Пример #1
def make_grid(zone_unit_km, min_long, max_long, min_lat, max_lat, consider_visualization=False):
    W_end_gps, E_end_gps = (min_long, (min_lat + max_lat) / float(2)), (max_long, (min_lat + max_lat) / float(2))
    S_end_gps, N_end_gps = ((min_lat + max_lat) / float(2), min_lat), ((min_lat + max_lat) / float(2), max_lat)
    width_km = (vincenty(W_end_gps, E_end_gps).meters) / float(METER1000)
    height_km = (vincenty(S_end_gps, N_end_gps).meters) / float(METER1000)
    num_cols, num_rows = map(int, map(ceil, [v / float(zone_unit_km) for v in [height_km, width_km]]))
    hl_length_gps, vl_length_gps = max_long - min_long, max_lat - min_lat

    xaxis_unit, yaxis_unit = hl_length_gps / float(num_cols), vl_length_gps / float(num_rows)
    x_points = [min_long + i * xaxis_unit for i in xrange(num_cols)]
    y_points = [min_lat + j * yaxis_unit for j in xrange(num_rows)]

    p0, p1 = (y_points[0], x_points[0]), (y_points[0], x_points[1])
    x_dist = (vincenty(p0, p1).meters) / float(METER1000)

    p0, p1 = (y_points[0], x_points[0]), (y_points[1], x_points[0])
    y_dist = (vincenty(p0, p1).meters) / float(METER1000)

    d = VincentyDistance(kilometers=zone_unit_km)

    print p0, d.destination(point=p0, bearing=0).latitude, d.destination(point=p0, bearing=0).longitude

    # print x_dist, y_dist, len(x_points), len(y_points)

    assert False

    return xaxis_unit, yaxis_unit, x_points, y_points
Пример #2
def get_circle_centers(b1, b2, radius):
    the function covers the area within the bounds with circles
    this is done by calculating the lat/lng distances
    and the number of circles needed to fill the area
    as these circles only intersect at one point,
    an additional grid with a (+radius,+radius) offset
    is used to cover the empty spaces

    :param b1: bounds
    :param b2: bounds
    :param radius: specified radius, adapt for high density areas
    :return: list of circle centers that cover the area between lower/upper

    sw = Point(b1)
    ne = Point(b2)

    # north/east distances
    dist_lat = int(vincenty(Point(sw[0], sw[1]), Point(ne[0], sw[1])).meters)
    dist_lng = int(vincenty(Point(sw[0], sw[1]), Point(sw[0], ne[1])).meters)

    def cover(p_start, n_lat, n_lng, r):
        _coords = []

        for i in range(n_lat):
            for j in range(n_lng):
                v_north = VincentyDistance(meters=i * r * 2)
                v_east = VincentyDistance(meters=j * r * 2)


        return _coords

    def _calc_base(dist):
        """ Calculation for base cover """
        return math.ceil((dist - radius) / (2 * radius)) + 1

    def _calc_offset(dist):
        """ Calculation for offset cover """
        return math.ceil((dist - 2 * radius) / (2 * radius)) + 1

    coords = []

    # get circles for base cover
    coords += cover(sw, _calc_base(dist_lat), _calc_base(dist_lng), radius)

    # update south-west for second cover
    vc_radius = VincentyDistance(meters=radius)
    sw = vc_radius.destination(vc_radius.destination(point=sw, bearing=0),

    # get circles for offset cover
    coords += cover(sw, _calc_offset(dist_lat), _calc_offset(dist_lng), radius)

    # only return the coordinates
    return [c[:2] for c in coords]
Пример #3
    def cover(p_start, n_lat, n_lng, r):
        _coords = []

        for i in range(n_lat):
            for j in range(n_lng):
                v_north = VincentyDistance(meters=i * r * 2)
                v_east = VincentyDistance(meters=j * r * 2)

                _coords.append(v_north.destination(v_east.destination(point=p_start, bearing=90), bearing=0))

        return _coords
Пример #4
def getNeighbors(loc, level=15, spread=700):
    distance = VincentyDistance(meters=spread)
    center = (loc.latitude, loc.longitude, 0)
    p1 = distance.destination(point=center, bearing=45)
    p2 = distance.destination(point=center, bearing=225)
    p1 = s2sphere.LatLng.from_degrees(p1[0], p1[1])
    p2 = s2sphere.LatLng.from_degrees(p2[0], p2[1])
    rect = s2sphere.LatLngRect.from_point_pair(p1, p2)
    region = s2sphere.RegionCoverer()
    region.min_level = level
    region.max_level = level
    cells = region.get_covering(rect)
    return sorted([c.id() for c in cells])
Пример #5
def getNeighbors(loc, level=15, spread=700):
    distance = VincentyDistance(meters=spread)
    center = (loc[0], loc[1], 0)
    p1 = distance.destination(point=center, bearing=45)
    p2 = distance.destination(point=center, bearing=225)
    p1 = s2sphere.LatLng.from_degrees(p1[0], p1[1])
    p2 = s2sphere.LatLng.from_degrees(p2[0], p2[1])
    rect = s2sphere.LatLngRect.from_point_pair(p1, p2)
    region = s2sphere.RegionCoverer()
    region.min_level = level
    region.max_level = level
    cells = region.get_covering(rect)
    return sorted([c.id() for c in cells])
Пример #6
def get_malls():
    ifpath = opath.join(dpath['geo'], 'mall-data.csv')
    ofpath = opath.join(dpath['home'], 'mallsInfo(%.2f).pkl' % ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    if opath.exists(ofpath):
        with open(ofpath, 'rb') as fp:
            malls = pickle.load(fp)
        return malls
    malls = {}
    mover = VincentyDistance(kilometers=ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    with open(ifpath) as r_csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(r_csvfile)
        for row in reader:
            name = row['name']
            lat, lon = map(float,
                           [row[cn] for cn in ['latitude', 'longitude']])
            p0 = [lat, lon]
            moved_points = []
            for d1, d2 in [(WEST, NORTH), (EAST, NORTH), (EAST, SOUTH),
                           (WEST, SOUTH)]:
                mp = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=d1)
                mp = mover.destination(point=mp, bearing=d2)
            polygon_LatLon = [(mp.latitude, mp.longitude)
                              for mp in moved_points]
                (moved_points[0].latitude, moved_points[0].longitude))
            malls[name] = (lat, lon, polygon_LatLon)
    with open(ofpath, 'wb') as fp:
        pickle.dump(malls, fp)
    return malls
Пример #7
 def next(self, field):
     from geopy.distance import VincentyDistance
     longitude = random.randint(-179, 179) if self.longitude is None else self.longitude
     latitude = random.randint(-179, 179) if self.latitude is None else self.latitude
     radius = random.randint(100, 6000) if self.radius is None else self.radius
     d = VincentyDistance(kilometers=radius)
     bearing = random.randint(0, 359)
     p = d.destination((latitude, longitude), bearing)
     return Point(x=p.longitude, y=p.latitude)
Пример #8
 def next(self, field):
     from geopy.distance import VincentyDistance
     longitude = random.randint(-179, 179) if self.longitude is None else self.longitude
     latitude = random.randint(-179, 179) if self.latitude is None else self.latitude
     radius = random.randint(100, 6000) if self.radius is None else self.radius
     d = VincentyDistance(kilometers=radius)
     bearing = random.randint(0, 359)
     p = d.destination((latitude, longitude), bearing)
     return Point(x=p.longitude, y=p.latitude)
Пример #9
def Circle_Geolocations(df):
    lat = df['Lat']
    long = df['Long']
    degree = df['Degree']

    center = geopy.Point(lat, long)
    mile_distance = df['Max Travel']
    d = Vincenty(miles=mile_distance)
    destination = d.destination(point=center, bearing=degree)
    return destination.latitude, destination.longitude
Пример #10
def make_grid(zone_unit_km, min_long, max_long, min_lat, max_lat):
    mover = VincentyDistance(kilometers=zone_unit_km)
    x = min_long
    x_points = []
    while x < max_long:
        p0 = [min_lat, x]
        moved_point = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=EAST)
        x = moved_point.longitude
    y = min_lat
    y_points = []
    while y < max_lat:
        p0 = [y, min_long]
        moved_point = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=NORTH)
        y = moved_point.latitude
    return x_points, y_points
Пример #11
def get_sgGrid():
    sgGrid_fpath = opath.join(pf_dpath, 'sgGrid(%.1fkm).pkl'% ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    if opath.exists(sgGrid_fpath):
        with open(sgGrid_fpath, 'rb') as fp:
            lats, lngs = pickle.load(fp)
        return lats, lngs
    sgBorder = get_sgBorder()
    min_lng, max_lng = 1e400, -1e400
    min_lat, max_lat = 1e400, -1e400
    for poly in sgBorder:
        for lat, lng in poly:
            if lng < min_lng:
                min_lng = lng
            if lng > max_lng:
                max_lng = lng
            if lat < min_lat:
                min_lat = lat
            if lat > max_lat:
                max_lat = lat
    mover = VincentyDistance(kilometers=ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    lats, lngs = [], []
    lat = min_lat
    while lat < max_lat:
        lats += [lat]
        p0 = [lat, min_lng]
        moved_point = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=NORTH)
        lat = moved_point.latitude
    lats += [lat]
    lon = min_lng
    while lon < max_lng:
        lngs += [lon]
        p0 = [min_lat, lon]
        moved_point = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=EAST)
        lon = moved_point.longitude
    lngs += [lon]
    with open(sgGrid_fpath, 'wb') as fp:
        pickle.dump([lats, lngs], fp)
    return lats, lngs
Пример #12
def make_grid(zone_unit_km,
    W_end_gps, E_end_gps = (min_long, (min_lat + max_lat) /
                            float(2)), (max_long,
                                        (min_lat + max_lat) / float(2))
    S_end_gps, N_end_gps = ((min_lat + max_lat) / float(2),
                            min_lat), ((min_lat + max_lat) / float(2), max_lat)
    width_km = (vincenty(W_end_gps, E_end_gps).meters) / float(METER1000)
    height_km = (vincenty(S_end_gps, N_end_gps).meters) / float(METER1000)
    num_cols, num_rows = map(
        int, map(ceil,
                 [v / float(zone_unit_km) for v in [height_km, width_km]]))
    hl_length_gps, vl_length_gps = max_long - min_long, max_lat - min_lat

    xaxis_unit, yaxis_unit = hl_length_gps / float(
        num_cols), vl_length_gps / float(num_rows)
    x_points = [min_long + i * xaxis_unit for i in xrange(num_cols)]
    y_points = [min_lat + j * yaxis_unit for j in xrange(num_rows)]

    p0, p1 = (y_points[0], x_points[0]), (y_points[0], x_points[1])
    x_dist = (vincenty(p0, p1).meters) / float(METER1000)

    p0, p1 = (y_points[0], x_points[0]), (y_points[1], x_points[0])
    y_dist = (vincenty(p0, p1).meters) / float(METER1000)

    d = VincentyDistance(kilometers=zone_unit_km)

    print p0, d.destination(point=p0, bearing=0).latitude, d.destination(
        point=p0, bearing=0).longitude

    # print x_dist, y_dist, len(x_points), len(y_points)

    assert False

    return xaxis_unit, yaxis_unit, x_points, y_points
Пример #13
def get_sgGrid():
    lons_ofpath = opath.join(dpath['geo'], 'sgLons(%.1fkm)' % ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    lats_ofpath = opath.join(dpath['geo'], 'sgLats(%.1fkm)' % ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    if opath.exists(lons_ofpath + '.npy'):
        sgLons = np.load(lons_ofpath + '.npy', 'r+')
        sgLats = np.load(lats_ofpath + '.npy', 'r+')
        return sgLons, sgLats
    min_lon, max_lon = 1e400, -1e400,
    min_lat, max_lat = 1e400, -1e400
    sgMainBorder = get_sgMainBorder()
    for lon, lat in sgMainBorder:
        min_lon, max_lon = min(min_lon, lon), max(max_lon, lon)
        min_lat, max_lat = min(min_lat, lat), max(max_lat, lat)
    mover = VincentyDistance(kilometers=ZONE_UNIT_KM)
    lons = []
    lon = min_lon
    while lon < max_lon:
        lons += [lon]
        p0 = [min_lat, lon]
        moved_point = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=EAST)
        lon = moved_point.longitude
    np.save(lons_ofpath, np.array(lons))
    lats = []
    lat = min_lat
    while lat < max_lat:
        lats += [lat]
        p0 = [lat, min_lon]
        moved_point = mover.destination(point=p0, bearing=NORTH)
        lat = moved_point.latitude
    np.save(lats_ofpath, np.array(lats))
    return lons, lats
Пример #14
def points_between(start, end, numpoints):
    distance = VincentyDistance()

    distances = []
    latitudes = []
    longitudes = []

    lat0 = start.latitude
    lon0 = start.longitude
    lat1 = end.latitude
    lon1 = end.longitude

    if np.isclose(lat0, lat1):
        # Constant latitude
        latitudes = np.ones(numpoints) * lat0
        longitudes = np.linspace(lon0, lon1, num=numpoints)
        for lon in longitudes:
            distances.append(distance.measure(start, geopy.Point(lat0, lon)))
        if lon1 > lon0:
            b = 90
            b = -90
    elif np.isclose(lon0, lon1):
        # Constant longitude
        latitudes = np.linspace(lat0, lat1, num=numpoints)
        longitudes = np.ones(numpoints) * lon0
        for lat in latitudes:
            distances.append(distance.measure(start, geopy.Point(lat, lon0)))
        if lat1 > lat0:
            b = 0
            b = 180
        # Great Circle
        total_distance = distance.measure(start, end)
        distances = np.linspace(0, total_distance, num=numpoints)
        b = bearing(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)

        for d in distances:
            p = distance.destination(start, b, d)

    return distances, latitudes, longitudes, b
Пример #15
def points_between(start, end, numpoints):
    distance = VincentyDistance()

    distances = []
    latitudes = []
    longitudes = []

    lat0 = start.latitude
    lon0 = start.longitude
    lat1 = end.latitude
    lon1 = end.longitude

    if np.isclose(lat0, lat1):
        # Constant latitude
        latitudes = np.ones(numpoints) * lat0
        longitudes = np.linspace(lon0, lon1, num=numpoints)
        for lon in longitudes:
            distances.append(distance.measure(start, geopy.Point(lat0, lon)))
        if lon1 > lon0:
            b = 90
            b = -90
    elif np.isclose(lon0, lon1):
        # Constant longitude
        latitudes = np.linspace(lat0, lat1, num=numpoints)
        longitudes = np.ones(numpoints) * lon0
        for lat in latitudes:
            distances.append(distance.measure(start, geopy.Point(lat, lon0)))
        if lat1 > lat0:
            b = 0
            b = 180
        # Great Circle
        total_distance = distance.measure(start, end)
        distances = np.linspace(0, total_distance, num=numpoints)
        b = bearing(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)

        for d in distances:
            p = distance.destination(start, b, d)

    return distances, latitudes, longitudes, b
Пример #16
def interpolate_gps_positions(start_point, end_point, interpolate_ratio):
    .. codeauthor:: Nihal Mohan <*****@*****.**>

    Function to interpolate between two GPS Coordinates by a ratio in 2D

    Example Input: ::

            {'Lat': 16.1235371256305, 'Lng': 75.27075953678545, 'Alt': 875.142},
            {'Lat': 16.2334347125635, 'Lng': 75.22123563678545, 'Alt': 893.146},

    :param dict start_point: Start point coordinates in decimal degrees
    :param dict end_point: End point coordinates in decimal degrees
    :param float interpolate_ratio: Ratio at which the interpolation should
        happen from the start

    :return: Latitude and longitude of the interpolated GPS points
    :rtype: Tuple(float)
    if any(not isinstance(point, dict) for point in [start_point, end_point]):
        raise TypeError(
            "start_point and end_point inputs should be dictionaries."
            " Refer to documentation!"

        interpolate_ratio = float(interpolate_ratio)
    except ValueError:
        raise TypeError(
            'Interpolate ratio is required to be a floating value.'
            ' Conversion to float failed!'
        if interpolate_ratio > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Interpolate ratio should be Less than 1. '
                'This is Interpolation. Not Extrapolation!'

    distance_travelled = distance(
        (start_point['Lat'], start_point['Lng']),
        (end_point['Lat'], end_point['Lng']),

    dist_required = distance_travelled * interpolate_ratio

    start = geopy.point.Point(start_point['Lat'], start_point['Lng'])
    d = VincentyDistance(meters=dist_required)
    bearing = calculate_initial_compass_bearing(
        (start_point['Lat'], start_point['Lng']),
        (end_point['Lat'], end_point['Lng']),
    interpolated_point = d.destination(point=start, bearing=bearing)

    # Altitude interpolation if the altitudes were present in the argument
    start_alt = start_point.get('Alt', None)
    end_alt = end_point.get('Alt', None)
    if start_alt is not None and end_alt is not None:
        interpolated_alt = start_alt + (end_alt - start_alt) * interpolate_ratio
        return (
        return interpolated_point.latitude, interpolated_point.longitude
Пример #17
from geopy.distance import vincenty, VincentyDistance

p1 = (1.276772,103.612184)
p2 = (1.383266,103.965440)

NORTH, EAST, SHOUTH, WEST = 0, 90, 180, 270
mover = VincentyDistance(kilometers=1)

p3 = mover.destination(point=p1, bearing=EAST)
p4 = mover.destination(point=p1, bearing=SHOUTH)

import folium
cp = ((p1[0] + p2[0]) / float(2), (p1[1] + p2[1]) / float(2))
map_osm = folium.Map(location=[cp[0], cp[1]], zoom_start=11)
map_osm.add_children(folium.PolyLine(locations=[(p1[0], p1[1]), (p2[0], p2[1])], weight=0.5))

for p, label in [(p1, 'p1'), (p2, 'p2'), (cp, 'Distance (p1, p2): %f m' % vincenty(p1, p2).meters), (p3,'p3 (1km East from p1)'), (p4,'p4 (1km South from p1)')]:
	folium.Marker((p[0], p[1]), popup=label).add_to(map_osm)
