Пример #1
def _annotations_post(req, mapid):
    mapobj = resolve_object(req, Map, {'id':mapid}, permission='base.change_resourcebase')

    # default action
    action = 'upsert'
    # default for json to unpack properties for each 'row'
    get_props = lambda r: r['properties']
    # operation to run on completion
    finish = lambda: None
    # track created annotations
    created = []
    # csv or client to account for differences
    form_mode = 'client'
    content_type = None
    overwrite = False
    error_format = None

    def id_collector(form):

    if not req.FILES:
        # json body
        data = json.loads(req.body)
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            action = data.get('action', action)
        if 'features' in data:
            data = data.get('features')
        fp = iter(req.FILES.values()).next()
        # ugh, builtin csv reader chokes on unicode
        data = unicode_csv_dict_reader(fp)
        id_collector = lambda f: None
        form_mode = 'csv'
        content_type = 'text/html'
        get_props = lambda r: r
        ids = list(Annotation.objects.filter(map=mapobj).values_list('id', flat=True))
        # delete existing, we overwrite
        finish = lambda: Annotation.objects.filter(id__in=ids).delete()
        overwrite = True

        def error_format(row_errors):
            response = []
            for re in row_errors:
                row = re[0] + 1
                for e in re[1]:
                    response.append('[%s] %s : %s' % (row, e, re[1][e]))
            return 'The following rows had problems:<ul><li>' + '</li><li>'.join(response) + "</li></ul>"

    if action == 'delete':
        Annotation.objects.filter(pk__in=data['ids'], map=mapobj).delete()
        return json_response({'success': True})

    if action != 'upsert':
        return HttpResponse('%s not supported' % action, status=400)

    errors = _write_annotations(data, get_props, id_collector, mapobj, overwrite, form_mode)

    if errors:
        body = None
        if error_format:
            return HttpResponse(error_format(errors), status=400)
        body = {'success': True}
        if created:
            body['ids'] = created

    return json_response(body=body, errors=errors, content_type=content_type)
Пример #2
    def test_csv_upload(self):
        '''test csv upload with update and insert'''

        #@todo cleanup and break out into simpler cases

        self.make_annotations(self.dummy, 2)

        header = u"id,title,content,lat,lon,start_time,end_time,appearance\n"

        # first row is insert, second update (as it has an id)
        fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        fp.write((header + u'"",foo bar,blah,5,10,2001/01/01,2005\n'
                  u"1,bar foo,halb,10,20,2010-01-01,,\n"
        # verify failure before login
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations', args=[self.dummy.id]),
                           {'csv': fp})
        # still only 2 annotations

        # login, rewind the buffer and verify
        self.c.login(username='******', password='******')
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations', args=[self.dummy.id]),
                           {'csv': fp})
        # response type must be text/html for ext fileupload
        self.assertEqual('text/html', resp['content-type'])
        jsresp = json.loads(resp.content)
        self.assertEqual(True, jsresp['success'])
        ann = Annotation.objects.filter(map=self.dummy.id)
        # we uploaded 3, the other 2 should be deleted (overwrite mode)
        self.assertEqual(3, ann.count())
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(title='bar foo')
        get_x = lambda ann: int(json.loads(ann.the_geom)['coordinates'][0])
        self.assertEqual(get_x(ann), 20.)
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(title='bunk')
        self.assertTrue(u'\u201c', ann.content)
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(title='foo bar')
        self.assertEqual('foo bar', ann.title)
        self.assertEqual(get_x(ann), 10.)

        resp = self.c.get(
            reverse('annotations', args=[self.dummy.id]) + "?csv")
        # the dict reader won't fill out keys for the missing entries
        # verify each row has 7 fields
        for l in resp.content.split('\r\n'):
            if l.strip():
                self.assertEqual(7, len(l.split(',')))
        x = list(unicode_csv_dict_reader(resp.content))
        self.assertEqual(3, len(x))
        by_title = dict([(v['title'], v) for v in x])
        # verify round trip of unicode quote
        self.assertEqual(u'\u201c', by_title['bunk']['content'])
        # and times
                         by_title['bar foo']['start_time'])
                         by_title['foo bar']['start_time'])
                         by_title['foo bar']['end_time'])

        # verify windows codepage quotes
        fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        fp.write((str(header) + ',\x93windows quotes\x94,yay,,,,'))
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations', args=[self.dummy.id]),
                           {'csv': fp})
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(map=self.dummy.id)
        # windows quotes are unicode now
        self.assertEqual(u'\u201cwindows quotes\u201d', ann.title)

        # make sure a bad upload aborts the transaction (and prevents dropping existing)
        fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        fp.write((str(header) * 2))
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations', args=[self.dummy.id]),
                           {'csv': fp})
        self.assertEqual(400, resp.status_code)
        # there should only be one that we uploaded before
        self.assertEqual('yay', ann.content)

        # and check for the errors related to the invalid data we sent
        expected = [
            '[1] lat : Invalid value for lat : "lat"',
            '[1] start_time : Unable to read as date : start_time, please format as yyyy-mm-dd',
            '[1] lon : Invalid value for lon : "lon"',
            '[1] end_time : Unable to read as date : end_time, please format as yyyy-mm-dd'
        self.assertEqual(expected, re.findall('<li>([^<]*)</li>',
Пример #3
    def test_csv_upload(self):
        '''test csv upload with update and insert'''

        #@todo cleanup and break out into simpler cases

        self.make_annotations(self.dummy, 2)

        header = u"id,title,content,lat,lon,start_time,end_time,appearance\n"

        # first row is insert, second update (as it has an id)
        fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
            header +
            u'"",foo bar,blah,5,10,2001/01/01,2005\n'
            u"1,bar foo,halb,10,20,2010-01-01,,\n"
        # verify failure before login
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations',args=[self.dummy.id]),{'csv':fp})
        # still only 2 annotations
        self.assertEqual(2, Annotation.objects.filter(map=self.dummy.id).count())

        # login, rewind the buffer and verify
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations',args=[self.dummy.id]),{'csv':fp})
        # response type must be text/html for ext fileupload
        self.assertEqual('text/html', resp['content-type'])
        jsresp = json.loads(resp.content)
        self.assertEqual(True, jsresp['success'])
        ann = Annotation.objects.filter(map=self.dummy.id)
        # we uploaded 3, the other 2 should be deleted (overwrite mode)
        self.assertEqual(3, ann.count())
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(title='bar foo')
        get_x = lambda ann: int(json.loads(ann.the_geom)['coordinates'][0])
        self.assertEqual(get_x(ann), 20.)
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(title='bunk')
        self.assertTrue(u'\u201c', ann.content)
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(title='foo bar')
        self.assertEqual('foo bar', ann.title)
        self.assertEqual(get_x(ann), 10.)

        resp = self.c.get(reverse('annotations',args=[self.dummy.id]) + "?csv")
        # the dict reader won't fill out keys for the missing entries
        # verify each row has 7 fields
        for l in resp.content.split('\r\n'):
            if l.strip():
                self.assertEqual(7, len(l.split(',')))
        x = list(unicode_csv_dict_reader(resp.content))
        self.assertEqual(3, len(x))
        by_title = dict( [(v['title'],v) for v in x] )
        # verify round trip of unicode quote
        self.assertEqual(u'\u201c', by_title['bunk']['content'])
        # and times
        self.assertEqual('2010-01-01T00:00:00', by_title['bar foo']['start_time'])
        self.assertEqual('2001-01-01T00:00:00', by_title['foo bar']['start_time'])
        self.assertEqual('2005-01-01T00:00:00', by_title['foo bar']['end_time'])

        # verify windows codepage quotes
        fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
            str(header) +
            ',\x93windows quotes\x94,yay,,,,'
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations',args=[self.dummy.id]),{'csv':fp})
        ann = Annotation.objects.get(map=self.dummy.id)
        # windows quotes are unicode now
        self.assertEqual(u'\u201cwindows quotes\u201d', ann.title)

        # make sure a bad upload aborts the transaction (and prevents dropping existing)
        fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
            str(header) * 2
        resp = self.c.post(reverse('annotations',args=[self.dummy.id]),{'csv':fp})
        self.assertEqual(400, resp.status_code)
        # there should only be one that we uploaded before
        self.assertEqual('yay', ann.content)

        # and check for the errors related to the invalid data we sent
        expected = ['[1] lat : Invalid value for lat : "lat"',
                    '[1] start_time : Unable to read as date : start_time, please format as yyyy-mm-dd',
                    '[1] lon : Invalid value for lon : "lon"',
                    '[1] end_time : Unable to read as date : end_time, please format as yyyy-mm-dd']
        self.assertEqual(expected, re.findall('<li>([^<]*)</li>', resp.content))