v -
                         gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_mat)) + sq_norm_v_p)

        return nabla_x_a_y_v, a_x_a_y_a_x_y, nabla_x_v, a_y_a_x_y, vertical_vec_v