Пример #1
def versions():
    import geonode
    from geonode.version import get_git_changeset
    raw_version = geonode.__version__
    version = geonode.get_version()
    timestamp = get_git_changeset()

    major, minor, revision, stage, edition = raw_version

    branch = 'dev'

    if stage == 'alpha' and edition == 0:
        tail = '%s%s' % (branch, timestamp)
        tail = '%s%s' % (stage, edition)

    simple_version = '%s.%s.%s+%s' % (major, minor, revision, tail)
    return version, simple_version
Пример #2
def versions():
    import geonode
    from geonode.version import get_git_changeset
    raw_version = geonode.__version__
    version = geonode.get_version()
    timestamp = get_git_changeset()

    major, minor, revision, stage, edition = raw_version

    branch = 'dev'

    if stage == 'final':
        stage = 'thefinal'

    if stage == 'unstable':
        tail = '%s%s' % (branch, timestamp)
        tail = '%s%s' % (stage, edition)

    simple_version = '%s.%s.%s+%s' % (major, minor, revision, tail)
    return version, simple_version
Пример #3
def versions():
    import geonode
    from geonode.version import get_git_changeset
    raw_version = geonode.__version__
    version = geonode.get_version()
    timestamp = get_git_changeset()

    major, minor, revision, stage, edition = raw_version

    branch = 'dev'

    if stage == 'final':
        stage = 'thefinal'

    if stage == 'unstable':
        tail = f'{branch}{timestamp}'
        tail = f'{stage}{edition}'

    simple_version = f'{major}.{minor}.{revision}+{tail}'
    return version, simple_version
Пример #4
def get_version(version=None):
    "Returns a PEP 386-compliant version number from VERSION."
    if version is None:
        from mapstory import __version__ as version
        assert len(version) == 5
        assert version[3] in ('alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'final')

    parts = 2 if version[2] == 0 else 3
    main = '.'.join(str(x) for x in version[:parts])

    sub = ''
    if version[3] == 'alpha' and version[4] == 0:
        git_changeset = get_git_changeset()
        if git_changeset:
            sub = '.dev%s' % git_changeset

    elif version[3] != 'final':
        mapping = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b', 'rc': 'c'}
        sub = mapping[version[3]] + str(version[4])

    return main + sub
Пример #5
def versions():
    import geonode
    from geonode.version import get_git_changeset

    raw_version = geonode.__version__
    version = geonode.get_version()
    timestamp = get_git_changeset()

    major, minor, revision, stage, edition = raw_version

    branch = "dev"

    if stage == "final":
        stage = "thefinal"

    if stage == "alpha" and edition == 0:
        tail = "%s%s" % (branch, timestamp)
        tail = "%s%s" % (stage, edition)

    simple_version = "%s.%s.%s+%s" % (major, minor, revision, tail)
    return version, simple_version
Пример #6
def get_version(version=None):
    "Returns a PEP 386-compliant version number from VERSION."
    if version is None:
        from mapstory import __version__ as version
        assert len(version) == 5
        assert version[3] in ("alpha", "beta", "rc", "final")

    parts = 2 if version[2] == 0 else 3
    main = ".".join(str(x) for x in version[:parts])

    sub = ""
    if version[3] == "alpha" and version[4] == 0:
        git_changeset = get_git_changeset()
        if git_changeset:
            sub = ".dev%s" % git_changeset

    elif version[3] != "final":
        mapping = {"alpha": "a", "beta": "b", "rc": "c"}
        sub = mapping[version[3]] + str(version[4])

    return main + sub
Пример #7
def deb(options):
    Creates debian packages.

    Example uses:
        paver deb
        paver deb -k 12345
        paver deb -k 12345 -p geonode/testing
    key = options.get('key', None)
    ppa = options.get('ppa', None)

    import geonode
    from geonode.version import get_git_changeset
    raw_version = geonode.__version__
    version = geonode.get_version()
    timestamp = get_git_changeset()

    major, minor, revision, stage, edition = raw_version

    branch = 'dev'

    if stage == 'alpha' and edition == 0:
        tail = '%s%s' % (branch, timestamp)
        tail = '%s%s' % (stage, edition)

    simple_version = '%s.%s.%s+%s' % (major, minor, revision, tail)

    info('Creating package for GeoNode version %s' % version)

    with pushd('package'):
        # Get rid of any uncommitted changes to debian/changelog
        info('Getting rid of any uncommitted changes in debian/changelog')
        sh('git checkout debian/changelog')

        # Workaround for git-dch bug
        # http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=594580

        # Install requirements
        #sh('sudo apt-get -y install debhelper devscripts git-buildpackage')

        sh(('git-dch --spawn-editor=snapshot --git-author --new-version=%s'
            ' --id-length=6 --ignore-branch --release' % (

        ## Revert workaround for git-dhc bug

        if key is None and ppa is None:
            # A local installable package
            sh('debuild -uc -us -A')
	elif key is None and ppa is not None:
            # A sources package, signed by daemon
            sh('debuild -S')
	elif key is not None and ppa is None:
            # A signed installable package
            sh('debuild -k%s -A' % key)
	elif key is not None and ppa is not None:
            # A signed, source package
            sh('debuild -k%s -S' % key)

    if ppa is not None:
        sh('dput ppa:%s geonode_%s_source.changes' % (ppa, simple_version))