Пример #1
def p_error(p):
    if p is None:
        raise ex.SyntaxError("Unexpected end of input")

    i = 0
    temp = p
    near = ""
    while temp and i < 10:
        near = near + ' ' + str(temp.value)
        temp = yacc.token()
        i += 1
    message = 'Syntax error near: {0}'.format(near)
    raise ex.SyntaxError(message, p.lineno)
Пример #2
def main(data, dpll_opt):
    # fileLineNum is the line number of the start of the current block
    # minus the lines in "#q" blocks
    fileLineNum = 1

        # NAD 2016-09-14 handling empty file
        if (len(data) == 0):
            raise ex.SyntaxError('empty file.')
        i = 0
        while data[i] != '#':
            if data[i] == '\n':
                fileLineNum += 1
            i += 1
        #print("fileLineNum: ", fileLineNum)

        tokens = []
        for tok in lexer:
            tokens = tokens + [tok.value]
        if len(tokens) < 3:
            raise ex.SyntaxError('an input has at least 3 sections.')
        if tokens[0][1] != 'u':
            raise ex.SyntaxError('username must be mentioned first.')
        if tokens[1][1] != 'a':
            raise ex.SyntaxError(
                'after username, assignment number is expected.')
        if tokens[2][1] != 'q':
            raise ex.SyntaxError(
                'after assignment number, a question is expected.')
        uwid = task(tokens[0])[0]
        asn = task(tokens[1])[0]

        # Add to the fileLineNum the lines in the "#u" and "#a" blocks
        fileLineNum += tokens[0].count('\n') + tokens[1].count('\n')
        inps = []  # List of grgio.Input classes to be parsed
        offset = 0  # The cumulative number of lines added by "#q" blocks
        numlines = 0
        for i in range(2, len(tokens)):
            if tokens[i][1] == 'q':
                offset += tokens[i].count(
                    '\n')  # Add number of lines in current "#q" block
                part = 1
                Q = task(tokens[i])[0]
                j = i + 1
                if j >= len(tokens):
                    flag = False
                    flag = tokens[j][1] == 'c'
                if not flag:
                        grgio.Input(uwid, asn, Q, part, 'NONE', '',
                                    offset))  # append a "#check NONE" block
                while flag:
                    check, body = task(tokens[j])
                        grgio.Input(uwid, asn, Q, part, check, body,
                                    offset))  # append a "#check" block
                    part += 1
                    j += 1
                    if j < len(tokens):
                        flag = tokens[j][1] == 'c'
                        flag = False

        result = []
        for inp in inps:
            numlines = inp.body.count('\n')  # Number of newlines in input body
            if inp.check == 'DPLL':
                import george.DPLL as dpll
                temp = dpll.main(inp, dpll_opt)
                if not temp.linenum == -1:
                    temp.linenum += fileLineNum + inp.offset
                        inp.question, inp.part, True, [], [],
                        ['nothing was checked for \'{0}\'.'.format(inp.check)

            # increment the fileLineNum to point to the start of the next block (minus "#q" blocks)
            fileLineNum += numlines
        return result

    except ex.SyntaxError as exc:
        if not hasattr(exc, "lineno"):
            exc.lineno = 0
        return [
            grgio.Feedback("structure", 0, False, [exc.message], [], [],
Пример #3
def t_error(t):
    raise ex.SyntaxError('illegal character \"{0}\"'.format(t.value[0]),