def make_model_test_with_params(self): filenames = set(os.listdir('.')) g.make_parameters_file() new_filenames = set(os.listdir('.')) filename = [*new_filenames - filenames][0] try: g.make_model(filename) except: print("System error, fail make community test.")
return p # define a function to calculate the mean difference between phenotype # and environment for a species def calc_mean_z_e_diff(spp, trait_num=0): zs = spp._get_z().ravel() es = spp._get_e(lyr_num=spp.gen_arch.traits[trait_num].lyr_num) mean_diff = np.mean(np.abs(zs - es)) return mean_diff # set number of time steps for simulation T = 1500 mod = gnx.make_model('./tests/validation/cline/') #landscape and community will not be randomized between iterations, so I can #just extract the non-neutral loci now nonneut_loci = mod.comm[0].gen_arch.traits[0].loci # create a data structure to store the z-e diffs at each time step z_e_diffs = [] # burn the model mod.walk(T=10000, mode='burn') # store logistic regression of phenotypes on environment corrs = [] corrs.append( sm.Logit(mod.comm[0]._get_z(), mod.comm[0]._get_e(0).reshape( (len(mod.comm[0]), 1))).fit()) # run the model for T timesteps for t in range(T): # collect z-e diff
import msprime import tskit import geonomics as gnx import numpy as np # make a simple gnx model dir = '/home/drew/Desktop/stuff/berk/research/projects/sim/geonomics' file = '/' mod = gnx.make_model(dir + file) mod.walk(1000, 'burn') # reduce the population to just 3 mod.comm[0]._reduce(3) # randomly choose 3 loci and make them fixed for either 0 or 1 #fixed_loci = np.random.choice(range(10), 3, replace=False) #print(fixed_loci) #for ind in mod.comm[0].values(): # ind.g[fixed_loci, :] = np.array([0,0,1,1,0,0]).reshape((3,2)) # NOTE: setting all individuals' genotypes to all 0s for ind in mod.comm[0].values(): ind.g = np.zeros((mod.comm[0].gen_arch.L, mod.comm[0].gen_arch.x)) new_p = mod.comm[0].gen_arch.p[:] #new_p[fixed_loci] = [0, 1, 0] mod.comm[0].gen_arch.p = new_p # grab all the genotypes # (axes: 0 = individuals, 1 = loci, 2 = homologues) genotypes = np.stack([ind.g for ind in mod.comm[0].values()]) #segregating_sites = np.where(genotypes.sum(axis=2).sum( # axis=0)/(2 * len(mod.comm[0])) % 1 != 0)[0]
figsize = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [figsize[0], 2.5 * figsize[1]] fig = plt.figure() # plt.suptitle(('1-allele trajectories in a Wright-Fisher approximation ' # 'with %i independent loci') % ( # orig_params.comm.species.spp_0.gen_arch.L)) max_x = 0 # NOTE: run through K_factors from greatest downward, to make it # easier to set all x-axes to the same maximum x-limit for n, K_fact in enumerate(K_factors[::-1]): params = deepcopy(orig_params) params.comm.species['spp_0'].init['K_factor'] = K_fact print("USING K_fact %0.2f" % params.comm.species['spp_0'].init.K_factor) mod = gnx.make_model(params) mod.walk(mode='burn', T=10000, verbose=True) freqs = {loc: [] for loc in range(mod.comm[0].gen_arch.L)} # run model until all loci have fixed while (False not in [len(f) == 0 for f in freqs.values()] or False in [f[-1] in (0, 1) for f in freqs.values()]): freqs_t = get_allele_freqs(mod.comm[0]) for loc, freq in freqs_t.items(): freqs[loc].append(freq) # instead of using Walk-based movement, just randomly replace # individuals all over the map new_xs = np.random.uniform(low=0,[1], size=len(mod.comm[0]))
# create data structures to store allele frequency trajectories,migrations, # and phenotype-environment diff values for all selection coefficients allele_freqs = {} migration_rates = {} z_e_diffs = {} # create a dict to store the start and end phenotype-environment (z-e) # correlations for each phi z_e_corrs = {} # for each strength of selection, create and run the model, tracking allele # frequencies in both halves of the environment for phi in phis: # create the model mod = gnx.make_model(('./tests/validation/divergence/' '')) mod.comm[0].gen_arch.traits[0].phi = phi # landscape and community will not be randomized between iterations, # so I can just extract the non-neutral loci now nonneut_loc = mod.comm[0].gen_arch.traits[0].loci # burn in the model mod.walk(mode='burn', T=200000, verbose=True) # create data structures to record allele frequencies in each half of the # landscape, migrations between the halves, and z-e diffs at each timestep allele_freqs_this_phi = {0: [], 1: []} migration_rates_this_phi = {(0, 1): [], (1, 0): []} z_e_diffs_this_phi = {0: calc_mean_z_e_diff(mod.comm[0])} # run and store the starting z-e correlation
def make_model_test(self): try: g.make_model() except: print("System error, fail make model test without parameter.")
# set some plotting params img_dir = ('/home/drew/Desktop/stuff/berk/research/projects/sim/methods_paper/' 'img/final/') titlesize = 20 axlabelsize = 18 ticklabelsize = 15 # set the data directory, and delete it if it already exists (so that we don't # create mutliple, conflicting sets of data files) data_dir = './GNX_mod-bottleneck_params' if os.path.isdir(data_dir): shutil.rmtree(data_dir) # make and run model mod = gnx.make_model('./tests/validation/bottleneck/') # for each iteration its_dirs = os.listdir(data_dir) for it_dir in its_dirs: # read in the data files_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, it_dir, 'spp-spp_0') files = os.listdir(files_dir) vcf_files = [f for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.vcf'] csv_files = [f for f in files if'spp_0\\.csv$', f)] timesteps = ['(?<=t\\-)\\d*(?=\\_spp)', f).group() for f in vcf_files ] timesteps = sorted([int(step) for step in timesteps]) # create data structure to store allele frequencies
if not np.isnan(r2): dist = np.sum(recomb_rates[i+1:j+1]) r2s.append(r2) dists.append(dist) return(r2s, dists) ################################################################ # create data structures to save data to be analyzed/plotted mean_fit = [] pi = [] ld = [] # build the model mod = gnx.make_model('./tests/validation/sweep/') #get the non-neutral locus nonneut_loc = mod.comm[0].gen_arch.traits[0].loci[0] # NOTE: changing this to 0 because only the single non-neutral locus # will be in each individ's genome array, so idx will be 0 nonneut_loc_idx = 0 # burn the model in mod.walk(20000, 'burn', True) # create the figure and its Axes instances fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223)
print('\t\t' + str(new_params.comm.species.spp_0.init.K_factor)) print('\tdim') print('\t\t' + str(new_params.landscape.main.dim)) #print('\tL') #print('\t\t' + str(new_params.comm.species.spp_0.gen_arch.L)) print('\tn_loci') print('\t\t' + str(new_params.comm.species.spp_0.gen_arch.traits.trt_0.n_loci)) print('\tn_births_distr_lambda') print('\t\t' + str(new_params.comm.species.spp_0.mating.n_births_distr_lambda)) print('\t' + '-' * 70) # get the start time # make the model mod = gnx.make_model(new_params) print('\tMODEL MADE') # burn it in mod.walk(1000000, 'burn', verbose=True) print('\tSTARTING MODEL...') print('\nEXAMPLE NONNEUT GENOME SHAPE' + str(mod.comm[0][ mod.comm[0]._get_random_individuals(1)[0]].g.shape)) start = time.time() # run the model mod.walk(T, 'main', verbose=True) # get the stop time, calculate the elapsed time, and append it to list stop = time.time() elapsed = stop - start mean_runtime = elapsed / T print('\tMODEL FINISHED') print('\tmean runtime: %0.6f' % mean_runtime)
import geonomics as gnx import numpy as np # FLAG DETERMINING WHETHER TO TEST TRAIT MUTATION OR DELETERIOUS MUTATION mutate_trait = False mod = gnx.make_model('./') mod.walk(10000, 'burn') mod.walk(1) spp = mod.comm[0] ga = spp.gen_arch re = ga.recombinations trt = ga.traits[0] off = [i.idx for i in spp.values() if i.age == 0] ga.mutables = [*ga.neut_loci] np.random.shuffle(ga.mutables) if mutate_trait: #PRINT STUFF BEFOREHAND print('ga.nonneut_loci', ga.nonneut_loci) print('trait loci', ga.traits[0].loci) print('trait locus index', ga.traits[0].loc_idx) print('unmutated genome:\n', spp[off[0]].g) print('mutated genome:\n', spp[off[-1]].g) nonneut_loci_b4 = set([*ga.nonneut_loci]) gnx.ops.mutation._do_nonneutral_mutation(spp, [off[-1]], trait_nums=[0]) #PRINT STUFF AFTERWARD