Пример #1
def set_system_state_on():

	print "Turning system on"
	if get_system_state() != 1:
		if config.ENV == 'pi' or os.path.isdir('/sys/bus/w1/devices/'):
			os.system('sudo service fermtemp start')

		#start run.py program
		#os.system("/home/ken/.virtualenvs/pi-mon/bin/python run.py")

		# do we want to make sure the service is running? and make sure it is?

		print "System turned on"
		print "--System was already on"
Пример #2
def set_system_state_off():
	print "Starting to turn system off..."

	if get_system_state() == 1:
		# for proc in psutil.process_iter():
		#     try:
		#         pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name', 'exe', 'cmdline'])
		#     except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
		#         pass
		#     else:
		#     	#processCommand = pinfo['cmdline']
		# 		#print (pinfo['cmdline'])
		# 		shell_command = pinfo['cmdline']
		# 		#print shell_command
		# 		if shell_command and 'python' in shell_command[0] and len(shell_command) > 0 and 'fermTempService.py' in shell_command[1]:
		# 			pid = pinfo['pid']
		# 			os.system('kill %d' % pid)
		# 			print "Killing PID {0}".format(pid)
		# 			break
		if config.ENV == 'pi' or os.path.isdir('/sys/bus/w1/devices/'):
			os.system('sudo service fermtemp stop')
			print "Killing Fermtemp Service"
		print "Nothing to kill here"