from getFromPickle import returnAList def awful(a, b): with open(a, "w+") as f**k: for k in b: for k0 in k: f**k.write(k0 + "\n") awful("whyAreYouHere.log", returnAList()) # 2 d
import pickle from lolita import fury import re from getFromPickle import returnAList #from simpleStorage import storeAList #from shakeThatBootyR import neuron from newTestN import toyProject # pause it a little bit. uselessPrick = [0, 4, 5] coreLoop = returnAList() coreCount = len(coreLoop) jokeBook = [] for k in range(coreCount + 1): jokeBook.append([]) # what is idle all about? simpleFunc = (lambda x: x.split(':')) def simpleDerive(x): shitOut = simpleFunc(x) return [ re.findall(r'\w+', shitOut[0])[0], re.findall(r'[^ ].+$', shitOut[1])[0] ] """papi="" with open("scavenger.pickle","rb") as _file: papi=pickle.load(_file) print (papi) #f**k
# f*****g shit. # [['subdue', ['startId', 'startType', 'endId', 'endType', 'relationType']], ['groupAllChars', ['mainId', 'charGroup']], ['firstAssignment', ['charGroup']]] from getFromPickle import returnAList from term0 import executeCode from constructor import finalPro fuckYou = returnAList() def forMotherRussia(numToKill, superRats): shitFuck = fuckYou[numToKill] # print(shitFuck) # print(superRats) return finalPro(shitFuck, superRats) def toyProject(numToKill, superRats): executeCode(forMotherRussia(numToKill, superRats)) # f*****g pricks. '''print(forMotherRussia(0,[1,"asia",2,"f**k","shit"])) print(forMotherRussia(1,[23,"f**k"])) print(forMotherRussia(2,["fuckA_SUV"]))'''
from getFromPickle import returnAList from term1 import executeCode, closeConnection from conPro import sqlMaker m*******t = list(map((lambda x: x[0]), returnAList())) print(m*******t) # this is a f*****g list. countOn = 0 for k in m*******t: print("-- spliter for " + k + " --") superMan = executeCode(sqlMaker(k)) for superMania in superMan: if countOn != 0: print(superMania) else: # check the f*****g shit. print(superMania[0], chr(superMania[0]), superMania[1], superMania[2], chr(superMania[2]), superMania[4]) print("-- spliter for " + k + " --") countOn += 1 closeConnection()
from getFromPickle import returnAList # if passed the test, then onward to next # if not passed, slice and move to next test. # return the sum of all successful test. # the integrity is defined as the biggest clogged group found in test. # better use keyboard tolerance mechanism. # straight line mechanism, nearst neighbor mechanism. #group groupChar # group -> g_roup <delay> # group -> gloup <replace> # group -> ggroup <repeat> # if it isn't the end, do not stop. # group -> roupg <swap> #group groupCharGroup # WARNING WE HAVEN'T BEEN USING A STENOTYPE SO BE CAREFUL OF ARRANGEMENTS. # better use the real keyboard to do this job. def confusionMatrixBoost(a, b, c): return [[c(a0, b0) for a0 in a] for b0 in b] d = (lambda x: [f for g in x for f in g]) f = returnAList() # actually a dict vr = confusionMatrixBoost("group", "groupChar", (lambda x, y: [ x == y, y in f[x], y in [f1 for f1 in d([f[f0] for f0 in f[x]]) if f1 not in f[x] + [x]] ])) print(vr)
from verifyIfWorks import to_tables, to_columns, to_sample from processList import simpleShit from getFromPickle import returnAList def theOtherDay(p): yankee = '../' + p + '/fuckyou.db' jerks = list(map((lambda x: x[0]), to_tables(yankee))) print(jerks) to_sample(yankee) der = to_columns(jerks, yankee) print(der) pint = [simpleShit(dec) for dec in der] print(pint) for jerk in returnAList(): theOtherDay(jerk) print("--", "spliter:", jerk, "--")
from getFromPickle import returnAList def awful(a, b): with open(a, "w+") as f**k: for k in b: for k0 in k: f**k.write(k0 + "\n") awful("whyYouAreHere.log", returnAList()) # 2 d
from getFromPickle import returnAList def writeShit(a, b): with open(a, "w+") as f**k: for f in b: f**k.write(f + "\n") # return f d = list(set([d for b in returnAList() for c in b for d in c])) writeShit("shitLord.log", d)
from getFromPickle import returnAList print(returnAList())