def test_Community_from_boundary(): msas = datasets.msas() reno = msas[msas["geoid"] == "39900"] rn = Community.from_census(boundary=reno) assert rn.gdf.shape == (234, 195)
def test_msas(): df = datasets.msas() assert df.shape == (939, 4)
def test_metros(): mets = datasets.msas() assert mets.shape == (945, 4)
def test_msas(): df = datasets.msas(convert=False) assert df.shape == (945, 4)
def explore(data="census"): """Launch an interactive visualization portal. This function launches an interactive dataset explorer based on plotly's `dash` Currently it is still experimental, but it provides a set of interactive widgets and maps that allow users to rapidly create metropolitan-scale datasets and choropleth webmaps using a variety of census data. Parameters ---------- data : str Which dataset to explore. Options include "census, "ltdb", and "ncdb" (the default is "census"). Returns ------- None Launches a web-browser with the interactive visualization. """ mem = {} mem["last_metro"] = "" mem["last_comm"] = "" import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc import webbrowser import palettable import json from geosnap import Community, datasets mem["data"] = data mapbox_access_token = ( "pk.eyJ1Ijoia25hYXB0aW1lIiwiYSI6ImlQeUJxazgifQ.35yYbOewGVVf7OkcM64obQ") external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.JOURNAL] opts = [] for colname in datasets.codebook.variable: val = colname if colname.startswith("n_"): colname = colname[1:] elif colname.startswith("p_"): colname = colname[1:] colname = colname + " (%)" colname = colname.replace("_", " ") colname = colname.title() opts.append({"label": colname, "value": val}) # opts = [{'label': col.title(), 'value': col} for col in dictionary.variable] k_opts = [{"label": str(k), "value": k} for k in range(3, 11)] data_type = ["sequential", "diverging", "qualitative"] data_opts = [{ "label": scheme, "value": scheme.title() } for scheme in data_type] scheme_dispatch = { "Equal Interval": EqualInterval, "Fisher Jenks": FisherJenks, "Head-Tail Breaks": HeadTailBreaks, "Jenks Caspall": JenksCaspall, "Max-P Classifier": MaxP, "Maximum Breaks": MaximumBreaks, "Natural Breaks": NaturalBreaks, "Quantiles": Quantiles, "Percentiles": Percentiles, } sequential = [ "Blues", "BuGn", "BuPu", "GnBu", "Greens", "Greys", "OrRd", "Oranges", "PuBu", "PuBuGn", "PuRd", "Purples", "RdPu", "Reds", "YlGn", "YlGnBu", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd", ] diverging = [ "BrBG", "PRGn", "PiYG", "PuOr", "RdBu", "RdGy", "RdYlBu", "RdYlGn", "Spectral", ] qualitative = [ "Accent", "Dark2", "Paired", "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Set1", "Set2", "Set3", ] cmaps = sequential + diverging + qualitative cmap_opts = [{"label": cmap, "value": cmap} for cmap in cmaps] scheme_opts = [{"label": str(v), "value": v} for v in scheme_dispatch] metro_opts = [{ "label": str(metro["name"]), "value": metro["geoid"] } for _, metro in datasets.msas().iterrows()] precomputed_color_ranges = palettable.colorbrewer.sequential.Blues_6.hex_colors trace = dict(type="scattermapbox", autocolorscale=True, name="metro") navbar = dbc.NavbarSimple( children=[ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink("geosnap", href="")), dbc.DropdownMenu( nav=True, in_navbar=True, label="Menu", children=[ dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Explore Variables"), dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Identify Neighborhoods"), dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Model Neighborhood Change"), dbc.DropdownMenuItem(divider=True), dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Docs", href=""), dbc.DropdownMenuItem( "Github", href=""), ], ), ], brand="cgs", brand_href="#", sticky="top", dark=True, color="dark", ) body = dbc.Container( [ html.H2( children="Variable Explorer", style={ "textAlign": "center", "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "4%", }, ), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( [ html.H5( children="Metropolitan Region", style={"padding-bottom": "4%"}, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="metro-choice", options=metro_opts, value="41740", style={"padding-bottom": "2%"}, ), html.H5( children="Variable", style={ "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "2%" }, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="overlay-choice", options=opts, value="median_home_value", style={"padding-bottom": "2%"}, ), html.H5( children="Classification Scheme", style={ "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "2%" }, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="scheme-choice", options=scheme_opts, value="Equal Interval", style={"padding-bottom": "2%"}, ), html.H5( children="Colormap", style={ "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "2%" }, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="cmap-choice", options=cmap_opts, value="YlOrBr", style={"padding-bottom": "2%"}, ), html.H5( children="Number of Classes", style={ "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "2%" }, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="k-choice", options=k_opts, value=6, style={"padding-bottom": "2%"}, ), html.H5( children="Year", style={ "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "2%" }, ), html.Div( dcc.Slider( id="year-slider", min=1970, max=2010, value=2010, marks={ str(year): str(year) for year in range(1970, 2011, 10) }, step=10, ), style={ "padding-left": "5%", "padding-right": "5%", "padding-top": "2%", "padding-bottom": "4%", }, ), ], md=3, ), dbc.Col( [ dcc.Loading( id="loading-output-1", children=[dcc.Graph(id="map-display")], type="default", ) ], md=9, ), ]), ], className="mt-4", ) app = dash.Dash(external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) app.layout = html.Div([navbar, body]) map_layout = { "data": [{ "name": "Layer name", "sourcetype": "geojson", "opacity": 0.8, "type": "scattermapbox", "showlegend": True, "textposition": "top", "text": "geoid", "mode": "markers+text", "hoverinfo": "text", "marker": dict(size=5, color="white", opacity=0), }], "layout": { "autosize": True, "hovermode": "closest", "margin": { "l": 0, "r": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0 }, "showlegend": True, "mapbox": { "accesstoken": mapbox_access_token, "center": { "lat": 0, "lon": 0 }, "style": "light", "zoom": 8, "bearing": 0.0, "pitch": 0.0, }, }, } @app.callback( dash.dependencies.Output("map-display", "figure"), [ dash.dependencies.Input("overlay-choice", "value"), dash.dependencies.Input("metro-choice", "value"), dash.dependencies.Input("year-slider", "value"), dash.dependencies.Input("k-choice", "value"), dash.dependencies.Input("scheme-choice", "value"), dash.dependencies.Input("cmap-choice", "value"), ], ) def update_map(overlay_choice, metro_choice, year_choice, k_choice, scheme_choice, cmap_choice): readers = { "census": Community.from_census, "ltdb": Community.from_ltdb, "ncdb": Community.from_ncdb, } if cmap_choice in qualitative: cmap_type = "qualitative" elif cmap_choice in sequential: cmap_type = "sequential" else: cmap_type = "diverging" tmp = map_layout.copy() if metro_choice != mem["last_metro"]: community = readers[mem["data"]](msa_fips=metro_choice) mem["last_metro"] = metro_choice mem["last_comm"] = community else: community = mem["last_comm"] gdf = community.gdf[community.gdf.year == year_choice] gdf = gdf.dropna(subset=[overlay_choice]).reset_index() if scheme_choice in [ "Max-P Classifier", "Maximum Breaks", "Head-Tail Breaks" ]: classes = scheme_dispatch[scheme_choice](gdf[overlay_choice]).yb else: classes = scheme_dispatch[scheme_choice](gdf[overlay_choice], k=k_choice).yb gdf = gdf.assign(cl=classes) if not k_choice: k_choice = len( # Create a layer for each region colored by LEP value gdf = gdf[["geoid", "cl", "geometry"]] layers = [] precomputed_color_ranges = palettable.colorbrewer.get_map( cmap_choice, cmap_type, k_choice).hex_colors for i, lyr in enumerate(precomputed_color_ranges): example = { "name": "Layer name", "source": json.loads(gdf[ == i].to_json()), "sourcetype": "geojson", "type": "fill", "opacity": 0.8, "color": lyr, } layers.append(example) tmp["layout"]["mapbox"]["layers"] = layers tmp["layout"]["mapbox"]["center"] = { "lat": gdf.unary_union.centroid.y, "lon": gdf.unary_union.centroid.x, } tmp["data"][0]["text"] = gdf["geoid"].tolist() return tmp @app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output("loading-output-1", "children")) def input_triggers_spinner(value): return value"") app.run_server()