def getTandI_thread(myQueue, torrentsPath, enable_proxy=False, proxy_string={ "http": "", "https": "", "socks": "" }): "获取torrent的相关图片" proxies = {} timeout = 15 picFilename = '' while True: try: tp = myQueue.get_nowait() j = myQueue.qsize() except Exception as e: break ## n = 0 ## for tp in linksList: btsList = [] imgsList = [] ## n=n+1 print(tp['link']) tResDict = gettorrentlink3.get_torrentlink(myreq_url=str(tp['link']), enable_proxy=enable_proxy, proxy_string=proxy_string) for imgLink in tResDict['imgsList']: #outfilename =imgLink[imgLink.rfind('/')+1:len(imgLink)] outfilename = imgLink[imgLink.rfind('/') + 1:] a = { 'link': imgLink, 'ofile': outfilename, 'oDir': str(torrentsPath + r'/' + tResDict['title']) } imgsList.append(a) if tResDict['btCode'] != 'notExist': b = { 'link': tResDict['btCode'], 'ofile': str(tResDict['title']) + '.torrent', 'oDir': str(torrentsPath + r'/' + tResDict['title']) } btsList.append(b) if len(btsList) > 0: getFiles(fileList=btsList, m='p') if len(imgsList) > 0: getFiles(fileList=imgsList, m='g')
def clicked(): directories.extend(getFiles.getFiles(txt.get())) directoryWindow = Toplevel(window) buttons = [] variables = [] j = 0 def selectAll(): for button in buttons: button.toggle() titleLabel = Label(directoryWindow, text="Select the scaffolding you want visualized") titleLabel.grid(row=0,column=((len(directories)%12)/2)) selectAll = Button(directoryWindow, text="Select All", command=selectAll) selectAll.grid(row=1, column=((len(directories)%12)/2)) for i in directories: variables.append(IntVar()) dirNumber = int(i[9:]) check = Checkbutton(directoryWindow, text=i, variable = variables[j], onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0) buttons.append(check) buttons[j].grid(row = dirNumber%12 + 2, column = dirNumber / 12) j += 1 def done(): k = 0 paths = [] for button in buttons: if variables[k].get(): if (txt.get())[-1:] == '\\': paths.append(txt.get() + button['text']) else: paths.append(txt.get() + "\\" + button['text']) k += 1 paths.sort(key = lambda x: x[-7:].split('-')[1]) graph.createVisualization(paths) goButton = Button(directoryWindow, text="Go", command=done) goButton.grid(row=15,column=((len(directories)%12)/2))
def __init__(self, dirname): # Initialize markov chain models self.dirname = dirname # For the case where the directory name is a folder. if not isfile(self.dirname): fileList = getFiles(self.dirname) for fileName in fileList: with open(join(self.dirname, fileName)) as f: text = text_model = markovify.Text(text) self.modelList.append(text_model) self.model_combo = markovify.combine(self.modelList) # Else, assume it's a single valid.txt file. else: with open(self.dirname) as f: text = self.model_combo = markovify.Text(text)
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles gun_piplus = cfg.Component( 'gun_piplus', files = getFiles("/SinglePiPlus_P-1to2000_Expo_13TeV_ExpoRandomPGun/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptNoPUReco_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", user='******'), )
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles ee_qq = cfg.Component( 'ee_qq', files = getFiles("/ee_qq/745_v1/RECOSIM", cache=True), ) samples = [ ee_qq ] if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint for g in samples: print g
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles qcd = cfg.Component( 'qcd', files = getFiles( "/QCD_Pt-120to170_MuEnrichedPt5_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptNoPUReco_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", user='******', cache=True), ) qcd_em = cfg.Component( 'qcd_em', files = getFiles( "/QCD_Pt-15to20_EMEnriched_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptNoPUReco_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", user='******', cache=True), ) samples = [ qcd ] if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint for g in samples: print g
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles gun_211_0_20 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_0_20', files = getFiles("/Gun_221_0_20_ptflat/743_v1/AODSIM", cache=True), ) gun_211_0_10 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_0_10', files = getFiles("/Gun_211_0_10_ptflat/743_v1/AODSIM"), ) gun_211_MatEff_0_20 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_MatEff_0_20', files = getFiles("/Gun_221_MatEff_0_20_ptflat/743_v1/AODSIM", cache=True), ) gun_22_0_50 = cfg.Component( 'gun_22_0_50', files = getFiles("/Gun_22_0_50/743_v2/RECOSIM"), ) gun_22_0_50_eta3 = cfg.Component( 'gun_22_0_50_eta3', files = getFiles("/Gun_22_0_50_eta3/743_v2/AODSIM"), ) gun_130_0_50 = cfg.Component( 'gun_130_0_50',
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles qcd = cfg.Component( 'qcd', files=getFiles( "/QCD_Pt-120to170_MuEnrichedPt5_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptNoPUReco_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", user='******', cache=True), ) qcd_em = cfg.Component( 'qcd_em', files=getFiles( "/QCD_Pt-15to20_EMEnriched_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptNoPUReco_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", user='******', cache=True), ) samples = [qcd] if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint for g in samples: print g
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles wwh = cfg.Component( 'wwh', files=getFiles("/WWH/HZHA_100k_v1/GEN"), ) hz = cfg.Component( 'hz', files=getFiles("/HZ/HZHA_100k_v1/GEN"), ) hz_cms = cfg.Component( 'hz_cms', files=getFiles("/HZ/HZHA_100k_fastsim_v1/AODSIM"), ) samples = [wwh, hz] samples_cms = [hz_cms] if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint for g in samples: print g
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles gun_piplus = cfg.Component( 'gun_piplus', files=getFiles( "/SinglePiPlus_P-1to2000_Expo_13TeV_ExpoRandomPGun/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptNoPUReco_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", user='******'), )
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles gun_211_MatEff_10_50 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_Mateff_10_50', files=getFiles("/Gun_211_MatEff_10_50/743_v1/RECOSIM"), ) samples = [ gun_211_MatEff_10_50, ] if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint for g in samples: print g
#from contours import contours_segm from getRNU import getRNU from getFiles import getFiles from skimage.filters import sobel import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import morphology from skimage.morphology import watershed from skimage.color import label2rgb from scipy import ndimage as ndi from skimage.measure import label lstFilesDCM = [] lstFilesDCM = getFiles() for fileDCM in lstFilesDCM: ds = pydicom.read_file(fileDCM) image = ds.pixel_array #couting number of gray levels greylevels = np.unique(image) levels = np.unique(greylevels).shape[0] #calcula mapa de elevação elevation_map = sobel(image / int(levels)) #montagem das mascaras markers = np.zeros_like(image / int(levels)) markers[image < 600] = 1 markers[image > 2800] = 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles wwh = cfg.Component( 'wwh', files = getFiles("/WWH/HZHA_100k_v1/GEN"), ) hz = cfg.Component( 'hz', files = getFiles("/HZ/HZHA_100k_v1/GEN"), ) hz_cms = cfg.Component( 'hz_cms', files = getFiles("/HZ/HZHA_100k_fastsim_v1/AODSIM"), ) samples = [ wwh, hz ] samples_cms = [ hz_cms ] if __name__ == '__main__':
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles ee_qq = cfg.Component("ee_qq", files=getFiles("/ee_qq/745_v1/RECOSIM", cache=True)) samples = [ee_qq] if __name__ == "__main__": import pprint for g in samples: print g
def main(): reload(sys) #print u'系统默认编码:',sys.getdefaultencoding() #获取系统默认编码 #sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='gb18030') #改变标准输出的默认编码 #sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") #print u'现在编码:',sys.getdefaultencoding() init(autoreset=True) #调用时使用gettorrent.get_torrent() #或者 from getpagelink import * #from gettorrentlink import * #from gettorrent import * #调用时直接使用 get_torrent torrentsPath = 'torrents' if not os.path.exists(torrentsPath): os.makedirs(torrentsPath) enable_proxy = False if enable_proxy: print('proxy enabled\n\n') else: print('proxy disabled\n\n') ''' if enable_proxy: print Fore.GREEN + 'proxy enabled\n\n' else: print Fore.GREEN + 'proxy disabled\n\n' ''' proxy_string = { "http": "", "https": "", "socks": "" } user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0' if len(sys.argv) > 1: firstpage_number = int(sys.argv[1]) total_pages = int(sys.argv[2]) else: firstpage_number = 1 total_pages = 1 page_host = u'' pagelink_pre = u'https://' + page_host + u'/bt/thread.php?fid=16&page=' ## link_dict = {} #link_dict: {pagenumber:{fulllink:torrentfilename}} ## link_count = 0 ## torrentItemList = [] linksList = getpagelink3.getLinksLists(indexPageS=firstpage_number, indexPageC=total_pages) ## link_count = link_count + len(link_dict[mypage_number]) print('Total links:', len(linksList)) ''' print Fore.YELLOW + 'link_dict length is: '+str(len(link_dict)) + '\n' print Fore.CYAN + 'Total links: ', link_count, '\n' ''' #顺序下载方式-------start------------- ## btsList = [] ## imgsList = [] n = 0 for tp in linksList: btsList = [] imgsList = [] n = n + 1 print(n, tp['link']) tResDict = gettorrentlink3.get_torrentlink(myreq_url=str(tp['link']), enable_proxy=enable_proxy, proxy_string=proxy_string) for imgLink in tResDict['imgsList']: outfilename = imgLink[imgLink.rfind('/') + 1:len(imgLink)] a = { 'link': imgLink, 'ofile': outfilename, 'oDir': str(torrentsPath + r'/' + tResDict['title']) } imgsList.append(a) if tResDict['btCode'] != 'notExist': b = { 'link': tResDict['btCode'], 'ofile': str(tResDict['title']) + '.torrent', 'oDir': str(torrentsPath + r'/' + tResDict['title']) } btsList.append(b) if len(imgsList) > 0: getFiles(fileList=imgsList, m='g') if len(btsList) > 0: print(len(btsList)) getFiles(fileList=btsList, m='p') ## for item in imgsList: ## print(item) ## print() ## for item in btsList: ## print(item) ## print() ## if len(imgsList) >0: ## getFiles(fileList=imgsList,m='g') ## if len(btsList) >0: ## getFiles(fileList=btsList,m='p') #顺序下载方式-------End------------- ## n = 0 ## link_nu = 1 ## for btItem in btsList: ## print('page',link_nu) ## for link,lTitle in link_dict[link_nu].items(): ## title = '' ## imglinklist = [] ## ## n = n+1 ## print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + str(n),'page:',str(link)) ## #print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + str(n),'page:',link) ## #print u'name 的编码形式: ',name.__class__ #获取name的编码形式 ## print(Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + ' Title: ' + '\"' + lTitle + '\"') ## ## ''' ## #去除文件名中的问号 ## symbol_remove = re.compile(r'["?"]') ## lTitle = symbol_remove.sub('',lTitle) ## symbol_remove = re.compile("['\u2764','\u3099','\u266a']") ## lTitle = symbol_remove.sub('',lTitle) ## ''' ## outfile_name = str(btItem['title'] + '.torrent') ## outdir = str(torrentsPath + r'/' + btItem['title']) ## if not os.path.exists(outdir): ## os.makedirs(outdir) ## outfile_full_path = str(outdir + r'/' + outfile_name) ## ## if os.path.exists(outfile_full_path) and os.path.isfile(outfile_full_path) and os.access(outfile_full_path,os.R_OK): ## print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + 'this torrent file already exist, skip.\n') ## else: ## #获取torrent代码 ## torrent_code,title,imglinklist = gettorrentlink3.get_torrentlink(myreq_url = link, enable_proxy = enable_proxy, proxy_string = proxy_string) ## print(' CODE:', torrent_code) ## print(title,imglinklist) ## print('total ',len(imglinklist),' pics.') ## #### torrent_item = {'tCode':torrent_code,'tTitle':title,'imgLinkList':imglinklist} ## torrentItemList.append(torrent_item) ## #### fileList = [] #### for imgLink in imglinklist: #### outdir = str(torrentsPath + r'/' + title) #### ifilename = imgLink[imgLink.rfind('/')+1:len(imgLink)] #### fileList.append({link:imgLink,ofile:ifilename}) ## ## ## #保存图片 ## getImgs(imglinklist,outdir) #### if len(imglinklist) > 0: #### for imglink in imglinklist: #### picname,imgContent = getImg(imgLink = imglink) #### if len(imgContent) > 0: #### picFullpath = (outdir + r'/' + picname) #### ofile = open(picFullpath,'wb') #### ofile.write(imgContent) #### ofile.close() ## ## ## #获取torrent内容 ## if torrent_code != 'notExist': ## torrent_content = gettorrent3.get_torrent(torrent_name_code = torrent_code, enable_proxy = enable_proxy, proxy_string = proxy_string) ## if b'<html>' not in torrent_content: ## #解码torrent ## try: ## btinfo = bencode.bdecode(torrent_content) ## except Exception as detail: ## print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + " ERROR4: ",detail) ## print() ## continue ## #print ' decode torrent finished' ## ## ## ''' ## info_list = [] ## for i in btinfo: ## info_list.append(i) ## print(i) ## ## print("bt announce(tracker服务器列表):",btinfo[b'announce'].decode()) ## print("bt announce-list(备用tracker列表):",btinfo[b'announce-list'].decode()) ## lin_list=[] ## for udp_list in btinfo[b'announce-list']: ## for lin in udp_list: ## lin_list.append(lin.decode()) ## print(lin.decode()) ## print("bt comment:",btinfo[b'comment'].decode()) ## print("bt creator:",btinfo[b'created by'].decode()) ## print("bt 编码方式encoding:",btinfo[b'encoding'].decode()) ## print("bt info:",btinfo[b'info'].decode()) ## for k in btinfo[b'info'].keys(): ## value = btinfo[b'info'][k] ## if k == b'files': ## print("total %d files"%len(value)) ## for v_list_dic in value: ## print(v_list_dic) ## for files_k,files_v in v_list_dic.items(): ## print(files_k,files_v) ## elif k == b'name': ## print("file name:",value.decode()) ## elif k == b'md5sum': ## print("md5:",value) ## elif k == b'length': ## print("file size:",value) ## elif k == b'path': ## print("file path name:",value) ## elif k == b'piece length': ## print("每个块的大小:",value) ## elif k == b'pieces': ## print("每个块的20个字节的SHA1 Hash的值(二进制格式):",str(value)) ## print("nodes的数据类型:",type(btinfo[b'nodes'])) ## print(btinfo[b'nodes']) ## ''' ## ## ## info = btinfo[b'info'] ## btlist = {} ## fsize = 0 ## for bfile in info[b'files']: ## if len(bfile[b'path']) > 1: ## fname0 = str(bfile[b'path'][0])+'/'+str(bfile[b'path'][1]) ## else: ## fname0 = bfile[b'path'][0] ## btlist[bfile[b'path'][0]] = {'path':fname0,'size':bfile[b'length']} #生成新字典{path:{'path':path,'size':size}} ## ## if bfile[b'length'] > fsize: ## fname = fname0 ## fsize = bfile[b'length'] ## ## ''' ## fsize = 0 ## for key,val in btlist.items(): ## if val['size'] > fsize: ## fsize = val['size'] ## temppath = val['path'] ## ''' ## print(' files:',len(btlist)) ## try: ## print(' the MAX file in the torrent is: ', fname.decode('utf-8'), ' size:', str(fsize)) ## except Exception as detail: ## print(' Error5: ',detail) ## ## #输出torrent文件 ## print(' save file to:', outfile_full_path) ## print() ## outFile = open(outfile_full_path,'wb') ## outFile.write(torrent_content) ## outFile.close() ## #time.sleep(1) ## else: ## print('torrent not exist!') ## else: ## print('torrent_code not exist!') ## ## print(torrentItemList) print('over')
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles gun_211_0_20 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_0_20', files=getFiles("/Gun_221_0_20_ptflat/743_v1/AODSIM", cache=True), ) gun_211_0_10 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_0_10', files=getFiles("/Gun_211_0_10_ptflat/743_v1/AODSIM"), ) gun_211_MatEff_0_20 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_MatEff_0_20', files=getFiles("/Gun_221_MatEff_0_20_ptflat/743_v1/AODSIM", cache=True), ) gun_22_0_50 = cfg.Component( 'gun_22_0_50', files=getFiles("/Gun_22_0_50/743_v2/RECOSIM"), ) gun_22_0_50_eta3 = cfg.Component( 'gun_22_0_50_eta3', files=getFiles("/Gun_22_0_50_eta3/743_v2/AODSIM"), ) gun_130_0_50 = cfg.Component( 'gun_130_0_50',
import heppy.framework.config as cfg from getFiles import getFiles gun_211_MatEff_10_50 = cfg.Component( 'gun_211_Mateff_10_50', files = getFiles("/Gun_211_MatEff_10_50/743_v1/RECOSIM"), ) samples = [ gun_211_MatEff_10_50, ] if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint for g in samples: print g